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Oh,I forgot to mention that Alexandra Cousino has been on the MOST WANTED list in the Toledo Blade for the last three weeks. I'm fairly sure it's the one that Maytee has on her own most wanted list. The charge is robbery. The photo Maytee has on her FB page and the photo in the Blade look very similiar. I really think it is her. I think AC was very involved in the murders.You can still access her FB page.On FB she has a photo of her and a blondish woman looking like besties. That woman is the widow of our last mayor. I suspect that they were both at my parish festival and that the widow has no clue who Maytee is. The widow would have been at the festival campaigning to replace her her deceased husband as mayor in the Nov election.
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(09-09-2015, 01:11 AM)Older Than Dirt Wrote: Oh,I forgot to mention that Alexandra Cousino has been on the MOST WANTED list in the Toledo Blade for the last three weeks. I'm fairly sure it's the one that Maytee has on her own most wanted list. The charge is robbery. The photo Maytee has on her FB page and the photo in the Blade look very similiar. I really think it is her. I think AC was very involved in the murders.You can still access her FB page.On FB she has a photo of her and a blondish woman looking like besties. That woman is the widow of our last mayor. I suspect that they were both at my parish festival and that the widow has no clue who Maytee is. The widow would have been at the festival campaigning to replace her her deceased husband as mayor in the Nov election.
Alex Cousino. Testified at the trial. And her children's father is married to Sam Williams ex (the mother of his son). Always found that connection interesting. She also had a relationship with Aaron and Johnny. At the time of the murders she was involved with some Black guy from the eastside of Toledo. Can't remember his name, something about Jack Frost. I remember reading sketchy fb comments at the time. It's been awhile tho.
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This was posted on Alex's page today -
Alexandra Cousino
19 mins ·
Well everyone keep me in their thoughts && prayers.. I'm getting ready to walk into the safety building to turn myself in for something I didn't do? I'm a strong person && my faith in God && the ppl who have my bk will get me thru this.. Thanking God I have my dude, who I know is gna ride w me thru this like he has been?? I'd b fuccd w out him.. Don't forget about me guys.!!!
P.S. if I can turn myself in && face all this for something I didn't do, niggas should never think its OK to b the police ijs
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Toledo Municipal Court Aggravated Robbery Deadly Weapon
2-1 Toledo Municipal Court License Required;Driving Without License
3-1 Toledo Municipal Court Weaving - Vehicle Or Motorcycle
4-1 Toledo Municipal Court License Required;Driving Without License
5-1 Toledo Municipal Court Operation Of Vehicle At Stop Signs
Toledo Municipal Court Stop After Accident Fail To Stop After Accident Or
7-1 Toledo Municipal Court Turning Rules
8-1 Toledo Municipal Court License Required;Driving Without License
Toledo Municipal Court Driving Under Suspended License For Failing To
Appear Or Pay Fine Or Failure To Pay Child Support
Toledo Municipal Court License Required Driving Under Suspension Without
Toledo Municipal Court Muffler;Vehicle To Be Equipped With One
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I was told that she dropped something at the crime scene and it has her DNA on it.
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Looks like it was a hat she dropped while stealing oxy.
Good thing most petty criminals are dumb, but using the gun ups her game a bit. That will get her more time.
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When I read this thread I am reminded how true is the saying, Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword
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(09-10-2015, 05:23 PM)Duchess Wrote:
This was posted on Alex's page today -
Alexandra Cousino
19 mins ·
Well everyone keep me in their thoughts && prayers.. I'm getting ready to walk into the safety building to turn myself in for something I didn't do? I'm a strong person && my faith in God && the ppl who have my bk will get me thru this.. Thanking God I have my dude, who I know is gna ride w me thru this like he has been?? I'd b fuccd w out him.. Don't forget about me guys.!!!
P.S. if I can turn myself in && face all this for something I didn't do, niggas should never think its OK to b the police ijs
video of robbery
Maytees commments on facebook wtol page. She forgets shes charged with trying to kill Tiffany. Pointing her fingers at Alexandrea.
Maytee C Vazquez-Clarke " The scales of Justice have gradually become weighted in the favor of the accused, leaving the victim(s) with no rights or representation. We must re-establish the idea that HOMICIDE is the ultimate offence against humanity. It's punishment must reflect the gravity of the crimes......
Like · Reply · 25 mins
Maytee C Vazquez-Clarke Dear Lord we come before you in the name of your beloved son Jesus and ask you to please show us your vengeance and revenge against all those barbaric monsters that hurt our child and gf and all those monsters that hurt the innocent. Please guide Law Enforcement to each and every last one of those demons and hold each and every last one equally accountable to A TORTUROUS LIFE IN PRISON WITHOUT PAROLE OR THE DEATH PENALTY. Make them rot in the darkest pits of hell filled with burning endless fire lord , please do not take pity upon their heartless souls for they did not care when they inflicted the torture upon our children. They are not sorry for what they did they are sorry when they get caught and told on! MAKE THE LAW OF KARMA GET THEM ALL DEAR GOD. WE PUT IT ALL IN YOUR HANDS IN THE NAME OF YOUR BELOVED SON JESUS AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deliver us from so much evil and pain AMEN.
Like · Reply · 1 · 40 mins
Maytee C Vazquez-Clarke Thank you dear Father Lord Jehovah for showing us that you are a Just God and you hate ugly and evil doers and thank you for answering our prayers and guiding law enforcement our men in blue to clean up the trash off our streets so we can sleep a littl...See More
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Maytee C Vazquez-Clarke Speaking for our family and the whole city and also state of Ohio, we can sleep better tonight knowing Law enforcement took you off the streets. Thank you to all who helped clean this trash off our streets. Amen
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I've never in my life seen anyone like Maytee.
I think her attorney would be interested in her social media activity. I can't imagine he would condone that in any way.
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We must re-establish the idea that HOMICIDE is the ultimate offence against humanity. It's punishment must reflect the gravity of the crimes...... per Maytee.... she, john and the cop tried to do the same thing and Failed
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[quote='Jimbone' pid='409999' dateline='1441976276']
Looks like it was a hat she dropped while stealing oxy.
Seriously? this is the medication I am on, and why I am constantly forced to apologize for me my spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.
Not going to knock the medication, because with three chronic pain diagnosis, I would not be able to function without it- but nothing about it is fun or enjoyable. My mind cannot grasp why anyone would commit a serious crime to get their hands on it. Maybe if your not in constant or severe pain, it is fun? I would not know, but I know there is nothing pleasant about needing to live on it everyday.
Now after learning that this is a popular drug for heartless criminals that carry guns, and are willing to commit serious crimes to obtain it, I am a little nervous to pick them up from the pharmacy now. WOW.
It is very controlled here in Texas. My pain management Dr. cannot call it in for any reason. Each time I get my monthly refill, I have to go to his office and pick up the prescription, and take it directly to the pharmacy.
When I pick it up from there, a valid ID must be shown.
But there is no one to protect me when I am leaving the pharmacy and on my way home, so I guess I need to take extra steps to be sure no one knows I have this medication with me, or in my home. Time to start burning the labels off the empty bottles so no one can read them if the empty bottles fall out of the trash... Would not want to tempt someone to come in my home and rob it over this stuff....
As for the robbery at the pharmacy, one can only wonder if AC plans to say that the robbers had her hat and dropped it at the scene, and then be forced to snitch and say who they are. and how they had her hat? It would take an act of "her dude" to convince me she was not involved in at least planning this robbery, and I suspect she was involved in planning to rob Lisa's home the night they were killed- as always, it is only speculation on my part.
In my thoughts, she felt she got a a raw deal on the car, and maybe the money still owed on the dog. I do not think that murder was the plan that night, but I do suspect that TW knew about the plan and was involved, and her role in this was to lure them away from the house to pick her up and party. Once they left the home- it would be robbed. But if I remember correctly, Lisa decided to shower before leaving the house, and so they did not leave right away to go pick her up. The robbers walked up on Johnny instead of an empty home. TW would have realized this by the conversation she heard between Johnny and the people that walked up on him, before he hung up the phone.
Realizing that she was not successful in luring them from the home on time, and that the robbers were there with Johnny and Lisa, she immediately grew concerned about the situation and began calling them repeatedly.
Why not call the police right away? Maybe because you know your friends are in there and are suppose to be robbing people, and you do not want to get them arrested? that would be my guess. Instead, she continued calling and calling, and once the silence had gone on for too long to ignore, that is when she called the parents to inform them of her concerns. If I recall, she never directly called the police even at that time? It was Maydoo and Big John that did that first?
But correct me if I have that wrong, it has been a long time since I have read that part of the forums.
And if any of these suspicions are right, that she was part of a planned robbery of the home, could she have learned at some point that the robbers had left the residence, and that the victims were tied up in the home with bags on their heads? Could this have been what really triggered her concerns for their well-being, and kept her calling their cell phones, and then the parents? Of course all of this is only speculation on my part, and none of it may be true- but if I had to take a guess, my guess would be that this was a planned robbery, and AC and TW each played a part in it.
These suspicions, along with this current pharmacy robbery, with a hat left behind belonging to AC, leads me to believe this girl likes to plan crimes, but not be there to participate in them. Wonder if her phone records were examined for the night of Johnny and Lisa's murder, does anyone know? If I remember correctly, they did check her DNA, and did not find a match, but she strikes me as the cowardly type that has no problem planning crimes, but prefers to find lower lower life forms with little. to minimal intelligence, to carry out her plans.
And if I remember, quite a few DNA analysis were ran for other potential suspects to link the unknown DNA from the crime. I wonder who Cam, and Sam were dating during this time frame, were all of them checked, and who were the female friends close to AC during the time of the murders? Were those people checked?
For those who have strong suspicions that Maydoo may have been involved, I do not disregard your suspicions at all, and I am not disputing you are correct, I just have not figured out where she would fit in with what I believe this far.
Everything I suspect leans towards this scenario, and I am guessing that her and AC were not on very good terms after the fallout over the car, but am I wrong about that? If I had to choose which one I suspect more it would be AC with what is known at this point, but I do not disregard anyone else's suspicions, I just do not feel as strongly about them.
And as always, please forgive my typos, grammar, punctuation, etc.. I am in an Oxy fog.
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The KABOOM I would hear here on the East Coast would be Maytee's head exploding.
It would be ah-mazing if that scenario were to happen.[/i][/size]
Oh how I have missed you Duchess! and yes, KABOOM!
I am sure her cellmates will be thrilled with her constant chanting, and spells to conjure demons, and her unending cries of "Mocktards" throughout the night.
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(09-13-2015, 11:30 AM)Snoopy Wrote: Oh how I have missed you Duchess! and yes, KABOOM!
Nice to see you, honey. I'm glad you feel well enough to post.
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Your scenario is very logical to me, Snoopy. It potentially ties a lot of the pieces together.
Maytee definitely felt that Tiffany and Alexandra were involved, or claimed to believe that, based on her Facebook posts.
If Sam and Cam were just hired thugs in it for a piece of the robbery haul, I think they served themselves best by not admitting to it and not snitching out the planner(s).
Based on the evidence, I thought they both had a decent shot at acquittal, given that there was nothing but DNA on a single shared cig butt to place them at the house (which turned out not to be enough evidence to put Cam away).
If your theory is accurate, maybe Sam will spill for post-conviction perks once all of his appeals are used up, or Cam will run his ignorant mouth too far with the wrong person and the full story will get told.
I've been wondering if Maytee solicited her old friend Lt. Frank Ramirez to conduct a covert off-the-books investigation into the people she suspected of planning a robbery-gone-bad or a direct-hit on Johnny and Lisa, and that's why Tiffany had a target on her head.
Anyway, I hope we learn something new about the double murder case when Big John, Maytee, and Ramirez go to trial for attempted murder in a few months.
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[quote='HairOfTheDog' pid='410327' dateline='1442183208']
I've been wondering if Maytee solicited her old friend Lt. Frank Ramirez to conduct a covert off-the-books investigation into the people she suspected of planning a robbery-gone-bad or a direct-hit on Johnny and Lisa, and that's why Tiffany had a target on her head.
There is so much my mind wonders about, after finding out he was close to Maytee, and I continue to wonder if he had access to the evidence, or the actual crime scene.
When it comes to Ramirez, I use the term "officer" loosely, because he is a disgrace to the badge, but having an officer capable of plotting, and an carrying out an attempted murder, has caused me to question the integrity of the entire investigation. In reality, he may have had little, or no access to the evidence or crime scene, but until that is officially confirmed, I cannot help but question everything we know.
It will be interesting to see how it all plays out!
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Wow, this thread was started on Feb 1, 2011 and is still raging on!
Carsman: Loves Living Large
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Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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(09-14-2015, 05:59 AM)Carsman Wrote: Wow, this thread was started on Feb 1, 2011 and is still raging on!
Biggest thread ever for this particular software, over seventeen hundred pages, 24,000 plus posts and almost 2.5 million hits. I once told LC I would have it bronzed for her if I could.
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When did incest, criminal mom learn to spell "homicide"?
She always spelled it: HOMOCIDE. (I always believed it was a deliberate tribute to her son)
No wonder Kitty Johnny and AC were friends.
They both used guns to rob people.
And both were felons.
Maytee's perfect candidate for a beard, daughter in law.
Justice for Tiffany Williams!