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This one makes me giggle... Look at all the big bad ass leather wearing rednecks... Except one of them is drinking Rosé from the bottle...
Bahhahahahahahah.. fucking Rosé, the gayest drink on the planet
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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The only people I have ever heard using the term 'Brutha' are fucking fringe dwellers...
jesus, buy a fucking suit and take a Dale Carnegie seminar for christ's sake.
Fug duh kund
The Antagonist
Crash summed it all up quite nicely.
Lumpy, Post what? 10 here you asked what's wrong with people like that..... it's called Narcissism. These are misfit control freaks. She doesn't get it, none of them do.
911JB summed up the meaning and when HE does it makes perfect sense. BUT - he explains it in real life situations. I don't think for one second he takes the shit said in an internet forum seriously and he probably would not get so freakin' irate if the word was used unlike Smooth and Wolf.
It still amuses me that Wolf is (was) running HER forum and enforcing the rules.
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Hahahaha...Was that old dude chugging wine out of the bottle ? ::lmao::
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The Antagonist Wrote:It still amuses me that Wolf is (was) running HER forum and enforcing the rules. She has to be subservient to the alpha male because she has no will or ego of her own, it's obvious she lives a being "taken in hand" lifestyle.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Where do you find this shit, OP?
Taken in hand? What a crock of insecure male driven brainwashing tripe... Poor fools are so insecure they can't find a partner they can trust, so they have to find one they can intimidate and dominate.
Fucking hell, if my wife were still alive, she would have probably kicked me in the balls if I had of suggested shit like that and said "How about you take those in hand, asshole!"
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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crash Wrote:Where do you find this shit, OP?
Taken in hand? What a crock of insecure male driven brainwashing tripe... Poor fools are so insecure they can't find a partner they can trust, so they have to find one they can intimidate and dominate.
Fucking hell, if my wife were still alive, she would have probably kicked me in the balls if I had of suggested shit like that and said "How about you take those in hand, asshole!"
I've been around, I read a lot, about anything and everything.
Iwouldn't knowhow my wife would react if I suggested this kind of lifestyle until I'd regained consciousness after she had twatted me over the head with a frying pan.
Only insecure men want insecure doormats for wives and girlfriends.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Duchess Wrote:If you were my brother it would mean that I put you before all else in my life...before my family, job, the law, ALWAYS come first...That's all I have taken from the explanation I heard.
You want to know why I got kicked out of the biker forum the first time? It was because I told Sin, IN A PM that just as bikers feel that way about their "brother" bikers...I felt that way about a person e were discussing in the PM conversation. She therefore informed me that I just proved I HAD NO CLUE what bikers were all about..and therefore was no longer welcome in their clique.
OK, I know I will gt razzed for disclosing a PM conversation..but I just wanted to say that.
The Antagonist
No you won't Marie..... she's insane.
You were dealing with a woman who had just become a biker. Like the kid who took one Karate lesson and goes around saying, "I know Karate!" she does this with "biker this and biker that" bullshit.
She made it a point to go around telling everyone she's a biker. Real bikers don't do that. They don't crave the attention nor feel the need to educate and make people "understand" them.
Her name on FG was babyrider.... BABYrider for shit's sake, says it all. You tell me why she wrecked!
The biker forum was boring. I think a lot of them posted just to pacify her. Maybe Bullet sent that wolf guy in there to babysit her? I don't know. I don't care. All I know is that I found out today she's burning even more bridges and she's got the gall to bust Frank's chops with her illogical and irrational reasoning.
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The whole Brotherhood meme is bullshit. Hotstop a van full of bikers and they scatter like the little bitches they are, leaving the driver to fend for himself.
There is more loyalty among contestants of "Survivor" then there is with biker gangs.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:Okay, I know I'm running this into the ground, but I'm trying to understand this.
You start a forum, supposedly to educate the masses on the biker way of life, but the guy running it treats everyone but bikers very rudely and bans them at the drop of a hat.
I gotta wonder... are all these people really this thin-skinned in person? Because they wouldn't be able to function in day to day encounters if they were. Is this some form of online machismo because they're actually weak and ineffective in real life?
I'm not mocking them right now, I'm just trying to get a grip on this irrational behavior. Anyone understand the psychology behind this? I think someone else should reopen the forum.
Wouldn't that be a hoot?::bigg::
crash Wrote:
This one makes me giggle... Look at all the big bad ass leather wearing rednecks... Except one of them is drinking Rosé from the bottle...
Bahhahahahahahah.. fucking Rosé, the gayest drink on the planet Rosé? It looks like White Zin (still gay drink, but mmmm)
My son saw the pic and said 'Santa Claus! Ho Ho Ho!' bahah
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:The Antagonist Wrote:It still amuses me that Wolf is (was) running HER forum and enforcing the rules. She has to be subservient to the alpha male because she has no will or ego of her own, it's obvious she lives a being "taken in hand" lifestyle. :shock::shock::shock:
"Sometimes a good beating does both of you good"
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OnBendedKnee Wrote:The whole Brotherhood meme is bullshit. Hotstop a van full of bikers and they scatter like the little bitches they are, leaving the driver to fend for himself.
There is more loyalty among contestants of "Survivor" then there is with biker gangs. Finally brutha, something I can agree with you on. ::thumbs::
Fug duh kund