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Not too physically impacted by Sandy here, but the overall death toll jumped from 145 to 167 today - mostly in the Northeastern US and the Caribbean. The economic impact to the regions hit the hardest is said to be devastating.
The storm has yet to make landfall, so the potential cost of property damage is difficult to estimate. But the total value of insured coastal properties vulnerable to hurricane damage, in New York state alone, amounts to some $2.7 trillion, according to the Insurance Information Institute.
But, don't judge Sandy too harshly yet; she's got her good side too. According to the NBC Economic piece linked above, the clean-up effort will create new jobs. Thanks, Sandy!
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How are the gas prices today?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(11-01-2012, 12:19 PM)Maggot Wrote: How are the gas prices today? 
I filled up, in the pouring rain, this morning. They've dropped a little here, but it probably won't last.
We're gonna get high high high, with the music on
We're gonna get high high high in the midday sun
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I'm gonna do it to you, gonna do you sweet banana
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(11-01-2012, 01:04 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I'm gonna do it to you, gonna do you sweet banana
 You've never been done. Yes, like a rabbit, gonna grab it. Gonna do it til the night is done.
P.s. Maggot needs to bring back his moonwalking banana emoticon; love that little guy. Now's the time...
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well take off your face
Recover from the trip you've been on
I want you to lie on the bed, get you ready for my polygon
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I'm cracking myself up.
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(11-01-2012, 01:12 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I'm cracking myself up. 
Tease. I thought you were serious. I'm lying on the bed...
The blinds are shut.
You don't have to sneak in the doorway
Just come on into the room
I've been lying in the bed in the dark all alone
And I've been waiting, I've been waiting for you
(P.s. I have a date on Saturday; none too soon)
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I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your loving will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
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(11-01-2012, 01:30 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your loving will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
Gotta get some work done now; you're making it difficult to focus. You're a little like Sandy, Duchess.
Your love is like a tidle wave
Spinning over my head
Drowning me in your promises
Better left unsaid...
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I'm not nearly as good at this as you & Maggot are. I'll practice!
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(11-01-2012, 01:46 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I'm not nearly as good at this as you & Maggot are. I'll practice!
I was just thinking that you are TOO good at it. The best kind of distractor and thread derailer! Not kissing your ass (yet) either. Seriously fun thoughts and big smiles going on here... You're trouble, with a capital T.
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I have a terrible time staying on track. 
We'll never have that silly rule here!
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God made hurricane Sandy.
'Defend and Proclaim the Faith Ministries' Founder and Pastor John McTernan has blamed Hurricane Sandy on homosexuals and President Obama, reports Gay Star News.
McTernan reportedlty wrote on his blog: "If you add the area of the drought and now the hurricane together, it would be about 80 percent of the country! As I said, the Holy God of Israel is systematically destroying America right before our eyes."
"Just last August, Hurricane Isaac hit New Orleans seven years later, on the exact day of Hurricane Katrina. Both hit during the week of the homosexual event called Southern Decadence in New Orleans!"
McTernan added: “It appears that God gave America 21 years to repent of interfering with His prophetic plan for Israel, however, it has gotten worse under all the presidents and especially Obama. Obama is 100 percent behind the Muslim Brotherhood which has vowed to destroy Israel and take Jerusalem.”
He also attacked Mitt Romney as well: “Both candidates are pro-homosexual and are behind the homosexual agenda. America is under political judgment and the church does not know it!"
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NEW YORK — The bodies of two boys who were separated from their frantic mother at the height of Superstorm Sandy by the force of rising water were found Thursday in a marshy area at the end of a street, authorities said.
Two-year-old Brandon Moore and 4-year-old Connor Moore were swiped into swirling waters as their mother tried to escape her SUV on Monday amid rushing waters that caused the vehicle to stall, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said as he announced the discovery of the bodies.
Police said the mother, Glenda Moore, was going to her sister's home in Brooklyn when she tried to flee the vehicle with the boys, only to have the force of the rising water and the relentless cadence of pounding waves rip their small arms from her.
This story gets worse. I can't find a link right now (just heard it on the news) but apparently the woman left her house in the middle of the storm because they lost power (stupid, stupid, STUPID). After she left the car she held on to a tree (the reporter said "for hours") clinging to her two sons. She makes it up to a house next to the tree with her boys, knocks and the owner REFUSED HER ENTRANCE. She then took her boys in back and tried to break in with a concrete flower pot (I gather with no success) and the boys were swept away.
The guy who owns the house doesn't deny anything except he insists that it was a man trying to get in. When the reporter asked him, regardless if it was a man, would you have helped? He replies, "I'm not trained, I was wearing shorts and flip-flops" blah, blah, blah.
Unfucking believable!!!
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He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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There's another storm coming next week, a nor'easter for the East Coast. Bah.
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This time it's supposed to be snow.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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I'm hoping the ocean keeps my atmosphere too warm for that.