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".and for the guy who wouldnt let his daughter date either one and moved to columbus stay and your daughter have plenty of crime in columbus its the highest b.n.e and rape case city in the state"[/color]
I'm assuming from that sentence that " guy wouldn't let his daughter date Johnny and moved to Columbus" and in the next sentence is he hoping a crime is committed against these people?
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Cameo, welcome to Mock, thanks for posting
i'll make you a member in a minute.
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Thanks LC,,,glad to be here[/color]
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Someone keeps wanting to know if Sam was a Mock member. I'm pretty sure LC is not going to share that info, but lucky her if he was!!
I can only imagine what all would/could have been written by him. Creepy to think that if he was indeed posting here, that he could have posted/commented exactly what went down that night....
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I sooo agree with you sonny. she waited just long enough for the crime to be over to call for help. in my opinion. so she passed a poly. guilty people pass polys. jmo!
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This is the link to this comment posted by 'yes'
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(09-28-2011, 09:30 AM)aileen Wrote: Someone keeps wanting to know if Sam was a Mock member. I'm pretty sure LC is not going to share that info, but lucky her if he was!!
I can only imagine what all would/could have been written by him. Creepy to think that if he was indeed posting here, that he could have posted/commented exactly what went down that night....
I'm pretty sure those comments that are being made regarding him being a Mock member are sarcastic. Maytee was claiming the murderers were members of Mock....the question is in reference to that, not really thinking he was a member here.
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i said long ago that my heart went out to Johnny and Lisa. the photos of them on the beach in florida really got to me, they reminded me so much of one of my sons (who grew up in florida.) happy young kids with their lives ahead of them, and the horror of their deaths simply are too much to absorb. and the guy who has been charged...only 22 and could have been a friend, ideally they all would have been just normal kids enjoying life. and now look. i still feel terrible for those kids. and after many years of being a cop murder is nothing new to me. but some stay with you.
so where did i read Johnny was "the man of the house" when his dad was "away"? away? where? why was that kid made to be a "man" to his mother instead of a kid? it was a family member who wrote it.
and the fact is Johnny was not allowed to live with his parents when he got out of prison because they are criminals.
poor Johnny never had a chance. he knew only what he grew up with.
now maytee's big flapping mouth is going to jeopardize a trial. i think she WANTS to interfere with a trial. for whatever her dark devious reasons may really be.
her illiterate few friends at her sites will never get it. until they actually see the results.
maytee is a liar and a fool. but those people keep drinking the kool-aid. did they ever see the alleged emails Mockers supposedly sent her children? of course not. they didn't exist.
wasted beautiful youth
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(09-27-2011, 02:04 PM)wupdawg Wrote: I rarely join the conversation and like to lurk only. But I will at least put in my two cents worth regarding the local court system. The crime occured within the Sylvania Municipal Court jurisdiction.
I hope this helps for anyone interested!
Thank you, I didn't realize Springfield Twnship was in the Sylvania Court jurisdiction.
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The jurisdiction between Maumee Municipal Court and Sylvania Municipal Court is odd and hard to figure out sometimes. Here is a statement from the Sylvania Municipal court that tries to explain what they cover:
"The Sylvania Municipal Court's territorial jurisdiction covers the City of Sylvania; the villages of Berkey and Holland; the townships of Sylvania, Richfield, Spencer and Harding; and those portions of the townships of Swanton, Monclova and Springfield lying north of the Ohio Turnpike.
The Sylvania Municipal Court hears civil cases involving claims for the recovery of money damages up to $15,000. Its Criminal/Traffic jurisdiction brings to conclusions cases involving misdemeanors and conducts preliminary hearings in felony cases."
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(09-27-2011, 11:54 PM)NightOwl Wrote: It is time some one helped her a little. It is all so sad about her son and Lisa.
Anytime a child preceeds a parent in death, is a tragedy. Yes, it is sad.
I commented once, "Where are her friends?". You posted Maytee has friends and for me to "not worry". So . . . where are they now?
"A million bucks"? Sorry. No way in hell.
You can dress a monkey in silk and it is a monkey no less.
Let me be clear: I think she's a cunt.
Throwing Lisa under the bus - she's a cunt.
Wishing evil on the family of the accused - she's a cunt.
Accusing a woman of having three people killed - she's a cunt.
I could go on, but hopefully my position is now clear.
God may be the one to judge her, but there is nothing written prohibiting labeling. I'll accept that position.
Ergo: In my opinion - she's a cunt.
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(09-28-2011, 04:26 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Let me be clear: I think she's a cunt.
Throwing Lisa under the bus - she's a cunt.
Wishing evil on the family of the accused - she's a cunt.
Accusing a woman of having three people killed - she's a cunt.
Ergo: In my opinion - she's a cunt.
Bravo! *applauds*
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More cuntiness from Maytee today. I know the Straubs are classy people that are mourning with dignity but if I was Mrs. Straub I would have to lower myself just one time and go bitch slap Maytee......
Justice for Johnny & Lisa
I wish you never went there and were left alone unprotected to watch her house GOD WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ;,,,(((
.Justice for Johnny & Lisa
Dear johnny and lisa i know for a fact if you both wouldnt of gone to watch her parents house you would both be alive today ;,,((( im sorry you both went there and endured the most evil heinous sickest worst nightmare of any of our sorry we are the only ones at all the hearings so far but i promise we will be there for both at every one we love you both and miss you forever
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well now maytee has sunk lower than whale shit. as low as maybe even she can go? i am sure the Straubs have avoided the hearings so they can avoid that fucking criminal batshit crazy female. i have also heard they are out of town. either way, that was a vicious rotten filthy crappy scummy thing to say. the ugly hag essentially implies only she cares about Lisa.
how low can you go maytee? i guess everyone will see, even your 3 gullible friends might think that was a cruel unnecessary remark. why is it any of your fucking business what the Straubs do or how they handle themselves? that was THEIR daughter. you're disgusting and should be ashamed of yourself for your lack of empathy for them.
maytee wants a circus with lynching, not a trial.
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(09-28-2011, 04:37 PM)Nina Wrote: Dear johnny and lisa i know for a fact if you both wouldnt of gone to watch her parents house you would both be alive today
You ridiculous twat. Lisa would be alive today had she never met YOUR son.
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Maytee is evil. I don't care about mourning and all of that. That doesn't excuse or explain the kind of shit she posted today nor much of the crazy shit she's posted in the past.
She essentially blames the crime on the fact that the victims were at the STRAUB'S house and implies that the STRAUBS don't care about their daughter because they are not ever-present and howling at the moon like she is. And, the STRAUBS weren't at the house to protect Johnny and Lisa (who were adults). She needs to be muzzled. I can't imagine the investigators and prosecutors are supportive of her releasing details (or bullshit presented as inside knowledge) and publicly crying out for death at this point; she is potentially tipping off others who might have been involved and tainting a local jury pool. Dumbass.
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"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Queen Gertrude, Hamlet.
This kind of blame-shifting, tearless crying and 360-degree name-calling just leads me to wonder if it's all a smokescreen to hide the truth of what really went down.
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(09-28-2011, 04:49 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: well now maytee has sunk lower than whale shit. as low as maybe even she can go?
She's not even close to hitting bottom. Maytee cowardly attacks the Straub family while blatantly plagiarizing Verbosky's (Straub family spokesman) comment:
"As the suspect was strangling Lisa and Johnny to death, while they were gasping for their last breaths to live, they were not given a chance to make a plea deal for their life."
And look . . . Miss Originality then posts this on her . . . . errrr . . . Johnny and Lisa's site:
Monday at 4:04pm via mobile
Golly! I wonder where Johnny learned to rob and steal?
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Some people make a career out of 'grieving' and living in the midst of a tragedy. Others let the experts handle the justice, and keep their wits and dignity about them, giving their child the memorial they deserve.
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(09-28-2011, 05:38 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: She's not even close to hitting bottom. I completely agree. The arrest led to a quantum bump up in her antics. As more is revealed, her drama will increase.