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Elizabeth Collins, 8 and Lyric Cook,10 Iowa missing/found dead
I found this article by ABC News. It details Misty Cook Morrissey's criminal history pretty well. Looks like Misty is a serial drug criminal-not that that makes her a child killer.

Both Daniel and Misty have criminal records. In fact, Misty, whose maiden name is Cook, was just released from federal prison on May 30 after being convicted of nine crimes, including illegal drug use, association with persons involved in criminal activity, excessive alcohol use, and failure to comply with drug testing.

Eight years earlier, in 2003, she was sentenced to four years behind bars after she plead guilty to conspiracy to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine. Her sentence was later shortened to five months in prison and one year of supervised release. In 1998 she was found guilty of having an open container of alcohol in a vehicle and in 1997 she plead guilty a false report to law enforcement, a crime for which she was sentenced to six days in jail.

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Misty states that they have taken polygraphs but doesn't state that she or Dan passed said polys.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Elizabeth Collins, 8 and Lyric Cook,10 Iowa missing - by Cheyne - 07-19-2012, 09:23 PM
RE: Elizabeth Collins, 8 and Lyric Cook,10 Iowa missing - by guest12131213 - 02-03-2014, 06:15 PM