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someone let me know if i missed any please.
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(03-09-2011, 10:17 PM)Nina Wrote: So what is your point Kitty? Aside from Trash Talk calling LC a hypocrite and saying Maytee is invited to generate publicity, I agree with almost everything he says. For the most part I enjoy reading this forum and I think LC does her best to run it with integrity and discourage gossip and wild speculation. Most of the members have good intentions ; they make reasonable observations and discuss the case rationally. HOWEVER, every bit of gossip and speculation Trash Talk mentioned HAS been brought up on here. Some of it disgusts me as well because it seems there are some members that can not stop bashing Maytee and her family - a family that is obviously grieving terribly. The JC Sr/TW" conection speculation was especially repulsive. Fortunately, few if any of us have ever had to deal with this kind of life-shattering tragedy so to speculate on how either family should look or act or express themselves totally unfair and shallow. I am a fan of Mock and I think LC and Duchess and MOST of the members are very intelligent and give good thought-provoking insight but there are a few (I won't name names) that are attention seeking trolls whose input is laughable and/or shameful. In some aspects Trash Talk is right on the money.......
I am also guilty of stalking FB pages and reading into them but that is because I believe these poor kids WERE connected to their killers in some way and even LE uses FB, etc as a resource into victim's backgrounds/connections. For some reason, I am obsessed with this case, probably because I have kids in this age range that aren't angels - they don't do the gangsta talk/lifestyle but they are young adults that have drank and experimented with drugs like MOST teens do.....from either side of the tracks. My kids would fit right in LS' party pics. I really can not even imagine how I would feel if I was one of these parent's but all this cruel "gossip" would break my heart and infuriate me. These kids did not deserve this regardless of ANYTHING they or their families have ever done and I have nothing but compassion for the Straubs AND the Clarkes.
of course these kids didn't "deserves" to be murdered like this. no mother should have to bury her son or her daughter.
I know for a fact that my mother, should I die a tragic death, wouldn't be trolling the internet reading up on what others "are saying about me" and then commenting, posting, reposting, etc.
I also know for a fact that LE has told super mom to shut the fuck up and lay low.
but if she doesn't want to hear that people are saying that her son was a drug dealer and a pill head.... wake the fuck up! she knew what he was doing BEFORE he died. She wasn't exactly pollyana herself!
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I think whoever is dissing LC is probably a disgruntled Mocker & has a personal agenda.
This thread has ALWAYS been managed in a responsible manner. While there have been moments of outrageous speculation the thread was put back on track in a timely fashion. The law of averages says in every group of people there is at least one asshole.
I would like to add, I think many of you "police" yourselves and others when things appear to be going out of control. I appreciate that. I don't expect LC to monitor this thread 24⁄7 and rightly so.
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[quote='concerned' pid='143759' dateline='1299743765']
Another thought I have is this.... Now read this and think about the actual crime scene. I know for a fact that this crime scene was a " massacre". I will get this out of the way and let you all know I am "UNKNOWN" sister. Whoever did this had to have left the crime scene covered in blood. No way around it. Someome in her neighborhood had to have seen something. They might not consiously be aware of it but on that Sunday night/early monday morning (12ish) evening it was a beautiful night out people had been burdened by bad weather days before that. In that neighborhood to walk a dog at 11, 12 at night wouldnt have been unusual. Especially after being snowed in for a few days. I know if it is late in the evening my dog will hear people walking down the street and go nuts. I will get up and look. Dogs have a very keen sense of smell and hearing. You can rest assured even if the neighbors didnt hear it someones dog(s) did. Dogs pick up high pitch sounds, Commotion, Even if it is not in there yard. I can bet if LE went door to door to people who have dogs and askd about any behavior on that night from their own dogs... Whether a bark or a head lift... The majority of thier answer would be yes. Dogs are territorial. Think about it
Excellent point Curious...but the houses are sooooo far, LE had sure better already been door to door asking neighbors or I would be major pisst...never thought how they must have been covered in blood when leaving though...
On one hand if it were people from their distant inner circle, they had to slip past mamma when going home ....or if the other extreme they were professionals who prepared going in with some type of outer clothing to slip off on the way home...
I still am convinced that by that (not too articulate sherriff who retired immediately after) his words were the truth (was a hit ...because of actions instigated by the victims)...and LE has just pulled in their public relations people to try to smooth over his insensitive remarks...
By reading all the threads I am about convinced...
Johnny owed $ regarding cocaine and pills to a dealer...
"they" went over there to "do the job" and to "give a message to others" don't f--k with us or this will happen to you...
Were they someone from the circle or distant circle of friends / aquaintances or a drug cartel big time thing - not sure...any thoughts out there?
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
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(03-10-2011, 07:34 AM)pspence Wrote: [quote='concerned' pid='143759' dateline='1299743765']
Another thought I have is this.... Now read this and think about the actual crime scene. I know for a fact that this crime scene was a " massacre". I will get this out of the way and let you all know I am "UNKNOWN" sister. Whoever did this had to have left the crime scene covered in blood. No way around it. Someome in her neighborhood had to have seen something. They might not consiously be aware of it but on that Sunday night/early monday morning (12ish) evening it was a beautiful night out people had been burdened by bad weather days before that. In that neighborhood to walk a dog at 11, 12 at night wouldnt have been unusual. Especially after being snowed in for a few days. I know if it is late in the evening my dog will hear people walking down the street and go nuts. I will get up and look. Dogs have a very keen sense of smell and hearing. You can rest assured even if the neighbors didnt hear it someones dog(s) did. Dogs pick up high pitch sounds, Commotion, Even if it is not in there yard. I can bet if LE went door to door to people who have dogs and askd about any behavior on that night from their own dogs... Whether a bark or a head lift... The majority of thier answer would be yes. Dogs are territorial. Think about it
Excellent point Curious...but the houses are sooooo far, LE had sure better already been door to door asking neighbors or I would be major pisst...never thought how they must have been covered in blood when leaving though...
On one hand if it were people from their distant inner circle, they had to slip past mamma when going home ....or if the other extreme they were professionals who prepared going in with some type of outer clothing to slip off on the way home...
I still am convinced that by that (not too articulate sherriff who retired immediately after) his words were the truth (was a hit ...because of actions instigated by the victims)...and LE has just pulled in their public relations people to try to smooth over his insensitive remarks...
By reading all the threads I am about convinced...
Johnny owed $ regarding cocaine and pills to a dealer...
"they" went over there to "do the job" and to "give a message to others" don't f--k with us or this will happen to you...
Were they someone from the circle or distant circle of friends / aquaintances or a drug cartel big time thing - not sure...any thoughts out there?
I am only going to assume here...but I have a STRONG feeling that the neighborhood HAS been canvassed. in neighborhoods like the Straubs live/lived neighbors DO know who comes and goes. neighbors are up late and early and see and hear all kinds of things.... good and bad!
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I don't have anything to say about this case right now, but I have to make a comment regarding the posters here. The "rules" on this forum are not that hard to follow. Please give LC a break and stop breaking them!!!
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Maytee La Cubana Vazquez
You sick mockers are pathetic speculating liars FYI my johnny was neither a drug dealer or pill head and neither was lisa they were not in a gang or dealt in weapons and this was no fucking cartel or proffessional hit you are clueless on any of it including the scene you stupid asses and my johnny nor lisa didnt owe anyone money like you dumb asses assume get a life people and stop all your rumors and lies wowww if you knew what we know you all would see how stupid dumb you really look... Like i said pray for justice to prevail n make the arrests and stop spreading lies n rumors
44 minutes ago via iPhone
She really just doesn't get it! We are on HER side!!!! We can only speculate since obviously we don't KNOW any facts. If you KNOW so much, share with us so we can stop speculating!!!
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I'm so sorry she feels that way & because she does it leads me to believe that she's either not actually reading here or she's not comprehending what she is reading.
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(03-10-2011, 09:59 AM)Duchess Wrote:
I'm so sorry she feels that way & because she does it leads me to believe that she's either not actually reading here or she's not comprehending what she is reading.
I agree. And as stated before if there is someone giving her the info from here they are only trying to cause problems by picking and choosing what they are telling her!
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Yah, I also have to clear something else up I have been hearing about me personally~I for one HAVE NEVER said I was gonna kick Maytee's ass!!! NEVER would I say such a thing! I did make a big mistake that I am not proud of and I regret to the fullest and that was Talkin Down To Her Cuz She Upset My Calling ME an evil demon like the (rest of us Mockers) but in MY PERSONAL private message on fb and YES IT HURT! I AM TRULY SORRY I EVER SAID IT! I am and always have been behind her! I do HONESTLY feel horrible for Maytee and her family as well as the Straubs! Sorry to anyone I did offend! I am a WOMEN and I CAN admit when Im wrong! So for all those on any other site (TCR) talking about me....GO HEAD.....I DONT CARE...YOU DONT EVEN KNOW ME! sorry everyone here but I know they reading here and some are on here and there. I wanted to clear all that up! again I AM SORRY!
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(03-10-2011, 10:02 AM)RaisingAPrince Wrote: (03-10-2011, 09:59 AM)Duchess Wrote:
I'm so sorry she feels that way & because she does it leads me to believe that she's either not actually reading here or she's not comprehending what she is reading.
I agree. And as stated before if there is someone giving her the info from here they are only trying to cause problems by picking and choosing what they are telling her!
I could not agree more. "People are posting I said I wanted to kick her ass" I am not that type of person! Has ANYONE here seen me TYPE such a thing? honestly! COME ON! I want Justice, just as everyone else here! Im done talking about it and it will not be talked about again. Sorry LC and Duchess
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Good morning everyone. So JC served his time at London Correctional Institution. Looks to be minimum/medium security. Probably one of the nicer places to serve time. And of course Lucasville is where Maytee wants the demons to end up. Which looks to be hard core maximum security. I wonder where QS is serving his time? Looks like the other guy involved was at NCCI which is mostly medium security. So seeing as JC was at London he probably didn't come in contact with any hardened criminals, jmo.
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(03-10-2011, 10:39 AM)Adub Wrote: Good morning everyone. So JC served his time at London Correctional Institution. Looks to be minimum/medium security. Probably one of the nicer places to serve time. And of course Lucasville is where Maytee wants the demons to end up. Which looks to be hard core maximum security. I wonder where QS is serving his time? Looks like the other guy involved was at NCCI which is mostly medium security. So seeing as JC was at London he probably didn't come in contact with any hardened criminals, jmo.
I don't know, Adub. So many here have posted multi-generational connections. Seems to me that even if JC were serving time with "babies," there'd be knowledge and discussions of more sophisticated operations.
And the lack of info on QS on the web is kind of eerie.
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Maytee this morning:
You sick mockers are pathetic speculating liars FYI my johnny was neither a drug dealer or pill head and neither was lisa they were not in a gang or dealt in weapons and this was no fucking cartel or proffessional hit you are clueless on any of it including the scene you stupid asses and my johnny nor lisa didnt owe anyone money like you dumb asses assume get a life people and stop all your rumors and lies wowww if you knew what we know you all would see how stupid dumb you really look... Like i said pray for justice to prevail n make the arrests and stop spreading lies n rumors
2 hours ago via iPhone
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And this:
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Trust me if johnny or lisa had owed anyone any money or felt they were in danger they would have came to us and been protected from harms way...these poor kids were set up by people they thought were their friends that targeted the straub home thinking they were going to get a jackpot...our poor kids never expected or imagined what uglyness took place there that night so let them rest in peace and quit talking lies n rumors about what you think you know that you are clueless about
2 hours ago
This is what I thought all along!!! The trusted neighborhood buddies!!
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(03-10-2011, 03:56 AM)concerned Wrote: Another thought I have is this.... Now read this and think about the actual crime scene. I know for a fact that this crime scene was a " massacre".
Hi Concerned, give Unknown my best. I wish you both well. About the crime scene, I am thinking that all that blood only came from Lisa. That they attacked her in the bedroom as she hid the closet (accounts for holes in walls) after they had JC under control. The blood was hers as they drug her from the bedroom back down to the family room.
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I have believed all along that this will boil down to a "Judas" someone who knew JC and LS and thought they'd get some quick cash and or drugs, especially with LS's parents being out of town and them believing that Lisa was from "rich ville" as someone put it. Apparently that is what Maytee believes too, and I think she on the right track!
I hope they make an arrest soon!!
EDIT: I don't believe it was a big drug cartel or any professional hit, never did. It was that neighborhood and those wannabees, looking for fast cash and possibly any drugs that may have been there. I do believe drugs played a part in this, and I think JC may have even of stepped on some old neighborhood toes, territorially, if you know what I mean. I believe LE knows who they are and is trying to build a case to take to the prosecutor, and we know that does take time! JC was trying to get out from under that old life, but he wasn't working, and I think he was trying to make a little cash and unfortunately the very people he talked to and trusted thought they could make some fast cash off of his girlfriend's parents house, and relieve JC of any drugs or cash he may have had, all in one swoop! JMHO
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(03-10-2011, 11:50 AM)EastCoastKat Wrote: And this:
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Trust me if johnny or lisa had owed anyone any money or felt they were in danger they would have came to us and been protected from harms way...these poor kids were set up by people they thought were their friends that targeted the straub home thinking they were going to get a jackpot...
This is what I thought all along!!! The trusted neighborhood buddies!!
EastCoastKat- who are the "trusted neighborhood buddies?" Are you referring to someone from Lisa's neighborhood or from Johnny's?
ETA: OOPS- you answered my question while I was submitting my post.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.