09-30-2012, 02:48 PM
Friends, posters, sockpuppets...lend me your ears...no, that's not it.
Four swears and seven days ago, our founders brought forth upon this internet a new messageboard...no, still too stiff.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that not all messageboards are created equal...nope, never work.
When, in the course of human events, it become necessary for one group of posters to assume among the powers of the world-wide-web...Ahh, screw it.
Free speech and conversation for those who don't lack the courage of their convictions and are brave enough to put their name on it*. Spamfree, high fiber, and with 30% less high fructose corn syrup than regular messageboards!
* No socks need apply. Familiar names will get VIP access. No cover for hot girls. All others bring cash.
Four swears and seven days ago, our founders brought forth upon this internet a new messageboard...no, still too stiff.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that not all messageboards are created equal...nope, never work.
When, in the course of human events, it become necessary for one group of posters to assume among the powers of the world-wide-web...Ahh, screw it.
Free speech and conversation for those who don't lack the courage of their convictions and are brave enough to put their name on it*. Spamfree, high fiber, and with 30% less high fructose corn syrup than regular messageboards!
* No socks need apply. Familiar names will get VIP access. No cover for hot girls. All others bring cash.