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(02-27-2011, 12:51 AM)FutileResistance Wrote: They are definitely part of a degenerate class of people like their parents and friends. They will never (ever) amount to anything. I tend to refer to these types as throwaways in society. No one will even care about them when an arrest gets made. Well, except for their less than savy friends and family. However, these ignorant morons cannot fathom the idea that someone may flip on them. It probably has already happened or is progressing towards that point. Are they oblivious to deals being made? No matter how many times they may have reassured each other of not speaking of this crime or flipping on the other. There will be lingering doubt on all sides, and for good reason! amazing what someone might say if they get arrested or are in a jam. The rules of the street do not apply then.
It is just a matter of when someone makes the move for the reward or has someone do it for them. These types talk big of not snitching, but when push comes to shove. Money or lacking a heavier sentence speaks volumes!
I lose patience with the bleeding hearts who constantly allow themselves to be conned by the human faces these degenerates present and don't recognize that all they are is masks. Most of us are taken in sometimes, but some people just never learn. Society would be much safer and more evolved if these no-hope losers were thrown away along with the keys to their cages, but instead they’re given chance after chance by well-meaning but gullible marks. Johnny & Lisa’s murderers and their ilk exist in a moral void and are not salvageable – it’s too late, the damage was done long ago. When one of their members is killed ‘on the job’ (or in their terms, “God wants his soldier back”!!!!!!) they hold memorials for him and pray to him in heaven to watch over them – how fucked up is that???!! (As if it isn’t bad enough having to co-exist with them in this life, do we have to look forward to the same cast of characters in the next?!!). It’s a pity the lot of them don’t take themselves off now to meet up with their fallen bro’s and do us all a favor. They openly boast about being in sales, dealing drugs, legal killing in Iraq, and robbing children and old ladies, like it’s something to be proud of. Minds so twisted probably see no big deal in murdering anyone that gets in the way of them or their bro’s, and all the hangers on and wannabes know the threats about ‘snitches’.
However, adding money or prison sentences into the mix can influence the balance of power and shift the motivator from fear and intimidation to greed or self-protection. I agree with you that this could already be in progress, but if not yet, I’m sure there are minds turning over and conversations underway, and it will happen soon.
By the way, cool avatar, FR
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(02-27-2011, 02:13 AM)wanttoknow Wrote: She has given 2 different versions of the phone call. One they were yelling and the phone went dead. In the other Johnny asked who they were and said he'd call her back. That's a big difference. [/quote]
(02-27-2011, 02:38 AM)TotallyCurious Wrote: I am in media and no two stories are ever said the same way. There are
several reasons for this and one being that the second time they want
to add things they forgot. This is quite acceptable and there are easy
ways of filtering and getting them to tell the exact truth without embarrassing them. But just so you know, we throughly expect it, especially when a person is in some type of shock. So lets just let this one be a wash for the time.
           :O:O  B     ::
Yep, I agree WTK, 2 different versions and she added the "Johnny said he would call me back" during the arguing/yelling at somebody.
She also said "we waited until my friends mom got home" and then that turned into "we woke my friends mom up"...lets see waking someone up or waiting until they got home...hmmm...big difference.
Sorry, it is worthy! and it is not a wash for some of us, especially from a proficient liar like Tiffany. They hadn't found the bodies yet, she left before they broke in and found the bodies. So, what shock? Maytee? Oh yeah that would rattle somebody like Tiffany, NOT, maybe somebody like Lisa but a tough street cookie who has lied over (to cops) and over for the love of her life Donald C. who was murdered while trying to rob and intimidate somebody, don't make me laugh! Again, what shock??
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(02-27-2011, 02:45 AM)shitstorm Wrote: (02-27-2011, 01:58 AM)TotallyCurious Wrote: ALL of this shit needs to be legalized for recreational use. It might keep the dirtbags adequately sedated so they aren't out on the street. They can pass out playing their X Boxes. If these drugs were cheap and available they'd be out of business in terms of selling it and they wouldn't have to rob anyone to get it. There is a REASON that even harmless substances like weed are illegal and it's all about money. Don't forget that Catherine Austin Fitts video that I posted about the illegal drug trade funding Wall Street. Certain elements of the US gov't were running heroin out of SE Asia as far back as Vietnam. It's big business that funds black ops projects. Now we have the smoking Nazis trying to outlaw cigarettes. They day that happens, I join a gang. 
Don't plan on visiting New York City. No smoking on main streets and parks
or beaches in another couple months.
Thanks to Mayor "King of NYC" Bloomberg, a control freak Jew who wants NYC to be like London, a New World Order Orwellian nightmare. I hope someone challenges it in court.
I don't think we need to be anti semetic here.
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(02-26-2011, 11:18 PM)pspence Wrote: :agreed:Not everyone has been against her. (Tiffany)
I think there have been several posts in the last few days that support
her. I hope someone watching here tells her it has not all been
negative. I got bashed for sticking up for her awhile back. I still
think she attempted to do all she could do.
Me too. I still believe in her.
Why don't you tell her? Your friends on FB, so tell her. I would never bash you for being friends with Tiffany, that is your prerogative, and I really hope your right, but I don't think so, I believe she and Mr.Z know a hell of a lot more....
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I lose patience with the bleeding hearts who constantly allow themselves to be conned by the human faces these degenerates present and don't recognize that all they are is masks. Most of us are taken in sometimes, but some people just never learn. Society would be much safer and more evolved if these no-hope losers were thrown away along with the keys to their cages, but instead they’re given chance after chance by well-meaning but gullible marks. Johnny & Lisa’s murderers and their ilk exist in a moral void and are not salvageable – it’s too late, the damage was done long ago. When one of their members is killed ‘on the job’ (or in their terms, “God wants his soldier back”!!!!!!) they hold memorials for him and pray to him in heaven to watch over them – how fucked up is that???!! (As if it isn’t bad enough having to co-exist with them in this life, do we have to look forward to the same cast of characters in the next?!!). It’s a pity the lot of them don’t take themselves off now to meet up with their fallen bro’s and do us all a favor. They openly boast about being in sales, dealing drugs, legal killing in Iraq, and robbing children and old ladies, like it’s something to be proud of. Minds so twisted probably see no big deal in murdering anyone that gets in the way of them or their bro’s, and all the hangers on and wannabes know the threats about ‘snitches’.
However, adding money or prison sentences into the mix can influence the balance of power and shift the motivator from fear and intimidation to greed or self-protection. I agree with you that this could already be in progress, but if not yet, I’m sure there are minds turning over and conversations underway, and it will happen soon.
By the way, cool avatar, FR 
Brav-fucking-O my friend!!!
This is what I've been sitting here thinking as I read comments from the Tiffany Brigade. No she is not a little girl, she is a grown woman & mother of 3 with one on the way who CHOOSES to associate with these wastes of space & partake, herself, in illegal activity. The night she was on here answering questions she was on fucking FB threatening someone who claimed to have had brain damage with physical violence AND she's 4 months PREGNANT HELLO!!!! So no we should not just judge Tiffany by her actions of that one night as one poster stated here. Her actions as a whole speak of her character & what she's capable of. I do not feel sorry for her or have one, not ONE iota of sympathy for someone who brought children into the world & then chooses to carry on as a leach of society & thug. I don't care that she had a bad upbringing, so did alot of other people, like ME. At some point you grow up (having children usually helps this process) & you realize I may have been taught all wrong, I want better for myself, I have the ability to make better choices... especially for my kids, because I want them to have better than I did. Tiffany has had the same choices & opportunities as anyone else & she chose not to take them. Boo fucking Hooo. Cry her a river  NOT
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(02-27-2011, 11:18 AM)onefortheroad Wrote: I lose patience with the bleeding hearts who constantly allow themselves to be conned by the human faces these degenerates present and don't recognize that all they are is masks. Most of us are taken in sometimes, but some people just never learn. Society would be much safer and more evolved if these no-hope losers were thrown away along with the keys to their cages, but instead they’re given chance after chance by well-meaning but gullible marks.... [/quote]
(02-27-2011, 11:50 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: Brav-fucking-O my friend!!!
This is what I've been sitting here thinking as I read comments from the Tiffany Brigade. No she is not a little girl, she is a grown woman & mother of 3 with one on the way who CHOOSES to associate with these wastes of space & partake, herself, in illegal activity. The night she was on here answering questions she was on fucking FB threatening someone who claimed to have had brain damage with physical violence AND she's 4 months PREGNANT HELLO!!!! So no we should not just judge Tiffany by her actions of that one night as one poster stated here. Her actions as a whole speak of her character & what she's capable of. I do not feel sorry for her or have one, not ONE iota of sympathy for someone who brought children into the world & then chooses to carry on as a leach of society & thug. I don't care that she had a bad upbringing, so did alot of other people, like ME. At some point you grow up (having children usually helps this process) & you realize I may have been taught all wrong, I want better for myself, I have the ability to make better choices... especially for my kids, because I want them to have better than I did. Tiffany has had the same choices & opportunities as anyone else & she chose not to take them. Boo fucking Hooo. Cry her a river NOT Agreed 100%!  A lot of people have really bad starts in life but by her age and 3 children later, and after her last BF being murdered while trying to rob someone, she does what??? Hooks up with another winner, AG, gets pregnant again,while running all around town with Mr.Z, and he's a minor, a high school kid to boot! She shouldn't be hanging out with a high school kid, come on. I have no sympathy for Tiffany, I'm sorry, she is extremely street wise and knows just how to con people. And the people that want to believe in the good, well, those are the very people Tiffany will and probably does con or take advantage of ....IMO
P.S. I not saying change is easy it's work and it's hard work.
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I lose patience with the bleeding hearts who constantly allow themselves to be conned by the human faces these degenerates present and don't recognize that all they are is masks. Most of us are taken in sometimes, but some people just never learn. Society would be much safer and more evolved if these no-hope losers were thrown away along with the keys to their cages, but instead they’re given chance after chance by well-meaning but gullible marks. Johnny & Lisa’s murderers and their ilk exist in a moral void and are not salvageable – it’s too late, the damage was done long ago. When one of their members is killed ‘on the job’ (or in their terms, “God wants his soldier back”!!!!!!) they hold memorials for him and pray to him in heaven to watch over them – how fucked up is that???!! (As if it isn’t bad enough having to co-exist with them in this life, do we have to look forward to the same cast of characters in the next?!!). It’s a pity the lot of them don’t take themselves off now to meet up with their fallen bro’s and do us all a favor. They openly boast about being in sales, dealing drugs, legal killing in Iraq, and robbing children and old ladies, like it’s something to be proud of. Minds so twisted probably see no big deal in murdering anyone that gets in the way of them or their bro’s, and all the hangers on and wannabes know the threats about ‘snitches’.
However, adding money or prison sentences into the mix can influence the balance of power and shift the motivator from fear and intimidation to greed or self-protection. I agree with you that this could already be in progress, but if not yet, I’m sure there are minds turning over and conversations underway, and it will happen soon.
so well spoken. and so true. i see it all the time. chance after chance. just think of all their innocent victims!
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See my gut feeling is telling me, MISS TIFF IS SUSPICIOUS...very suspicious. FROM the very beginning and I know Maytee is crazy...but I say she had a gut feeling tooo..JMO! That could have been why Maytee was freaking out on the 1st 911 call. Maytee is streetwise, too. I dont think she was involved but I do think she is a bit whacko even before this went down. Im sure her and her husband had a feeling, because the father of Johnny had the pleasure of spending some time with Tiff in the car and hearing her version early on while going to the house. I would love to know he thoughts about Tiff at that time. What he got from the story she was giving him. It could be why he is not really saying much in the public. I mean Maytee and her husband could have talked on their cell phones and the father could have said to Maytee, "hey something is not right with the story Tiff is giving me." That is why they broke down that door, they had a feeling and Tiff gave them that feeling whatever she said to them and the police at that time that we have had not the opportunity to hear on a recorded call. SOMETHING didnt jive and I thought it was funny that Maytee got her lic plate and the style of car she was driving and put it out there that she thought Tiff was very very involved. "you set up my son" i remember hearing on that 911 call. I glad Maytee did that and put her feeling out there with 911.
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My conclusion of the whole thing is no matter who it is they should pay for there actions.No one deserved to die this way it was very brutal and cruel.I think that's why so many people from all over the us and other places are appalled by this. It makes you uncomfortable in our society to think this could happen no matter who you are, we are human beings but some are acting like animals.I wouldn't wish that kind of death on my worse enemy.I pray for peace and a conclusion to this horrible event.
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life is what you make it period. tiff likes her life the way it is and no one will change her but tiff. so we will just have to wait and see if in fact she had anything to do with it or not. those of you who stuck up for her really dont know the streets and what it can create. unfortunately i do. and i am looking out for me and mines. gotta say the longer it goes on with no presser leads me to believe it just may not be tiff and her crew, THIS TIME, their not that smart. time will tell. but i bet we will see them in the news in the future. any bets?
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(02-27-2011, 11:18 AM)onefortheroad Wrote: I lose patience with the bleeding hearts who constantly allow themselves to be conned by the human faces these degenerates present and don't recognize that all they are is masks. Most of us are taken in sometimes, but some people just never learn. Society would be much safer and more evolved if these no-hope losers were thrown away along with the keys to their cages, but instead they’re given chance after chance by well-meaning but gullible marks.... [/quote]
(02-27-2011, 11:50 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: Brav-fucking-O my friend!!!
This is what I've been sitting here thinking as I read comments from the Tiffany Brigade. No she is not a little girl, she is a grown woman & mother of 3 with one on the way who CHOOSES to associate with these wastes of space & partake, herself, in illegal activity. The night she was on here answering questions she was on fucking FB threatening someone who claimed to have had brain damage with physical violence AND she's 4 months PREGNANT HELLO!!!! So no we should not just judge Tiffany by her actions of that one night as one poster stated here. Her actions as a whole speak of her character & what she's capable of. I do not feel sorry for her or have one, not ONE iota of sympathy for someone who brought children into the world & then chooses to carry on as a leach of society & thug. I don't care that she had a bad upbringing, so did alot of other people, like ME. At some point you grow up (having children usually helps this process) & you realize I may have been taught all wrong, I want better for myself, I have the ability to make better choices... especially for my kids, because I want them to have better than I did. Tiffany has had the same choices & opportunities as anyone else & she chose not to take them. Boo fucking Hooo. Cry her a river NOT Agreed 100%!  A lot of people have really bad starts in life but by her age and 3 children later, and after her last BF being murdered while trying to rob someone, she does what??? Hooks up with another winner, AG, gets pregnant again,while running all around town with Mr.Z, and he's a minor, a high school kid to boot! She shouldn't be hanging out with a high school kid, come on. I have no sympathy for Tiffany, I'm sorry, she is extremely street wise and knows just how to con people. And the people that want to believe in the good, well, those are the very people Tiffany will and probably does con or take advantage of ....IMO
P.S. I not saying change is easy it's work and it's hard work.
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someone emailed me to say Mock wasn't "user-friendly" and they couldn't find their own profile. :O
i understand this is the first online forum for some. will find your profile by clicking on your own username.
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(02-27-2011, 12:57 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: someone emailed me to say Mock wasn't "user-friendly" and they couldn't find their own profile. :O
i understand this is the first online forum for some. will find your profile by clicking on your own username.
at top right of any page you will see USER CP (control panel).
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LMAO! but they figured out how to PM you? 
Not user friendly my ass. 
How bout clicking things until you figure it out OR going to the help section and reading. Just a suggestion to the lazy.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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emailed me. via site mail.
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Go ahead n snoop around you pathetic snake u spineless worm cus you know wat i dont have to touch you all i have to do is focus on you and the curse is already on its way to you i promise you will suffer hurt n pay a thousand times worse SO MOTE IT BE
30 minutes ago via iPhone · LikeUnlike · · View feedback (5)Hide feedback (5)
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez If you even know r knew about it you will pay you piece of shit coward swer trash you might be laughin now but you will cry bloody tears i promise you n yours
29 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Oh n by the way its not a threat its a promise
28 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez All your lil prayers will not save any of you... When your heart is ugly god will not save you from a curse n the karma wrath thats already on its way to you...SO MOTE IT BE
18 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Scared are ya???i would be if i were you.......
16 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez Just remember a word of wisdom i know all of you invoveld in my johnny n lisas death have kids too and karma n curses from the dark side you took me to does not see age or size so with that said you will pay n suffer the worst pain ever known.... And really if i were any of you knowing the demons youve unleashed i would do the world a favor and hang yourselves...and no im not crazy im a mother that lost her child thru your pathetic ass so now HECATE KALI and ANUBIS will take you to the underworld  SO MOTE IT BE
5 minutes ago · Like
Maytee La Cubana Vazquez And see that night u danced with the devil by taking our johnny and lisa from us and now im going to make sure he swallows your soul not any of you involved directly or indirectly will get away from the curse and wether you believe or not its gonna get you anyways i promise you that watch n see cowards their is no place you can hide from elegua once his spirit is unleashed after all of you
2 minutes ago · Like
Taken from the justice will prevail page on FB.Somethings about to go down I think!!I think she is summoning up a demon or the devil hisself!!!
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stunning. someone's going to Baker Act that poor woman. for her own health. (involuntary commitment)
is she addressing Tiffany? or nobody in particular?
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Why don't you tell her? (Tiffany) Your friends on FB, so tell her. I would never bash you for being friends with Tiffany, that is your prerogative, and I really hope your right, but I don't think so, I believe she and Mr.Z know a hell of a lot more....
I messaged her this morning on Facebook and asked her how she was, what was the word "on the street", etc...will let you know what I hear...
Sorry, that was me who msg'd LC asking for help...I haven't found Mock to be User Friendly at first and they banned me because I couldn't figure out out to get an Avatar or use the quote thing right...I emailed them and they helped me right away...I wasn't lazy at all...just tech dumb...but like I told LC and the Dutchess they "set me up" (pun) but in a good way...
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
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you were NOT banned.
there is no T in Duchess.
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(02-27-2011, 02:01 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: stunning. someone's going to Baker Act that poor woman. for her own health. (involuntary commitment)
is she addressing Tiffany? or nobody in particular?
I think she is just shouting at the wilderness to see if anyone is listening.
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(02-27-2011, 02:05 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: you were NOT banned.
there is no T in Duchess. 
Demoted yes banned no...