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(01-20-2011, 09:05 AM)ramseycat Wrote: Maybe this is a dumb question, but how do Illegals vote if they are here illegally? How can they affect the voting if they can't vote?

If they have a Social Security number they can register to vote.

If they have a drivers License they can register to vote.

If they can find a corrupt politician who will support them, they can find a way to register to vote.

One of the most fucked up and uncontrolled governmental boondoggles in all of this land are the election boards we have today.

walk into any court house go to the county clerk and ask for a Voter registration form, take a look at the info they ask for.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

Ramsey,...I dont know the specifics on HOW they are able to do it and the way they play the loopholes in the laws but I promise you this....I am in the process to getting answers to your question which I think is a excellent question that I also wish I had the answer to.
I will post it when I get the answers.
It is these questions and the outrage at the answers and the way is allowed to continue which may help correct the problem.Once we know how it is being done and find a way to plug each hole,the problem slowly gets corrected.
I believe in NO amnesty at all.Find them and send them the hell back,Immediatly,not in a jail here but over the border and intensely start patrolling our borders with all the funds needed and the manpower to do so without the bullshit laws that put our Border patrol officers in jail when they pop a cap at some idiot who shoots first or attacks them.
Another thing....get a national hotline to call when you think you have Illegals in your workplace so that ICE can come check out the employer and the ID's of those on the location.
If you have ever been to a place where Illegals work for welcoming employer and ICE shows is like rats jumping off a sinking ship...they scatter everywhere.You would think that would warrent regular checks.Nope...they wont go unless requested by some higher authority,not just you and I, and the higher authorities wont do so because they are worried about the liberal public outcry and the political correctness or being accused of,...again..."Profiling".
I work at a State Park.On weekends the place is swamped to the bursting point with Hispanics.They move other peoples stuff off already claimed camping spots and tables and put their stuff there.When the complaints are raised about it,Park Officals say they will help them(the displaced) find another spot.What the hell about telling the jerks who took over the site to move?Nope,...cant do that.It is known by local law enforcement that there are a very high amount of illegals on site and known MS 13 gang members.The Park Officals have a deal with the local LEO's not to come bother them unless violence breaks out because they are bringing such a high revenue to a finacially strapped Park.This is not bullshit I'm speaking of.This is fact.Some Park Officials I know have told me this is what the deal is.
Meanwhile all the locals now want nothing to do with bringing their families to the lake and Park to enjoy the place.
This is one MINOR instance of what is going on all over this country.Start looking around.You'll see more than you are prepared for.
Well,...Dick knew the scoop.Glad I now know too.I am going to look into this more deeply also.Dick,if you feel so inclined,...drop me PM or something or even a post to fil me in on what else you may seem to know about how this is all done.
Dick,..any thoughts on why they cant find a way to correct the problem with the SSN's at the Social Security Admin to eliminate all SSN of deceased individuals and such...and why cant there be a computer database that keeps track of all bogus or SSN that are used for a short period and then lies dormant for awhile and then is picked and used by someone with a different name?

Not all of them use bogus numbers, some have legit SS numbers, that is how they can claim to pay their fair share of taxes, what is not spoken of openly is that the bogus numbers create tax money going into the coffers at the county,state and federal levels that never needs to be accounted for it's ,tax money paid by the dead,the non existent or into an account that is being used by 100 people who have the same dead persons SSN or the same bogus number, see if you can find out where the tax money goes if there is no such account?

states like the one I live in allow illegals to get drivers licenses, purchase insurance and buy property.

There are many and varied missed opportunities to check the legal status of people, they have no problem asking me to provide proof of citizenship, birth certificates and other forms of proof, but laws have been created which make it illegal to ask for proof of citizenship of hispanic and other nationalities proof of citizenship.

check your state laws for anti profiling laws, drivers lic, proceedures and property purchase laws and see if anything requires proof of citizenship.

My guess is that the entire system has been undermined by the federal laws which prevent asking about such things.

employers are not allowed to ask about citizenship, hell they can't even ask you when you were born,how old you are. or what race you are on the applications.

as far as a data base for SSN's , it already exists, the police can use YOUR SSN to identify you.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

Hmmmm.Where do you start to change this, Dick.
Local level Politicians?Can they make a difference?
(01-20-2011, 10:23 AM)Misguided Wrote: Hmmmm.Where do you start to change this, Dick.
Local level Politicians?Can they make a difference?

My guess is that the change would in this day and age have to be made at the federal level, the state and local governments depend on the fed for too much funding to buck very hard, do you remember when the national 55 mile per hour speed limit was imposed? do you remember how the fed forced compliance by taking away federal money for roads if a state wanted to exclude themselves from the federal speed limit law?

it's the same thing only on a much grander scale , because it would be drug interdiction money, LEO funding,crime and gang violence funding, federal medical programs,as well as roads and many other federally funded programs which the states now depend on. these sources filter to the local level and therein lay the problem, the feds have sucessfully usurped the states power through money and programs we as a state are a mere shell of what the Constitution guarnateed us as a REPUBLIC.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

Thanks for the info....
Here is a site that will open up your eyes.
Much good info(if you can call it that) about the magnitude of the problem...and this aint all of it.....

and another one that will make your knee's buckle,if you really care about this problem...
Something else to ponder....
June 4

The governor of Alabama is taking the weekend to decide whether he will sign an Arizona-style bill into law to crack down on illegal immigrants. 44

If Gov. Robert Bentley gives his stamp of approval to the controversial legislation, the American Civil Liberties Union has vowed to challenge it in court. 100100100

"It's an outrageous throwback to the pre-civil rights era and we call on Governor Bentley to veto this deeply misguided bill," Cecillia Wang, director of the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project, said Friday. "The Alabama Legislature has invited rank discrimination into people's everyday lives."

The bill, passed by the Alabama Legislature on Thursday night, makes it a crime for a person to be in the state without a valid federal registration or other proof of legal presence. 89

Like the Arizona law, the bill allows police in a traffic stop to detain anyone without legal papers if the officers have "reasonable suspicion" that they may be present illegally and research by the officers can't turn up any records. "Reasonable suspicion" could include acting nervously or having a tag that doesn't match vehicle registration records, sponsors of the bill said. Police

It would also be a crime for an illegal immigrant to apply for work. :bricking: The bill requires all Alabama businesses to use the federal E-Verify system to check the legal status of new employees, although businesses with 25 or fewer employees could get the state Department of Homeland Security to do it for them. A business caught twice for knowingly hiring an illegal immigrant would lose its business license.

The bill also makes it a crime to transport or harbor illegal immigrants and it prevents cities from passing laws to protect illegal immigrants in their cities.

It would seem another State is trying to fix the problems.Good.
New Hampster is voting on a bill that requires a valid drivers license or state I.D. to vote. Now all you need is a registration card or you can sign up at the voting station. Many people I know are surprised this was not even a law yet and support it. As more states get going on this I can see the feds inching closer to amnesty.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(01-08-2011, 06:33 PM)IMaDick Wrote: domestically terroristic institutions.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(06-05-2011, 12:48 PM)Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
(01-08-2011, 06:33 PM)IMaDick Wrote: domestically terroristic institutions.


I will always talk over your head, nature has seen to that.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(06-05-2011, 02:28 PM)IMaDick Wrote: I will always talk over your head, nature has seen to that.

Your nonsensical Glenn Beck style conspiracy ramblings are not over my head they are a stone in the shoe of common sense of which you have none.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Sorry, try putting up a wall behind you to catch the point of what you hear,read or otherwise are told by people who actually live in the country that is being discussed are smarter and more experianced and and lets not forget taller than you also.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(06-05-2011, 03:30 PM)IMaDick Wrote: experianced


[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Ya that.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams


Why are you so uptight tonight?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
and the answer is?

I broke a guitar string and I don't have anymore?
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
