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Mr. Charles Woods
Mr. Charles Woods is a great man. His son is a hero. Glen Dougherty is a hero. They told command to pound sand and ran into harms way.

This family has lived my worst nightmare; this scenario has haunted me for the past 30 years.

If this was me, I would have never been able to handle it with the grace and dignity he has shown.

I said weeks ago something was wrong; I knew how the system worked. The guilty need to go to jail on this one.

I would suggest, no request, everyone call their Senators and Congressman; I have. This needs public scrutiny in the worst way.

We owe it to the men and women in uniform.

Here is the interview:


[/quote]Woods went on to read the following statement, in honor of his son:

“I want to honor my son, Ty Woods, who responded to the cries for help and voluntarily sacrificed his life to protect the lives of other Americans. In the last few days it has become public knowledge that within minutes of the first bullet being fired the White House knew these heroes would be slaughtered if immediate air support was denied. Apparently, C-130s were ready to respond immediately. In less than an hour, the perimeters could have been secured and American lives could have been saved. After seven hours fighting numerically superior forces, my son’s life was sacrificed because of the White House’s decision. This has nothing to do with politics, this has to do with integrity and honor. My son was a true American hero. We need more heroes today. My son showed moral courage. This is an opportunity for the person or persons who made the decision to sacrifice my son’s life to stand up.”[/quote]
Benghazi bothers me. It appears to be Obama's lie and/or bumble. I don't see why they wouldn't have sent in support if they thought it was safe/reasonable. I read that the reason they didn't was they purportedly didn't know enough about what they were dealing with. Are you saying they deliberately withheld help PP? Or just that it was a fuck up? If deliberately, who benefited from the deaths of those men?
They deliberately withheld support, and the reason given is a fabrication. First, we have assets whose job it is to launch assaults under fire; they train constantly for this mission. Second, they had actionable intelligence. There were two drones overhead sending video to operations in real time. There were repeated calls from inside the consulate and the annex for close air support and extraction. I can tell you no intelligence location is without communications gear.

We know they had TLDs (target laser designators) painting the bad guys. Any fast mover or gun ship would have decimated enemy positions in seconds. The Spectre gun ship has a 105 mm cannon that is lethal and accurate. Ground forces have been known to call in close air support on targets only 50 meters away. We know this battle lasted over 7 hours; we had assets in three different bases less than 2 hours away.

These men were ex-SEALS. They are trained to provide actionable intelligence as the fighting is happening. Two of the basic SEAL missions are very simple. First they sneak in to hostile territory to paint the targets with lasers to guide our munitions in. Second they do a BDA (bomb damage assessment) on the target to determine if a second strike is required. This mission was definitely in their wheel house.

Why is this information leaking out? My guess is there are whistle blowers who watched this happen, and they are afraid it will happen to them. The cat is out of the bag now; more and more people will come forward.

The real question is why? What was Ambassador Stevens doing there with no security escort? Why was he meeting with the Turkish diplomat? They are hiding something. Glen Doherty did an interview with ABC news in which he said his mission was to find and seize missing weapons looted during the rebellion.

My guess is we armed the Libyan rebels; that is what they are trying to hide. The New York Times reported this administration is sending weapons to the Syrian rebels through Turkey. We are using the Muslim Brotherhood as the cut out. That should scare the shit out of everyone. The people in this country had better wake up before it is too late. We are at war, and this administration is arming our enemies.
I don't think you are ever going to get the truth on this one. Cover-ups, lies, conspiracies. Why can't they just tell the truth for a change. Every time something like this happens we always get some hogwash BS story. Never the truth.
(10-26-2012, 11:25 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: I don't think you are ever going to get the truth on this one. Cover-ups, lies, conspiracies. Why can't they just tell the truth for a change. Every time something like this happens we always get some hogwash BS story. Never the truth.

I don't think so; there is an unwritten rule in our military. If you get into trouble, hunker down, hold on, help is on the way. What you see in the movies is pure BS.

We are hearing the truth from whistle blowers who are fed up with this administration. They know next time it might be them stuck in booger eater land needing help.

I will say this once more; do not trust the media. They have an agenda.

We have assets that will boggle your mind; you would not believe the advances in technology in the past ten years.

How come we can hit targets with armed drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somali, and other places you have never heard of, but did not use them in Benghazi? Where are all the drones operating in Somali and Yemen based? Why didn’t we fire a cruise missile from the Med? There were two destroyers in the Med off the coast of Libya that could have hit the bad guys with naval gun fire. Who do you think the SEALS were calling when they needed close air support? All of these options were available, and none of them would put anyone else in jeopardy.

When the SEALS rescued Captain Richard Phillips from the Somali pirates, where did they come from? Do you think maybe we have a base in Africa that has not been reported?

It has been reported that Ty Woods, and others, went to the consulate against orders and rescued 30 people. They found the body of Sean Smith at the consulate; they got there too late to save him. They did not find the ambassador; he was taken to a hospital by locals who found him while looting the consulate. Who were the others involved in the rescue? Who are the people they saved? Where are they?

After rescuing those people they went back to the annex; that is where they were attacked. The battle there lasted over four hours; Woods and Doherty were hit by mortar fire while manning a machine gun on the roof of the annex. When the shooting stopped two people at the annex were dead: Ty Woods and Glen Doherty. Then they sent in an extraction team. Where did that team come from? Who and where are the people extracted?

Why have none of these questions been asked of anyone? Too many people know the true answers to these questions; some of them will talk.