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Joined: Jun 2008 you get to pick 10 people for your list, preferably people of notoriety, not your fucking next door neighbour. If they have been on your list for at least 30 days before their impending doom has been reported somewhere in the press and they check out, you score a point. For instance, when Mandela was reported as being gravely ill, you would have had to hd him on your list a month before.
Once you pick your ten, the only way you get a new face on your list is if someone checks out.. Oh and one more rule; you must have one person on your list that was under the age of 50 when put there.
1. Zsa Zsa Gabor
2. George Bush senior
3. Kirk Douglas
4. Keith Richards
5. Bob Dole
6. Gough Whitlam
7. Muhammad Ali
8. Prince Phillip
9. Jack Nicklaus
<50. Courtney Love
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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This felt a little morbid at first (but then took about 5 minutes to come up with 17 names  ).
This is my top 10 "most likely to kick the bucket sometime in the near future" list, in no particular order.
1. Katt Williams (under 50)
2. Sidney Poitier
3. Harry Dean Stanton
4. Kirk Douglas
5. Nancy Reagan
6. George Zimmerman (under 50)
7. Amanda Bynes (under 50)
8. Dick Van Dyke
9. Mikhail Gorbachev
10. Randy Travis
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I've got to think about the rest but I think Nelson Mandela might have another 30 days in him.
1) Nelson Mandela
2) Nancy Reagan
3) Ruth Bader Ginsburg
I just realized Nancy was on HotD's list. I don't know...
I'll think about it after a few more cups of coffee.
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(1)Mickey Rooney
(2) Justins Beaver
(3) Zsa-Zsa (ya think!)
(4) maury Polvitch
(5) Jack Nicholson
(6) Stevie Nicks
(7)Steven Hawkins
(8) Gordon Lightfoot
(9) Chong (of Cheech &)
(10) David Letterman (Please!!!)
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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Olivia de Havilland
Joan Fontaine
Their mutual hatred keeps them both alive each refusing to give the other the satisfaction of pissing on her grave.
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Zsa Zsa's prince
Ritchie Sambora
Clint Eastwood
Prince Phillip
Larry King
Kirk Douglas
Chris Brown
Tom Cruise
Amanda Byrnes
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Why Ritchie?
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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(09-01-2013, 03:37 PM)ramseycat Wrote: Why Ritchie?
He's a drunk & druggie who can't seem to get his shit together. Depending on who you believe he either left the Bon Jovi tour on his own last Spring or was told to leave because of his off-stage antics, (read that as drunk & fucked up). He's had DUI's and time spent in rehab and I recently read that he is no longer a Member of Bon Jovi, it was reported he was fired. Soooo, since I had to come up with some names I choose his, maybe being fired from his band will be the push over the edge.
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Ooooo....Ritchie is a good one. We get a bonus point if he and Courtney hook up and OD together.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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 Everybody's so damn resilient.
But, mega-author Tom Clancy did pass away yesterday.
So, if "it always happens in threes" holds up, maybe there's a couple more chances to score a point or two soon?
Morbid, I know. But, I rarely gamble or enter pools. I wanna win this one!!!
(Shit, don't even know if there's a prize involved.)
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Mandela's a gimme almost.
1. Bush senior.
2. Betty white. Longshot but she's 90something.
3. Under 50 mac Culkin.
I forget who's already dead
4. Regis Philbin.
5. OJ Simpson.
6. Clint Eastwood.
7. Steve Perry.
8. Ace Frehley.
9. Michael Douglas.
10. Mickey Rooney if he's not dead. Queen Elizabeth if he is.
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.
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(Under 50) La Lohan
Maury Povich
Jerry Springer
David Bowie
William Shatner
Samual L. Jackson
Chuck Noris
Alex Trebek
Willy Nelson
Kirsty Ally
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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1...Paris Jackson
2... Valerie Harper
3...Mary Tyler Moore
4...Betty White
5...Barack Hussain Obama
6...Jimmy Carter
7...George Bush Sr
8...Sean Conery. He's still kickin, isn't he?
9...Ozzy Osborne
10..Prince Charles
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Obama might be the first President that ever commits suicide while in office.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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In no particular order:
1.) Billy Graham
2.) Fidel Castro
3.) Meatloaf
4.) Nancy Reagan
5.) Jerry Lewis
6.) Eli Wallach
7.) Pete Seeger
8.) Aretha Franklin
9.) Burt Reynolds
10.) Brooke Mueller
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Where's your youngster?
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.
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Two famous people died this weekend - Marcia Wallace and Lou Reed.
Bad enough that I liked both of their works a lot, but they weren't even among my Death List picks.
Marcia Wallace did a lot for breast cancer awareness, along with being a classy funny lady.
And, Lou Reed, well, I think he probably took more than one Walk on the Wild Side; still listen to Velvet Underground on occasion.
They were both 71. RIP.
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Lou & Marcia, R.I.P. bitches.
I hope I make 71 that would be OK.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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I liked Reed a lot. Too bad...
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Dang it, another one that I didn't see coming and, hence, left off of my death list.
If she was the real deal, she must have seen it coming though...
World famous psychic Sylvia Browne, 77 -- who appeared on all sorts of TV shows including "Montel" "Larry King Live" and "Unsolved Mysteries" -- has passed away .. TMZ has learned.
Browne specialized in psychic detective work, and attempted to help on several missing person cases ... with varying results.
Browne's son, Chris, tells TMZ ... Sylvia passed away this morning in San Jose, surrounded by family and friends.
Browne most recently took heat after famously announcing that Amanda Berry had died after she went missing in 2003 ... because, as we all know now, she wasn't dead. Sylvia chalked up the misinformation as a simple mistake.