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10 yr old models...Fashion Faux Pas??? Are you f'n kidding me???
My husband was arrested last year for child molestation. He is in prison now, where he belongs, and I hope I never see him again. On his computer, he had 176 pictures of little girls in bikinis...girls all under the age of 10. These were little girls just modeling swimsuits for catalogs and websites. It's absolutely sick.

Not sure why I am bringing this up. What's really getting me is that the 10-year-old French model is now having her face plastered all over the news. My husband is probably sitting in his cushy little jail cell watching TV and enjoying the heck out of this story.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 10 yr old models...Fashion Faux Pax??? Are you f'n kidding me??? - by WVisHELL - 08-14-2011, 09:52 AM