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The reason I am so pissy
(12-28-2011, 04:59 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(12-28-2011, 04:49 PM)Cracker Wrote: Yeah, Mock maybe isn't the place to get psychological help.

Hahaha! Seriously?

My feelings about Ramsey bitching about her ex-hole are much the same as they are when you bitch about blacks & stupid people, I'm glad I can give you both a platform.

Good. Because I don't have to deal with someone's ex husband, but we all have to deal with niggas.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
Does anyone even use douche bags anymore? My mom used to have one back in the 60s. Douching isn't really very good for you anyway.
I used to clean for an old lady and she had one hanging up in her bathroom closet. It was probally from the 60s just like everything else in her house.
I like drama here. Especially since you don't have to pretend to care and shit. I also like it when people get all dramatic complaining about the drama.
Commando Cunt Queen
Ever see this? God, that must have burned something awful.

[Image: lovequiz.jpg]
Are drama goggles like beer goggles?
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-28-2011, 04:29 PM)Cracker Wrote: I bet this isn't the first thread about her drama in Mock.

Am I right?

Did you solve her problems last time? No? Because they are HER problems? hahahahahaha

Cracker she has opened her heart and taken a risk and tried to connect with us. That takes guts. It was heartless when remarks were made about your son whilst he was active overseas. I applaud her for taking a risk and being brave and sharing with us. We are not getting ALL the gory details. But what she is doing is what alot of people do in their communities. A problem shared is a problem halved. She knows there are people here with different perspectives and life experiences that can give some different outlooks on the way she handling the situation.

There is also the downside with that risk, hate, loathing and contempt. Oh, and the old fella with the narcissm thing.
Jesus Aussie. Opened her heart?? I'ma puke.
Commando Cunt Queen
(12-28-2011, 07:18 PM)username Wrote: Jesus Aussie. Opened her heart?? I'ma puke.

Well, she was talking about her kids right? She was also talking about something personal. At least she didn't come in here and talk a bunch of crap. That's all I am saying. When you come in and talk about something real from your own life and people reject you, thats gotta hurt. That's all I am saying. Its hard to articulate yourself accurately sometimes when posting in a thread. It may have sounded corny but that was not my intention.
(12-28-2011, 07:15 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Cracker she has opened her heart and taken a risk and tried to connect with us. That takes guts. It was heartless when remarks were made about your son whilst he was active overseas. I applaud her for taking a risk and being brave and sharing with us. We are not getting ALL the gory details. But what she is doing is what alot of people do in their communities. A problem shared is a problem halved. She knows there are people here with different perspectives and life experiences that can give some different outlooks on the way she handling the situation.

There is also the downside with that risk, hate, loathing and contempt. Oh, and the old fella with the narcissm thing.

I guess I missed the actual problem part. From what I read, there wasn't a twenty dollar bill in the card. Not exactly the same as being deployed to Afghanistan, is it? Unless there was a paper cut injury I didn't read about in the rest of the thread...
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-27-2011, 04:56 PM)ramseycat Wrote: My ex-hole sent my oldest son a birthday card with nothing in it. He sent both the boys a Christmas card with nothing in them. He didn't get his kids one damn thing. He couldn't even be bothered to throw a $20 in for then. His reason is it's my fault because he has to pay support when he isn't working and that he has to pay Unemployment back 6 weeks of benefits because he was on vacation those weeks and collected benes. Again my fault because I turned him in. Never mind that UE wouldn't penalize him if he didn't do something wrong to begin with. And get a fucking job asshole! Anyone want to guess how much a pack of ciggs cost in NY? Anyone? Bueller? About $9 a pack. He can afford that and beer but not to give his kids anything. He makes me sick. Asshat

(12-28-2011, 07:30 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: At least she didn't come in here and talk a bunch of crap.


(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
I think LC and Duchess are the only ones that can tell us what kind of threads are appropriate or not. RamseyCat, thanks for sharing with us.
Spay and neuter your dogs and cats. Ban gas chambers in your local shelters. User made the call. User made a difference! Love3
we don't restrict the nature of threads.
but neither do we restrict members' reactions to the topics. Smiley_emoticons_biggrin
except within the 2 well-defined rules.

(12-28-2011, 07:47 PM)pspence Wrote: I think LC and Duchess are the only ones that can tell us what kind of threads are appropriate or not. RamseyCat, thanks for sharing with us.

Mooooooo! + Ass KISSAH!

aussie, I may have to actually read the thread to see if you gave the advice a registered mental health practioner would actually give. Something along the lines of the communicating with dad to see if there was a problem and co-parenting to make sure there was a gift under the tree with their dad's name on it. (Yep, have played Santa for dad myself once or twice, didn't fucking kill me and made the kids happy. That is the point, right?)

If I find any bile in the guise of "help" I will be sure to point it out...

(12-27-2011, 07:39 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Ramsey get him out of their life. He is better off not being in their lives than doing that shit. It will mess them up. You step up and be both parents. You can do it.

WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL? Really, aussie? First page (don't have to even read the rest, luckily). That is the advice you give to help this family? Because people don't always get along and some people suck, but you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS try to help families stay in touch and be healthy. Jesus Christ. I used to be a human services major and I think that is the first thing they taught, always try to repair a family in crisis if there is no abuse. Not sending a twenty isn't an abuse, btw, it is just chickenshit.
(03-15-2013, 07:12 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: You see Duchess, I have set up a thread to discuss something and this troll is behaving just like Riotgear did.
(12-27-2011, 11:05 PM)Lady Cop Wrote: any parent who shows no care, concern, support either practical or emotional, will be old, cold and lonely one day. fuck him, write him off, the kids will decide for themselves as they grow up.
the thing with kids is they think if daddy is bad and doesn't care about me, i must be lacking or bad too. deep inside, even if they can't verbalize it.
the parent who is raising them needs to rise above the neglect and keep his/her fury, rage and hurt to themselves. it's too big a burden for children.

so there is my nauseating opinion. Christ, i'm at FG.

I agree LC.
My Dad paid his child support until my sister and I were 21.
Once we turned 18, he paid it to us directly. He never missed an
opportunity to send a gift, to call, send a note (even if it only said
I love you) or to have his visitation even though he was 3 states away.
He kept us on his insurance and we went to the dentist every year,
got new glasses every year, and he bought our school clothes.
He made an effort to let us know we were important to him...
important enough to NEVER have said one bad word against my
mother or make NOT ONE snide remark about her...even to this day.
She, on the other hand, never missed an opportunity to berate my
Dad in front of us, use us against him, threaten us with him as if
he were some sort of monster and degrade us for loving him.
I know it was hard for my mother to raise us, as it costs ALOT
fucking more money than what any child support would cover...
If my Dad had still been married to my mother, it would have cost
him a hell of a lot more money to raise us for sure.

As an adult, I figured it all out, just like LC said these children will.
I have the utmost respect for my Dad. I asked him once, why he
never would say anything bad about my mother when she obviously
deserved it, and was so mean towards him to us....his simple response
was, that she is the mother of my children. How could I tell you I love
you and say anything bad about the other half that you are.

They will figure it out on their own, and will make choices accordingly,
just like I did, and just like so many others have.

You are missed...RIP Lady Cop
(12-28-2011, 07:53 PM)Cracker Wrote:
(12-28-2011, 07:47 PM)pspence Wrote: I think LC and Duchess are the only ones that can tell us what kind of threads are appropriate or not. RamseyCat, thanks for sharing with us.

Mooooooo! + Ass KISSAH!

aussie, I may have to actually read the thread to see if you gave the advice a registered mental health practioner would actually give. Something along the lines of the communicating with dad to see if there was a problem and co-parenting to make sure there was a gift under the tree with their dad's name on it. (Yep, have played Santa for dad myself once or twice, didn't fucking kill me and made the kids happy. That is the point, right?)

If I find any bile in the guise of "help" I will be sure to point it out...

(12-27-2011, 07:39 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: Ramsey get him out of their life. He is better off not being in their lives than doing that shit. It will mess them up. You step up and be both parents. You can do it.

WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL? Really, aussie? First page (don't have to even read the rest, luckily). That is the advice you give to help this family? Because people don't always get along and some people suck, but you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS try to help families stay in touch and be healthy. Jesus Christ. I used to be a human services major and I think that is the first thing they taught, always try to repair a family in crisis if there is no abuse. Not sending a twenty isn't an abuse, btw, it is just chickenshit.

Oh God Cracker, 'tis the season of goodwill over here. Is it a free for all over there? Come on.

Given the limited amount of information I have been given my advice is limited in return. The children are being emotionally abused, which is as significant as other forms of abuse. It's impacting on them hello. In my professional opinion I would refer her to more appropriate services than my limited scope of practice in this area. Maybe a social worker or something along those lines. Yes, in most instances the priority is to have biological parent input. This is not always possible or safe. There is a long history here and evidence of financial neglect on his part.

You can rest up Cracker, I don't think he is black.
(12-28-2011, 04:59 PM)Duchess Wrote:
(12-28-2011, 04:49 PM)Cracker Wrote: Yeah, Mock maybe isn't the place to get psychological help.

Hahaha! Seriously?

My feelings about Ramsey bitching about her ex-hole are much the same as they are when you bitch about blacks & stupid people, I'm glad I can give you both a platform.

Exactly Duchess. I just bitch here and vent. It's not like I expect anyone here to solve anything. I would rather be me than a dried up cranky judgemental RACIST bitch like well we all know who I mean without me having to say it.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
It's kinda funny how some people jump to the conclusion that I am pissed about him not giving my kids money. Or that I bash him constantly. Or that he is really a good guy that is trying and I am keeping his kids from him.

Oh and Cracker, child support and visitation are two separate issues. Whether or not he pays support has not bearing on his visitation rights. My kids are 15 and 12 and are old enough to decide if they want to see their father or not according to the judge so I am not in contempt of anything. Oh yea and the last time the exhole saw my oldest son he took him to NYC without my knowledge. He told my son not to tell me they were going. While down there he proceeded to drink all fucking day to the point where my son called me at 11:30 at night to come pick him up. The hotel called the cops. They made the ex leave the hotel and let my son stay there and came back at 6:30am to take him to the train station to come home. Amtrack wouldn't let him on the train alone so I hopped the first train down to pick him up. What did the ex do? He took the train home and left his son in NYC alone. It's a good thing I worked it out with the cops and the hotel to let my son stay there and for them to watch over him until I could get there. Oh and the exhole paid $360 for a hotel room and over $100 for train tickets down there. Yet he cannot pay child support. This is the kind of shit I have to deal with and it only gets worse.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies

Jesus Christ...he's a piece of work.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Oh but I'm sure Dick and Cracker still think it's all Ramsey's fault.