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(02-14-2013, 05:59 PM)thekid65 Wrote: gotta wait till Tues. for the testimony to resume. I thought for sure between today and tomorrow, we were finally gonna get to the meat of this case.
I think it's funny you got drawn into the drama.
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(02-14-2013, 05:59 PM)thekid65 Wrote: gotta wait till Tues. for the testimony to resume. I thought for sure between today and tomorrow, we were finally gonna get to the meat of this case.
Are you feeling like Jodi's been successful in painting herself as having been abused, Kid? I'm curious as to whether she's possibly coming across differently to men. My mom and older sister are watching the trial and keep me updated; we all think she's completely full of shit.
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(02-14-2013, 06:04 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I think it's funny you got drawn into the drama. 
I know, right? My ex was really into the court TV shit. She was glued to the TV for the Casey Anthony trial. I never really understood the fascination...until now. I even used to kid her about it a little bit. If I wouldnt have been sick for 3 days during the week, I never even would have known about this trial.
(02-14-2013, 06:35 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Are you feeling like Jodi's been successful in painting herself as having been abused, Kid? I'm curious as to whether she's possibly coming across differently to men. My mom and older sister are watching the trial and keep me updated; we all think she's completely full of shit.
Yes and no. Personally, I think all she was to him was pretty much just a fuck toy, and he basically treated her as such. While she was much more deeper in love. I believe he knew that he had her wrapped around his finger, and that allowed him to get away with behavior that most women wouldnt put up with. She seems to be a very intelligent, articulate, and very well spoken woman. I do believe she's speaking a lot of truth when she talks about their relationship.
To her credit, she hasnt totally trashed him, when she's had ample opportunity to do so. If she really wanted to embellish her story, she could make things sound a lot worse than she has so far. So that's why I think she's being pretty truthful with her testimony so far. But nothing, absolutely nothing I've seen/heard so far would justify this battered women syndrome defense. And certainly nothing so far to think that Alexander had done anything that would make her feel that her life would be threatened so that she'd have to carve him up like she did.
I'm keeping a very open mind, and not passing any judgement until I hear all of the testimony, especially the upcoming cross on Arias. It irritates me to no end that several of the commentators/hosts on "In Session" have basically convicted her and arent afraid to show their obvious bias with their commentary. I wish they would be more impartial, and leave their fucking dramatic commentary to Nancy Grace (I can't stand that woman).
I'll also say this. Martinez would be wise to not be the dick that he seems to be during the cross examination. If the jury has any sympathy for Arias, it could be exacerbated by the prosecutor being a dick.
You know who I really feel for in this trial, is her Dad. Man, the first day he was in the gallery he got to hear about his daughter taking it in the ass, sucking cock, and getting facials.
Of the millions of sperm injected into your mother's pussy, you were the quickest?
You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.
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kid I agree with EVERYTHING you said I couldn't figure how to put it the way you did. I also feel she hasnt trashed Travis the way she could and has been honest in ways that don't shade her well but I also think it may be because there is evidence to show otherwise so she really has no way to do anything else. she cant really say no i didnt like this or being called this because on the sex audio tape that she recorded, it says otherwise. or am I understanding it wrong or different? I am surprised a couple times she gets lost in the questions. Martinez according to insession is known as a pit bull attorney or prosecutor and I actually am excited to see him take her by the horns because watching her talk and talk is getting boring I think she needs direction in question. I do worry he is going to cut her off and then her attorney will object for not letting her finish her answer and that will not look good to the jury. my boyfriend has gotten hooked as he gets ready for work and he tells me thinks she is going to fry lol, but he isn't watching the trial everyday.
also about the dad I feel bad only that he had to hear it but Jodi knows exactly what is going to be talked about every day and she can have her family warned and excused. her dad coming there that day was planned, I almost bet it was, IMO. I've been told what happens in court rooms is almost all theatrics and so her dad being there at least to me was nothing more than to make the jury feel bad or sorry for her having to tell these details in front of her dad and brother. especially when the lawyer drew attention to it, why not ask if was difficult to say those things in front of her mom, her aunt, her friend that was there, I don't think her sister came until the next day but she has more supporters than just her dad and brother there and if it's difficult to say it in front of them it's difficult in front of anyone, i would say its hard especially for them. also I can't remember if it was the dad or the grandpa but one of them tried to prove it wasn't Jodi by going to her work and getting her time sheets to say she was at work, thinking she was because she told them she was still working. only to find out that she had stop working on the 31st of may I believe after he brought them to the police and they willingly looked at them with him and notified him of her last day worked. the realization that she wasn't at work at the time this happened sunk in and the police stated they understood and would have done the same thing had this been their daughter or granddaughter(can't remember if it was the dad or grandpa but which ever it was they would have done the same for that family member).
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Thanks, Kid.
I can see men on the jury (and women, for that matter) looking at it similarly.
I agree that Alexander wasn't in love with Jodi and he treated her like a fuck toy. Not admirable. But, he was able to treat her as a fuck toy because she let him and she liked it. She liked it, imo, because she was trying to use sex as a springboard/catch into a more serious relationship with him; a control strategy which failed.
I disagree that she hasn't trashed him though. I think she has done so at every opportunity. She has accused him of being a cheater, an emotional and physical abuser, a pervert with pedophilic desires, a money scammer, etc... There isn't much that she hasn't accused him of, even though there's not one shred of evidence to support any of those allegations. So far, evidence has only shown that Alexander was a randy guy who strayed from his Mormon vows and partook in a weird relationship that was mostly just sexual to him.
But, I do understand your point. While she has accused him of all these things in her testimony, she's done so while acting as though she was in no way angry with him, she was just trying to please him, and she was genuinely forgiving of all of his supposed transgressions. She doesn't come out and directly call him names, she waits for Nuri to pull it out of her. It's textbook demeanor/behavior from the "abuse victim" handbook. Which is precisely what she is basing her behavior upon, imo. All of her accusations and the manner in which she's presenting them are designed to portray her as having been abused, though there's none of the usual evidence to corroborate an abuse claim.
I'm open-minded, I think. I try, anyway. And, I agree sometimes the pundits are quite one-sided in their views. My opinion is based on the evidence presented and my perception of the credibility of the witnesses. There's plenty of evidence that Jodi Arias is a hard-core liar. But, even if Jodi is suddenly being largely truthful, I agree with you that nothing presented so far comes close to a self-defense justification. And, I share your concern and that of heartbreaker; if Martinez is combative during the cross-examination, he could alienate any sympathetic juror(s) and come across as another man bullying poor Jodi. I hope he handles her strategically and sticks with calmly debunking her words with evidence to the contrary.
Seems like there's a lot more to hear; sure hope Nuri takes his client to the actual day of the murder sometime this century...
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Something i picked up while listening to the audio this morning is that she said to Travis on the tape that she was running twice a week to keep her heart rate up. She was saying this in response to him saying he was all sweaty on the phone while they were having phone sex and she said she loved it because that made it all that more slippery for her to slip around on him for her. She said that she got so sweaty when she was with him because she was really giving it her all. The reason i mention this is because the guy that she ended up going to make out with after she murdered Travis got up on the stand and said that she was a lot stronger than she looked and that she was bragging about having a six pack under her shirt. if she was running two days a week it would start to piece together how she would have some of the energy and possibly the strength or endurance to have that fight. She told on herself in that audio and i wonder who else heard that and picked up on that especially on the jury. I know many people who will work out but not run because they despise running, they may walk or fast walk to get the cardio going but running is just not their thing. I wonder why she took up running all of a sudden, was it because travis was doing it before she left? When she said it she stuttered for a second or paused, sort of like she did when she mentioned how she was introduced to KY and she supposedly confessed why she was awkward on the phone, was because she didn't want to bring up the fact that she was introduced to KY by her ex boyfriend. Just some things i noticed from this mornings audio tape that they played in far more detail on InSession. I figured they must have done this because they couldn't have two straight days of just talking about the same things over and over again. Many of the things i heard this morning weren't things i heard prior but i had to shut it off at some point enough was enough. I'll pick up on tuesday i can only take so much of the hosts and comments.
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HoTD Wrote:I disagree that she hasn't trashed him though. I think she has done so at every opportunity.
I didn't say she hadn't trashed him. What I'm saying is that she definitely could have really trashed him. Especially when it comes to the perceived deviancy of their sex life. She's had ample opportunity to embellish on her feelings about that, and make the perception that it was forced, and she was an unwilling participant. But for the most part, she's come across as rather enjoying it.
Speaking of that...I know I can't be the only one that was scratching their head (no, not that head) when she talked about the first time he went up the poop chute. She described being asleep, and she said when she woke up he was inside her. WTF??? Now ladies, you tell me...wouldnt you know the very second that some guy even touched the chocolate starfish with his cock? Especially w/o lube? Granted, I've seen the uncensored nudes of her and that bunghole defo looks like it's seen it's share of action...but still I can't imagine a woman not immediately waking up.
On a side note, Heartbreaker....Using paragraphs would make your posts much easier to read.
Of the millions of sperm injected into your mother's pussy, you were the quickest?
You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.
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(02-16-2013, 08:02 AM)thekid65 Wrote: I didn't say she hadn't trashed him. What I'm saying is that she definitely could have really trashed him. Especially when it comes to the perceived deviancy of their sex life. She's had ample opportunity to embellish on her feelings about that, and make the perception that it was forced, and she was an unwilling participant. But for the most part, she's come across as rather enjoying it.
I understood you, Kid. I just disagree. I think she has REALLY trashed him and don't think she deserves any credit for holding back. I think she's lying about mostly every detail in her stories in order to paint Alexander in the worst possible light in the eyes of the jury. But, even if a lot of the sexual details are true, she can't call him derogatory names or act all incensed on the stand because there is a ton of evidence that she was a willing participant who enjoyed and sometimes initiated the perceived deviancy.
So, she and her attorney are now weaving a story that she didn't realize that she should have been very angry about how she was being treated (and still doesn't) because she trusted Alexander, a man who was controlling/violating and leading naïve Jodi down the wrong path. She was pliable, according to their story, because she was so scarred from the previous "abuse" in her life. She's REALLY trashing the shit outta him, consistently and meekly and in line with her latest version of "Jodi and Travis" and how she wants the jurors to view them both. IMO.
(02-16-2013, 08:02 AM)thekid65 Wrote: Speaking of that...I know I can't be the only one that was scratching their head (no, not that head) when she talked about the first time he went up the poop chute. She described being asleep, and she said when she woke up he was inside her. WTF??? Now ladies, you tell me...wouldnt you know the very second that some guy even touched the chocolate starfish with his cock? Especially w/o lube?
Nice colorful description. No beating around the bush.
Yes, unless I was unconscious, I'd awaken immediately in the scenario you described, before the actual penetration occurred. Jodi's simply lying in attempt to portray herself as being sexually violated instead of being sexually manipulative, in my opinion. This is one of many implausible and unsubstantiated stories from Jodi which allows her to continue really trashing Alexander indirectly.
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(02-16-2013, 11:33 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: she and her attorney are now weaving a story that she didn't realize that she should have been very angry about how she was being treated
How can they expect to get away with that? It sounds insane & doesn't make a bit of sense unless someone is so mentally challenged they shouldn't even be living without assistance. People know when they are treated badly.
To answer Kid's question - yes, I'd know if someone attempted that and I don't think it's a stretch to say that most women would.
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sorry I had done two paragraphs and on the preview it showed as that, I'm on the iPad... not sure what happened I frequently post from the iPad and I see that is happening I'll post more from my laptop. thanks for the heads up/tip.
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DVR set....check. Now, can we please hear about some carnage today???
Of the millions of sperm injected into your mother's pussy, you were the quickest?
You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.
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(02-19-2013, 04:52 AM)thekid65 Wrote: DVR set....check. Now, can we please hear about some carnage today???
Looking forward to her "explanation" of self defense.
It's just so normal to slice the neck of their attacker, stab them multiple times, and lets not forget; shoot them as well. I cannot imagine how she is going to try to justify all of this. Maybe Jodi will use the She-Hulk defense....
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She obviously killed him because she's a dick... can't we just keep her on the stand and have her regale us with stories of sexual conquest?
I mean sleeping through anal is a start... she's got to have better stuff than that.
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(02-19-2013, 11:10 AM)Jimbone Wrote: sleeping through anal
We know that's impossible through our own experience, what if there are women on the jury who wouldn't know that, women who are easily led?
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(02-19-2013, 11:14 AM)Duchess Wrote: (02-19-2013, 11:10 AM)Jimbone Wrote: sleeping through anal
We know that's impossible through our own experience, what if there are women on the jury who wouldn't know that, women who are easily led?
Lets pray they have a gay in their life. That should explain it all to them.
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If I were her, I'd say something really stupid like he attacked me, I stabbed him and I don't remember anything after that. The ole "I blacked out" defense. I don't think she can possibly justify the carnage.
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I tried to get into watching this but I found the channel before it began, there was a countdown box in the corner of the screen and the commentators drove me to distraction. I wrongly assumed those people would simply state the facts and discuss them & not give their own very dramatic opinions. I'll stick to reading about it in this thread, you guys do a better job of discussing it.
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The court is in recess for lunch. Ha!
It's nothing exciting but text messages between Travis and her. Basically, what her take is on the meaning of them.
The rehash of the witnesses on In Session and comparing stories is interesting in terms of Jodi's alibi, lying, and explanations.
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I watched for awhile today. I wonder if the jury picks up on her little inconsistencies (which add up to I'M LYING).
I'm paraphrasing but it went something like this today:
Arias: He only hit me one time.
Attorney: When he hit you in the face?
Arias: No, he didn't hit me in the face.
Attorney: On your cheek.
Arias: Yeah, on the side of my face.
She also said she went in the bathroom and Travis continued doing whatever he was doing in the office.
Attorney: Did you hear Travis in the office?
Arias: No, I don't recall hearing him.
Her memory seems to be getting fuzzier the closer it gets to the murder. I'm pretty sure she's going to say she blacked out or something.
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Well she got all the way up to taking pictures of travis in the shower. So tomorrow HAS to be the day, right? i sure as hell hope so. I am scratching my head over some of the things she said today, they just aren't making sense.
BUT one thing that did get answered, where the knife supposedly came from. Travis brought it in to cut the rope that he was going to use to tie her up with after the measured it out and he either left the knife in the bathroom or the night stand she said she can't remember. But they went back to the bed and he tied her up. The knife was from his knife block from the kitchen, does this sound like Clue?