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I can hear the national news on in my great room & they just said that another little girl has been killed...What the fuck is wrong with people...I can't even begin to grasp the mindset of someone who would do such a horrific thing...And I sure as hell don't ask God why...He's not responsible for someones' unhappiness any more than he is responsible for their happiness...What drives these people ?
Another thing I frequently wonder is... is this happening more often lately, or are we just hearing about it thanks to our voracious appetite for seamy news stories?
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Good question...I don't recall EVER hearing of things like this when I was growing up...And now I hear/read about crimes against children on an almostweekly basis...The world has gone mad.
Is this the one you're talking about?
Body of Girl Discovered in Georgia Landfill October 21, 2009 - 7:08 PM | by: Serafin Gomez ![[Image: Somer-259x194.jpg]]( ORLANDO, FL-Investigators have confirmed to Fox News that a body of a young girl has been found in a south Georgia landfill 50 miles north of the Jacksonville, FL-area where a 7 -year old girl has been missing since Monday afternoon.Officials from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation say that they will not determine, nor disclose, until an autopsy is performed tomorrow morning if the body is that of littleSomer Thompson.
Thompson vanished on her mile-long walk home from school Monday in Orange Park, Florida. John Bankhead, spokesman for the GBI tells Fox that the investigators are still at the scene where the body was discovered, but that the body of the young female has been sent to Savannah, GA for the autopsy in the morning. Bankhead also confirms that FBI agents , are assisting in the case, and where on the way to the scene from the Atlanta Office. A source close to investigation says that this may turn into a federally-lead investigation by Thursday morning.
Clay County, Florida Police said that Thompson dissapeared Monday mid-afternoon when she was walking back home after school. She was walking with a group of other children that included her older sister through their heavily-residential neighborhood. Thompson was squabbling with another child, and her sister told her to stop. Thompson got upset, and walked ahead of the group. After the group of kids arrived at home they realized that Thompson was no where to be found, and they started looking for the child, but to no avail. Thompson's family then notified authorities of the missing child later in the evening. A large group of police, Navy officials ( There is a large Navy base Jacksonville) and volunteers joined in the search for little Somer in the last 48 hours.
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i've been following this in my forum since Amber Alert was announced. i just watched news conference where sheriff made positive ID of the child.
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If I hear one single person say that this was "God's will" I'm going to freak the fuck out...I want people to just shut the fuck up about God...He's the "faith" in our own minds, nothing more...He bears no responsibility for any damn thing in our lives & I've listened & read all that I can take about that stuff...People, take responsibilty for the turns your own life takes...Oops, didn't intend for that to be a rant.
I've questioned religion since I was a little kid... I remember asking my devoutly Catholic mother why god created fleas and mosquitos and her usual reply was something like "it's one of God's mysteries, dear."
If god had a hand in this kid's death, it was when s/he allowed some sexual deviant sicko to be born. I have a hard time reconciling that with a merciful god.
How sad, shes so cute too :(
Yet I feel I've got to agree with Duchess.
As for the question about it happening more or hearing about it more, the answer is that we're just hearing about it more due to the fast communications we have these days. And the fact that as Lumpy puts it, Seamy sells.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:I've questioned religion since I was a little kid... I remember asking my devoutly Catholic mother why god created fleas and mosquitos and her usual reply was something like "it's one of God's mysteries, dear."
If god had a hand in this kid's death, it was when s/he allowed some sexual deviant sicko to be born. I have a hard time reconciling that with a merciful god.
Thats because all religion is created by man as a method of control over the ignorant masses.
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After some reflection regarding my previous post, I'm having a lil' concern about burning in hell for all eternity. ::laugh::
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I have no doubt that these things happened 100 years ago. It is the advances in forensic tools and awareness that has brought this in your face ugliness. That and communication is now ultra-fast and has made the world a very small place.
If amilitant in Somalia takes a baby and randomly throws it against the wall cracking its skull in front of the Mother, is itany worse than a sexual predator that has no feelings for another life, and is so selfish that their perverted urges take precedent over what they are doing to the life in front of them? I have no doubt that I would take the law in my own hands and claim temporary insanity if I ever caught someone doing either to an innocent. That is why I could never be a Cop.
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I don't know for sure, but I think there is a God who set the world in motion through evolution and left it to operate on it's own, and unfortunately part of that is having monsters amongst us.
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If I met the parents of this little girlI wouldn't offer any prayers or platitudes, I would just listen, which I bet is the one thing nobody will do but the one thing they probably need more than any other.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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I would just die if that happened to one of my boys. I couldn't handle it. I know it. I can't even imagine the pain that mother is in. This is one of those cases where when the find the fucker they should kill him in the most inhumane way possible and throw his body in the landfill.
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This sort of thing has been going on for the last 20 - 30 years at about the same rate. It simply wasn't as widely reported as it is now so we just weren't as aware of it.
Seems that these sick fucks are emboldened each time one gets away with it, even if they are caught later. The longer the case stretches out, the more pervs feel that they may be able to get away with these acts.
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Why can't these rotten fucks who hurt children be chemically casterated ?...Let me guess, that would infringe on their civil rights.
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in some jurisdictions chemical castration is offered as an option to some offenders to reduce their sentences. frankly i think the hardwiring of pedophiles is located in the brain, not the penis.
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Chemical castration? Bah......cut off the crank!