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I hope everybody here tells their own kids about this story. Maybe not the horrible stuff, but about how you do have to judge some people and how you have to stay away from people who live like shit. They will always drag you down into the shit with them.
Are there more or just the two?
This makes me worry even more about the two boys that are left in that house.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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Cracker: Are there more or just the two?
Sheriff says it's not over yet as far as arrests. even if there are no others directly involved hands-on, there will be those complicit. and if so, they will be subject to the extreme penalty also. some people better start talking to police before they are in cuffs.
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Can voodoo witches be cuffed?
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This guy is a real piece of shit.
Cameo Pettaway
If u hate me u had to love me.
Share · June 7 at 12:46am via mobile · Privacy:
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Sammy Sosa What's good
June 7 at 12:49am
What's good is that both your asses are FUCKED!
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BTW how is Sammy updating his info from prison?
Ain't that sweet!
Sammy Sosa updated his work and education.
Stay at Home Daddy
Owens Community College
20 hours ago
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a video news report here WTOL says detectives were conducting other interviews today.
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(10-10-2011, 08:00 PM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: AWESOME news
This guy is a real piece of shit.
Cameo Pettaway
If u hate me u had to love me.
Share · June 7 at 12:46am via mobile · Privacy:
2 people like this.
Sammy Sosa What's good
June 7 at 12:49am
What's good is that both your asses are FUCKED!
![[Image: 297833_152541874833336_100002325743547_2...7024_n.jpg]](
I wonder how much of that money goes towards feeding and housing and caring for his kids? I bet not much. He maybe buys them Nikes. You good people in the state of Ohio are most likely feeding his kids and housing his baby mamas. He won't thank you, so I guess I will: Thanks for working hard so pieces of shit like thss can have all day to kill people.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
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I hope I'm not the only one turned Facebook Detective ever since hearing of this lol. I'm trying to dig for ANY info.
too bad most is Private.. i did manage to find something from a friend of his.
Omg!!! Seriously cameo?? Damn my nigga wuts really goin on in the world smh
Share · 4 hours ago near Toledo, OH · Privacy:
ET: Cameo from d east???? whats goin on.....
4 hours ago · 1 person
NN: Check da news its all ova fb :(
4 hours ago
ET: nevamind smh WOW what d fuck is really goin on dats Nutz......
4 hours ago
NN: Rite! Dat nigga jus inboxed me a wk ago now he locked up.for murder? Double homicide at that! Smfh ida never guessed....jus dunno who to trust anymore
3 hours ago · 1 person
CM: Ppl need to do better with there lives instead of ficking up others. That's how he chose his life and now he has to deal w the consequences. Ppl need to kno there is a better life out there...... Quit being lazy and make a better life for for yourself. god, this shit pisses me off.
3 hours ago · 1 person
ET: all i kno is im goin thru hard times shit everybody goin thru hard time but 2 do what they accusin him of WOW makes u wonder what d hell other people thinkin Smh Crazy dats all dats it CUR RAZY
3 hours ago · 1 person
LB: man that is crazy af..i just seen him about a week ago
2 hours ago
NN: not screamin "free my nigga" especially if he did it but I am prayin its a misunderstanding of some kind. Its prolly not but hey dat is my nigga & dont nobody wana see their pplz fucked up.....damn, Cam smh :(
14 minutes ago
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i hope the hoodrats and gangsta wannabes and thugs really ARE shocked and scared by this. it's no game. those two young men's lives are as over as Johnny and Lisa's if they are guilty. and for what? they were ALL kids who should have been starting life. not playing at gangsters. it's not pretend. it's for fucking real and forever.
maybe a few will be scared straight.
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Another FB friend. BTW, LadyCop, please let me know if this is not ok, and I'll stop.
Daam. They got Sam n Cameo niggas n they tryn to give death penalty! Fuck that
Share · 6 hours ago via mobile · Privacy:
DG: sam who?
TB: Williams
SG: cameo who
TB: Pettaway
DG: thats what happens when you murder someone how would you feel if that was one of your siblings
RG: Wz Cameo in on dat?
TB: Just go to toledo
RG: Okay
JK: they killed people what do u mean? discusting...
SG: damn i didnt kno it wz them......datz crazii
TB: Yea but I dont belive in death penalty so....
TB: FOR ANYONE!! Unless a kid was involved
JR: Well hell they shouldn't of killed that couple. I'm glad they finally got caught. I wouldn't like it if someone killed my family members an got away with it for almost a year
TB: If yal dont like my stat stay the fuck off!! Yea good they got caught they took lives bt I knew them personally even if I didnt NO ONE DESERVS DEATH PENALTY I DONT!!!
DG: my grandfather my friends db and jy were all murdered in cold blood and johnny clarke is distant family whens it gonna stop seriously ????????? not to mention how many people close to me have been robbed at gun point i just wanna know when are people gonna wake up and get off their ass and get their own money and be grown????
TB: BELIVE IN IT FOR ANYONE! Killin them wont bring em bac. B happy they caught.,if they get death penalty or not theyll never b free n the fam will never get em bac Jus kno dis b happy they caught! But never wish death upon anyone for any reason! Read a bible for once ppl..we r not to judge in time there judgment day will come..only god can judge not us! N u wish death upon some1 for any reason is a sin..ur being judged jus for that!
DG: I agree with the old school eye for an eye and dont get it twisted it wasnt just an old fashioned murder they tortured them and beat them with bags over their heads i mean seriously
AS: that's crazi yo. Wuda Neva thought cameo wide sumthin like that. I don't believe in the death penalty eithe Ty. I feel like vegeance is that of the lord's. And @ whoever said that people shud get off their ass and get their on reality check were in a recession gettin jobs aren't that easy, 2nd its hard enough jus being a young black male that's a job within itself, and 3rd some people do get off their asses n hustle, look for, rob steal and kill to get their own money its not pretty but its reality being grown consist of taking care of urs at any means necessary not to sound heartless but its true
TB: Im not stickn up for em..they my ppls they did wrng by far! I jus think death penalty is wrng n ohio is hard as fuck for death penalty anyway its gna b yrs n yrs
TBl: THANK YOU AS¡!!! THANK U its jus killin the killer wont brng victims bac or make ur lost bettr there gone! N they did wrng
TB: THATS 100% true AS...the gov is why ppl doin wat they doin no jobs no help nutn..n they wonder why shit like dis happens
JC: I'm sso sad by this I talk to cam 2 days ago and this shit is mind blowing
TB: @ jc I kno right!! We was just tlkn bout my bro..shit crazy
DG: 1st off im tired of people blaming a recession especially when half of toledo cant even spell it if a person cant get a job they need to get their own fucking hustle cause were all out here trying to make money and take care of our families and it aint got nothing to do with being black or white or hot fucking pink if im white with a felony its just as hard for me to get a job but i do what i have to do to take care of mine without stealing hurting or murdering anybody. and i dont sell dope or brown or pills and i dont pimp hoes
TB: Everyone has the own hustle dnt look dwn on wat they choose to do. But hurtn some one is 100% wrng but..death penalty is tooe
DG: and to keep it real any motherfucking adult out here knows if you murder someone life in prison and the death penalty is the price you pay i dont feel sorry for no one who murders someone just to try and come up let lil johnnys dad and his girls dad take them to a room and do to them what they did to johnny and his girl
BR: Wow shyts crazii n @DG juss drop the subject if ur getn dat serious ovr it.. i 100%agree wit ty bout the death penalty ordeal its not the gov. job to judge its gods...
DG: we put our gov in charge to make our rules and guidlines
DG: and i dont see god sitting in the white house dropping the hammer on these low life motherfuckers
BR: N half of the rules n guidelines sum ppl disagree with.. so try n post on someone else stat... drop the subject yea they caught em but the can serve time shyt my sisters murderer killed 2 others the same night she gt murdered n he only served 9yrs. N she was only 9yrs. old at the time n wat justice was that.. so nobody deserves the death penalty.. point blank
TB: N now ppl r payn for there fucking mis haps. U choose wrng there gns b wrong with or with out the gov. The stupid fucks who voted for our gov r why we r they way we r.
BR: O believe me murderers n so on in the end will have to answer to the man above...juss like everyone else does..
DG: ive had so many friends and family murdered and robbed youre fucking a rite im taking this that serious id put holes in the motherfuckers responsible myself but im an adult and will let time take its course cause they will get theirs i just hope its as painful for them as it was for my family and friends who had to bury their loved ones cause sum sorry worthless motherfuckers were so full of hate and jealousy tried to use my people for a stepping stone and got caught
TB: The gov lies keeps frm us n keeps putn us in the whole more, thet got $$$$ they got jobs! They got retirement plans 401ks WE GOT NUTTN n they ask why our crime rate went up? Cz WE R STRUGGLING N FIGHTN TO LIVE DAY BY DAY
BR: Thank u ty. ummm. DG y do u think were in the recession? the fucn gov. n u wanna give em credits n all for wat.. a whole lotta nuthn they dnt benefit us for nt a damn thing..
DG: im not giving the gov credit but what im saying is it was the american peoples choice to appoint a gov to set up laws and guidelines for this country now if they cant follow the guidlines then suffer the consequences
BR: Yea til this day my family struggles wit da loss of my sister but we dnt wish death upon the murderer.. hell have his time with the man above..
4 hours ago
BR: Ewwee.. this subject is makn me stress.. n so dnt need it.. sam n cameo were good friends went to school wit em n never thought it to b them... must of been reasoning behind it cuz back in the investigation wasnt robbery ruled out cuz they had their money n jewelry on them.
TB: Cameo n sam r very good ppl in many ways..but they will b judged by the one that really counts
4 hours ago
DG: i understand their your friends completely i have friends locked up for murder to but i have no sympathy for them either and no it wasnt ruled out the evidence in hand will show and speak for itself
TB: I have no sympathy but killin them is not right..
BR: O ok.. well we wnt kno til they speak it from their own mouths what happened..thats where the real evidence is at..
DG: matter of fact a friend of mine just got the death penalty with in the last 8 months after serving half his life in prison and he was wrong for what he did and he payed with his life and the loss of watching his family grow but yet they wanted to give the man parole after he murdered a cpl people in cold blood and one of those people who were murdered was my grandfather and he was shot point blank in the head so really lets be real
AS: Taking a life is never right for any reason at all. @ BR sorry to hear that about ur sister. I don't have any but if I did id agree with danny n wud wanna hurt whomever was responsible but we can't take on that task. We are but humans being but at times it maybe hard to jus left god deal with it. These people in high places (gov) don't always make the right rules and regs y do u think were in a recession now and the crime rate is so high. I don't condone viloence or the retaliation. Cameo was coo pepos but I. Am glad they have been caught so no one else has to suffermy only prayers go out to every loved one dealing with the whole ordeal on both his family and the victims family. Ty uve been so understanding and @DG freedom of speech is on on the gov. Most precious rights so voice ur opinion n kno that ur respected. We all agree to disagree to agree.
BR: Thanks... n o believ me i would sumtimes love to retatialte on da man who murdered my sis.. we kno him n his home adress but we dnt bothr wit the drama we have too much to live for but cb will b judged sumday..
DM: Fact is if this was any other country punishment is harsher. It cost taxpayers more money to house criminals then to kill them. Talk about recession stop teaching our children the hard knock life. Teach them to stay in school. To get jobs and keep theis legs closed. We started a society where being poor illerate criminals is the norm.
DM: Im not saying they should die or not. Im not god or the judge.
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Still the question at hand here is, who put this on a platter for the taking? An inside guy that knew a few things, schedules of the victims, surroundings of the area, the list goes on. Somebody had the inside scoop on the victims that day, and the days prior as well. The timing of the parents being out of town makes this premeditated, IMO. The parents out of town for the week was only known to a inside circle of few, IMO, considering how private the Straubs are. Someone set this up, put it on a silver platter, with a bunch of information that these punks would have never known. Who and where is the set up guy/girl?
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This was written on the WTOL news site..
RW:@ KB, one is 3 of his childrens mother, a very strong brave mother at that, and if you follow her case she was never found guilty of prostitution. my heart goes out especially to those 3 and their mother love them with all of my h...eart and to the numerous others he has that he has never taken care of. When I first heard of Sams arrest, I hoped and prayed that Cameo would be connected, I believe that someone(our mother and grandfather) up there would answer. When they are found guilty, they will deserve all that is coming to them!
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I gotta say, searching through all these FB friends in Toledo, I don't think I've seen so many busted ass looking people from one place in my life lol
uggh I feel like I need to take a shower now.
p.s. no offense to anyone from Toledo here. I bet those that come to this site do NOT look like the trash I'm seeing on FB...
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(10-10-2011, 10:33 PM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: I gotta say, searching through all these FB friends in Toledo, I don't think I've seen so many busted ass looking people from one place in my life lol
uggh I feel like I need to take a shower now.
p.s. no offense to anyone from Toledo here. I bet those that come to this site do NOT look like the trash I'm seeing on FB... 
I was looking through them as well and I had to stop because they are so trashy and nasty I couldn't take it any longer. I swear Toledo is a fucking world of its own.. I have never seen a place where everyone knows everyone and are some how all connected to each other and could all be so nasty and dirty... Its crazy!
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(10-10-2011, 10:37 PM)pplrcrazy Wrote: (10-10-2011, 10:33 PM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: I gotta say, searching through all these FB friends in Toledo, I don't think I've seen so many busted ass looking people from one place in my life lol
uggh I feel like I need to take a shower now.
p.s. no offense to anyone from Toledo here. I bet those that come to this site do NOT look like the trash I'm seeing on FB... 
I was looking through them as well and I had to stop because they are so trashy and nasty I couldn't take it any longer. I swear Toledo is a fucking world of its own.. I have never seen a place where everyone knows everyone and are some how all connected to each other and could all be so nasty and dirty... Its crazy!
and they all sound like illiterate fucks and only care about making money.. makes me ill!
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Last one cause for now cause I can't take these trashy ass people anymore...
JB shared a link.
Share · 7 hours ago · Privacy:
JB: Can't believe they saying cameo too wtf....
6 hours ago
GM: Holy shit!
6 hours ago
TF: I grew up with him, dude. I just got the text from WTOL. I don't even know what to say.
6 hours ago
SB: thats fucked up tho whoever did that shit.. fuckin terrible to kill someone in that way in their parents house.
6 hours ago
GM: exactly! I guess the dude that got arrested first ratted him out so they're both pretty much fucked...whack ass cops couldn't even figure it out after 8months smgdh..
6 hours ago
JB: Innocent until proven guilty remember that same for a for Sam, and Ur right SB that couple did not deserve to go out like that but remember we live in Toledo lot of crazy people
5 hours ago
to my nigha sam williams may god be on your side and good luck with your case.....
Share · October 3 at 6:06pm via mobile · Privacy:
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Cameo, what a name, his momma must be so proud. Me, on the other hand, he scares me. Can barely look at his pic. I think I would have pissed my pants if he had walked into my house. To think of Cameo's and Samuel's hands on Johnny's and Lisa's bodies- makes me ill. I'd want to fucking kill these pieces of shit if they even looked at my babies. Burn, mother fuckers, burn.
It's the hint of arsenic that gives it that extra kick.
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(10-10-2011, 06:55 PM)Cracker Wrote: I hope everybody here tells their own kids about this story. Maybe not the horrible stuff, but about how you do have to judge some people and how you have to stay away from people who live like shit. They will always drag you down into the shit with them.
Are there more or just the two?
This makes me worry even more about the two boys that are left in that house.
(10-10-2011, 08:03 PM)Miss Conspiracy Wrote: BTW how is Sammy updating his info from prison? 
Ain't that sweet!
Sammy Sosa updated his work and education.
Stay at Home Daddy
Owens Community College
20 hours ago
I wonder if one of his baby mama's or a family member got his fb password and changed some things for him.
I recall a couple of people saying they were in contact via telephone, with Samuel.
You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
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