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I just remembered why I never had fish as pets.
I kill them.:Blush:.........Spongebob and Patrickdied. I am so sad.

::wave:: Oh less appliance sucking up juice.::banana::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Well, that didn't last long.
I cannot figure out what went wrong, I feed them, cleaned the tank, changed the filter, Got dressed in front of them............::dunno::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
You're not supposed to pee in the tank.
Proper etiquette dictates that you piss in the washer then set it on spin rinse cycle to flush. You think I have no class? :;beat::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I learned quick not to sit and pee..........thats why Inever get vertigoon wobbly ladders.Smiley_emoticons_razz
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
all jesting aside, it's the tank cleaning that gets them dead, simply ignore the tank and let the filters do their job. Only clean the tank once every six months. Add water as it gets lower. When you disturb all the dirt and junk you cause an ammonia spike that kills the fish.

When you clean tank do a 13 water change and don't disturb the gravel simply vacum all the "shit off the top with a special water pump."