crash Wrote:LuMPyPussy Wrote:It's not worth the aggravation. Bullshit... That's why you don't want to sort it out, you want the aggravation, it gives you something to fill in your lonely fucking days and stops you spending a small fortune on shit you don't need at ebay Oh good, another one that's gone to the Sinister School of Online Psychoanalysis.
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LuMPyPussy Wrote:You were trying to emulate Nomad, he of the Jack Handey quotes without attrition fame... you know, the guy that would pop into a normal thread and post "One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said. "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late." and get huge laughs and applause for his wacky sense of humor, when in reality he just took the thread off topic AND plagarized. That's a troll.
Frank, you were fucking LIVID when I joined that forum. You quoted me when I said something unflattering about you there, making it obvious as hell you were lurking and searching for your and Prince Colin's names and having a shit fit when it happened.
Call me a liar all you like, but it doesn't change facts. You're a control freak. You call everyone a troll. JB's been banned more times than I have, but you're too chickenshit to include her in this little round of finger pointing.
Oh, and hey! Congrats for having BROTHER backing you up. I think you'll see how well that little treat is going to work out for you when her real crazy starts showing... you ain't seen nothing yet.
OK, that's it .. you officially are a lying bitch in my book! ::laugh:: I have no idea what the hell you are talking about with "emulating Nomad." You are really enjoying making shit up today, eh? You are way too into this forum shit, you're delusional or something. I was just being me, goofing around. You seem to have convinced yourself, or need to feel, that I was livid when you joined that other forum. OK, whatever floats your boat. But again, you are making shit up. I thought you were being annoying with your announcement thread on it, but that was just your MO and I was already accustomed to people that make forum posts and drama too much a part of their life. I wasn't surprised, knowing your past.
At first I thought it was weird you paid for my membership but the full picture on that is clear now. You are way too tangled up in drama forum shit and obviously get off, as OP does, in creating, destroying, then creating webs again. Very sad. Two people who like to post just to deliberately start shit or push buttons, and break rules or standards.
We both know you trolled a lot, and that is the point. Same as OP does, sometimes. You trolled, and loved to stir drama. I've seen you do it across multiple sites. You've done it on my sites with the threads you started and the posts you made. Period. BROTHER has been 100% correct from my point of view. I've just seen you do too much to think otherwise. But keep kidding yourself.
And I am not talking about JB because I am talking about you, dopey. ::nuts::
I admit I have dibbled in trolling here and there, but mildly, and I admit it. You seem to be in denial, which is amazing because anyone who knows you knows you over a long time period, or across multiple sites, knows have gone out of your way to make posts that effectively troll because their purpose was just to start or fuel shit. Your biker thread was the last straw, and that was why you got banned. But go ahead, keep making shit up and deflecting the truth ... Have a blast.
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crash Wrote:LuMPyPussy Wrote:It's not worth the aggravation. Bullshit... That's why you don't want to sort it out, you want the aggravation, it gives you something to fill in your lonely fucking days
I agree with BROTHER and crash now. She loves the drama, that is why she has trolled on my sites over the last few years. Again, not just a troll or always trolling, but good God, constantly looking to push buttons, stir shit, complain in PMs, get personal, etc. Typical person who likes to stir drama and troll around to satisfy emotional needs. Why she thinks her posts would come off as something else is beyond me. She is full of shit.
LMPP, shut the fuck up!
Middle Finger Wrote:LuMPyPussy Wrote:You were trying to emulate Nomad, he of the Jack Handey quotes without attrition fame... you know, the guy that would pop into a normal thread and post "One thing kids like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take my little nephew to Disneyland, but instead I drove him to an old burned-out warehouse. "Oh, no," I said. "Disneyland burned down." He cried and cried, but I think that deep down, he thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to drive over to the real Disneyland, but it was getting pretty late." and get huge laughs and applause for his wacky sense of humor, when in reality he just took the thread off topic AND plagarized. That's a troll.
Frank, you were fucking LIVID when I joined that forum. You quoted me when I said something unflattering about you there, making it obvious as hell you were lurking and searching for your and Prince Colin's names and having a shit fit when it happened.
Call me a liar all you like, but it doesn't change facts. You're a control freak. You call everyone a troll. JB's been banned more times than I have, but you're too chickenshit to include her in this little round of finger pointing.
Oh, and hey! Congrats for having BROTHER backing you up. I think you'll see how well that little treat is going to work out for you when her real crazy starts showing... you ain't seen nothing yet.
OK, that's it .. you officially are a lying bitch in my book! ::laugh:: I have no idea what the hell you are talking about with "emulating Nomad." You are really enjoying making shit up today, eh? You are way too into this forum shit, you're delusional or something. I was just being me, goofing around. You seem to have convinced yourself, or need to feel, that I was livid when you joined that other forum. OK, whatever floats your boat. But again, you are making shit up. I thought you were being annoying with your announcement thread on it, but that was just your MO and I was already accustomed to people that make forum posts and drama too much a part of their life. I wasn't surprised, knowing your past.
At first I thought it was weird you paid for my membership but the full picture on that is clear now. You are way too tangled up in drama forum shit and obviously get off, as OP does, in creating, destroying, then creating webs again. Very sad. Two people who like to post just to deliberately start shit or push buttons, and break rules or standards.
We both know you trolled a lot, and that is the point. Same as OP does, sometimes. You trolled, and loved to stir drama. I've seen you do it across multiple sites. You've done it on my sites with the threads you started and the posts you made. Period. BROTHER has been 100% correct from my point of view. I've just seen you do too much to think otherwise. But keep kidding yourself.
And I am not talking about JB because I am talking about you, dopey. ::nuts::
I admit I have dibbled in trolling here and there, but mildly, and I admit it. You seem to be in denial, which is amazing because anyone who knows you knows you over a long time period, or across multiple sites, knows have gone out of your way to make posts that effectively troll because their purpose was just to start or fuel shit. Your biker thread was the last straw, and that was why you got banned. But go ahead, keep making shit up and deflecting the truth ... Have a blast.
When you start agreeing with BROTHER, your credibility suffers greatly.
Frank, you're such a controlling little megalomaniac that you were even lurking at my little forum and notified me that someone was impersonating you. Oh my god, the nerve! The guy made two posts, imitating you with a comment like "this forum will never make it, come to a fun time!" Two posts and you're up my ass to ban the guy... and you weren't even a member at the forum. And he had you spot on... you were trolling sites by posting bullshit exactly like that.
I admit I'm occasionally an asshole. You call anyone that disagrees with you or your protected little enclave a troll. It's all semantics... but I'm not a liar. You're just a deluded little fool that thinks he's some kind of internet god. I get a lot of shit for being a 'barren and fat lesbian with no life" but you're the one running your forum like a facist dictator. Go spend some time with your long-suffering wife and children.
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I barely remember your little forum but I do remember being told to go look by someone because they wanted to know if it was me, so I said it wasn't me. I remember letting you know that it wasn't me, in case you thought so. It's amazing how you keep creating and building these dramas that are apparently much bigger in your mind than mine. You have me going around being angry and maniacal ... you keep stretching, exaggerating, and deflecting. This internet God this is BS too, I don't feel anything like that. But listen, if trying to make ME look bad is your way of coping with the fact that your troll and stir up drama to fill some emotional need or whatever, OK, I get it. You and OP don't troll. It's not true, but I hope you feel better having me say it anyway. I can't help you with multiple people noticing your MO across multiple sites over the years. You are going to have go deflect and find, create, or exaggerate the things they did to be big enough to hopefully distract from the fact that you troll. What can I say ... good luck?
Go spend time with your long suffering wife and children, Frank. Your insistence is getting a bit shrill and you obviously need a break.
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LuMPyPussy Wrote:Go spend time with your long suffering wife and children, Frank. Your insistence is getting a bit shrill and you obviously need a break.
::laugh:: OK, deflector. Trying to push buttons (your troll MO kicking in) and getting personal, attacking, etc. is another effective way to distract and make other people look bad to bury their view you are a troll and have your whacky MO. I got it. Well done? Job well done? Good job making other people look bad so you don't? Good job? You and OP don't troll - feel better and have a nice day?
Middle Finger Wrote:LuMPyPussy Wrote:Go spend time with your long suffering wife and children, Frank. Your insistence is getting a bit shrill and you obviously need a break.
::laugh:: OK, deflector. Trying to push buttons (your troll MO kicking in) and getting personal, attacking, etc. is another effective way to distract and make other people look bad to bury their view you are a troll and have your whacky MO. I got it. Well done? Job well done? Good job making other people look bad so you don't? Good job? You and OP don't troll - feel better and have a nice day? Frank, you blithering idiot, you continuously announcing that I'm a troll has nothing to do with my original post. So who's trolling now, Mussolini?
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On the very first page of this thread you said you weren't a troll, that is why the discussion evolved to address that bullshit. Keep trying to deflect by making others look bad. I am so shocked you are trying that tactic again (not). Now I am bad for discussing your trolling even though it was mentioned early in this thread and the discussion went that way. Are you nuts, pathetic, full of shit, deflecting as a defensive MO, or just stupid? It doesn't matter, your MO and attempt to deflect by exaggerating or trying to make others look bad is obvious. Anything else? Want me to say you don't troll? Want to me to say I and others are bad and wrong for saying you troll or discussing in this thread? Pathetic ... if you want to keep making excuses, lying, or deflecting, someone like me might call you on it. If you don't like it, don't say you don't troll or defend it. You can always shut up and go talk about something else.
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I will be back later on to see if you are still pretending you haven't trolled, OP hasn't trolled, or just to see how bad other people are for calling you out on your obviously emotionally fucked up MO across multiple sites over the years. I'm sure someone out there will fall for your deflection tactics and bullshit.
Good luck!!
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Just leave me the fuck out of all this shit okay?
I personally couldn't give a flying fuck whether Frank thinks I am a troll or not and I don't have the sort of bullshit forum gardenancient historycrap to talk about either, so fuck off.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
I like the way Lumpy holds up to the fact that she lies etc.
She then continues to babble on with her out right lies.
Sit back and watch.
Well, since Frank calls EVERYONE a troll, I can't say it's much of an insult. It does show a complete lack of imagination, though... like him always mentioning OP's hamsters and Ramsey's younger fuck buddy. It was mildly amusing the first 20 or so times, but he runs this shit into the ground.
Frank, call me what you like. Your opinion is as valuable to me as Crash's was.
BROTHER Wrote:I like the way Lumpy holds up to the fact that she lies etc.
She then continues to babble on with her out right lies.
Sit back and watch.![[Image: tongue0001.gif]](
Thank you for that valuable contribution. You're a shining star here at Mock. ::thumbs::
Oops, look at that... I'm lying.
Deflect away Pussy!::aww::
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Just leave me the fuck out of all this shit okay?
I personally couldn't give a flying fuck whether Frank thinks I am a troll or not and I don't have the sort of bullshit forum gardenancient historycrap to talk about either, so fuck off.
Look familiar?
Quote:And I am not talking about JB because I am talking about you, dopey. ::nuts::
He keeps bringing you up, yet he's all sanctimonious when I asked about another member here that's been banned at least as many times as I have due to his obsessive need to control his forum and those on it.
Sanctimonious, hypocritical, double standard, lying piece of shit. But then, that usually goes without saying with anyone that's met our little Frankie's charming online persona.
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I think "everyone" is a troll? No, just the ones I named, LumpyDeflector. Oh look, a deflecting tactic where it is exaggerated that I think everyone is a troll, and I am the one doing something wrong again! What a shock!
I just got done vacuuming my pool. We are going out to eat ... I will check in later to see how the Deflecting, Lying, Excuse-Making, Troll-like Multi-Site Drama Bitch is doing.
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Middle Finger Wrote:I just got done vacuuming my pool. We are going out to eat ... I will check in later to see how the Deflecting, Lying, Excuse-Making, Troll-like Multi-Site Drama Bitch is doing. Maybe you could try what Mill does, put her on ignore and check in periodically to see if she's worthy of being unignored.
Frank, if you prefer to call me a troll when I stand up to internet bullies such as yourself and most of the Fox Klux Klan, then I can live with that. You win! Feel better? ::aww::
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Frank, if you prefer to call me a troll when I stand up to internet bullies such as yourself and most of the Fox Klux Klan, then I can live with that. You win! Feel better? ::aww::
OMFG! LMAO! The Drama of it all.
Honey, it's time for you to take stock of the fact that you are one "Fantastic Troll". You achieve this by befriending people that you think can help your cause, and your cause is nothing more then 'self serving adulation'. Your own personal
'Reach out spew hate':  :