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What is the best online payment service for a middleman?
I want to start a middleman service and I'll have to deal with money(online). What service is the cheapest to use. I will need to hold the money from client B(buyer) until I can validate the items of client A(seller) and then I release the money to client A. My business is not US based and I will work with people from all around the world. What is the service for online money transfer with lowest or no fees involved for cross-country payments?

Thank you

i am too stupid and lazy to get a real job.

[Image: 8527_127771887571_553712571_2588776_3245834_n.jpg]
try "Middleman Up Your Ass"...

Fug duh kund
I think you're about to be tased!!!
Have you ever considered taking this business and sticking it up your ass spammer.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(07-27-2011, 11:28 PM)Willie Belieu Wrote: What service is the cheapest to use.

[Image: sterb130.gif]

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I will gladly be your middleman..just send me all your money, I will gladly handle it for you. I will keep it for safe keeping in my own private off shore bank account. Troll
Any site is fine.

Just help your customers find the coin slot, for their pocket-change, on their computers.

I'm hoping for your speedy IPO!