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(04-04-2011, 07:25 PM)NightOwl Wrote: Jane - good to see you back again! Freshbait78 and Nina had some good posts around April Fools day - I think they are both Ohio locals and they do a damn good job - I wish we had more mock members who knew more about Lisa and the ex-boyfriend part of her life.
I was hoping an arrest would have been made also for both families and all the neighbours - its driving us up the wall just this waiting - then Johnny's birthday is drawing closer and that will be really bad for Johnny's family and friends that loved him.
thanks for the heads-up, NightOwl! Off to read now
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Freshbait says "Thanks Night Owl but Shhhh on the Ohio thing, that's a dirty word around here "
I thought being "middle aged and from out of state" the dirty word.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference!
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(04-05-2011, 06:04 AM)pspence Wrote: Freshbait says "Thanks Night Owl but Shhhh on the Ohio thing, that's a dirty word around here "
I thought being "middle aged and from out of state" the dirty word.
Oh jesus lol  Personally I could care less if being from Ohio is a bad thing around here. That was a joke. Toledo retard doesn't apply to me so I don't take it personal. You also must have missed it when I said this:
(03-26-2011, 06:03 PM)Freshbait78 Wrote: No disrespect to the older crowd or people from the burbs. I'd just like to have some perspective from someone closely related to the age group & area. Let's all kiss & make up 
Page 976. Last comment on the page. OR you just chose to overlook it. If anyone can't understand why I think it's more beneficial to hear from someone from the area of Johnny & Lisa, particulary Johnny & from their age group, then maybe the term "tard" applies to you. It's kinda like asking someone who runs a five star restaurant what the secret seasoning is at KFC. They can guess but they don't work at KFC so they wouldn't know for certain. I'm not saying that no one else has made good, valid points regardless of age or location & no one else seemed to take what I said personally. I'm just guessing it's because it made sense.
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Freshbait, I took it personal for a minute  but then I realized that you were just kissing ass to get that member that you were talking to to talk.
Anyways, there was another arrest for trafficking in heroin today from the fb crowd. Today's arrest seems to be closer to Lisa's fb "friends" than the other two that were "friends" with VD. But the arrest warrant states that the incident happened back in Nov 2010, which is the same date, more or less, as the other two. And this new arrest is for trafficking but it states less than a gram. And LE waited four months to file charges.
I know that talk from some locals is that Johnny was selling drugs. But have they ever said what kind of drugs?
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(04-05-2011, 10:04 AM)Adub Wrote: Freshbait, I took it personal for a minute but then I realized that you were just kissing ass to get that member that you were talking to to talk.
Sorry you took it personal Adub. I honestly didn't mean any disrespect. I did want Falling to talk but I wouldn't say I was kissing ass. It's how I've felt all along. Who is going to be better at explaining how things work in that particular area (the old south end of Toledo Ohio) then someone who lives there? & Who is going to better at expalining how relationships work then someone in their age group? I'm from there (Johnnys neighborhood) but I'm not in their age group so I don't even know how things are done around there anymore but I always take into consideration everything everyone has had to say no matter their age or location. Some of it is very good IMO & some of it is shit IMO.
Interesting about the new arrest, I'll have to look it up. I also agree with you about APs ex. I think you have the right one
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I came to Mock because of the members that were local to the area. Between hearing what they had to say and reading Maytee's memorial pages I have been able to get a much clearer picture of what may have happened.
Not much more to say until arrests are made though. I want to believe that it will happen. And that LE does know exactly who was involved.
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Anyone else notice BA newer FB page dissapeared?? Hmmmm
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(04-05-2011, 10:51 AM)justme Wrote: Anyone else notice BA newer FB page dissapeared?? Hmmmm
It's still there
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off-topic, sorry. but you may want to see this:
i need to be away a few hours. get me some arrests!  :B
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Does anyone know how straub and clarke met? I've asked this before but i didnt get an answer? I noticed on jc's myspace that while he was in jail he had a different gf. The gf left him many myspace messages while he was in jail for the first five months sayin she loved him, she missed him, she visited him today at jail, she also wrote him messages in spanish. She then just stopped leaving messages while it appeared johnny was still in jail based on messages from other friends. The girl probably met someone else. When your 18 with all the hormones you have its understandable that she cheated on him and met someone new. Her profile also made it look like she delt drugs. For all we know it coukd have been herand her new bf that killed jc and LS. Maybe she looked at johnny as a sell out for dating a 'rich white girl'.
I also wanted to add that its been said that who you surround yourself with is who you become. after a whole year of being in jail having time to think, being around gangstas, trash, AG, johnny wanted change. I assume johnny hung with cubans/hispanics AG because in jail all races stick together. Whites with whites, blacks with blacks, mexicans with mexicans..that's just how it is in jail...after leaving jail, he didnt want a hoodrat for a girl. So johnny found a girl not of the same background as his, race a girl not from the glass. Lisa on the other hand seemed to be attracted to bad boys not uncommon among girls her age. It seems her xbf was trouble also.
Lisa chose to surround herself with johnny and people from the hood. While johnny was trying to move up lisa was moving down. Given lisa's background and nice house, it looks like lisa had the opportunity to attend college away from ohio like arizona state, a party school for the middle class...but instead she went to a community college and lived with her parents stuck in ohio. while I bet a lot of her childhood friends went off to school lived in the dorms lived the college life. she got stuck in the trapp.
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[quote='d505' pid='153804' dateline='1302024936']
Does anyone know how straub and clarke met? I've asked this before but i didnt get an answer? I noticed on jc's myspace that while he was in jail he had a different gf. The gf left him many myspace messages while he was in jail for the first five months sayin she loved him, she missed him, she visited him today at jail, she also wrote him messages in spanish. She then just stopped leaving messages while it appeared johnny was still in jail based on messages from other friends. The girl probably met someone else. When your 18 with all the hormones you have its understandable that she cheated on him and met someone new. Her profile also made it look like she delt drugs. For all we know it coukd have been herand her new bf that killed jc and LS. Maybe she looked at johnny as a sell out for dating a 'rich white girl'.
If you check Johnny's court appearances, at some point after leaving
jail, he petitioned to move in with a girl friend who lived in Wood County.
I do not recall if it gave the address, but it was granted. So, he was
'with a girlfriend' at some point. Did Lisa ever live in Wood County?
I also take exception to your comment. "When your 18 with all the hormones you have its understandable that she cheated on him and met someone new."
Does that mean every woman who is 18 with a military husband or a
husband in jail, or a husband who works the oil rigs or Alaskan mines
will cheat? Please choose your words more carefully.
Hint - You're vs. Your
You're is the contracted form of You are. This form is used in sentences using "you" as the subject of the sentence with the verb "to be" used as either the helping verb (e.g. You're going ..., You're watching ...) or the principal verb of the sentence.
You're going to have a great time!
You're much better at tennis than Jim
YOUR is an adjective defining 'whose item or action.'
Your apple is rolling away.
Your dancing is very good.
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my friend OP...just for fun since we're bored in here---->
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d505, Post 14470 - Does anyone know how Straub and Clarke met?
Someone out there has that answer - no one has come on Mock to talk about Lisa much - to add to your question - another question - who was angry and jealous at both young lovers? I couldn't imagine a former girlfriend of Johnny's being so envious and she and new bf do this horrible deed - how would the two ever live with it? I am thinking its a lone male - one from the past possibly to do with Johnny or to do with Liza - my point of view only.
WolfHouse mentioned thinking outside the box not too long ago - it just could be someone terribly disgruntled with the whole situation - it could have been a snoop at the Straubs house that didn't want caught. Then bringing plastic bags and duct tape along, equals planned. Do you have an outside of the box notion?
D505, Thanks for the post you could be right on many points!
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(04-05-2011, 10:51 AM)justme Wrote: Anyone else notice BA newer FB page dissapeared?? Hmmmm
I was wondering if setting your facebook page to 'private' makes it inaccessable to LE and if so does LE need to get a warrant to view a private facebook page.
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(04-05-2011, 04:56 PM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: if so does LE need to get a warrant to view a private facebook page.
It would probably tell you in their TOS but, I tend to think LE would be required to subpoena any information the same as they would any other site.
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Some of you have been thinking that LE needs to look outside of the box. Well, I believe that is like hitting the nail on the head, Bulls-eye! It's been 9-weeks into the investigation and I think that cops have been intentionally lead into circles with bad information...chasing poor leads so that this case will never get solved. Let's get real, everyone in the South end has a very strong suspicion of who is involved. People are talking on the streets, in the corner carry outs, in the neighborhood and even within families. The rumor from "everyone" in the area is that there is substantial evidence that Johnny's Parents know more than they are saying and therefore they could possibly be involved.
If you doubt me: anyone in the Toledo area should take a trip to the South and Airport area and chat with some of the locals who are familiar with the family and you also be a believer!
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[. The rumor from "everyone" in the area is that there is substantial evidence that Johnny's Parents know more than they are saying and therefore they could possibly be involved.
If you doubt me: anyone in the Toledo area should take a trip to the South and Airport area and chat with some of the locals who are familiar with the family and you also be a believer!
[[color I believe that is right on!!! It's still my opinion that M helped plan the the robbery at the Straub's. As for going to South and Airport--after following this forum I am scared to death to go any where near there!
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(04-05-2011, 06:06 PM)truth be told Wrote: People are talking on the streets, in the corner carry outs, in the neighborhood and even within families. The rumor from "everyone" in the area is that there is substantial evidence that Johnny's Parents know more than they are saying and therefore they could possibly be involved.
If you doubt me: anyone in the Toledo area should take a trip to the South and Airport area and chat with some of the locals who are familiar with the family and you also be a believer!
Listen.... every single time you post you point the finger at the Clarkes. How exactly do you know them again? Are you a friend or a neighbor? Do you have a motive for why the Clarkes would be involved in their sons murder? I've asked you this before & you never answered. (As LC says, I will eat my boots) if the Clarkes are involved in the murder of their son & his girlfriend. I think it's complete bullshit that people in the area are fingering Maytee as the killer or of being involved/setting up her son to be killed. I live in Toledo, in the southend (hate to keep saying that) & I've heard people pointing the finger at AP & the group of "friends" that Johnny & Lisa hung with. That is logical to me, a mother having her son killed is not. Do you care to expand on why "everyone" in the area is blaming Maytee? & smoking pot with her son is not a good enough reason for me to believe she would have her son robbed & killed so come up with something better, please.
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Four bodies were discovered on a Long Island beach since Friday,
the last yesterday. The 6PM news TONIGHT said that the DNA
was back from these four and it was NOT the girl who is missing
whose disappearance provoked the search.
Check that - five days max, 24 hours minimum.
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i absolutely do not believe that Maytee set up her own son. it's too evil to contemplate, even though i have known women who have killed their children in various circumstances. do i believe she may know the killers? or even that she may have known the house would be robbed? possibly. if that were the case, it was something that went horribly awry and the guilt for even being inadvertently involved would never let her rest again.