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Fat fuckers cause globle warming .
Fatties cause global warming By BEN JACKSON
Environment Editor
Published: 21 Apr 2009
[Image: btn-add-your-comments.gif] THE rising number of fat people was yesterday blamed for global warming. Scientists warned that the increase in big-eaters means more food production ⿿ a major cause of CO2 gas emissions warming the planet.
Overweight people are also more likely to drive, adding to environmental damage.
[Image: SNN2105A-380_786017a.jpg]Lard help us ... overweight must eat less for planet
Dr Phil Edwards, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: ⿿Moving about in a heavy body is like driving in a gas guzzler.⿝
Each fat person is said to be responsible for emitting a tonne more of climate-warming carbon dioxide per year than a thin one.
It means an extra BILLION TONNES of CO2 a year is created, according to World Health Organisation estimates of overweight people.
The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests.

The environmental impact of fat humans is made even worse because they are more likely to travel by car ⿿ another major cause of carbon emissions.
Battle And researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine say wealthy nations like the US and Britain are getting fatter by the decade.
Dr Phil Edwards said: ⿿Food production accounts for about one fifth of greenhouse gases.
⿿We need to do a lot more to reverse the global trend towards fatness. It is a key factor in the battle to reduce carbon emissions and slow climate change.
⿿It is time we took account of the amount we are eating.
⿿This is about over-consumption by the wealthy countries. And the world demand for meat is increasing to match that of Britain and America.
⿿It is also much easier to get in your car and pick up a pint of milk than to take a walk.⿝
[Image: SNN2105B-380_786007a.jpg]In peril ... polar ice melting
The study by Dr Edwards and colleague Ian Roberts is published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
Dr Edwards went on: ⿿We are not just pointing the finger at fat people. All populations are getting fatter and it has an impact on the environment.
⿿UK health surveys estimate fatness has increased from an average body mass index of 26 to 27 in the last ten years.
⿿That⿿s equivalent to about half a stone for every person.⿝
Anyone with a BMI above 25 is overweight, while more than 30 is obese.
A staggering 40 per cent of Americans are obese, among 300 million worldwide.
Disasters Australian Professor Paul Zimmet predicted a disastrous obesity pandemic back in 2006.
And Oxfam warned yesterday that the number of people hit by climate-related disasters will soar by more than half in the next six years to 375million.
The impact of more storms, floods and droughts could overwhelm aid organisations.
Sun doctor Carol Cooper said last night: ⿿I⿿m not sure which came first, people getting fat and driving or the other way around. It is true fat people eat more food than average.
⿿A few obese people have a hormone problem, although most simply don⿿t use enough calories and eat too many. But making them feel guilty antagonises them and may not help.⿝

Bollocks ::bang::
Yes i know i'm a thick cunt . I can't change the heading and the spelling is wrong . :Blush:
I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!

Freak magnet Wrote:Fatties cause global warming By BEN JACKSON
Environment Editor
Published: 21 Apr 2009
[Image: btn-add-your-comments.gif] THE rising number of fat people was yesterday blamed for global warming. Scientists warned that the increase in big-eaters means more food production ⿿ a major cause of CO2 gas emissions warming the planet.
Overweight people are also more likely to drive, adding to environmental damage.
[Image: SNN2105A-380_786017a.jpg]Lard help us ... overweight must eat less for planet
Dr Phil Edwards, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: ⿿Moving about in a heavy body is like driving in a gas guzzler.⿝
Each fat person is said to be responsible for emitting a tonne more of climate-warming carbon dioxide per year than a thin one.
It means an extra BILLION TONNES of CO2 a year is created, according to World Health Organisation estimates of overweight people.
The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests.

The environmental impact of fat humans is made even worse because they are more likely to travel by car ⿿ another major cause of carbon emissions.
Battle And researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine say wealthy nations like the US and Britain are getting fatter by the decade.
Dr Phil Edwards said: ⿿Food production accounts for about one fifth of greenhouse gases.
⿿We need to do a lot more to reverse the global trend towards fatness. It is a key factor in the battle to reduce carbon emissions and slow climate change.
⿿It is time we took account of the amount we are eating.
⿿This is about over-consumption by the wealthy countries. And the world demand for meat is increasing to match that of Britain and America.
⿿It is also much easier to get in your car and pick up a pint of milk than to take a walk.⿝
[Image: SNN2105B-380_786007a.jpg]In peril ... polar ice melting
The study by Dr Edwards and colleague Ian Roberts is published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
Dr Edwards went on: ⿿We are not just pointing the finger at fat people. All populations are getting fatter and it has an impact on the environment.
⿿UK health surveys estimate fatness has increased from an average body mass index of 26 to 27 in the last ten years.
⿿That⿿s equivalent to about half a stone for every person.⿝
Anyone with a BMI above 25 is overweight, while more than 30 is obese.
A staggering 40 per cent of Americans are obese, among 300 million worldwide.
Disasters Australian Professor Paul Zimmet predicted a disastrous obesity pandemic back in 2006.
And Oxfam warned yesterday that the number of people hit by climate-related disasters will soar by more than half in the next six years to 375million.
The impact of more storms, floods and droughts could overwhelm aid organisations.
Sun doctor Carol Cooper said last night: ⿿I⿿m not sure which came first, people getting fat and driving or the other way around. It is true fat people eat more food than average.
⿿A few obese people have a hormone problem, although most simply don⿿t use enough calories and eat too many. But making them feel guilty antagonises them and may not help.⿝
Got that right, Liquid's going to be furious!
Funny god damn thread title!

I am still shocked at how many fat bastards there are out there on a percentage basis in America.
86 112
Freak magnet Wrote:⿿I⿿m not sure which came first, people getting fat and driving or the other way around. It is true fat people eat more food than average.
I'm sure that motor vehicles have contributed to obesity problems, but it's also true that our town structures, at least in the US, have changed to accommodate a vehicle centered society. We no longer have 'corner markets' that people can easily walk to. Every place I can purchase groceries and household items is at least several miles away, and many people live that way now. Cities and towns have 'business districts' where all of the shopping is, but the people live several blocks to several miles away from those areas.

While I'm sure it's true in some cases, I would say that on a national average, thin people use their cars just as much as fat people. I know that when I lived in NJ, we did own a car, but we used to walk EVERYWHERE (or take a bus every so often). Big cities are just more conducive to walking or public transportation, because everything is closer... not that I would trade living in a more rural setting for living in the city. You couldn't pay me enough.

As for 'fat' people eating more than average... again while I'm sure that's true in some cases, in many cases it is not. I'm not grossly obese, but I am overweight and I probably eat less than many people of a healthy weight. My metabolism just doesn't burn what I do eat quickly enough (though I am gradually losing weight now, mostlybecause of increased physical activity).

People do need to lose weight in general and our society does suffer from the way it has become structured, but to blame 'global warming' on overweight people, is kind of silly considering how small their contribution probably actually is to the overall problem. We have far more to worry about with ALL americans using their inefficient vehicles too much, industrial emissions and the enormous production of C02 from factory farming. Those are the big villains for greenhouse gasses.
SyberBitch Wrote:
Freak magnet Wrote:⿿I⿿m not sure which came first, people getting fat and driving or the other way around. It is true fat people eat more food than average.
I'm sure that motor vehicles have contributed to obesity problems, but it's also true that our town structures, at least in the US, have changed to accommodate a vehicle centered society. We no longer have 'corner markets' that people can easily walk to. Every place I can purchase groceries and household items is at least several miles away, and many people live that way now. Cities and towns have 'business districts' where all of the shopping is, but the people live several blocks to several miles away from those areas.

While I'm sure it's true in some cases, I would say that on a national average, thin people use their cars just as much as fat people. I know that when I lived in NJ, we did own a car, but we used to walk EVERYWHERE (or take a bus every so often). Big cities are just more conducive to walking or public transportation, because everything is closer... not that I would trade living in a more rural setting for living in the city. You couldn't pay me enough.

As for 'fat' people eating more than average... again while I'm sure that's true in some cases, in many cases it is not. I'm not grossly obese, but I am overweight and I probably eat less than many people of a healthy weight. My metabolism just doesn't burn what I do eat quickly enough (though I am gradually losing weight now, mostlybecause of increased physical activity).

People do need to lose weight in general and our society does suffer from the way it has become structured, but to blame 'global warming' on overweight people, is kind of silly considering how small their contribution probably actually is to the overall problem. We have far more to worry about with ALL americans using their inefficient vehicles too much, industrial emissions and the enormous production of C02 from factory farming. Those are the big villains for greenhouse gasses.
That was one long-ass excuse-making post for fatties. Sheesh!
86 112
I hate seeing fat toddlers, I mean unless they've got a genuine medical condition that makes them fat, I get the urge to slap the shit out of the parents.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Me too ... I know this one Indian kid who is friends with my son. He is like a bit fat sloth at 9 years old. His parents don't enroll him in any sports and he sits around doing nothing eating a lot of candy.
86 112
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I hate seeing fat toddlers, I mean unless they've got a genuine medical condition that makes them fat, I get the urge to slap the shit out of the parents.
Breastfed babies are very rarely fat. Formula has too many empty calories and the parents are too tempted to just stick the bottle in the kid's mouth all the time. It also causes tooth rot.
Middle Finger Wrote:Me too ... I know this one Indian kid who is friends with my son. He is like a bit fat sloth at 9 years old. His parents don't enroll him in any sports and he sits around doing nothing eating a lot of candy.
That's sad. Poor kid. :(
Middle Finger Wrote:That was one long-ass excuse-making post for fatties. Sheesh!
STFU... my post didn't make any excuses for fatties, it just disagreed with the author of that article.
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:That was one long-ass excuse-making post for fatties. Sheesh!
STFU... my post didn't make any excuses for fatties, it just disagreed with the author of that article.
Alright, I'll STFU.
86 112
Stand Tall Fucked Under?
D Wrote:STFU:
Stand Tall Fucked Under?
SyberBitch Wrote:
D Wrote:STFU:
Stand Tall Fucked Under?
How do you put up with him? :?
Oi, that went right over all of your heads
D Wrote:Oi, that went right over all of your heads
No... no it didn't.
I think globle is spelled wrong and I want a Turkey sub now.:;beat::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
I want a Root Beer Float.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
D Wrote:STFU:
Stand Tall Fucked Under?
simmer toddler freaks unabashedly.
fucking cunt bitch Wrote:
D Wrote:STFU:
Stand Tall Fucked Under?
simmer toddler freaks unabashedly.
Smell The Fear, Underling!
