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Sure thing, CN.
Imagining a desert island with island birds and island fungus is really c-r-a-z-y shit, man.
I didn't think this OP exercise of yours was a competition, but looks like we were on different mental plains there judging by your reaction.
So, I guess that means you're a poor loser, but fun to play with anyhow.
You might still win a bronze medal here, though. Comparing the mushrooms in this context to Dairy Queen and a disco puts you in the running for the "most asinine comparison award of 2013" - right behind George Zimmerman on the crucifix and Phil Robertson as Rosa Parks. Congratulations.
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Knowing what everyone is bringing to the island now, if you could pick one person to go with who would you choose?
I'd probably pick Duchess. Chances are she's not going to rape me, I can borrow her bible when I get bored of my medical book because she's probably not reading it anyway, and even though I don't like pot she'll most likely give me some when I want a change of pace from the coke and just want to fall asleep.
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(12-21-2013, 05:52 PM)sally Wrote: I'd probably pick Duchess.
I was about to post that I'd forage for nuts, berries & bark for you to whip into a gourmet delight every evening and then I recalled that OP said there is food there. Will you cook? I'll do other stuff like take care of the hut & collecting rain water and I might be able to make you some booze from the fruit I find.
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I would cook up a storm, but I think I changed my mind. I would pick Clang. Only because we could procreate and Clang seems like a nice enough guy. It wouldn't matter that our offspring were fat potato heads, I'd still love them and it would give me something to live for on that piece of shit island. Plus I could always kill Clang in his sleep if I got too sick of him.
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The island has internet access? Nobody said that! Now I have to rethink this entire thing.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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Wow. Clang?
Pretty sure you're doing that to cut me to my core.
It worked.
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(12-21-2013, 06:14 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Pretty sure you're doing that to cut me to my core.
She's damn good, she took out two of us at once. I'm crushed to have been thrown back in favor of Clang. She'll be sorry when she thinks about all the booze she's missing out on.
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Never mind, Clang probably shoots blanks and I'd be stuck there alone with him. I'm going back with Duchess.
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(12-21-2013, 06:18 PM)sally Wrote: Never mind, Clang probably shoots blanks and I'd be stuck there alone with him. I'm going back with Duchess. Get out of my head! Another good guess. Though I've never confirmed it, I suspect I do have blanks due to low testosterone and high estrogen levels. I suspect that might be partly to blame for my crossdressing desires.
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(12-21-2013, 03:59 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: I didn't think this OP exercise of yours was a competition.
So, I guess that means you're a poor loser.
You might still win a bronze medal here, though.
Your 2 nd and 3 rd comments contradict your 1 st. It isn't a competition and it still isn't, maggotyboo, clang and you made it a competition by trying to “bend the rules” and “beat the system”.
Me commenting that I think a dictionary is a retarded choice of book is my opinion an opinion seconded my some other members. If you don't agree with that opinion fair enough but that doesn't make desert island discs a competition though and never will.
So saying I'm a “loser” and might still win a “bronze medal” is completely redundant and retarded.
The island has nothing on it, this is the primary fact that will never change, so fantasies about magic mushrooms and tribes of topless women are completely redundant and retarded.
Congratulations on being redundant and retarded.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(12-21-2013, 08:13 PM)Clang McFly Wrote: Get out of my head! Another good guess. Though I've never confirmed it, I suspect I do have blanks due to low testosterone and high estrogen levels. I suspect that might be partly to blame for my crossdressing desires.
So you are a fat worthless unemployed cross dressing virgin.....with comatose sperm?
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(12-21-2013, 05:58 PM)Duchess Wrote: I was about to post that I'd forage for nuts, berries & bark for you to whip into a gourmet delight every evening and then I recalled that OP said there is food there. Will you cook? I'll do other stuff like take care of the hut & collecting rain water and I might be able to make you some booze from the fruit I find.[/i][/size]
You can't forage because....THE....ISLAND...IS....EMPTY.
I thought members would realise “oh right these things you are picking are important because they are the only things you've got”
I forgot common sense is often in short supply here.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(12-21-2013, 05:52 PM)sally Wrote: Knowing what everyone is bringing to the island now, if you could pick one person to go with who would you choose?
Maggotyboo of course.
An idiot with a dictionary and fireworks!
No contest!
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(12-21-2013, 03:56 PM)Duchess Wrote: That made me think of Dick. *sigh* Now I'm thinking about raggin' on him about the goat cooking in his back yard at this time of year. I think it was a goat he used to feed the neighborhood at Christmas or maybe I'm having a senior moment.[/i][/size]
Yeah I remember him saying something about fattening up a goat for the holidays. He probably kept it in his hovel and fed it old newspapers.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(12-21-2013, 03:41 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: I AM with HotD on the 'desert island' bit.
Think 'lyrics to Gilligan's Island'.
... something, something, something, ON THE SHORES OF THIS UNCHARTED DESERT ISLE...
That island had more trees and vegetation than the whole of Scotland.
Magic mushrooms too.
Comparing the “realities” of two desert islands neither of which actually exists!
We've gone through the looking glass into fucking cloud cuckoo land again!
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(12-22-2013, 11:40 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: We've gone through the looking glass into fucking cloud cuckoo land again!
Only in Mock.
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 OK, CN...
You cultivate redundance in others by failing to comprehend simple explanations the first or second time out, likely because you really have no interest in understanding other people's points of view. IMO.
So, here we go again - in final simply spelled-out response to your redundant bullshit claims...
You made it a competition by continually insisting that other participants' PERSONAL choices were stupid, unlike yours. You went so far as to label some of those posters who chose to participate in your little OP exercise "mong", "moron" "retarded", etc...
Now, you've extended your need to "win" (although you lack the ability to satisfy it, IMO) by calling me a redundant retard. This wounds me deeply and is quite surprising, coming from you. I took a survival book, 8 songs that I like, and some logic games/puzzles - all approved by you. I didn't violate your rules, I simply expressed a difference of opinion with you regarding your perceived "stupidity" of other people's choices and pointed out the ambiguity in your OP parameters.
Still, due to your need to "win", you've called me a "cheater", in part because you mistakenly thought that "a desert island" means an island in the desert or an island only containing sand. I've known since childhood that in the context of being stranded on a "desert island", the word "desert" is an adjective, not a noun. It means "desolate", "uninhabited", etc... It has nothing to do with the location of the island and certainly doesn't mean that the island only has sand.
There are dozens of uninhabited (desert) islands around the world. Islands, by definition, are surrounded by water (courtesy definition; just in case that's news to you as well). They are often rife with birds, animals, fungi, vegetation, etc... Those are facts about which you were ignorant when you started this thread.
While a dictionary and/or encyclopedia would have undoubtedly helped you avoid displaying your ignorance in full view, I understand that you may have seen a photo of one of a myriad of desert islands on the planet in your big colored picture book and wrongly assumed that it was the only (or even the most common) type in existence, therefore impractically leading you to expect others to know the type of island to which you were referring. Shit happens.
No big deal, CN. This isn't serious business or anything to pop a vein over - it's all in fun (for me, anyway). And, while your ignorance led astray some of us with more knowledge about desert islands than you and caused you such visible frustration, there's a silver lining. You've learned from others in this thread and improved your vocabulary in the process. You're no longer as ignorant and, should you choose to retain this gift of knowledge on the subject, you can't be viably accused of being stupid about it either. In that sense, I do, in fact, consider you the winner here.
Also, you're welcome for the fact that I never called you a "cheater" for selecting and describing a luxury item with practical applications - which you later prohibited others from doing. I'm not a suspicious person by nature, so I don't think you were cheating. I think you're just of the mindset that your own rules don't apply to you. Or, more likely, you simply didn't realize that you were the first to breach your own "none-practical" parameters and set the stage. So, really, you were only demonstrating ignorance again, not malice. No harm done - it made for some serious laughs.
Anyway, CN, you could have avoided a lot of self-inflicted frustration by labeling this thread and the exercise therein, "Death Row without a Guard Discs". Then, you wouldn't have had to struggle with the shocker of indigenous island life being brought up as the discussion and mocking continued. If you'd labeled it that way, it would have helped you to ensure that everyone imagined the solo existence more similarly to how you imagine it (filled with despair and suicidal thoughts). Instead, the way that you hosted the exercise, "desert island" had no relevance whatsoever to the exercise.
To close out this novel of a post, I think you made it a competition, and in so doing (and in my reflecting on the thread in the context of a competition), I think you lost to those who weren't competing and just doing their own thing and having fun. That's JMO. If you insist that you weren't competing or still insist that your choices were smarter than those of others, I won't argue with you. No problem with a difference of opinion there.
I'm leaving the virtual island now - it was fun, but it's run its course for me. Thank you for hosting.
P.s. do hope that you had some fun here despite the differences in opinions and styles - I truly did.
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I think I could excel at roughin' it...just sayin'.
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(12-22-2013, 12:56 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: OK, CN...
You cultivate redundance in others by failing to comprehend simple explanations the first or second time out, likely because you really have no interest in understanding other people's points of view. IMO.
So, here we go again - in final simply spelled-out response to your redundant bullshit claims...
You made it a competition by continually insisting that other participants' PERSONAL choices were stupid, unlike yours. You went so far as to label some of those posters who chose to participate in your little OP exercise "mong", "moron" "retarded", etc...
Now, you've extended your need to "win" (although you lack the ability to satisfy it, IMO) by calling me a redundant retard. This wounds me deeply and is quite surprising, coming from you. I took a survival book, 8 songs that I like, and some logic games/puzzles - all approved by you. I didn't violate your rules, I simply expressed a difference of opinion with you regarding your perceived "stupidity" of other people's choices and pointed out the ambiguity in your OP parameters.
Still, due to your need to "win", you've called me a "cheater", in part because you mistakenly thought that "a desert island" means an island in the desert or an island only containing sand. I've known since childhood that in the context of being stranded on a "desert island", the word "desert" is an adjective, not a noun. It means "desolate", "uninhabited", etc... It has nothing to do with the location of the island and certainly doesn't mean that the island only has sand.
There are dozens of uninhabited (desert) islands around the world. Islands, by definition, are surrounded by water (courtesy definition; just in case that's news to you as well). They are often rife with birds, animals, fungi, vegetation, etc... Those are facts about which you were ignorant when you started this thread.
While a dictionary and/or encyclopedia would have undoubtedly helped you avoid displaying your ignorance in full view, I understand that you may have seen a photo of one of a myriad of desert islands on the planet in your big colored picture book and wrongly assumed that it was the only (or even the most common) type in existence, therefore impractically leading you to expect others to know the type of island to which you were referring. Shit happens.
No big deal, CN. This isn't serious business or anything to pop a vein over - it's all in fun (for me, anyway). And, while your ignorance led astray some of us with more knowledge about desert islands than you and caused you such visible frustration, there's a silver lining. You've learned from others in this thread and improved your vocabulary in the process. You're no longer as ignorant and, should you choose to retain this gift of knowledge on the subject, you can't be viably accused of being stupid about it either. In that sense, I do, in fact, consider you the winner here.
Also, you're welcome for the fact that I never called you a "cheater" for selecting and describing a luxury item with practical applications - which you later prohibited others from doing. I'm not a suspicious person by nature, so I don't think you were cheating. I think you're just of the mindset that your own rules don't apply to you. Or, more likely, you simply didn't realize that you were the first to breach your own "none-practical" parameters and set the stage. So, really, you were only demonstrating ignorance again, not malice. No harm done - it made for some serious laughs.
Anyway, CN, you could have avoided a lot of self-inflicted frustration by labeling this thread and the exercise therein, "Death Row without a Guard Discs". Then, you wouldn't have had to struggle with the shocker of indigenous island life being brought up as the discussion and mocking continued. If you'd labeled it that way, it would have helped you to ensure that everyone imagined the solo existence more similarly to how you imagine it (filled with despair and suicidal thoughts). Instead, the way that you hosted the exercise, "desert island" had no relevance whatsoever to the exercise.
To close out this novel of a post, I think you made it a competition, and in so doing (and in my reflecting on the thread in the context of a competition), I think you lost to those who weren't competing and just doing their own thing and having fun. That's JMO. If you insist that you weren't competing or still insist that your choices were smarter than those of others, I won't argue with you. No problem with a difference of opinion there.
I'm leaving the virtual island now - it was fun, but it's run its course for me. Thank you for hosting.
P.s. do hope that you had some fun here despite the differences in opinions and styles - I truly did.
A - I know many REAL desert islands have flora and fauna and animal life I've seen documentaries about them and everything thanks! You patronising twit!. The island in Desert Island Discs ISN'T REAL this is the essential difference. The fact the central premise of Desert Island Discs is that the things you decide to take with you are the ONLY THINGS YOU HAVE AVAILABLE TO YOU. Thus making it important for you to think hard about what you choose see? If the island had an abundance of magic mushrooms I'd pick any 8 songs it wouldn't matter! if I was off my face on mushrooms ANYTHING would sound good thus making the 8 song choice pointless. The fact is you missed the point entirely but you will of course never admit this.
B - “real desert islands aren't like the fictional one in desert island discs this makes me cleverer than you”. Patronising drivel of the most self deluded kind I'm afraid. THERE IS NOTHING ON THIS ISLAND. You should tattoo a mirror image of that fact on your forehead for posterity to remind yourself when you are trying on your dunce hat at a jaunty angle at your dressing table. You constantly going on about real desert islands is like playing super mario world and going “trees and clouds aren't square in real life what were they thinking?!
C - me pointing out taking a dictionary was retarded didn't turn it into a competition and its not an opinion its a fact. I don't know if its some kind of misplaced show of support or loyalty towards maggotyboo from you but you have yet to name one practical application for a dictionary on a desert island. Because there isn't one. I reserve the right to point it out when someone says something blatantly stupid. Breaking the rules of something that isn't a competition is pointless and not big or clever.
D - in an attempt to highlight my supposed “ignorance” you have in fact highlighted your own.
Now stop desert island discs I want to get off!
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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I'm not sure that you can stop competing, in a fictional scenario or otherwise.
That's not necessarily a bad thing, even if you're completely oblivious to it or just ashamed to admit it.
See you on the mainland, CN.