02-06-2011, 07:29 PM
So, this young couple in Holland Ohio is gruesomely murdered. Next, I hear on the news that a number of bishops in the Catholic Church in Ohio
( I think the report said 10) are calling for the State of Ohio to ban capital punishment. I was baptized Catholic, raised Catholic, and went to Catholic schools, even taught CCD and First Communion classes for awhile, but I am dumbfounded when the Church gets involved where it doesn't belong. So, catch the bastards who did this. Spend an inordinate amount of time building a case against them. Put the families and friends of the murdered couple threw a living nightmare, and then don't do anything so inhumane as to give the MFa lethal injection>!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? I am embarrassed by my now former faith. I was already blown away when the Pope said that the 3rd World countries should not use condoms as it was a form of birth control.Then, they finally said gay men were able to, negating AIDS in the general population or for that matter allowing children to be born into abject poverty, virtual slavery and starvation? Now, I hear about Ms. Straub and her boyfriend and know the Church is petitioning to stop killing murderers?! How fucked up is that!!?? ( ps - sorry about the long username- kick me- I read your preference after I created it)
( I think the report said 10) are calling for the State of Ohio to ban capital punishment. I was baptized Catholic, raised Catholic, and went to Catholic schools, even taught CCD and First Communion classes for awhile, but I am dumbfounded when the Church gets involved where it doesn't belong. So, catch the bastards who did this. Spend an inordinate amount of time building a case against them. Put the families and friends of the murdered couple threw a living nightmare, and then don't do anything so inhumane as to give the MFa lethal injection>!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????? I am embarrassed by my now former faith. I was already blown away when the Pope said that the 3rd World countries should not use condoms as it was a form of birth control.Then, they finally said gay men were able to, negating AIDS in the general population or for that matter allowing children to be born into abject poverty, virtual slavery and starvation? Now, I hear about Ms. Straub and her boyfriend and know the Church is petitioning to stop killing murderers?! How fucked up is that!!?? ( ps - sorry about the long username- kick me- I read your preference after I created it)