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Something else I find so fascinating about this "gang" population is that they go on & on about how rough & tough they are yet they care SO f'n MUCH about what other people think of them. GOD forbid, that someone thinks they're a snitch or trying to better themselves to get out of the 'hood. And several of them are probably very smart & could really do something w/their lives, yet they talk like they've never spent a day in school, w/ their "dis, dat" speak.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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(03-11-2011, 02:00 PM)heartbreaker6713 Wrote: Maytee La Cubana Vazquez And to a certain mocker oh your dosed up on meds hope what you write made since..... Geez what are you on lithium heavy duty psycho drugs no wonder you people are a joke you all need a one way ticket to the loony farm with no lap tops please straight white jackets only.... And yeah by the way you dont have to like me cus i really despise all you gossiping sick excuses for human life so copy n paste that too we dont need you wanna be lying loonies trying to solve any case try to solve your pathetic life and stay the hell out of ours
This made me laugh, I am sure it made perfect sence... especially to the people who responded to my posting. and Nope not on lithium and never have been but it sounds like she needs to be on and since her voodoo calm down some it seems that she might have started some. However her recent over the line comments may suggest she went off them. I take PAIN meds for a back injury from being hit by a drunk driver and i don't abuse them!
That was a dig at me this morning,lol. I cut and pasted from justice will prevail FB. And I also mentioned that its dangerous to use negative spells as it returns to you twice fold, and I was worried for her mental health. BLAH BLAH, she took that as totally offensive and tried to upset me by the meds comment. I did laugh tho. sticks and stones and all that.
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(03-11-2011, 02:11 PM)kfran Wrote: Something else I find so fascinating about this "gang" population is that they go on & on about how rough & tough they are yet they care SO f'n MUCH about what other people think of them. GOD forbid, that someone thinks they're a snitch or trying to better themselves to get out of the 'hood. And several of them are probably very smart & could really do something w/their lives, yet they talk like they've never spent a day in school, w/ their "dis, dat" speak.
im not at all disagreeing with what your sayin but I use ALOT of slang words myself or abrev. I text the same way. Its not that I havent been to college or even know how to write its just something I do.....I guess it makes me, me. but YAH the gangta talk makes them look real smart dont it?
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sorry if I just did something I should not have, my kitten just leaped on the laptop.. I hate to think what keys he typed :(
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(03-11-2011, 02:09 PM)kitty1 Wrote: Maytee La Cubana Vazquez from Facebook
"if your not a friend of johnny or my family stay the hell away from his grave and quit lying n speculating on topics you have no idea about you sick gossiping mockers"
Is she implying that one of us "mockers" stole her son's grave marker and/or placed the beads there???
Geez, I'm on a roll here--
Maytee, if you think those of us at Mock are "morans" as you so eloquently spelled, then stop reading the forum. You have the power & control to visit the websites of your choice. I don't think anyone here has put a spell on you that renders you incapable of not coming to Mock.
BTW, I will continue to worry about your children, because they are just that, innocent children that have lost someone important to them. They need a positive, healing environment, not one filled w/hatred & vile comments toward innocent people.
So mote it be
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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Maytee, if you think those of us at Mock are "morans" as you so eloquently spelled, then stop reading the forum. You have the power & control to visit the websites of your choice. I don't think anyone here has put a spell on you that renders you incapable of not coming to Mock.
 I still havent swallowed my damn tongue yet either.
Or Poof'd Be Gone'd LOL
I love it!! to funny but classy
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(03-11-2011, 02:03 PM)kitty1 Wrote: (03-11-2011, 01:50 PM)heartbreaker6713 Wrote: (03-11-2011, 03:58 AM)curious Wrote: Interesting AG comments how it's in her blood to snitch...which IMO implies other family members have well...hhmmm
First thank you for your hard work to post all that and switch it to initials and all that before it was taken down, Many thanks! It was so interesting to read. If we can take it at any truth at all beyond it's face value. It would be interesting to find out if what AG says is true about her being an informant and what not. I don't know that this has any relevance. What i also found interesting was that he said he served time with Johnny. (mind you i am not caught up on a few pages yet, so i apologize if someone else brings this up) but its possible if we are talking about him bragging about the safe that he may have bragged to AG about the safe at this time, to him?
My understanding is that Johnny didn't meet Lisa until after his release so the safe convrsation wouldn't have happened.
Gotcha! Thank you for clearing that up for, i appreciate that!
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(03-11-2011, 02:13 PM)lou1975 Wrote: (03-11-2011, 02:00 PM)heartbreaker6713 Wrote: Maytee La Cubana Vazquez And to a certain mocker oh your dosed up on meds hope what you write made since..... Geez what are you on lithium heavy duty psycho drugs no wonder you people are a joke you all need a one way ticket to the loony farm with no lap tops please straight white jackets only.... And yeah by the way you dont have to like me cus i really despise all you gossiping sick excuses for human life so copy n paste that too we dont need you wanna be lying loonies trying to solve any case try to solve your pathetic life and stay the hell out of ours
This made me laugh, I am sure it made perfect sence... especially to the people who responded to my posting. and Nope not on lithium and never have been but it sounds like she needs to be on and since her voodoo calm down some it seems that she might have started some. However her recent over the line comments may suggest she went off them. I take PAIN meds for a back injury from being hit by a drunk driver and i don't abuse them!
That was a dig at me this morning,lol. I cut and pasted from justice will prevail FB. And I also mentioned that its dangerous to use negative spells as it returns to you twice fold, and I was worried for her mental health. BLAH BLAH, she took that as totally offensive and tried to upset me by the meds comment. I did laugh tho. sticks and stones and all that.
OH okay good cause i had made a reference a couple days ago about medication, lol.
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Good afternoon everyone. I checked Mock this morning and WOW..WOW..WOW..and I couldn't wait to check it again this afternoon to see what, if anything else had been going on. I find it interesting that we have learned more info about everything during that rant between Maytee and AG than we have from law enforcement. I also immediately felt more comfortable believing what AG said than most of the stuff Maytee says and I am leaning towards him not being invovled, at least physically. He may very well have mentioned to his "peeps" about a safe or money or drugs being available at Lisa's but I really don't think he physically had anything to do with it. I mean really? What would he gain by lying at this point? Law enforcement is already knocking at his door, people already accuse him and if he did have anything to do with it, I think he'd be street smart enough to not even say anything anywhere. However, that doesn't change my opinion of him being a punk. What I do wonder is if he knows the names of the people in prision that supposidly Johnny told on/snitched on, would he tell law enforcement who they are or would that be considered snitching so he won't go there? I'd hate for him to know this information but not use it.
The other things I learned from their conversation....apparently the alarm wires were cut, Maytee really was an informant as Mockers have suggested, Johnny did snitch on people as Mockers have suggested, Maytee was familiar with TW before all this, Maytee must live by ZB for her cameras to be able to see goings on between ZB and TW, and crap, I can't remember the rest but I know there was more.
Oh and I still feel sorry for Maytee...for the loss of her son but also because she must live an extremely lonely life to use facebook as her outlet, as her friend, as her support. I'm not convinced she has any real support, caring or comfort in her reality so she looks for it in any other way she can.
Miss Conspiracy? I think it was use that spoke with AG via email or what have you....are you friends with him or did you just decide to give it a shot with him?
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I talked to AG briefly last night through PM and I hesitate to talk about it all because I don't know who all reads here.. but anyway I did ask him about when he was in prison with Johnny and what he meant when he said he knew "what he was like." i did ask if he thought Johnny would have any enemies and he responded that Yes definitely. that he was kind of a show off and arrogant in prison (but that did NOT deserve what happened to him!) and he feels it could have been someone with something against him, or knew of what all he had, or both. his mom had to call and get him protective custody and transferred because people were stealing his stuff and he was telling on them, etc. He also said Johnny did seem and act tough but at heart he was not at all (god rest his soul).
just wanted to say AG was very articulate and sounded very smart and reasonable talking to me.. I believe him more than Maytee.
Not saying you are wrong, I could be the one that is wrong about AG. Actually i haven't made up my mind about him....but anyways, keep in mind that psycopaths are master liars and manipulators. Of course he is not going to come out and admit he did it or knows who did....That would be snitching, the worst possible offense. But his words and actions are basically saying "johnny deserved it" then he checks himself and says they didn't deserve it because that is what main stream society expects. Obviously if he thinks Johnny and his family are snitches, he does not have a huge amount of compassion for them.
Many years ago, I knew a guy that was accused of killing his wife and mother-in-law. Now I can't claim he was a close friend to me but he was a life-long friend to a man I dated and I met him a couple of times. This guy was charming and sweet and I would have bet my life he was not involved in the murder. He seemed like an average Joe that you'd have over for a backyard bbq. My boyfriend had absolute faith in his innocence and vehemently defended him. In the end, it turned out he DID kill his wife and mother in law and left his TODDLER child in the house with their bodies overnight so they could be "discovered" by him and my guy friend the next day. This guy was cool as a cucumber and faked his distress and grief so well that no one suspected him -- except LE because they are experienced enough to know the most logical suspect, regardless of demeanor/reputation, in most cases is your man.
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Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee
So ever mind the law of three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.
This is important to people who study/live by Wicca etc. It has always been so, so I am unsure what is she follows with the "Voodoo". I will speak to some of my family and look through some books I have here, but it is really bugging me. I have not said anything about it until now because of what I feel personally. But you should not play with any kind of "magic/voodoo" it can be dangerous and I dont mean as in poof be gone. There is more to it than that. .I suppose what I am saying is that she would know all this if she is "Wiccan" She(Maytee) gives whatever her belief is a BAD name
sorry a little
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(03-11-2011, 02:02 PM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: just wanted to say AG was very articulate and sounded very smart and reasonable talking to me.
That came through in his FB comments to Maytee. He knows how to spell & form a proper sentence. It was a noticeable difference compared to others that have been posted & it was glaringly obvious that he is smarter than Johnny's mother.
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Hi Maytee, it's Mockers with a capital M.
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(03-11-2011, 02:35 PM)Wish.I.was.a.P.I Wrote: Good afternoon everyone. I checked Mock this morning and WOW..WOW..WOW..and I couldn't wait to check it again this afternoon to see what, if anything else had been going on. I find it interesting that we have learned more info about everything during that rant between Maytee and AG than we have from law enforcement. I also immediately felt more comfortable believing what AG said than most of the stuff Maytee says and I am leaning towards him not being invovled, at least physically. He may very well have mentioned to his "peeps" about a safe or money or drugs being available at Lisa's but I really don't think he physically had anything to do with it. I mean really? What would he gain by lying at this point? Law enforcement is already knocking at his door, people already accuse him and if he did have anything to do with it, I think he'd be street smart enough to not even say anything anywhere. However, that doesn't change my opinion of him being a punk. What I do wonder is if he knows the names of the people in prision that supposidly Johnny told on/snitched on, would he tell law enforcement who they are or would that be considered snitching so he won't go there? I'd hate for him to know this information but not use it.
The other things I learned from their conversation....apparently the alarm wires were cut, Maytee really was an informant as Mockers have suggested, Johnny did snitch on people as Mockers have suggested, Maytee was familiar with TW before all this, Maytee must live by ZB for her cameras to be able to see goings on between ZB and TW, and crap, I can't remember the rest but I know there was more.
Oh and I still feel sorry for Maytee...for the loss of her son but also because she must live an extremely lonely life to use facebook as her outlet, as her friend, as her support. I'm not convinced she has any real support, caring or comfort in her reality so she looks for it in any other way she can.
Miss Conspiracy? I think it was use that spoke with AG via email or what have you....are you friends with him or did you just decide to give it a shot with him?
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(03-11-2011, 03:07 PM)lou1975 Wrote: (03-11-2011, 02:35 PM)Wish.I.was.a.P.I Wrote: Good afternoon everyone. I checked Mock this morning and WOW..WOW..WOW..and I couldn't wait to check it again this afternoon to see what, if anything else had been going on. I find it interesting that we have learned more info about everything during that rant between Maytee and AG than we have from law enforcement. I also immediately felt more comfortable believing what AG said than most of the stuff Maytee says and I am leaning towards him not being invovled, at least physically. He may very well have mentioned to his "peeps" about a safe or money or drugs being available at Lisa's but I really don't think he physically had anything to do with it. I mean really? What would he gain by lying at this point? Law enforcement is already knocking at his door, people already accuse him and if he did have anything to do with it, I think he'd be street smart enough to not even say anything anywhere. However, that doesn't change my opinion of him being a punk. What I do wonder is if he knows the names of the people in prision that supposidly Johnny told on/snitched on, would he tell law enforcement who they are or would that be considered snitching so he won't go there? I'd hate for him to know this information but not use it.
The other things I learned from their conversation....apparently the alarm wires were cut, Maytee really was an informant as Mockers have suggested, Johnny did snitch on people as Mockers have suggested, Maytee was familiar with TW before all this, Maytee must live by ZB for her cameras to be able to see goings on between ZB and TW, and crap, I can't remember the rest but I know there was more.
Oh and I still feel sorry for Maytee...for the loss of her son but also because she must live an extremely lonely life to use facebook as her outlet, as her friend, as her support. I'm not convinced she has any real support, caring or comfort in her reality so she looks for it in any other way she can.
Miss Conspiracy? I think it was use that spoke with AG via email or what have you....are you friends with him or did you just decide to give it a shot with him?
Yes and you take pain meds cus your addicted you drink alcohol to intensify the effect and your a mock moran cus you are jobless n have no life... Does that answer your question... And no im not crazy but i do wish all the evil demons dead that took my johnny n lisa and yes including you if your that sick too and no le is not banning me from facebook or you would all be in jail now sooooo with that said all you pathetic pill popping no life no job having fat sloppy junkies go jump off something and lets speculate how hard you actually fall you dumb pieces of shits
And the entertainment of the evening is on is it??? I do hope NOT
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(03-11-2011, 02:46 PM)lou1975 Wrote: Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee
So ever mind the law of three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.
This is important to people who study/live by Wicca etc. It has always been so, so I am unsure what is she follows with the "Voodoo". I will speak to some of my family and look through some books I have here, but it is really bugging me. I have not said anything about it until now because of what I feel personally. But you should not play with any kind of "magic/voodoo" it can be dangerous and I dont mean as in poof be gone. There is more to it than that. .I suppose what I am saying is that she would know all this if she is "Wiccan" She(Maytee) gives whatever her belief is a BAD name
sorry a little 
Thank you for posting this, when Maytee was posting the curses towards others, the law of 3 kept coming to my mind. I wrote a paper on Wiccans in my college sociology class. No way can Maytee be a Wiccan, she is very negative & hurtful in her words.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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(03-11-2011, 02:49 AM)Freshbait78 Wrote: OK so.... the wires on the Straubs alarm system were cut. Maytee says just so you know my alarm system is wireless in case you ever thought about cutting the wires.
Tiffany & Z had been to Maytees house prior to this. Maytee says did she forget about my alarm system that records in every room & it records day & night
Earlier Maytee says Johnny had no enemies & no one had threatened him. Now she says she's heard from many sources that AG planned to rob him.
This definatly answers some questions :O
Sorry if this is allready thought of prior to my comment but this threw me WAY off. Am I the only one that remembers Tiffany saying that she never met Maytee? This makes no sense she never met her but was at her house and Maytee is making a point of that. Ideas anyone?
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(03-11-2011, 12:47 PM)fabulous Wrote: I'm also confused about the crime scene...and what we know and DON'T know about it..
I've heard that it was pretty bloody and that the house looked as if there was quite a struggle.
we've also heard that it looked like there was a purposeful ransacking...i.e looking for something, safe, drugs, whatever
but yet, Maytee or nobody else early on, really mentioned any blood, other than a small pool on Lisas face, or by her head or whatever. it seems that if the crime scene was all bloodied up...something would have been said!
My recollection from earlier posts is that the bloody scene and evidence of a struggle was in the kitchen, not in the room where the bodies were found. Johnny's mother did not go into the house or, if she did, it was only into the room where her son and Lisa were lying dead. In fact, I don't recall her being in the house at all, but only hearing the description of Johnny's father as to the scene where the bodies were found.
And of course the ransacking was up on the second floor. No one other than LE and Lisa's uncle went upstairs until after the cleaning crew arrived.
If my recollection is correct, I believe that would explain why Johnny's mother has not described a bloody scene or evidence of a struggle.
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1. AG is a "true azz nigga"
2. Maytee is a "sillly rabbit"
3. I am a "moran" "lyin loonie wanna be" & "pathetic"
Happy Friday!
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.