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AZ mall shooting, hostages. happening now
this guy was "accidently released" from prison!

[Updated at 4:02 p.m.] Law enforcement officials tell CNN affiliate KPHO that a sniper with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office confirms that two hostages are being held at a restaurant near the Chandler mall.

[Updated at 3:58 p.m.] CNN is now receiving conflicting reports on whether hostages are being held at a restaurant near the Chandler, Arizona, mall.

Though a U.S. marshal told CNN that the fugitive was holding hostages at a nearby Baja Fresh, Chandler Detective David Ramer said the reports were unconfirmed.

Ramer said he also could not confirm if the suspect accused of firing shots at the mall is Daniel Perez Munoz. Marshals earlier identified the man as Munoz and said he was wanted in connection with a police shootout last month.

[Updated at 3:53 p.m.] Hostages are being held inside the Baja Fresh restaurant near the Chandler, Arizona, mall in suburban Phoenix, U.S. Marshal David Gonzales said.

[Updated at 3:45 p.m.] A retired Phoenix, Arizona, police sergeant tells CNN that a problem could arise apprehending Daniel Perez Munoz if the fugitive attempts to hide among mall patrons.

Ex-Sgt. Andy Hill further said that the shape of the upscale Chandler mall, which is similar to the letter "A," could make finding the fugitive difficult. The most important charge of police on the scene, he said, is evacuating everyone inside the shopping center.

Hill predicts it could take "a long time to find this person."

[Updated at 3:28 p.m.] CNN affiliate KTVK has aerial footage of the evacuated mall and several armed police officers surrounding the building.

[Updated at 3:20 p.m.] Daniel Munoz Perez, the suspect being sought by federal marshals after being seen at an Arizona mall Wednesday, was accidentally released from prison last month, CNN affiliate KPHO-TV reports.

The 25-year-old man was accused of shooting at Arizona Department of Public Safety officers December 11 outside a home in Casa Grande, a law enforcement source told KPHO.

Munoz was injured in the shootout, admitted to a Phoenix hospital and held in another county's jail before he was turned over to Pinal County, the station reported.

The Pinal County Sheriff's Office, however, said it never received the charging documents for Munoz and he was released on a $320 misdemeanor bond December 17, according to KPHO.

[Updated at 3:14 p.m.] Helicopter video shows police officers crouching near a Baja Fresh restaurant with their guns drawn, and more shots may have been fired at the Chandler, Arizona, mall, reports CNN affiliate KPHO-TV.

[Updated at 3:01 p.m.] U.S. marshals in Arizona say they are looking for a fugitive wanted for the attempted murder of a police officer.

The suspect, who was located at the Chandler mall Wednesday, has been identified as Daniel Munoz Perez, U.S. Marshal David Gonzalez said. When security officers saw him, Perez began shooting then disappeared into the mall, Gonzalez said.

Federal marshals have been looking for Perez since December 16 when he was accidentally released from the Pinal County Sheriff's Office, he said.

[Posted at 2:54 p.m.] Police say they are looking for a fugitive at the Phoenix suburban mall where shots were fired earlier.

[Updated at 2:27] Shots were fired at a mall in Chandler, Arizona, on Wednesday, forcing the evacuation of the shopping center, authorities said.

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"Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Monday that even before the new Arizona immigration law was signed, his deputies were arresting “very few” non-Hispanics. "

Hispanics are starting to account for a large percentage of arrests compared to their still smaller percentage of the population all over this country. I don't appreciate my tax dollars going to police the issues created by two racial subgroups in America. They should be charged for each arrest and effen deported, even if they are here legally. Same with African Americans. Ship them out, too, if they can't obey laws. Whitey gets a pass. hahahahaha
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
not confirmed yet, but i think they've got the guy.


This is for one county in Georgia that has about a 10% Hispanic population. Scroll down and see how many criminals are of Hispanic descent. Same with everyone named Xavier or Donnell or Leroy or Quantavious.

White folks aren't getting their fair share of jail beds and three squares. Who can I call about this?
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
your assignment Cracker, should you choose to accept it, is to get all U.S. prison stats re: ethnic origin/race. Police Smiley_emoticons_biggrin

but then the real debate certain demographics, although "minority", commit the most crime?

It's because all police officers, not to mention the entire criminal justice system, are racist and they target minorities.

Commando Cunt Queen
Jail costs more than welfare. I'm tired of paying for certain folks to fuck up their lives. Let's just give them their own state, fence it, and let them fend for themselves. Do we really need TWO Dakotas? I don't think so.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Here's 2001, looking for more up-to-date data:

Prevalence of Incarceration:
[Image: Lifetime_prevalence_of_incarceration.png]
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
"If we examine the data in the most recent 2008 BJS [Bureau of Justice Statistics] report, published in December 2009, we discover the total Hispanic incarceration rate, while far below that of blacks, is still almost 150 percent above the white average, having fallen a little from the 170 percent figure in 2000."

Not bad for 13% of the population.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
[Image: Inprisonment_Rates.jpg]
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
good work Cracker! thanks! i'm not surprised by the stats, but the question is why is it seemingly disproportionate? because they can't afford lawyers? nope, that's not it. because they are oppressed? yep...that's it.

looks like this bastard will be going back where he belongs.

A tense police standoff with a suspect holed up in a restaurant near a mall in Chandler, Arizona, ended with him being taken into custody, said a woman who fled the restaurant and said she witnessed the man being taken into custody.

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Because they don't fix themselves. Fucked up culture, for sure. It is considered shameful for whites to go to jail. It is part of other cultures like going to church. Church then jail on Sunday. There isn't the sense of shame present. Most of the white criminals are poor white trash. Very few working middle class whites get arrested (outside of DUIs).
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(01-05-2011, 06:50 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: looks like this bastard will be going back where he belongs.

A tense police standoff with a suspect holed up in a restaurant near a mall in Chandler, Arizona, ended with him being taken into custody, said a woman who fled the restaurant and said she witnessed the man being taken into custody.

They should have taken him out. It would have saved so much money.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Cracker, did you see this in AJC?

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LA County arrest records for 2008 (adults):

69,804 168,982 85,102 18,671

Where I'm from, there were no blacks arrested because there were no blacks. You have to use urban data because all different colors live in urban areas. It's the only way to get realistic stats.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(01-05-2011, 07:18 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: Cracker, did you see this in AJC?

"Georgia taxpayers spend $1 billion a year locking up so many criminal offenders that the state has the fourth-highest incarceration rate in the nation. When it comes to overall criminal punishment, no state outdoes Georgia."

We paid for their public defenders, too.

Why so many in jail in Georgia? Because we are a diverse (black and tan, hahaha) state. The more races, the more criminals. Sorry, but it's true. We also have a bunch of uneducated poor people.

The whole thing pisses me tf off. Shoot the fuckers and let's fund education and health clinics instead. Fuck the criminals. They should make criminals pay for their incarceration. They should get a fucking bill when they get out. Charge the families, too. They raised the pieces of shit.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
They should make single-race crime legal. Don't arrest for black on black, hispanic on hispanic, or white on white crime. That's natural selection. Just arrest people for mixed race crimes. If people want to kill each other in their own communities, why should we care?
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(01-05-2011, 07:36 PM)Cracker Wrote: They should make single-race crime legal. Don't arrest for black on black, hispanic on hispanic, or white on white crime. That's natural selection. Just arrest people for mixed race crimes. If people want to kill each other in their own communities, why should we care?

I caught my son looking at this the other day. This guy is ON it.

Commando Cunt Queen
Yeah, half my friends dressed as him for Halloween. I think it's funny. You have to laugh.

The remix is better:
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.