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Don't think these have been posted previously; I just read them. Thought you might be interested in them if you haven't seen them before, SphincterCop.
I'm really curious as to the sequence of events in that bathroom/hallway on Jun 4 2008 too.
Police Report:
Autopsy Report: (ME cites the neck slash as cause of death)
Also very telling is the 911 call upon discovery of Travis's body. The 911 operator asks Travis's friend if he was having any problems or being bothered by anyone. She tells him that an ex-girlfriend has been stalking him, slashed his tires, etc... and that her name is Jodi (also confirms to the operator that he hadn't filed police reports regarding these incidents). Within minutes of the body being found and before they knew they had the smoking gun deleted photos from the camera sim card and prints/hair, Mesa PD already had a a prime suspect.
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Thanks HOTD!!!!!! The autopsy report is great. I was really interested in the entrance wound of the bullet. Amazing, how it went into his head and basically bounced outwards back into his left cheek. No traces of burn, soot, or such.
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(03-02-2013, 08:40 PM)Sphincter Cop Wrote: No traces of burn, soot, or such.
Aha! Thanks for pointing that out.
I just looked it up. It put some things in perspective for me.
I missed the first days of the trial and only caught partial recaps. I therefore don't know if this was brought up by the ME early on. But, from what I just researched, there's no way Jodi could have shot Travis from as close a distance as she claims (either with him grabbing her waist or lunging for her waist - she testified to both these different scenarios), without it leaving a burn mark on his face. This burn/mark cannot be washed away and would still be visible after a few days of decomp. In both of Jodi's contradictory versions regarding Travis's location to her when she shot him, he landed on top of her right after the shot. That's just not possible without leaving a mark if I understand correctly. No such mark was present on the face of Travis Alexander.
I wonder if Martinez will bring this up in his closing or just let it go. I like how he used her own lies against her as if they were truths on the last day of cross. Even if Martinez knows that Jodi shot Travis last, the fact that she claims it was first could work in the prosecution's favor. If Travis was already shot and down on the ground with no movement (as she testified in cross), then none of the knife wounds nor the fatal throat slashing can be considered self defense. I suspect that he wants the full truth to be known and will bring it up in closing, but maybe not.
I sure wish we could fast forward past the paid abuse and psychological defense experts and get straight to closing arguments. I can't wait to see how Martinez wraps this up.
d505: I too think that Jodi made up the ridiculous rope cutting story only as a means by which to introduce the presence of a knife in the bathroom. I don't think there was any rope involved in any of the events that took place that day.
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I think we are going to see one hell of a closing argument from Martinez. The stage was set for premeditation..........
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After looking at the police report and the awful autopsy report it was nice to find this blog Travis wrote and read it. Such a waste of a wonderful human.
*If the jury does do the right thing (I know Jodi will not get the death penalty) however, if the jury gives her life in prison and perhaps truth serum......Of course, Jodi would need an extra special dose of it
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
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She'll lead a cushy prison life. I understand that's an oxymoron.
I think she'll ingratiate herself with someone of power, she'll be someone's bitch, she'll find a way to get a "nice" prison job and she will continue on as she always has only now she will be contained.
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(03-02-2013, 11:56 PM)Barbara Wrote: After looking at the police report and the awful autopsy report it was nice to find this blog Travis wrote and read it. Such a waste of a wonderful human.
The thing about the interwobble, is that you can present yourself to be much better than you really are.
Jodi Arias sounds like a decent person in her blog as well.
Of the millions of sperm injected into your mother's pussy, you were the quickest?
You are no longer in the womb, friend. The competition is tougher out here.
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I pieced some of these together from trial snips and HLN interviews/soundbites.
These are from the last text changes in the weeks before the murder, just before Jodi moved back to Yreka. Jodi testified that they're in regards to Travis being angry because she didn't develop some personal photos for him or some such shit, along with being mad because Jodi hit him up after some strange woman named “Marie”, (who Jodi couldn’t identify) approached her and told her that Travis was cheating on her. Riight.
I think they’re in reference to some drama and lies that she stirred and then agreed to rectify but didn’t. I think she then started threatening him with blackmail (like falsely accusing him of rape or pedophilia or telling the Bishop that he corrupted her) and he was at the point of saying, “bring it on”. He wanted her out of town and out of his life. IMO.
I don`t ever want to get another freaking text from you again or a call unless it`s an apology and a thank you for constantly having to take on your ever-ceasing problems. Not one freaking more.
I`m sick of your soap opera and your ways. You purposely try to ruin every day. It seems you`re getting good at it. You couldn`t get off your lazy butt, because that`s the sociopath I know so well, it freaking figures.
I want you to understand how evil I think you are. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me. It made me feel not good, I guess. It made me feel yucky.
You are a sociopath. You only cry for yourself. You have never cared about me and you have betrayed me worse than any example I could conjure. You are sick and you have scammed me.
Do not call back,. I’m sick of you playing stupid and dealing with your childish issues. Bitter feelings are brewing in me for you, and if it keeps up I fear I will have a genuine dislike for you before I have a revenge.
You don't care about anything that doesn't involve you, and I'm sick of it, and I don't want to deal with any of it. It's wearing me out and if it continues, just like I have to give you motivation to tell me the truth I'll give you motivation to quit screwing with me.
After tomorrow it's going to be really bad for you. It's time to spit it out.
I promise you the punishment will be better than the lie.
This is Jodi’s email to Travis 3 days after she killed him. Imo, she’s not only trying to make it appear she wasn’t the killer and was never there, she’s trying to create the false appearance that he was still interested in her, that she was still welcome at his home anytime, and that she wasn’t the crazy stalker that he and his friends knew her to be. Scary degree of wolf in sheep's clothing.
Hey you, I haven't heard back from you. I hope you're not still upset that I didn't come to see you. I just didn't have enough time off, it's ok, sweetie, you're going to be here in less than two weeks—we're going to see the sights. Oregon is BEAUTIFUL this time of the year. Yay! Be happy.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about pushing my visit up to next week but it depends on my budget, so I'm not sure yet. I know you'll be in Cancun, but I'll probably crash at your house in your cozy bed anyway and eat some of your oatmeal and frozen dinners, you know, the usual-jk. I know you said the door was always open, but I wanted to give you a heads up. If for any reason that won't work, let me know and I'll make other arrangements. Your house has always been my second home although it's a bit more lonely without Naps around. You're probably in California right now, but wherever you are get ahold of me at least before you head to Mexico. Thanks hon, Jodi.
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I am not justifying what this crazed bitch did. But do you think its possible that this relationship was "one sided." Which caused her to really lose her fucking mind.
Maybe he lead her on? I thought it was really weird that they had this amazing sexual relationship; yet he would not show any affection to her in social circles. Maybe she fucking lost it when he decided to explore new vaginal areas. Or maybe it was the uncircumsized penis? 
She basically transitioned her lifestyle to please him. Hence, becoming a Mormon. Maybe someone on the jury will be thinking this and it will save her ass from the death penalty.
He lived two lifestyles as well. Which basically makes him as much of a liar as her.
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I hear what you're saying, SC. Yep, he was being deceptive with his friends and the church. He wanted the sex and, at the same time, seems he was disappointed in himself for it. But, nothing indicates that he misled Jodi into thinking their relationship was serious. He was openly dating other girls (it's alleged she followed him on dates more than once) and she was dating other men (whom she always accidently told him about; claiming that made Travis surprisingly jealous). He was also talking about finding the right marriage partner in his blog. She pursued him using sex anyway.
I think that she became obsessed with him and refused to be rejected and was seething inside. It's clear to me that she was psycho long before she met Travis Alexander. I think she baited him with sex and he took the bait, hook line and sinker. She thought she could be passive aggressive and manipulate him (and snoop and confront and lie) just like she did with her previous boyfriends. Once he caught on, Travis wanted her gone, but I think he couldn't be too open about her stalking because he didn't want to reveal his secrets.
I don't think Jodi Arias loves. JMO. I think she loved the idea of being married to someone who was making money, an up and comer, and had a lot of friends. That's what she wanted. She chose to convert to Mormonism to pursue Travis; she'd tried lots of religions in the past too. But, Travis never told her that he loved her as more than a friend (it's not in any of their communications and she confirmed that on the stand). He never talked about marriage with her. She says they talked about names for kids, but that they were kids that they'd have with other partners who would then play together (I think that whole story is BS too, but jmo).
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HOTD , good points as well.
The end result of this trial is going to be a nail biter.
I wonder at what point she will give up the real story of that night.
That Alexander's sister needs to lay off the make up too. JMO....
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(03-03-2013, 12:32 PM)Sphincter Cop Wrote: HOTD , good points as well.
The end result of this trial is going to be a nail biter.
I wonder at what point she will give up the real story of that night.
That Alexander's sister needs to lay off the make up too. JMO....
I don't think she'll ever give the real story of that night, but I sure hope she does.
For some reason, I am fascinated by Travis's sister (she is pretty heavy on the make-up). As Kid noted, she's in court every day and her expression is always the same; pissed off and ready to explode at the injustice of it all. She is watching and listening to a lying scheming POS who killed her brother and is now making up even more terrible shit attempting to eviscerate his memory and ruin his name to save her worthless self. If someone butchered one of my sisters and did what Jodi Arias is doing on the stand, I imagine I'd look just like that. It hurts to even imagine it.
On the other hand, Jodi's mom and Jodi's aunt (identical twins, I think) sit there and gab and laugh and seem nonchalant about the whole matter. They didn't kill Travis; that's all on Jodi. But, they look like disrespectful dipshits, day in and day out, imo.
![[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFmmJlgdR5vR7FUx-hb8b...ZPnTJbNFZ7]]( ![[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTJptUGSEBo5P3UmiIRiIx...kJhMMyzCnQ]](
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum - that's how I think of them - can't help it.
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(03-03-2013, 02:59 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: On the other hand, Jodi's mom and Jodi's aunt (identical twins, I think) sit there and gab and laugh and seem nonchalant about the whole matter. They didn't kill Travis; that's all on Jodi. But, they look like disrespectful dipshits, day in and day out, imo.
Glad you noticed that as well. I thought it was just me. I can't help but wonder if the cameras show that on purpose though. I am not a fan of the media, but thats my insecurity.
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(02-28-2013, 10:37 PM)JsMom Wrote: Did anyone else see on HLN where the media showed a video of her balling but right after she took her glasses off they slowed it down and you can clearly see That Bitch smile. ???
Yes,I saw that video. Couldn't believe it! What a bitch! Unfortunately tomorrow we have to listen to Nurmi (sp) again. That man drives me crazy.
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It is impossible to judge the the audience. When you look at Tenesia, the one with blush to the MAX and Travis's sister, yes she has a permanent expression of anger. I would be more scared of her than the lethal injection. What is interesting about her is you never see her cry or smile. She has a frozen pose.
Then, if you look at the other sister the one who is a California police officer, she often smirks and cries like Jody's mom and aunt. Everyone copes with their anger, anxiety, doubt or sadness in very different ways. And the media does capture what they want to capture. But often when I am nervous I smirk also. Just because that is what I do when I am nervous. Not because I am guilty or innocent or think this or that but just because I am nervous.
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Gus Searcy claims to the media Arias called him the night she killed Travis crying hysterically saying Travis was dead. If what he says is true I do not think it was premeditated.
I think she did lose her mind. I believe it was an abusive relationship. It was a fatal attraction. Travis was an unwanted addiction to her. I don't think it was premeditated and I don't think she killed him because he was going to Cancun with another lady. She had her life ahead of her. She had a warp sense of attachment to him.
I do believe something set her off and she flipped out. I do believe he attacked to her. And that last picture of Travis sitting in the shower alive he looks angry like he is going to attack her. Perhaps the photo where she says she dropped the camera was actually him attacking her and her trying to snap a photo of the abuse.
She probably did bring the gun to protect herself, but her defense told her not to testify to that because Martinez could turn that around against her. Often times what victims do (and I am sure defense expert witnesses will testify to this) is the victim of abuse does not report the abuse and they stay with the abuser.
Lets say she did kill him because he attacked her does that justify that she kills him?
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The stolen gun and the gas cans (and other evidence) show pre meditation. Her efforts to show him as an abuser are incredibly weak.
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(03-04-2013, 11:58 PM)d505 Wrote: It is impossible to judge the the audience. When you look at Tenesia, the one with blush to the MAX and Travis's sister, yes she has a permanent expression of anger. I would be more scared of her than the lethal injection. What is interesting about her is you never see her cry or smile. She has a frozen pose.
Then, if you look at the other sister the one who is a California police officer, she often smirks and cries like Jody's mom and aunt. Everyone copes with their anger, anxiety, doubt or sadness in very different ways. And the media does capture what they want to capture. But often when I am nervous I smirk also. Just because that is what I do when I am nervous. Not because I am guilty or innocent or think this or that but just because I am nervous.
It's easy for me to judge and form an opinion, but I'm just a poster on a message board making an observation, not someone claiming that it means anything more.
I've seen Teneshia with her head down crying more than once; she is otherwise fixated and attentive.
Travis's brother is focused and serious with a neutral expression.
His sister who's a police officer is expressive; she rolls her eyes at obvious lies, dabs her eyes when she's crying.
The camera pans from them to others in the court which includes Jodi's mom and aunt. Sometimes they're smirking. More than a few times they've been talking to each other and laughing. This wasn't the case when Jodi's father and brother were in attendance; they appeared more somber and respectful.
So, in my viewing, it's not a question of selective camera shots when watching live camera panning the full audience. But, it could well be that mom and aunt are nervous and that's just their coping mechanism. I could see that. Either way, they look like disrespectful dipshits, in my opinion. Whether they are truly disrespectful dipshits is something I couldn't judge because I haven't met them.
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Just caught some recaps from today; Day 1 of re-direct.
Nurmi played only Travis's side of the phone sex tape; it was also printed. To me, that makes no sense. It's irrelevant without the other person's reactions and banter, imo. I would feel the same if we only heard/saw Jodi's side of the tape. Totally out of context. I do worry that the defense might have scored points if anyone on the jury was waffling; the way it was presented made Travis appear more deviant. I don't think the jury will forget what actually went down which was a very encouraging and turned-on Jodi on the other end of the phone. Wondering whether Martinez will bother playing the whole thing again, just in case.
Jodi seemed to not want to go all the way in calling Travis names today, even though Nurmi seemed to be prompting for that. I think that was smart of them and we'll see more of the same tomorrow; the abuse experts are up next and Jodi looked anything but an abuse victim during Martinez's cross-examination. She now needs to re-establish the appearance of this poor abused woman who only wanted to please this very bad man who she loved anyway (and still does) and who would never hurt him unless he made her. That's what she needs to peddle right now; that's what this re-direct is all about.
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(03-05-2013, 01:38 AM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I don't think the jury will forget what actually went down which was a very encouraging and turned-on Jodi on the other end of the phone.
So . . .
What was the real purpose of recording these conversations?
Seriously . . . who does this shit besides (insert Mock member's name)?
Blackmailers, extortionists, psychotic cunts, Mormons . . . ?