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(02-15-2011, 03:00 AM)Jane Wrote: (02-14-2011, 03:36 AM)doing40thisyear Wrote: (02-14-2011, 01:41 AM)netsleuth Wrote: On a related note the Justice for Johnny and Lisa page was pulled from FB. Apparently the person who started it wasn't on the up and up?
Quote:Maytee said - "Iam reporting that justice for johnny and lisa page please friends join me how dare this woman think or even imagine wat i feel or can say i want that page gone she just wants a story ;,,,(" what i got from the page (rip johnny and lisa) was that she (person that created it) had lost her child and thought she would create it. where people could pay tribute, but i get the feeling now that she was getting too much angered comment from TIFF's bf AJ and also Maytee was saying some pretty awful comments. I know she lost her son but she was saying some pretty horrible things on that page. It seems like if you dont play by Maytee rules u are cut off. If anyone know how she ( Maytee) must feel is the person who created that page as I thought that person too lost her child to a horrible crime. I mean they all say she (maytee) was nuts even prior to this happening. I guess the person would have had better luck with Maytee if she would have agreed with Maytee facebook comments. Yeah kill them all and their kids and pour acid on them die...IMO OF COURSE.. RIP Johnny If i could go back in time i would not let you go if i could change the past i would trade places with you if i had to choose between life n death i would die for you oh johnny how i wish it was me and not you ;,,,,,( i would die for you jovanny n jake ;,,,,,( lord why????????
YES! I saw all this 'go down'. I can't believe admin let it go on as long as they did! Maytee got pissed off about something, & then blocked the admin, so she couldn't see her posts!!! Maytee's off her rocker, IMO
Heads Up! It Justice for Johnny and Lisa was back up for a couple hours today. The person said she was eeing what would happen. But it is down again tonight. Who was it who took photos of pages and could post them? If the page comes up again I would contact him and have him capture
The RIP Johnny page is encouraging people to research and then send info privately by email
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Alright, so who else was checking this page every 5 seconds when they had a chance today? lol
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Glad to see the glitch in the matrix has been corrected and thrilled to be back with the Mocksters!
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(02-14-2011, 12:06 PM)EastCoastKat Wrote: I'll be back!! Gotta love this site!!
got to agree!
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(02-14-2011, 01:41 AM)netsleuth Wrote: On a related note the Justice for Johnny and Lisa page was pulled from FB. Apparently the person who started it wasn't on the up and up?
Quote:Maytee said - "Iam reporting that justice for johnny and lisa page please friends join me how dare this woman think or even imagine wat i feel or can say i want that page gone she just wants a story ;,,,("!/pages/RIP-Joh...7417605357
Whoa. I wonder if the person who started the page was mining data for a book. Disgusting, if so.
Looked at RIP Johnny and saw this:
RIP Johnny If i could go back in time i would not let you go if i could change the past i would trade places with you if i had to choose between life n death i would die for you oh johnny how i wish it was me and not you ;,,,,,( i would die for you jovanny n jake ;,,,,,( lord why????????
Heartbreaking :(
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(02-15-2011, 03:13 AM)TotallyCurious Wrote: (02-15-2011, 03:00 AM)Jane Wrote: (02-14-2011, 03:36 AM)doing40thisyear Wrote: (02-14-2011, 01:41 AM)netsleuth Wrote: On a related note the Justice for Johnny and Lisa page was pulled from FB. Apparently the person who started it wasn't on the up and up?
Quote:Maytee said - "Iam reporting that justice for johnny and lisa page please friends join me how dare this woman think or even imagine wat i feel or can say i want that page gone she just wants a story ;,,,(" what i got from the page (rip johnny and lisa) was that she (person that created it) had lost her child and thought she would create it. where people could pay tribute, but i get the feeling now that she was getting too much angered comment from TIFF's bf AJ and also Maytee was saying some pretty awful comments. I know she lost her son but she was saying some pretty horrible things on that page. It seems like if you dont play by Maytee rules u are cut off. If anyone know how she ( Maytee) must feel is the person who created that page as I thought that person too lost her child to a horrible crime. I mean they all say she (maytee) was nuts even prior to this happening. I guess the person would have had better luck with Maytee if she would have agreed with Maytee facebook comments. Yeah kill them all and their kids and pour acid on them die...IMO OF COURSE.. RIP Johnny If i could go back in time i would not let you go if i could change the past i would trade places with you if i had to choose between life n death i would die for you oh johnny how i wish it was me and not you ;,,,,,( i would die for you jovanny n jake ;,,,,,( lord why????????
YES! I saw all this 'go down'. I can't believe admin let it go on as long as they did! Maytee got pissed off about something, & then blocked the admin, so she couldn't see her posts!!! Maytee's off her rocker, IMO
Heads Up! It Justice for Johnny and Lisa was back up for a couple hours today. The person said she was eeing what would happen. But it is down again tonight. Who was it who took photos of pages and could post them? If the page comes up again I would contact him and have him capture
The RIP Johnny page is encouraging people to research and then send info privately by email
confused ... what I saw was the "Justice for JC & LS" FB page, doing that... wanting people to research a particular page .. the research takes you to Maytee's rap sheet.
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(02-13-2011, 10:31 PM)kitty1 Wrote: someone asked about Lisa's funeral and I don't know if i posted this or not. it was private, but word of mouth got around so many people were there. the people that the family did not want there were not there and wouldn't have been allowed in. She looked good but of course not like she was in life. you have all seen the pictures. she was adorable freckles and all. they had lots of pictures and and a book she had written about what she expected her future to be like. her dreams, her goals and her heros. that was difficult to read. of course i was looking in the crowd for suspicious people. i saw no "thugz or gangstas" or any even remotely close to that. her family is dignified, respectful and know how to speak and write using all the vowels and consonants.
thanks for the inside info. Glad the funeral went smoothly.
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(02-13-2011, 10:50 PM)fabulous Wrote: in this city lawyers are a dime a dozen... attorneys take on "little" cases all the time.
interestingly enough, and not to start a little argument, but I wouldn't consider John RIchardson one of Toledo's top attorneys...and I doubt in this day and age his retainer is $10,000.... just my opinion of course!
also...according to our auditors website Maytee DOES own a home. she owns a TRAILER in a trailer park! The house they are living in is on the "southside" and they must be renting it..from someone with the same last name.... some relative I assume.
I've heard (rumors) from the beginning that this was about snitches and snitching...Lisa was probably at the wrong place at the wrong time. tragic.
the cast of characters on this case is down right scary!!! white fucking trash!
AMEN! (in bold above)
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Weird stuff going on with the Justice for Johnny and Lisa page. It's up and down. And, I don't know what they were getting at by suggesting people scope criminal records?
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Did anyone see the post on one of the newspaper websites where Johnny was supposedly telling friends that Lisa's parents had a safe and he would fan himself with cash? Sounds like he was joshing, but someone may have taken him seriously. I'll see if I can find it, if it's not been posted by tomorrow. I'm out for the evening.
I'm starting to fear that there will not be an arrest? It doesn't seem possible given the characters who are likely involved but man, one would think they'd have something by now. Ladycop, feel free to weigh in. What might they be waiting for in terms of forensics, etc. before making an arrest?
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(02-15-2011, 02:39 AM)NightOwl Wrote: Johnny's Mother has a candle memorial on the RIP Facebook page along with a Justice Tarot card in the picture.
It is so sad!
It or them need to be found soon!
Yes, very sad. I too, want an arrest now! I can't imagine how the families feel.
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(02-15-2011, 03:59 AM)netsleuth Wrote: Did anyone see the post on one of the newspaper websites where Johnny was supposedly telling friends that Lisa's parents had a safe and he would fan himself with cash? Sounds like he was joshing, but someone may have taken him seriously. I'll see if I can find it, if it's not been posted by tomorrow. I'm out for the evening.
I'm starting to fear that there will not be an arrest? It doesn't seem possible given the characters who are likely involved but man, one would think they'd have something by now. Ladycop, feel free to weigh in. What might they be waiting for in terms of forensics, etc. before making an arrest?
I have NOT read that, but oh, did I surmise it. I just think he said it at the Clarke's
and a jealous mom, (Why does my son get to live in that nice a place with a girl whose old boyfriend was in JAIL), decided to get some robbers and find that safe.
After all, she knows where the key is, she has seen it used many times. (How?)
Stalking? Johnny had an errand. "I wish I had not let you go." which would
take him away from the house. But alas, Tiff screwed up the plans and therefore
was screamed at by Maytell, "You set him up." Since she did not get Johnny out
of the house the right period of time, Tiff becomes the enemy. Mom did not
get the stuff in the safe and paid a healthy horrid price for her part of Captaining
the Soldiers Capturing the Loot from the Imaginary Safe.
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(02-14-2011, 10:06 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: (02-14-2011, 01:41 AM)netsleuth Wrote: On a related note the Justice for Johnny and Lisa page was pulled from FB. Apparently the person who started it wasn't on the up and up?
Quote:Maytee said - "Iam reporting that justice for johnny and lisa page please friends join me how dare this woman think or even imagine wat i feel or can say i want that page gone she just wants a story ;,,,("!/pages/RIP-Joh...7417605357
That happened last night while this thread was locked & I was watching it on FB as it happened. The people who created the Justice page (there are 4 admins) make pages like that primarily for missing children. They are not related to any of the cases. I don't know if they asked Maytee 1st but both RIP JC (created by Maytee) & Maytees personal page have commented plenty on that sight & just yesterday when the creator of the Justice page asked for pictures(to make a slide show), Maytee told the admin to take pictures from her personal FB page so I don't think Maytee had a problem with the FB page.
What happened was that one of the admins saw the comment Maytee made Saturday night about wanting the killers to be chopped up & have acid poured on the them & admin posted that she was pissed & was going to make the page invisible for awhile.
One particular person who posted FREQUENTLY (I wondered if she ever slept) Miranda went off on a tangent which then caused Maytee to go off. When the admin hide the page Maytee began posting on her RIP JC page that she was calling on all of her friends to report the page, she wanted it deleted permanently, she started calling the admins of the Justice page "devils looking for a story" & wished them to hell just like the killers.
The Miranda chick that posts there so much is awful for Maytee. ( I actually blocked her for awhile because I couldnt take her ramblings) If you go to the RIP JC page you will see what I mean. Miranda is in no way affiliated with this case & did not previously know Maytee, she doesn't even live in this state. Yet, she continues to call Maytee momma, tell her how much she loves her & calls the RIP JC page "OUR page" IMO Miranda needs psychological help & she is only making Maytee worse by edging her on. I can see being interested in the case (I am) & feeling compassion for Maytee (I do) but to take what has happened to someone else & make it into YOUR pain, when you do not even have any ties to this is sick IMO. This Miranda lost her 3 year old son, she claims, she says that he drowned. It appears she has never gotten help & for whatever reason she is living out her own pain through this & has found a partner in crime. So now she & Maytee are over on the RIP JC page slinging mud at the creator of the Justice page ( I will most likely be hiding the RIP JC page) I feel sick watching it at this point.
Once again, I'm way behind on what's going on. Thanks for explaining what happened.
I think that early in Maytee's postings at the Justice page that Maytee said stuff like that. Looks the Justice admins aren't really paying attention to the kind of people surrounding this drama. Absolutely nothing that gets posted by Maytee or any of these folks surprises me.
You got that right about that Miranda person. She is a nutcase and a psychic vampire feeding into and off Maytee's emotions. She's doing a lot of harm whipping Maytee into an even worse state.
At another forum that I hang out at, someone posted a thread on Kyron Hormon. This is was a conspiracy/UFO/politics/far out shit type of site. Because of the Kyron thread, all of these people surfed in and were posting there, who were these psychic vampire loons. I mean they talked about how they cried EVERY DAY about Kyron, had his picture in their houses, wrote poems for him, prayed daily, etc. Total fucking crackpots, just like Miranda. A nuke could get launched from North Korea and they're attention would not be diverted. It was an interesting thread to read, just to observe the craziness.
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hey i had a look at this facebook page. who is putting up all the i miss you johnny stuff? also fill me in, who dunnit?
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(02-15-2011, 04:42 AM)aussiefriend Wrote: hey i had a look at this facebook page. who is putting up all the i miss you johnny stuff? also fill me in, who dunnit?
if you are referring to the RIP Johnny page, it is written by Maytee.
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yet another interesting article...note the reference to being tied to chairs??
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(02-15-2011, 05:15 AM)curious Wrote: yet another interesting article...note the reference to being tied to chairs??
Uhhhh.. WOW. That's some new details. Not sure how legit it is since is just randomly mentioned. It's mentioned like it's something we didn't already know.
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(02-15-2011, 05:47 AM)efyou Wrote: (02-15-2011, 05:15 AM)curious Wrote: yet another interesting article...note the reference to being tied to chairs??
Uhhhh.. WOW. That's some new details. Not sure how legit it is since is just randomly mentioned. It's mentioned like it's something we didn't already know.
plus this states the bodies were found in the basement. Even though maytee initially said basement in her 911 call the bodies were found upstairs near the kitchen... so if that source can't get facts that have actually been named by LE correct I'm not sure I would trust anything else they say
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(02-15-2011, 05:47 AM)efyou Wrote: (02-15-2011, 05:15 AM)curious Wrote: yet another interesting article...note the reference to being tied to chairs??
Uhhhh.. WOW. That's some new details. Not sure how legit it is since is just randomly mentioned. It's mentioned like it's something we didn't already know.
there are a lot of publications out there, and some, like this one mentioned, i would not rely on for accurate information. be skeptical of much of what you read and much of what is contained in social network sites.
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(02-14-2011, 11:56 AM)EastCoastKat Wrote: Seems like some people were thinking the same thing you were LC:
Carrie Sautter
The comments that were being made could easily fall into being...
Incite: Encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior) One CAN be arrested for this, so IMO I think it was best that the mod of this page did what he/she did. I feel for ...his mother, and think the families of both victims could benefit from counseling after losing their children in such a heinous way. I also hope the mod here continues to update articles and such to keep all informed and up to date on this case that we ALL so desperately want solved!!
yes, well EVERYONE reads at MOCK!
Law Enforcement, give us a presser please! even if only to quash rumors, gossip, innuendo, and flat-out LIES. the public wants and needs your input~~
and may Godspeed and guide your work~~