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i think maytee got some strong advice from someone to shut the hell up about the Straubs.
she deleted all her shit and has suddenly reverted to trying to sound rational.
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unless the Straubs obtained copyright to Lisa's image, i'm afraid maytee can use it. the nasty greedy anthonys did that to make a buck off Caylee. the Straubs would have a different motivation of course.
i can't think of any law right now that would enable a Judge to order maydoo not to post her personal photos.
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FB post from Samuel William's ex today. Sounds like she might not be so convinced of his innocence anymore :
VM: I find it to be so funny how peoplr try to cover someone up for who they are but in reality it all comed out in the end! seems like theres people who lived double lifes! so dont try to put it like they were innocent 'were all in the picture we just got different poses'
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Same for Mock!!!!haha We have the right to view and repost photos from Maytee's FB.
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it just gets more despicable.
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
VERY DISGUSTED AT YOUR COMMENTS you know who you are you have kept yourselves hidden from the world and pretending it will all just go away. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves taking trips vacations living life off the hog while our family has kept our kids memory and everything in the media so noone will ever forget johnny and lisa and justice will be served.only faces ive seen in courts is ours and ive honored johnny and lisas memory together every step of the way and will continue to do so!!!WE ARE THE VOICE FOR JOHNNY S CLARKE AND LISA A STRAUB ALONG WITH GOD AND LAW ENFORCEMENT!!!we will continue our fight and prayers for JUSTICE!!!!!!!!
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WTOL Toledo Ohio here has a slightly different article from the Toledo Blade - I found it interesting what the Toledo Lawyer had to say. WTOL is on Facebook also with people commenting about Samuel Williams.
Williams indicted in Springfield Twp double murder October 1st 2011.
TOLEDO, OH (WTOL) - A Lucas County Grand Jury has indicted a man charged with the violent double murder of a young couple in Springfield Township.
Samuel Williams, 24, is charged with two counts of aggravated murder, two counts of kidnapping and one count of burglary.
Friday's indictment adds death penalty specifications.
Authorities say Williams killed Johnny Clarke and his girlfriend Lisa Straub inside the home of Lisa's parents. The two had their wrists bound by duct tape and plastic bags covering their heads.
Lisa's uncle Jim Verbosky says he's ready to watch Williams die.
"When Lisa and Johnny were being strangled to death fighting for their last breath, they didn't get a chance to plead for their lives. An eye for an eye in this situation. We're gong to see this to the end."
Authorities say the crime in the Springfield Township house was not a random act of violence. Johnny and Lisa were targeted. Robbery is believed to be the motive.
Toledo attorney Jerry Phillps questions whether Williams will ever be executed if found guilty.
"There is an issue. Rumors are going around. How could one individual be involved in this?"
If that's the case, Mr. Phillips believes it's possible a plea bargain deal could be cut with Williams and the death penalty specifications dropped.
"Is some of this indictment some sort of leverage in order to obtain information about other potential individuals who may have been involved in this?"
Jim Verbosky says he would be disappointed in anything less than the death penalty.
"Our family, we don't want to have to pay for him, eat three meals a day, live in jail for the rest of his life."
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
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OMG! What a shame. That mouth of hers.
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Owl, every time i go to WTOL i get this---->
Both families have maintained the murders were not random acts of violence.
Read more:
but then there is no more! no more story, no comment section. WTF
i did see the WTOL facebook comments.
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I found 2 comments. You're not missing anything. They were about innocent until proven guily & a referrence to the Morenci boys.
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this vomit is aimed at TW:
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
Like · Comment · 4 minutes ago via mobile
my note: TW's baby son was NOT removed.
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I wonder what Maytee & Johnny did that bought them such awful karma. It must have been pretty bad.
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Verbosky says they want the family to be
able to begin the recovery process and they want justice for Lisa and Johnny.
See Maytee!!
The Straub family has never stated anything derogatory about Johnny or your family in the media.And yes FB etc ... is considered media.(in case you didn't know that)
Instead, they offered money ,their money, and money given by their friends and others who want scum off of the street.
What have you done in return,nothing but torment and harass the people just because that is what you do.We all have choices in life and yours have been made evident to all, not only to the county but to the entire country.
I normally don't say to much about what other people do or say ,but you are insulting the very memory of your son. don't you know that?? And you have no right to even speak the name of Lisa Straub,it's not your place. Those memories belong to someone else.
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(10-01-2011, 05:36 PM)undercovercameo Wrote:
Verbosky says they want the family to be
able to begin the recovery process and they want justice for Lisa and Johnny.
I normally don't say to much about what other people do or say ,but you are insulting the very memory of your son. don't you know that?? And you have no right to even speak the name of Lisa Straub,it's not your place. Those memories belong to someone else.
So very true!
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Crazy bitch couldn't find her way out of a wet paper bag, even with a map. I'm not surprised she sunk to yet another low.
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Maytee is on the Justice page spewing shit about how Lisa was trying to get pregnant with Johnny's baby. I wonder if this woman is delusional, or just a flat out liar...
Maytee's Friend: sooo cute!!!makes me sad that johnny and lisa never got to have a baby together like they wanted! i remeber everytime they came over m**** and m**** would run to them and hug them and johnny loved my babies soooooo much :(
Maytee:;,,((( sad sad sad they were trying really hard i remember every month she would be a couple days late and we would run and get test at the store and she would slways pray and hope she was ;,,((( johnny is so lovable he loved babies and always took such good care of his lil brothers
Maytee: Tears tears tears every time she got sick too i would wake up with them and take her to ER with him ;,,(((( i miss them so much ;,,,((((
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(10-02-2011, 12:11 AM)allieayy Wrote: Maytee is on the Justice page spewing shit about how Lisa was trying to get pregnant with Johnny's baby. I wonder if this woman is delusional, or just a flat out liar...
Maytee's Friend: sooo cute!!!makes me sad that johnny and lisa never got to have a baby together like they wanted! i remeber everytime they came over m**** and m**** would run to them and hug them and johnny loved my babies soooooo much :(
Maytee:;,,((( sad sad sad they were trying really hard i remember every month she would be a couple days late and we would run and get test at the store and she would slways pray and hope she was ;,,((( johnny is so lovable he loved babies and always took such good care of his lil brothers
Maytee: Tears tears tears every time she got sick too i would wake up with them and take her to ER with him ;,,(((( i miss them so much ;,,,((((
Poor people: The doctors have offices for when you get sick, or the clinic, whichever takes Medicaid. The ER is for emergencies ONLY. I hate sitting in there with you idiots when my family needs emergency care and you have syphilis again. Jesus.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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well i think those 2 young unemployed and sadly addicted kids needed to have a baby. yep. why not.
she's such a fucking liar.
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Justice for Johnny & Lisa I just had to vomit thinking about all this ;,,((( i know i have stomach ulcers now this is the worst most fatal pain ever I WANT MY JOHNNYYYYY I HAVE ALL HIS AND LISA TEXTS ON MY PHONE ;,,(((( sad sad sad tearsssssssss its horrible those ...demons will all pay and die I HATE THEM how could they live knowing wat they did;,((( i still have lisas clothe sll folded in johnnys dresser snd her school books and her makeup with all those bangels she always wore ;,,((( jake wears her pepsi shirt to bed he was always next to her she played with him alot ;,,((( and poor tali sees all their pics with candles lit all thru the house and says UNCLE JOHNNY AUNT LISA and points up to the sky ;,,((( tearsSee More
about an hour ago
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for all i loathe and despise maytee, i still can feel her sorrow. if i lost my son, especially in such a horrific way, i'd never be able to put away his clothes or trophies or anything. i'd never sleep again. they'd have to put me in the ground too. i can understand that awful pain and grief.
i think Lisa's parents feel the same grief and yet keep quiet and don't lash out at maytee for her filthy cruel mouth. that's class.
i've never been a cruel person. read my first post in the first thread on this case. but maytee's cruelty has made me so angry at her vicious lies and meaness to the Straubs that i don't care about her anymore. first time i ever lost my empathy for a victim.
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I sure hope Lisas parents have some of her personal items to cherish. I know damn well Maytee would never offer any of her things at her home back to the Straubs.. her PARENTS. Its like Maytee thinks she is/was way more important in Lisas life than she really was. Anyone can be forced to take pictures with Maytee. I'm sure they had to or Maytee would never stop bugging them to. How did Maytee get so many personal pictures of Lisa? If these were Lisas personal things she had at Maytees she should have given them back to her parents.. She makes me sick! I have a g/f her son drown and his soon to be Ex sold all of his belongings back to his parents.. wouldn't put that past Maytee.