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Back to Libya...
[Image: 102011_aljazqaddafi_20111020_103104.jpg]

I don't condone violence. This is not the answer.
(10-20-2011, 05:07 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: I don't condone violence. This is not the answer.

And neither is "Dancing with the Stars".

I'm sorry . . . What the fuck was the question?

Fuckin' bitch mode or what? I don't condone insane rantings with 'ala rackbar' in the background. There should have been a civilised trial. They are a bunch of wild dogs. I hate bloodshed.

I thought you practiced law Tiki or are you just have learned alot working on your defense?
(10-20-2011, 05:31 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Fuckin' bitch mode or what? I don't condone insane rantings with 'ala rackbar' in the background. There should have been a civilised trial. They are a bunch of wild dogs. I hate bloodshed.

I thought you practiced law Tiki or are you just have learned alot working on your defense?

You've never seen me in bitch mode. And to be sure . . . this ain't it.

What did you expect would happen because EVIL America wasn't on point in Libya? And now . . . Western Civilization is to sweep in and hammer its concept of jurisprudence, so this fuck can get a Western trial?

He died at and by the hands of his people. They meted justice as THEY saw fit. Their problem; their solution. Weep for him, if you wish. Remember his soul at your prayer meeting. That's your right.

Or better yet, write a letter to the UN Sec Gen and condemn the manner of his death and demand the guilty be held responsible.

Walk your fucking talk, you simpering, intolerant twat!

"I hate bloodshed."

And what organizations, do you belong, to end this hate of yours? Or do you just post PC schoolgirl drivel to fill your lonely life?

And "No" stupid . . . I don't practice law. I just try to obey and respect it.

(10-20-2011, 05:07 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: I don't condone violence. This is not the answer.

It most certainly IS the answer!! All dictators need to be killed. I suppose if you lived in Libya, you might feel different.

Where the hell is that Abbo fucker, Aussie!
(10-20-2011, 06:56 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Where the hell is that Abbo fucker, Aussie!

you're going to get boned Tiki!


[Image: alice042.jpg]

Fuck her! She needs a good boning. Obviously, her fingers ain't doing the trick.

I think of Pan Am Flight 103 and the 259 lost souls. Not Khadafy.

And the 'justice' given to the "dieing" al-Megrahi.

I'll bet she's probably worried sick that his fucking dog is patiently waiting, at the Pearly Gates, until his death, too.

I hope all of their pets rot in the torments of Hell!

(10-20-2011, 06:56 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Where the hell is that Abbo fucker, Aussie!

he wasn't an abbo smarty pants, I am not going to tell you what he was because you would use it against me.

also, he wasnt really killed by his people that was a nato backed operation. get with the program soldier.
in video and photos in this thread, it appears to me his own people killed him.

(10-21-2011, 09:05 AM)aussiefriend Wrote: also, he wasnt really killed by his people that was a nato backed operation.

No it wasn't, he WAS killed by his own people, you are talking absolute shit as fucking usual.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(10-20-2011, 05:07 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: I don't condone violence. This is not the answer.

It is not for you to condone or condemn you holier than thou cunt.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
what is going on with Mock? why can't I respond to these posts. Every post is a drama. It's highly annoying.

I just wanted to say that I don't think Tiki has had sex in a long time this is why she is spewing such hatred and abuse out towards my dog. Also, I don't come in here and brag on my conquests, and the mischief I have been up to lately.

We have an international war crimes tribunal to deal with the likes of gadaffi. It is civilised and fair. I don't know what went on behind the scenes or whether the reporting was accurate. Anderson Cooper was trying to get to the bottom of it today. I don't like bloodshed or hatred. Some people enjoy the hate and bullying because that is who they really are.
Well 711 if the idiots at the UN had not done anything they would have never got him, so you are right in that aspect. The only reason he was killed now is because he had outgrown his use. The new leaders of Libya will be worse than he was......give it time.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
OP you don't know what you are talking about. NATO backed them during that operation in Sirte. You don't know what was going on. Stop acting like you know everything. I can condone anything i like it's a free country.
(10-21-2011, 09:31 AM)aussiefriend Wrote: I just wanted to say that I don't think Tiki has had sex in a long time this is why she is spewing such hatred and abuse out towards my dog. Also, I don't come in here and brag on my conquests, and the mischief I have been up to lately.

Hahahahaha! YOUR DOG?

I was refering to the "only man convicted of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing" and subsequently released on compassionate grounds, DOG!

Remember, him? I do.

And any pets owned by Khadafy, too.

Do you remember the Hero's Welcome Khadafy gave him upon his return to Libya? I do.

Do you remember the dear departed passenegers on that flight, those killed on the ground and then the collapse of a company due to the financial loss caused by the bombing?

I do.

I bet you hit your kid as often as you hit the sauce.

Does anyone have a picture of George Bush shaking Gaddafis hand? Like this?

[Image: muammar-gaddafi-barack-obama-2009-7-9-16-10-51.jpg]

I cannot find one..........
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
They look like they could be brothers.
Has Khadafy's hair piece hit eBay, yet?