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I swiped this as I was wandering around a Topix hellhole. It's an opening post, I didn't take the time to read the thread, all I know for sure is the person is a dumbass.

Should WHITE PEOPLE say they are sorry for mistreating BLACKS for THOUSANDS OF YEARS of past injustices against the BLACK races?? I think an apology is DEFINITELY required of the White man. THEN, he AND his RACE can make RESTITUTION and COMPENSATION for the NEXT SEVERAL THOUSANDS of YEARS. This whole thing WILL NOT GO AWAY until JUSTICE has been served.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile


I look forward to Cracker's response. Smiley_emoticons_fies
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
The last time someone said something like that to me was in 1994 in Ft. Benning. I offered to buy him a plane ticket back to Africa, and he never talked to me after that....
(10-24-2011, 06:07 AM)cannongal Wrote: The last time someone said something like that to me was in 1994 in Ft. Benning. I offered to buy him a plane ticket back to Africa, and he never talked to me after that....

(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile


I had no idea that blacks had been mistreated for thousands of years.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
If sitting on their asses collecting government checks is mistreatment. well id like to be mistreated too.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile


If I didn't work I wouldn't be able to afford myself.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I think the whole thing needs to be let go of now, yes it happened, and no we should never forget it happened, but the time for compo and apologies has come and gone.

Time to move on.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

I don't ever feel like I owe blacks an apology...even if I had ancestors that owned slaves I still wouldn't feel that way and frankly, I wouldn't mind having a few slaves, three should suffice.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
At one point in history blacks were the ruling class in their geographic region, but they devoured themselves.

at one point in history blacks enslaved other blacks, but they devoured themselves.

but at no point were they enslaved for thousands of years, and at no point in the last century have any blacks been enslaved in this country or others.

time heals all wounds and settles all debt.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

(10-24-2011, 08:21 AM)Duchess Wrote:

I don't ever feel like I owe blacks an apology...even if I had ancestors that owned slaves I still wouldn't feel that way and frankly, I wouldn't mind having a few slaves, three should suffice.

(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

(10-24-2011, 08:21 AM)Duchess Wrote:

I don't ever feel like I owe blacks an apology...even if I had ancestors that owned slaves I still wouldn't feel that way and frankly, I wouldn't mind having a few slaves, three should suffice.

Slaves don't have to be black, you see this is the stereo type that makes and keeps them thinking they need to collect restitution.

Blacks made the worst slaves of just about any others in history.

The chinese,the mexicans were both much better slaves than blacks and you don't see them trying to collect restitution.

The chinese can claim thousands of years as slaves, no other race can.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams

A hell of a lot of the slave were portugese, how so many of them ended up in south america.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

He should shave off his eyebrows, sharpie them back on, and go make a facebook page if he wants to be legit.
[Image: oc%20bugs%20black%20face%20close.jpg]

Or a great Halloween costume.........

[Image: lone_minstrel.jpg]
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Slavery and slave trade was well established in Africa and the Middle East long before the trans-Atlantic slave trade began in the late 1500's AD.

The first written reports of slavery go back to about 2100 BC in the area that is now Iraq.

As Dick said, slaves don't have to be black.

Modern blacks who believe differently need to just get over it.
I say we sell them all into slavery again. thatll learn'em.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

I say let them play sports and make a bunch of money for the white owners of the team.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
My football team is exactly that LOL
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile
