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"the Revs": "Spiritual Counseling Network"

And in the dead of night you can hear little Timmy praying: Dear Jesus, smite those that found Brandon's orange ball cup pictures and please give me a larger than average cork. Amen. PS: and make me smarter so I don't have to steal from people to make money. Double amen.
[Image: ae216911c39fb9735adae7e1ac00a4841ef.gif]

I don't know if that was deliberate or not but, Ima laughing my ass off over "cork". 28
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]

That's about the size of it.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(11-09-2010, 03:45 PM)Duchess Wrote:

I don't know if that was deliberate or not but, Ima laughing my ass off over "cork". 28

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgxg4detYHsxg_f1MdHbC...EyYAOHHsY=]

I believe the Rev's blog post is nothing more than a half-assed, pseudo media release imitating a confession of sin.
Curtis’s missive is void of specifics and ripe with (as LC has noted) martyrdom.
It’s all about them. Once again, they desperately try to divert attention away from their actions, by withholding the whole truth, from those whom they beg continued support.

I love the phraseology:

“. . . we have undergone relentless and malicious attacks and persecution . . .”

“Most . . . is completely untrue.”

“Some of the things . . . from our past have been accurate.”

“ But, only accurate from who we used to be . . .”

“. . . I am not the man was (sic) one year ago . . .”

And my all time favorite: “Some of the things people were able to dig up . . .”

So, big boy . . . there’s more?
How ‘bout you stop hijacking to your website?
Why not splash the AG’s request and your Nov. 3, 2010 “media” release when someone accesses this address?
What have you got to hide?
('cept that ‘lil thang ‘tween your legs – PLEASE keep THAT hidden!)
i would like to know why they continue to use this name:
to direct people to their site?
and then there is a photo of Zahra there. with a disclaimer stating they are no longer collecting funds.
in my opinion they are exploiting that child to ask for "tithes and offerings".
the domain name for Zahra Baker should not belong to them. nor should they use her photo. they are in no way connected to Zahra. it's misleading and contemptible.


Do you think Zahra's family is aware that her image is being used to solicit funds by men who post photos of their minute penis online in their quest for stranger sex?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
oh the entire town of Hickory knows by now. unless they live under a rock.
step-bitch is in no position to object, i have no idea if daddy adam or his mommy have objected. i do believe the N.C. Attorney General has objected however. and possibly the National Center for Missing and EXPLOITED Children.

Hallelujah, Brothers and Sisters! The dust has settled and we’re open for business AGAIN!

That’s right, folks.

Timmy and Brandon have re-packaged the Spiritual Counseling Network and are, again, ready to help (themselves).

Check it out, you doubting Thomas:

Can I get a witness? Hallelujah, brother!

And please give a warm welcome to the new addition to the “Orange Ball Sack” and “Smaller than Average Penis” team . . . Rev. Angela Hendrix!

ULC must be cranking out ordinations at a record pace, these days! "Better Bandwidth for Better Divinity"

You will be pleased to know that, NOW, all charges for the services are for the ‘USE OF FACILITIES’ and not for actual services/ministry rendered. It's in their legal notice.

Gosh, I didn’t realize that the Waffle House charged booth rental.

Hey, I wonder what the Legal Notice they got from the Attorney General looks like? You know the one I'm writing about. The one that "encouraged" them to stop solicitng for Zahra Baker.

They've never posted that one on ANY of their sites. I wonder why?

BTW - What happened to Rev Medina?
i look forward to reading the credentials of the new rev.
i see tim is still a DOCTOR OF DIVINITY.

(11-13-2010, 06:35 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: i look forward to reading the credentials of the new rev.
i see tim is still a DOCTOR OF DIVINITY.

DD - Doctor of D*cksucking? Not that it's a bad thing, JMO. Smiley_emoticons_wink I see that these asswipes think that they are not going to be stopped and are going to attempt to use the "loopholes" that SamanthaTIMBRANDON Miller discussed freely. I'm no psychologist, but watching their behavior online, these fucktards DEFINITELY have signs of a few mental illnesses. Passive aggressive behavior, defiance of authority, delusions of grandeur, disassociative personality disorder when they pretend to be women online. It astounds me that they are so hellbent on making money in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior and using Zahra Baker's death and circumstance as their marketing platform. COFFIN FLIES. That's what they are - blood sucking coffin flies. FILTH. That's an opinion. Fourth year failure Samantha Miller can look that up in her Fred Phelps Law School she attends. Right? Samantha - you still here? Come out, come out wherever you are. Liar, bigot, thief. JMO JMO

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(11-13-2010, 06:35 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: i look forward to reading the credentials of the new rev.

Credentials, LC? Shout me out a "Honolulu" Sister and it shall be given!

Pastoral Counseling Licenses - Let's see what's on the website:

"Our staff are (sic) trained, ordained and licensed by Spiritual Counseling Network."

Or perhaps you prefer this:

"We do not provide professional mental health treatment, medication management or psychiatric treatment. However, we do provide ministry by a pastoral staff that is trained, ordained and licensed by the ministry."

And if you need additional "testimonials", this should exorcise your suspicion:

"Folks tell us they experience a closer walk with God and divine favor in their lives because of the ministry they receive through Spiritual Counseling Network Healing & Deliverance Center."

"Folks tell us . . . "

Damn, woman. . . ain't that goodenuff fer you?

I just loves me some in-house credentials! Especially when served on saltines with Cheeses of Nazareth.
i consider myself exorcised, thankyou Tiki.

i are folked now. yea, though i once, in the past (last week), walked through the valley of the shadow of ignorance i see the shining light of the temple of the everlasting walmart parking lot as it beckons me unto salvation. i have tithed unto the plastic bucket. i am sanctified in the baptism of the golden shower~~

[Image: LeapOfFaith.jpg]

[Image: ae216911c39fb9735adae7e1ac00a4841ef.gif]
(11-14-2010, 03:21 AM)cuddles Wrote: PRAISE THE LARD!!!!

now Cuddles, that would be in the pie crust post. get with the program woman. 43
of course, 'lard' could apply to the earthly exteriors of the representatives of the Lord as they appeared in their porno adverts recently. but i don't like to take easy cheap shots at their generous adipose regions. i am sure sloth and gluttony do not accompany lust and coveting thy neighbor's boyfriend's cute ass.

[Image: snake-oil1.jpg?w=203&h=300]

(11-14-2010, 03:21 AM)cuddles Wrote: PRAISE THE LARD!!!!


[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
this is confusing and does not inspire confidence in the prospective client...on the refuge site medina still has no bio. but he's still listed as staff. and on the new site he's not mentioned. also there are no photos of greeson or the new rev. hendrix. just blackout figures like they were in the witness protection program. also, no bio info on the new distaff rev. hendrix. is it that hard to come up with a bio? credentials? something?
i simply cannot get my salvation and counseling needs met by such nebulous entities.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

(11-17-2010, 02:04 AM)Lady Cop Wrote: there are no photos of greeson or the new rev. hendrix. just blackout figures like they were in the witness protection program. also, no bio info on the new distaff rev. hendrix. is it that hard to come up with a bio? credentials? something?
Credentials for new staff . . . would that be for Angela Hendrix or the ever-illusive and never materializing, legal beagle, Samantha?

I’m hoping that the new “rev” Angela, also acquired the certification of “Jedi Knight”. It’s available from the same place as Timmy’s DD. At $10.99 it’s a helluva bargain!

“These are not the two revolting ass fucks you are looking for.”

Wow! It just worked on me.

As to updating their bio photos . . . may I suggest:

The NEW look of counseling

Additional Ministry Credentials for $10.99

is this the new Associate, rev. angela hendrix?
it's sort of hard to tell what's going on here or who is who.

it has a pop-up ad for your online master of divinity degree. 30
if that's her in the white tee-shirt, she weeps a lot, kind of like tammy faye. 21



Smiley_emoticons_skeptisch She doesn't have a neck.
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