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This case gained notoriety because people immediately made it about race. Poor black kid killed by the white guy who isn't.
I don't care about any of that. It's the SYG law and what happened in those few minutes that interest me.
I think the reactions to that post are stupid.
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(03-17-2013, 02:50 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I agree with her post, I believe George was scared, I believe that neighborhood is probably my idea of the ghetto and they do see drive bys & violence daily. Were the people she was posting with disagreeing with her opinion?
Yeah, they get PISSED! That's the problem with struggling cultures, nobody is allowed to have a differing opinion that places the blame on the culture. You have to have the common enemy or you are excluded from the pack. It's the same in poor white communities. If you try to do better or try to understand some of your own failings, the rest lash out and accuse you of trying to be uppity or rich or whitey or whatever. You know a culture has some problems when being seen as successful is a put down. Crabs in a barrel. That's why we have West Virginia.
(03-17-2013, 03:11 PM)username Wrote: I think the reactions to that post are stupid.
It gets worse. That place is the Black Mock in some ways. Pretty sure many of the posters are from ATL. You think I'm bad with my bullshit, they are way worse. And it isn't just one Cracker-like-poster there, it's a majority.
I just don't think y'all realize how much hate is out there. That hate keeps them from fixing things. Some people try, they talk about absent fathers and ratchety ghettoness and hair (lots and lots and lots of discussions about black lady hair), but then the discussion will turn to slavery and any good intentions vanish.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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Black people are their own worst enemies.
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I always thought Sanford was pretty mild compared to some other places around Orlando.
I haven't read this thread in a while, but my opinion is still the same that the kid had every right to beat the shit out of fat boy. I go to Orlando all the time and don't feel the need to harass black kids and spics walking down the street. And if I lived there I definitely wouldn't fuck with them as I wouldn't want to end up in this kind of situation. Zimmerman is a stupid asshole and deserves about 20 years imo.
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(03-17-2013, 05:06 PM)sally Wrote: And if I lived there I definitely wouldn't fuck with them as I wouldn't want to end up in this kind of situation. Zimmerman is a stupid asshole and deserves about 20 years imo.
That's all true, I don't eff with them either (if I lived in a shitty neighborhood full of thieves I might, you get tired of that real quick) BUT Florida has the stand-your-ground law. He didn't have an obligation to retreat when he was attacked by an assailant. And we all know he was attacked. People are trying to lie about that because it would change things, but they just look crazy doing it.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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All I know is that George Zimmerman is a big fat liar. Why lie if he had the law on his side? And why isn't he having that immunity hearing that would set him free? Makes no sense.
But, it probably has something to do with the evidence in the case. And those 24 or so depositions that were a waste of time and money.
Now he's banking on twitter and facebook? WTF does he think he is going to gain with that?
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(03-17-2013, 03:11 PM)username Wrote: This case gained notoriety because people immediately made it about race.
I think the reactions to that post are stupid.
I was thinking the shit didn't hit the fan until two weeks after the fact. Maybe I'm mistaken.
" People . . . made it about race."
Hmmmm . . .
What "people" and why did the public readily drink-up this explanation?
I applaud the reactions.
They affirm the continuing massive hatred of whites.
Go figure the Klan is experiencing a resurgence!
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(03-17-2013, 06:56 PM)Adub Wrote: And why isn't he having that immunity hearing that would set him free? Makes no sense.
Maybe he wasn't ready. He hasn't waived his rights, just the hearing date in April. Maybe some people lied and they want to get the real story out so the retarded public will STFU about it.
You never know.
I don't really care. I know you shouldn't go around punching people. That is bad. Violence breeds violence.
O’Mara said outside Seminole County Courthouse on Tuesday that Zimmerman believes it would be a better outcome to be found not guilty of murdering Martin, rather than being granted immunity, WESH reported.
“George wants a jury of his peers to decide the case,” O’Mara said. “It’s going to be, I think, a more accepted result for everyone who has to result that he gets an acquittal at trial even more so than immunity hearing by a judge.”
I'm sure you read that, too. You folks seem to read most of the press on this case. It answers your question. Maybe you don't like the answer, seemed clear to me even before I read it.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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Some people made it about race. Sharpton and all of them jumped on the bandwagon and yes, it was a few weeks after.
Why did many in the public lap it up? "White" guy stalks and shoots unarmed black "kid". LE was obviously (tongue/cheek) giving the white guy a pass. It was fodder for people who think whites are out to get them.
Did George profile? Probably. Maybe for good reason but I don't think his shooting the kid was driven by racism.
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(03-17-2013, 07:29 PM)Cracker Wrote: (03-17-2013, 06:56 PM)Adub Wrote: And why isn't he having that immunity hearing that would set him free? Makes no sense.
Maybe he wasn't ready. He hasn't waived his rights, just the hearing date in April. Maybe some people lied and they want to get the real story out so the retarded public will STFU about it.
You never know.
I don't really care. I know you shouldn't go around punching people. That is bad. Violence breeds violence.
O’Mara said outside Seminole County Courthouse on Tuesday that Zimmerman believes it would be a better outcome to be found not guilty of murdering Martin, rather than being granted immunity, WESH reported.
“George wants a jury of his peers to decide the case,” O’Mara said. “It’s going to be, I think, a more accepted result for everyone who has to result that he gets an acquittal at trial even more so than immunity hearing by a judge.”
I'm sure you read that, too. You folks seem to read most of the press on this case. It answers your question. Maybe you don't like the answer, seemed clear to me even before I read it.
The endless loop. If you sneak around following somebody without identifying yourself, I think you could scare the shit out of someone and they might defend their ground.
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I think it was about a month before the race hustlers zeroed in on this.
Everyone forgets that the locals couldn't see charging Zimmerman because there wasn't any evidence to contradict his version of events. In fact, the lead detective said, "The best evidence we have is the testimony of George Zimmerman, and he says the decedent was the primary aggressor in the whole event, everything I have is adding up to what he says." That's not his brother, family, or friend. That was the lead detective who investigated the incident from the night it happened.
Race hustlers descend, the state panics, and Angela Corey decides to take the case away from the grand jury process, and charge on her own.
This is such a political charade it isn't even funny.
A jury is going to convict this guy to avoid race riots, not because they think he is guilty.
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(03-17-2013, 07:39 PM)username Wrote: Did George profile? Probably. Maybe for good reason but I don't think his shooting the kid was driven by racism.
He couldn't have profiled according to the evidence. He didn't know the race of the person when he called in to the police.
But since the lynch mob wants his head, I am sure it's reasonable to assume George was just saying 'nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger' over and over again in his head.
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(03-17-2013, 07:29 PM)Cracker Wrote: (03-17-2013, 06:56 PM)Adub Wrote: And why isn't he having that immunity hearing that would set him free? Makes no sense.
O’Mara said outside Seminole County Courthouse on Tuesday that Zimmerman believes it would be a better outcome to be found not guilty of murdering Martin, rather than being granted immunity, WESH reported.
“George wants a jury of his peers to decide the case,” O’Mara said. “It’s going to be, I think, a more accepted result for everyone who has to result that he gets an acquittal at trial even more so than immunity hearing by a judge.”
I'm sure you read that, too. You folks seem to read most of the press on this case. It answers your question. Maybe you don't like the answer, seemed clear to me even before I read it.
But, it makes no sense. Obviously, Zimmerman knows good and well that the immunity hearing is not going to be to his advantage. With all his lies, the Judge would not grant it, anyways. And Zimmerman would most certainly have to testify. No way around it.
Even at the trial, I think he will have to testify. He is the only one that can explain why he feared for his life. He is going to have to convince the jury that Trayvon Martin, for no reason at all, decided to attempt to murder George. That is George's claim. That Martin was going to murder him. And that George did nothing to cause it.
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(03-17-2013, 07:39 PM)username Wrote: "White" guy stalks and shoots unarmed black "kid".
It's still the theme du jour.
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Adub, besides knowing he lied about having money, what lies are you referring to?
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(03-17-2013, 07:59 PM)Adub Wrote: But, it makes no sense. Obviously, Zimmerman knows good and well that the immunity hearing is not going to be to his advantage. With all his lies, the Judge would not grant it, anyways. And Zimmerman would most certainly have to testify. No way around it.
Even at the trial, I think he will have to testify. He is the only one that can explain why he feared for his life. He is going to have to convince the jury that Trayvon Martin, for no reason at all, decided to attempt to murder George. That is George's claim. That Martin was going to murder him. And that George did nothing to cause it.
Maybe the poor guy is telling the truth. That was bad shit to have happen. Not only has he killed a young person, but he is being tormented by the black community and some retarded whites. He doesn't just want out of trouble, he wants the black people and retarded white people to stop. But they won't. He doesn't get that. They never will. He thinks he will get justice, but he won't.
You cannot talk some people out of their crazy bullshit. Some people are just that way. Think about all the adults you know. You know some crazy fuckers, we all do. There is no way to talk sense to the crazy ones, they just keep on and on and on with their bullshit. You have to get away from them, you will never make them stop.
That's how I see this. It was a cut-and-dry story. A stupid one. It shouldn't have happened, but it was bound to happen and happens all the time. Black people do their stupid shit and no matter the outcome they keep on doing it and liberal people join in to cosign the stupidity. He got profiled. That is a shit community because of people who closely resemble him and it happened. You don't always get to choose who suffers from the stupid shit you do. I don't see anything changing there because they are blaming whitey instead.
I wouldn't live around a bunch of blacks. Or Hispanics. White people are annoying enough.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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(03-17-2013, 08:10 PM)username Wrote: Adub, besides knowing he lied about having money, what lies are you referring to?
Well, nothing that can't possibly be explained away. But the Prosecutor is really, really good. So George is going to have a tough time of it.
GZ said Trayvon was running, and then changed it to skipping. The reason is because "running" would imply that Trayvon was trying to get away. "Skipping"? It sounds happier, more carefree...
GZ now says he only got out of his shruck to look for an address. Yet in the 911 call, GZ says, shit he's running and then immediately exits his truck and huffs and puffs and admits to the 911 guy that he is following Trayvon. Later he said he wasn't really following him, just going in the same direction.
GZ said that after hanging up from the 911 guy he headed back to his truck and was ambushed at the "T" with a sucker punch to the nose that knocked him on his ass. And that Trayvon then mounted him and began beating him in the head. Well, Trayvon's was shot about 30+ feet further down the sidewalk toward the home he was staying in. How did that happen? Did GZ shimmy and squirm (his words) 30+ feet trying to get out from under Trayvon? Very unlikely.
And then there is the timing. According to GZ, if he had headed back to his truck when he said he did, he would have made it back to his truck. Period. From the end of his call, it would have been less than a minute. At the moment, I don't remember the timing of it all. But, that is where Deedee's phonecall enters the picture.
Believe me, GZ's pants are on fire.
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And, STFU Cracker. Better yet, open your ears, and listen to Trayvon's mother.
I dare you.
13:00 mark says it all.
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(03-17-2013, 08:57 PM)Adub Wrote: Believe me, GZ's pants are on fire.
Acute Stress Disorder.
Same Arias self defense shooting; less ass fucking.
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(03-17-2013, 09:06 PM)Adub Wrote: And, STFU Cracker. Better yet, open your ears, and listen to Trayvon's mother.
I dare you.
13:00 mark says it all.
You want me to watch an hour-long Star Jones show? Hell to the no. If I am going to watch an hour of black ladies, it's going to be my Real Housewives of Atlanta.
When Nene interviews her, let me know. I'll be all over that.
I will check out the 13:00 minute mark...
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.