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Having a child when you are not married it not a big deal. Of course I was married when I had children. I also hope my boys will be married when they have kids as well. But it's not that big of a deal to me.
As for OP, mocking Mil on the topic of his wife at all is in bad taste. Period. I am sorry but you don't mock someone when they have a terminally ill family member about that family member. It's rude and cruel. OP can mock Mil about anything else as anything goes here. But to mock someone when they are going through probably the most devastating thing in their life is just cruel. Clearly D, you have not experienced that yet. It's beyond devastating to watch someone suffer from cancer.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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We didn't purposefully have a daughter out of wedlock, we wanted a decent wedding, nice venue, plenty of guests, good food and entertainment but we couldn't afford it so we waited until we could, given the chance we would have got married before we moved in together and certainly before Leeanne got pregnant which was a blessing to us because she previously miscarried twins.
Basically you are actually mocking me for not having enough money, like Julie with whisky and her mother, classy.
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(02-23-2010, 09:59 AM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote: We didn't purposefully have a daughter out of wedlock, we wanted a decent wedding, nice venue, plenty of guests, good food and entertainment but we couldn't afford it so we waited until we could, given the chance we would have got married before we moved in together and certainly before Leeanne got pregnant which was a blessing to us because she previously miscarried twins.
Basically you are actually mocking me for not having enough money, like Julie with whisky and her mother, classy.
OK, fine. You were a broke man-boy. Now get back to showing your emotionally dysfunctional side by bringing Mill's sick wife into your very important Mocks, you prick.
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(02-23-2010, 09:58 AM)ramseycat Wrote: Having a child when you are not married it not a big deal. Of course I was married when I had children. I also hope my boys will be married when they have kids as well. But it's not that big of a deal to me.
As for OP, mocking Mil on the topic of his wife at all is in bad taste. Period. I am sorry but you don't mock someone when they have a terminally ill family member about that family member. It's rude and cruel. OP can mock Mil about anything else as anything goes here. But to mock someone when they are going through probably the most devastating thing in their life is just cruel. Clearly D, you have not experienced that yet. It's beyond devastating to watch someone suffer from cancer.
So because Mills wife is seriously ill he should be somehow immune from being mocked? bullshit.
This is a mocking site, if you don't want to be mocked because off current life circumstances stay the fuck away, simple.
Two of my grandparents have died since Mock began and I stayed the fuck away from this place for a while afterwards, the death and illness of loved ones doesn't exactly put me in a mocking mood.
I am not mocking Mill's wife, I am mocking him for fucking about here when he should be looking after her 24/7.
Anybody with half a brain would agree with this, its hardly rocket science.
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He's such a demented hypocrite ...
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i have only one thing to say since i am very fond of OP and Mill both. i know from my own personal knowledge that Mill has been a caring, concerned, supportive husband throughout her ordeal, it is his ordeal as well. everyone should be so fortunate to have a person who will do whatever it takes, whether 'tis noble, or giving the time, or basic nursing duties. in sickness and in health, Mill has been there for her.
now back to your corners gentlemen. slurs at 10 paces.
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(02-23-2010, 10:10 AM)jackboots Wrote: Mill has been there for her. [/color]
Apart from the times when he spends hours at a time posting anti Obama shit at 24 and mocking shit aimed solely at me here, during these times we can definitely say he ISN'T there for her.
I just hope she is resting when he is constantly posting, I have nothing at all against her and I DO hope she gets better.
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Mill has been away from these wonderful forums for about a month and just recently started posting again.  I hope his wife pulls out of her illness and has a complete recovery.
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OP might be down to three people on Earth that don't think he's a total asshole.
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(02-23-2010, 10:38 AM)Maggot Wrote: Mill has been away from these wonderful forums for about a month and just recently started posting again. I hope his wife pulls out of her illness and has a complete recovery.
The only reason he is here at all is because of me.
I landed him like a dumbass prize bass.
He is completely paranoid about being labelled a racist because he is one.
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OP, mock Mil about anything OTHER than his wife's illness.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
(02-23-2010, 11:13 AM)ramseycat Wrote: OP, mock Mil about anything OTHER than his wife's illness.
God you're a thick bitch. As I already pointed out, and maybe you'll pay attention this time, he isn't mocking the wife's illness you dumb fucking soup chicken. He is mocking mill for his lack of compassion, caring, and action regarding his wife's illness. And fuckall if that isn't a worthy target. The man is a piece of shit and deserves to be mocked for it. Wake the fuck up. If he was actually taking care of her instead of ignoring her it would be different, and I'd be calling Opie a black guard of the worst sort. But Mill isn't, so I'm not. Use your head for more than an afro host.
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Ok D, don't mock Mil about anything to do with his wife's illness or his care of her or anything to do with it at all. Is that good enough for you D? You are a complete idiot if you think that mocking anything to do with someone's spouse dying of cancer is ok. The subject should be off limits period. I hope you never have to deal with a loved one dying of a horrible disease like cancer. After watching my father die of cancer, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And I certainly would never make light of the situation in any form. And how does OP know what Mil is or isn't doing for his wife?? Both of you should STFU about it. Find something else to mock. I am sure there is plenty of material available on 24.
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I am not making light of the situation I am criticising someone for not taking care of their seriously ill spouse instead choosing to spend hours at a time on internet forums instead. Like I said before if my wife had the flu I wouldn't be online at all I would be giving my undivided attention to her, this is what couples who are in love do for each other.
They do not spend hours online mocking Barack Obama, championing a news channel, moaning about "liberals" and denigrating black people whenever they are mentioned which is what mill does at 24 every single fucking day.
And Ramsey don't delude yourself into thinking you can tell me what I can and can't post about capice? if the mod or admin decide Mill's lack of care for his wife is "off limits" they can do so and I will comply.
I won't like it and I think it will be the start of a slippery slope of dozens of things you can't talk about here which will ultimately kill the site, maybe I think the fact I have had serious mental health problems in the past should be "off limits?" or maybe I am offended about my height being mocked maybe that should be "off limits" and calling my daughter a bastard twice when children were not the topic, maybe that should be "off limits." No I don't think any of those things should be off limits, I made those details public so I reap the consequences.
So back off Ramsey, you aren't the Mock forum police, capice?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Forget it Opie, these people are too fucking dumb to get it. I understand what you mean. And I agree, he is a worthless piece of shit for ignoring her when she is that ill.
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(02-23-2010, 11:34 AM)ramseycat Wrote: And I certainly would never make light of the situation in any form.
You are making light of the situation just by arguing with D and Opie about it on a stupid internet forum, dumbass. If you really wanted to show any respect then you would just shut the fuck up about it already.
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Purposefully choosing to be a bastard child maker is a man-boy decision.
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Whatev.....I am done with this discussion.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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Until Mill inevitably comes in here later today and the whole motherfucking thing starts all over again.
Or maybe he has heeded my advice and turned his fucking laptop off to look after his wife properly?
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(02-23-2010, 01:00 AM)SyberBitch Wrote: (02-22-2010, 08:23 PM)Mill you Bitch Wrote: Yeah...I read it...I sat down and tears welled up ...I was so heart broken to think that poor little fucked up dwarf was leaving 24 because of me being so mean...I hope he knows I haven't been able to sleep at night worried that he'd blow a hole in that empty head of his.
He's one fucked up individual. Next he'll be leaving Mock.
Well, one thing is pretty clear... OP was dead right about those asswipes at 24 running over here to read all of the crap about them. 
To correct you...I was informed that the liar was over spouting off, you know, the english turd that supposedly quit going to 24?..I am a member here I would assume that most members come here. I don't frequent this place because, in all honesty, it bores me.