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I was reading the comments under the posted article links. One thing that stood out to me, was the lack of girls names
being bantered about as accomplices or "watchers". The girlfriend to the best friend of one of the accused
( the accused being the victims ex boyfriend) was instrumental and an integral part of the "set up"
in talking the victim into going that night, and was reportedly there with her boyfriend through the night. Also, it was
reported that the victim sent a close friend photos of herself with a group of girls around 9pm or so, that being her last
contact that night. It was reported that the victim was smiling and appeared to be "okay" in the photo. Where are all
those girls?
Im assuming afraid to talk because the popular boys make popular girls in high school.
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From TheHeraldStar on line 30 th January 2013
Rape case will be heard in open court STEUBENVILLE
The trial of two 16-year-olds charged with raping an underage girl after end-of-summer parties five months ago will be held in open court, visiting Juvenile Judge Thomas Lipps decided today.
A Judge with some common sense!
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(01-30-2013, 02:33 PM)NightOwl Wrote: From TheHeraldStar on line 30th January 2013
Rape case will be heard in open court STEUBENVILLE
The trial of two 16-year-olds charged with raping an underage girl after end-of-summer parties five months ago will be held in open court, visiting Juvenile Judge Thomas Lipps decided today.
A Judge with some common sense!
This is not only going to be real interesting, but I am guessing high drama. Glad the court ruled on the motion in favor of keeping the hearing open!! It may or may not change public opinions already established.
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Woman organizes flash mob in Steubenville to show support for reported rape victim
By Plain Dealer staff
A Cuyahoga Falls woman is organizing a flash mob for Thursday in Steubenville to show support for a 16-year-old girl who reportedly was raped by two high school football players in August.
Deb Lemire, 50, the organizer of V-Day Akron and the owner of Queen Bee Productions, is coordinating the flash mob to coincide with One Billion Rising, a global activist movement that brings attention to violence against women and girls.
Lemire has been using Twitter, Facebook and other online methods to get the word out, and she says nearly 100 people have confirmed they'll be in front of the Jefferson County Courthouse in Steubenville at 12:15 p.m. Thursday.
"I'm hoping it will be a big showing," Lemire said.
The Rest Of The Article
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Two high school football players go on trial next week on charges of raping a nearly passed-out-drunk 16-year-old girl during a night of partying in Steubenville, Ohio. Around the football-powerhouse city, some are demanding to know why at least three other teens aren't facing charges, too.
After the athletes' arrest last summer, one of the many rumors that swirled around town proved all too true: Three boys, two of them members of Steubenville High's celebrated Big Red team, saw something happening that night and didn't try to stop it.
Instead, two pulled out their cellphones and took video and a photo.
The Ohio Atorney General's Office, however, informed the three witnesses in a letter last fall that although they may not have conducted themselves "in a responsible or appropriate manner," their behavior "did not rise to the level of criminal conduct," and they would not be charged.
Legal experts said it is clear prosecutors sorely need the witnesses' testimony to make their rape case, because there is little physical evidence against the defendants and the girl may have been too intoxicated to remember much.
"This prosecutor more than anything else wants to get a conviction of the culprits, and he does not want to jeopardize that single-minded goal," said Christo Lassiter, a University of Cincinnati criminal law professor. "That's the conservative approach. Above all else, get the main culprit. If you can get the other folks along the line, fine."
Ma'Lik Richmond, 16, and Trent Mays, 17, go on trial Wednesday in juvenile court in Steubenville. They are charged with digitally penetrating the girl, first in the back seat of a moving car after a mostly underage, alcohol-fueled party Aug. 11, and then in the basement of a house. Witnesses said the girl was so drunk she threw up at least twice and had trouble walking and speaking. She also was photographed being carried by the two young men.
If convicted, they could be held in a juvenile jail until they turn 21. They have denied any wrongdoing.
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This is a comment that the defense attorney made in regards to the young woman at the center of all this -
Richmond's attorney Madison said of the girl: 'The person who is the accuser here is silent just as she was that night, and that's because there was consent.'
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A drunken girl was 'treated like a toy' by two Ohio footballers 'raped her on a night of degradation, humiliation and violation', a court was told today.
Speaking at the first day of the trial of Steubenville high school football stars Trent Mays, 17, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, prosecutor Marianne Hemmeter said she was:'Somebody too impaired to say no, somebody who was too impaired to say stop.'
A witness to the moment the now infamous Instagram image of the Ohio rape ‘victim’ was taken also revealed how the accused trod on the 16-year-old girl’s hair as her head lolled lifelessly back.
The girl broke down in tears as she recalled: ‘I picked her hair up and I told them they needed to carry her a better way.’
She made no sound or objection as Mays then hoisted her over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift.
This was just one detail in a night of ‘degradation, humiliation and violation’ as depicted by Ms Hemmeter.
Mays and Richmond are accused of assaulting the girl in a basement and in a car by using their hands during a night out to celebrate a victory on August 12 last year. Mays also is charged with illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material.
She has set out the State’s case as one that hinges, not on the issues of consent or force, but ‘only on the defendants’ knowledge of her substantial intoxication and their exploitation of that when they treated her like a toy.’
Hemmeter claimed that Mays and Richmond held the girl's hair as she vomited in the street.
She went on to say: 'You will hear witnesses testify that they saw Trent Mays try to put his penis in her mouth, but because her mouth wouldn't open, he abandoned that attempt.'
She added that witnesses will also testify that they saw Richmond inserting his fingers into her private parts while she was motionless on a basement couch.
Speaking to Judge Lipps at the Jefferson County court, in Steubenville, Ms Hemmeter said: ‘You have to piece all this together much in the same way as [the victim] had to piece this together.’
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Judge Thomas Lipps said he will announce his decision Sunday morning after reviewing evidence presented over four days in the case against 17-year-old Trent Mays and 16-year-old Ma'lik Richmond.
Defense attorneys argued the state didn't prove their clients raped the West Virginia girl after an alcohol-fueled party last summer. But prosecutors said the evidence, including text messages, testimony, and photographs, was overwhelming.
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They were found guilty. HaHaFuckinHa.
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Verdicts in Steubenville high school rape trial
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio — Two Ohio high school football players have been found guilty of raping a drunken 16-year-old girl in a case that roiled a small city and stirred reaction from activists online.
The trial of two Ohio high school football players accused of raping a 16-year-old girl resumed on Saturday. NBC's Ron Allen reports.
Judge Thomas Lipps ruled Sunday in juvenile court that Steubenville High School students Trent Mays and Ma'Lik Richmond are guilty of attacking the girl after an alcohol-fueled party last August.
The 17-year-old Mays and 16-year-old Richmond were charged with digitally penetrating the West Virginia girl, first in a car and then in a house. They could be held in a juvenile jail until they turn 21.
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The Ohio football stars charged with raping a 16-year-old girl in a night of degradation and humiliation have been found guilty.
In emotional courtroom scenes, both defendants Trent Mays, 17, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, wept uncontrollably as Judge Thomas Lipps handed down his verdict, describing their actions as ‘profane and ugly.’
As Mays and Richmond were comforted by their attorneys and their families sobbed, prosecutor Marianne Hemmeter pressed for a stern sentencing reminding the judge: ‘They showed absolutely no regard for what happened to the victim.
‘In the case of Mays once the information got out, there was a very conscious decision to turn it on her.
‘The lack of remorse was appalling’
Today, as both Steubenville High School students faced the reality of the consequences of what happened that August night last year, their remorse appeared overwhelming.
Both have been sentence to a minimum of one year in a juvenile detention institution with the maximum stay of until they are 21.
Mays faced an additional charge of the use and dissemination of nude images of a minor. He received the same sentence for that to run consecutively. His minimum detention is two years.
His actions were, according to Judge Lipps, ‘more egregious’ making it inappropriate that he should face the same sentence as Richmond.
Richmond’s father, Nathaniel, who has been present in court every day made his way over to his son, fell to his knees and told him that he loved him.
‘My life is ruined,’ Richmond told attorney his Walter Madison, who was clearly shocked at the verdict.
Mays father, Bryan, held his head in his hands as the defendant’s sister Rhiannan and mother wept.
Both defendants took the opportunity to address the victim and her family – present for the verdict and visible to the defendants but out of view of the main court in a screened off section of seating.
Mays was composed as he said: ‘I would like to apologise to [the victim] and her family, my family and the community. No pictures should have been sent let alone ever taken.’
When it came to Richmond’s turn, he walked towards the victim and her family, across the courtroom, weeping; ‘I would like to apologise. I had no intention to put you guys through this. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.
‘I ruined her life.’
At this, he could no longer speak because he was overcome with tears, and was walked back to this seat by Fred Abdalla Jr, Chief Probation Officer for Jefferson County Juvenile Court.
Apologies followed from Bryan Mays, Greg Aggresta – Richmond’s guardian who, along with his wife Jennifer have been in court every day. The Aggresta’s have spoken openly about their support for Richmond and love for him ‘whatever happened.’
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Thanks! for all the updates above! I was very happy with Judge Thomas Lipps decision, I watched the video. I'm reading also they will go on the sex offenders list.
Both boys were in Court with Chief Probation Officer Fred Abdalla Jr. that name rang a bell! heck if he isn't the Sheriff's son.
Thanks! to Anonymous.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
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I'm happy to see them being held accountable for their crimes.
What happens next is of concern to me.
Does the state now toss these teens in a facility with a bunch of like-minded delinquents, and then release them as adults with the expectation that they're gonna be any less of a danger to society?
I'm really interested in the terms of their incarceration and stipulations for their eventual release.
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They should count their lucky stars they were tried as juveniles. A couple of years and they can get on track if they choose to.
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(03-17-2013, 12:51 PM)Duchess Wrote: ‘I would like to apologise to [the victim] and her family, my family and the community. No pictures should have been sent let alone ever taken.’
‘I would like to apologise. I had no intention to put you guys through this. I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say."
Nowhere . . . NOWHERE was there an apology for the assault from either defendant!
(Note: The preceding quote was not from nor endorsed, to my knowledge, by Mock's Duchess. It was snipped from her post bearing the same time stamp. This has been a Tard PSA.)
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I bristled at the "I ruined her life" comment. No, fuckhead. She's going to get help, move on and have a fabulous life. At least I'd like to think so.
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Well they didn't believe it was an assault... they believed it was consensual, remember?
Fuck these idiots and that shitty community they live in. I hope the stigma tears down the entire good old boy network and decimates what was left of that rusty hell hole know as Steubenville. These parents who defended their kids should be ashamed of themselves for having raised such mutants.
Well done Anonymous. On to the next town where this has happened, and keep using your power for causes like this.