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Marines taking a leak...
live leak? hah

[Image: article-0-0F6B5B6D00000578-420_634x356.jpg]

(01-14-2012, 09:32 AM)Misguided Wrote: Aussie,...remember what the Japanese did to your countymen during WW2.Do you know of the acts committed on them?Any skeleton's in your countries Military closet?
Mistakes happen.Respond to them in a appropriate manner with all things considered,not simply just by public outcry or political correctness and with a appropriate punishment to fit that situation.

For a long time when I was growing up, you would hear the tales of the World War II veterans had how they despised the japanese. They were called "The Japs". They had terrible stories of inhumane treatment that these men suffered at their hands and many of their war buddies were killed. It affected the way many thought about the Japanese for some time after I think.

As for mistakes in our military's closet, there has been something in the news about inappropriate behaviour of some guys filming a girl without her consent. I personally, could never survive an atomosphere like the armed forces.


Remember this thread? I would have hated to see him say he regretted it.

A Marine who was fined and demoted for urinating on Taliban corpses in Afghanistan in 2011 says he would do it again.

“I regret maybe any repercussions it might have had on the Marines. But do I regret doing it? Hell no,” Sgt. Joseph Chamblin told WSOC-TV in Charlotte, N.C., adding that he would do it again.

The infamous incident was videotaped and uploaded to YouTube last year, becoming international news and raising fears of retaliation by Afghan troops against their coalition trainers.

“These were the same guys that were killing our family, killing our brothers,” said Sgt. Chamblin, who was on a mission to stop Taliban insurgents from making roadside bombs.

One of his sniper team members, Sgt. Mark Bradley, was killed by a buried bomb days before the incident.

“We’re human,” he said. “Who wouldn’t if you lost your brother or mother? Wouldn’t you want revenge?”

Sgt. Chamblin said he didn’t consider endangering other troops by the act, but considered the psychological effect it would have on the enemy “because if an infidel touches the body, they’re not going to Mecca or paradise.”

“So now these insurgents see what happens when you mess with us,” said Sgt. Chamblin, adding that he is planning to retire in September and is writing a book.

The Marines court-martialed nine troops for the incident. Sgt. Chamblin, a 15-year veteran, pleaded guilty for urinating on the bodies and dereliction of duty and was fined $500 and demoted, WSOC reported.

“Do you want the Marine Corps to be a group of Boy Scout pretty boys or do you want guys that will go out and kill the people trying to take advantage of your country and kill Americans?” he said. “Which do you want? Because you can’t have both.”
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Semper Fi Motherfucker, Semper Fi
They should treat the corpses of their enemies with respect because we are supposed to be better than them.

Pissing on bodies is pure raghead like behaviour if your enemy bring you down to their level you've lost motherfucker.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
That kind of thinking is exactly why so many people over there have been killed. High Minded We are all equal people bullshit.
Those people over there are fucking animals. They do shit that is so savage and vicious to send a message of fear. They expect us to run and hide and cry and some will.
hey will not listen to reason, they will not listen to rhetoric, they will try to use those against us.
Fucking up a few of them will send the appropriate message back to them.
No, it will not win any harts and minds
(07-19-2013, 01:45 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: That kind of thinking is exactly why so many people over there have been killed. High Minded We are all equal people bullshit.
Those people over there are fucking animals. They do shit that is so savage and vicious to send a message of fear. They expect us to run and hide and cry and some will.
hey will not listen to reason, they will not listen to rhetoric, they will try to use those against us.
Fucking up a few of them will send the appropriate message back to them.
No, it will not win any harts and minds

Pissing on the corpses will create ten times more new Jihadists than if they had left the bodies alone.

How did we beat the Nazis? Did we sink to their level? No we said “we're better people than you” and kicked their ass.

Your enemy brings you down to his level? You've lost, they've won.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

I think those Marines have every right to piss on the people who try to kill them. I would applaud.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
This is what you do when you have given up on 'winning their hearts and minds'.
You've all been drawn in to the “if they do it why shouldn't we do it?” mentality.

The ragheads have succeeded in dragging you down to applauding acts of disrespect and cruelty they themselves would also applaud.

“The infidels are now as barbaric as we are Ahmed! Allah hu akbar!”
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(07-19-2013, 02:22 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: You've all been drawn in to the “if they do it why shouldn't we do it?” mentality.

No, I understand what your saying & the reasoning behind it, I do.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
They look at our pacifism as a weakness. The Nazi were afraid of the United States soldier. We should be burning every field and hut across the land. Pissing on every insurgent and dipping our bullets in pigs blood.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(07-19-2013, 02:30 PM)Maggot Wrote: They look at our pacifism as a weakness. The Nazi were afraid of the United States soldier. We should be burning every field and hut across the land. Pissing on every insurgent and dipping our bullets in pigs blood.

What the fuck are you talking about retard? Pacifism?! We've been at war with them for 10 years!

The rest of your post sounds like a raghead dribbling jihadist rhetoric on Al Jazeera!

Burn the huts and fields! Piss on every insurgent! Dip our bullets in pigs blood! You sound like a fascist looney! Uncle Adolf ain't got shit on you maggotyboo!
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

Aww, that's darling. You call him Maggotyboo too!

[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I thought his cutesy nickname was a nice juxtaposition to his fascist lunacy.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(07-19-2013, 02:29 PM)Duchess Wrote: No, I understand what your saying & the reasoning behind it, I do.[/i][/size]

I don't want our troops to act like the enemy.

There was some footage of British troops beating the crap out of restrained Afghans suspects I saw online a while ago and I felt like shouting at the screen “stop it!”.

If the relatives of those marines could idenfity them how do you think they would feel? Proud? I don't think so.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
The Nazis at least had the balls to stand up and wear a uniform to get killed in. When we are done in the sand our guys will come home mostly ok despite whatever horrible shit thy had to deal with ok. When we come home, the rag heads will still be shitting in the sand and wiping their ass with their left hand and killing each other.
No, they have not dragged us down at all.
(07-19-2013, 03:56 PM)SIXFOOTERsez Wrote: No, they have not dragged us down at all.

I'm pretty sure the relatives of those marines in that footage would disagree with your bullshit assessment meathead.

Also lots of US and UK troops are coming back from Afghan in a bodybags, with limbs missing or with PTSD which is leading to high numbers of suicides.

Saying the troops are just fine is complete bullshit.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
OK, so I took a poll here. I have 8 sandbox veterans here on my staff and I know a bunch more of them here in the area. So far 11 out of 12 that I asked said they have no problem with the pic of the dead ragheads getting pissed on. The other one is a mormon, I think he goes home to piss.
Some of my guys are a little jumpy, got that 1000 yard stare thing going on but they are getting over it. Some that went over there are very fucked up, thats war.
Most of our guys came back fine, or will be.
I have a few people I know that have been there, they say that most people in the military have absolutly no respect for the American president and that goes to the top of the military chain. I say show the dickheads what happens when they decide to kill an American. They will be hunted down and killed like the dogs they are. No sympathy. Finish, done and one less raghead to come back and kill again.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.