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Indian Docs feed aborted female fetus' to dogs

Some doctors in Beed are disposing of female foetuses by feeding them to dogs in order to destroy evidence of female foeticide.

The shocking revelation was made by Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, an NGO working against the practice.

Maharashtra's Public Health Minister Suresh Shetty also admitted he had heard of foetuses thrown to the dogs in Beed.

Deshpande's allegation is significant as Beed in Marathwada has the worst child sex ratio - 801 girls being born per 1,000 boys (2011 census) - in Maharashtra.

The low percentage of females is attributed to rampant female infanticide in the area.

Last Friday, Vijaymala Patekar (28), was admitted to Dr Sudam Munde's abortion clinic in Beed when she was six months pregnant. She had four daughters and did not want another. But while her pregnancy was being terminated, she died.

The police have arrested Munde and his wife, but Deshpande said the couple were held earlier too for the same offence and will go scot-free again because of their money power and influence.

"We don't want this case to be tried in Beed or Marathwada. Let the case be tried somewhere outside as they wield too much influence for the trial to be fair," she said.

Deshpande claimed her organisation had conducted a sting operation on the doctor in 2010, in which he openly talked about how he was aborting female foetuses and feeding them to his five dogs.

It was then that the police had arrested him, but he was released soon and continued with his activities.

"A person even saw a foetus being fed to the animals. This is known to everyone in Beed, but the police are not taking action as Munde is influential," Deshpande said.

She added that some other doctors in Beed kept dogs for the same purpose - to avoid the hassle of disposing of the bodies.

Health Minister Shetty said: "I have heard of the practice but have no evidence."

He added that since the local police seemed to be under a lot of "pressure", he had decided to ask the crime branch to investigate the latest case.

Substantiating Deshpande's account of the kind of clout enjoyed by Munde, Shetty said: "Our civil surgeon who had gone to investigate Munde's hospital was locked up in a room by some goons. They even abused her and asked her to go away."

The minister said the surgeon while trying to take action against such doctors had been facing threats for more than a year. "We have asked the home department to provide security for our staff," he said.

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Want not waste not.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

(05-24-2012, 03:22 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote:

Last Friday, Vijaymala Patekar (28), was admitted to Dr Sudam Munde's abortion clinic in Beed when she was six months pregnant. She had four daughters and did not want another. But while her pregnancy was being terminated, she died.

That's the only bright spot in the whole damn story.
Don't they believe in spirit recycling over there anyways?
This story disturbed me on many levels. The whole idea of enforcing a male dominated culture by slaughtering the females in utero is beyond the pale.

But this? I wonder how occupy could become a world movement when stuff like this is found out?
(05-24-2012, 06:29 PM)Ma Huang Sor Wrote: This story disturbed me on many levels. The whole idea of enforcing a male dominated culture by slaughtering the females in utero is beyond the pale.

But this? I wonder how occupy could become a world movement when stuff like this is found out?

Don't look now, but this has been China's policy since the 70's.
(05-24-2012, 03:35 PM)ESAD Wrote: Want not waste not.

Yeah and waste not want not too.
Wasn't it just last week there was a story about a guy smuggling roasted fetuses? And a few weeks ago another story about someone caught with capsules that contained ground up fetus? I think we should stop pretending that all cultures should be respected...
I look at it this way, with all the effort to eliminate their own women, there will be fewer morons bred going forward. But thats just my sunshine complex coming out.
The further east you go the less is thought of the female sex. I can remember seeing a photo of a young female baby (not a fetus) lying in a gutter in a busy street with people walking by not giving a shit.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
fucking savage barbarian!

New Delhi, India (CNN) -- Police in the northern India state of Rajasthan say they were stunned when a man showed up at a police outpost holding a bloody human head in one hand and a sword in another.

The head was that of the man's daughter, chopped off because of her "indecent behavior," Umesh Ojha, deputy superintendent of the district police, told CNN.

Investigators say the man, Oghad Singh, had paraded the head through the village on his way to the police station.

Singh's daughter, Manju Kunwar, was in her 20s and was living with her parents after divorcing her husband two years ago. Her father accused her of acting indecently with other men.
U.N: Perilous for some girls in India

Authorities say Kunwar's mother is a farmer who was working in the fields at the time and was too distraught to talk. Singh works in a marble quarry.

The beheading happened on Tuesday in Dengar Ka Guda, a village in Rajsamand District about 400 kilometers, or 250 miles, from Jaipur in the state of Rajasthan.

Kunwar's head and the rest of her body were cremated according to Hindu tradition, police said.

India is filled with extremes on many levels, including how women are treated. In India women hold some of the highest positions in society, from company CEOs to the president and speaker of the House, but this case highlights another side of India, one in which women still suffer the consequences of long-held traditions that govern their behavior in Indian society.

This month India topped the Thomas Reuters Foundation poll as the worst place to be a woman among the top 19 economies in the world. The foundation cited abuse, killings and discrimination on a scale unparalleled in the other developed nations.

Don't they get that if they destroy the females, that means less of them in the population and fewer to reproduce offspring? Kind of reminds me of the men who harm or kill their wives for producing a female child rather than a male. Are they so uneducated that they do not know it is the male who determines the gender of the baby??


Dad XY

Get it? Got it? GOOD
They were doing that shit long before the internet was invented by Sir Albert Gore.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
savage who beheaded his daughter.

[Image: India%20Family%20Beheadin_Pata.jpg]

Women wailing in grief lined the dusty road of the village in Rajasthan state as a procession carried Manju Kanwar's remains to her funeral pyre. As in many north and west Indian villages, the women, including her mother and four sisters, were not allowed to attend the funeral.

A coroner stitched Kanwar's head onto her body for the funeral. About 100 men, many of them relatives wearing ceremonial Rajput warrior clan turbans, surrounded her muslin-wrapped body, and her brother lit the funeral pyre.

I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread. This makes me sick.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies