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Is there a higher rate of pedophiles today?
I went to a conference recently about the alarming rates of childhood obesity...included in this Dr's presentation was strategies for prevention...the usual blah blah blah...

he was talking about past generations of kids only came inside when mom called them in for meals and then back outside they'd go...and today it's not just video games keeping kids indoors, but parents fear of pedophiles/perverts. In actuality, he said "statistically, the rate of pervs, is no more today than 3040 years ago."

I thought that strange. Do you guys think that is true? Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3
i don't think there are any more or less than there ever were. but back in the days before the 24-hour news cycle, it was a dirty little secret kept in the dark. people are certainly more AWARE today.
somehow i don't think Ozzie and Harriet and Ward and June discussed it at the dinner table with the boys.


My parents never had a chat with me about good touching/bad touching but I know my brothers & their wives did with their kids.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
i used to walk a couple miles to the library every week. i lived in a very nice bedroom town outside of Washington DC, a comfortable community of government-type people.
so one day i am walking along with my books and a man called me over to his parked car, i figure he wants to ask me for directions.

i was 10.

well he had his penis exposed and at attention so i would see it when i approached. i did and i was utterly stunned. i had never seen an erect penis in my life. i didn't know what to do, so i just ran. i told my parents who reported what i could remember about car and description. but i literally was in shock.

i wish i had pepper spray back then, i would have shot that thing. Taser

I know my mom has related a story to me of a guy exposing himself to her when she was in her early 20's at a department store.

Freaks have been around since the beginning of time.
(03-15-2012, 07:14 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: i used to walk a couple miles to the library every week. i lived in a very nice bedroom town outside of Washington DC, a comfortable community of government-type people.
so one day i am walking along with my books and a man called me over to his parked car, i figure he wants to ask me for directions.

i was 10.

well he had his penis exposed and at attention so i would see it when i approached. i did and i was utterly stunned. i had never seen an erect penis in my life. i didn't know what to do, so i just ran. i told my parents who reported what i could remember about car and description. but i literally was in shock. I'm sure that has happened to a lot of kids (in fact it happened to me 2 more guy in a store and another guy at a club house). What got me about your story LC was that we both lived in that general area at that time of our lives...

i wish i had pepper spray back then, i would have shot that thing. Taser

OMG LC...I SWEAR the same thing happened to me but what got me was WHERE it happened was so similar...I grew up in Fairfax County, VA (outside of DC) in a town called Annandale, VA. (Sleepy Hollow Woods was name of same kind of neighborhood you describe. Mostly gov't people) Anyway...rode my bike every day to the pool by myself. One day this guy pulls up in his car and asks for directions and sure enough...his penis was out there a flappin' when I got up close to the car. I had never seen one either and totally freaked me out. I'm thinking I was also about 10 or 11 too. I don't think I even told my mom.
Happened to me 2 other times in that same area...once in a club house and once in a store...I was looking at records and out of the corner of my eye I saw something and a guy opened up his coat and there it was. Ran out so fast...may I ask what suburb of DC that was you were in?

Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3
I'm sure they've always been around since the beginning of time but I still think that if someone might have a "tendency" towards it ....with our sexually charged society and the internet/porn and all with such access to today, it's gotta push more over the edge...I would just have to guess there are more per proportion to the population than before...
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3
Yes, because there are more black people now.

hahahaha. Just kidding. MF hates it when I do that shit.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.