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(06-19-2015, 06:24 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: Hate is multifaceted thing!
We have killers and would be killers who walk among us. I have felt for a long time that half of the prison population should be in mental institution and not paroled to kill again.
There is no magic answer,
This country's love affair with guns is obsessive and must stop. Every day, children die accidentally because of loaded guns. I don't want to be the number 1 country in the World for death by guns. Please spare me the mention of cars, knives, hammers, etc....that is not productive to resolutions. Yes, I know criminals will still get guns, but you need to do some serious research about how tougher gun control does, in fact, reduce crimes committed by guns.
I chopped up your answer, BBH, because I tend to agree with this portion of it.
The whole reason I said that libs never let a good tragedy go to waste, is because Obama brought up having another "national conversation" in his speech about the SC shootings.
Every time, and I mean every single fucking time, that some politician mentions gun control, the gun nuts (you know, the ones that say 'over my dead body') buy a dozen or so guns to hide from the government.
I do advocate for the right to bare arms, but what I don't want to see is a bunch of hillbillies buying a bunch of guns because they think the govt is going to take their guns away.
The way I see it, is that those hillbillies that spent thousands of dollars on guns this year; are going to need that money next year, and therefor sell those guns to the first schmuck that offers them cash....
And then where are we going to be? Still talking about gun control, but a whole new audience is going to have guns. We can't control private sales (well, at least in my state we can't). I could take my .357 sig and sell it to the first person that offers me money-via private sale-and I don't have to worry about doing a background check on the dude. I hand him the revolver, and he hands me cash, we both go our separate ways, because New Hampshire has no law requiring a background check on private sales.
I don't know about any other states, but I know NH laws backward and forwards, and I can tell you with certainty that if I sell a gun to Joe schmo, and he uses it to commit a crime-I'm not legally liable.
So, what's to be done? You can try to ban guns altogether, but I doubt that's ever going to happen, or you can stop using the words "gun control". The words "gun control' is what spikes sales in this state.
My nephew works for Sig sauer in Epping, and guess what? Since Obama mentioned "Gun control' in his speech, my nephew is now on mandatory overtime.
One mention in the president's speech has already sparked a soar in sales. Go figure...
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Well, Cannon Girl, I do agree that when the newscasters announce that gas prices will be going up, sure enough, next day, the prices are up again.....I swear it happens every time.....(my analogy to "gun control")......
I do want us to learn to do without so many guns. To those friends of mine who think they are protected by a firearm, statistics say, that this weapon will be used against them. It is not sexist for me to say that most men can physically restrain or overpower a woman....
While we may not agree on some things, I just don't want to shop or do business in places where open or concealed carry guns are allowed. Some of these gun fanatics are so paranoid, that they think they have to leave the house every day with a gun....Well, they can just stay home and take their meds. I think I have a right to go out of the house without confronting someone with a gun. I can't tell if someone is the good guy or the bad guy so what is an old bat supposed to do?
When a friend recently went to Mexico, I told her to get some pepper spray. She was driving just to border where her friends would pick her up.
Like that could protect her if some members of the drug cartel confronted her on the highway. lol
Someone has already said it, but the little girls in Texas had their lemon stand closed because they (seriously) needed a license to sell "food" items.
Yet, in the same newspaper, the politicians are gloating over signing new law to enable citizens to carry without background check and permit.
The Governor of Texas, just said that the shooting in S.C. was essentially an "accident" caused by a young man using drugs. Well, he said more than that, but that was bottom line. I want NRA to concentrate more on gun safety rather than trying to arm every one in USA. Do you realize how many complete idiots have guns? Yeah, I know you do.....just venting. My own cousin told me that we need guns everywhere, maybe not in courtrooms she concluded; she said I should remember Germany. I couldn't believe my ears. If I really felt that way, I would probably head for Costa Rica, Panama, and maybe on to Peru....well, here I go again, being verbose....
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Lol, free clinic. You might as well drop your kid off at the building site for a real hospital.
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There are no gun accidents, there is only irresponsibility.
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(06-20-2015, 02:04 AM)blueberryhill Wrote: Someone has already said it, but the little girls in Texas had their lemon stand closed because they (seriously) needed a license to sell "food" items.
Yet, in the same newspaper, the politicians are gloating over signing new law to enable citizens to carry without background check and permit.
Perfect example of someone not knowing what they are talking about.
The open carry law just passed in Texas does not allow ANYONE - that means not one person - to carry a handgun openly without background checks or permit. NO ONE. What you just claimed is absolutely untrue, and has no basis in fact. It comes from someone with an anti-gun mentality who could not even do the most basic of research before regurgitating what they had read somewhere.
In Texas, the ONLY people who will be allowed to open carry their handguns are those who already have or go through the process to obtain their concealed carry permit. That means they have to be 21 years of age, have no criminal or mental health history, must submit to a background check, be fingerprinted, are required to go though a training class, and must test with their firearm and pass.
Honestly BBH, you could have googled that in about 2.5 seconds. Instead you undermine your credibility and just spout off your bias.
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Other than the street, where can anyone buy a gun without a background check?
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(06-19-2015, 06:24 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: I don't want to be the number 1 country in the World for death by guns. Please spare me the mention of cars, knives, hammers, etc....that is not productive to resolutions. Yes, I know criminals will still get guns, but you need to do some serious research about how tougher gun control does, in fact, reduce crimes committed by guns.
Ok, so for starters we are not the number 1 country in the world for death by guns. That distinction belongs to Brazil at 34k+. Then comes Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela... you get the idea.
So let's look next at tough gun control laws. That sounds great, but the places that have them - California Illinois, New York, Washington DC for example - have the most gun violence in their metropolitan areas.
You are likely talking about banning guns, which isn't going to happen.
If people were really serious about tackling gun violence, they'd address the cultural and socioeconomic issues that cause it.
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(06-20-2015, 12:36 PM)Duchess Wrote:
Other than the street, where can anyone buy a gun without a background check?
Years ago when I used to "drive" to Fl, I always passed stores in GA, NC, & SC that had big signs that read "GUNS" for sale.
Well one year, I decided to check it out, and went into one of those stores, and asked the owner to see a gun. He got out a box containing a handgun, showed the gun to me, and asked a very small price for it. I liked it, so I proceeded to buy it, and as I took out my License to show it to him he said oh you don't need to do that.
So that was my clue, I didn't not have to use my real name.
So all of a sudden, I became "William Darling", of Wilmer N. J. (never forgot that name)
And I got the gun under that name. Can only imagine just how many hundreds/thousands of other's did the same, So . . . .
(Several years later, the gun was stolen, but then I actually got it back, but that's another whole story.)
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(06-20-2015, 12:57 PM)Jimbone Wrote: (06-19-2015, 06:24 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: I don't want to be the number 1 country in the World for death by guns. Please spare me the mention of cars, knives, hammers, etc....that is not productive to resolutions. Yes, I know criminals will still get guns, but you need to do some serious research about how tougher gun control does, in fact, reduce crimes committed by guns.
Ok, so for starters we are not the number 1 country in the world for death by guns. That distinction belongs to Brazil at 34k+. Then comes Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela... you get the idea.
So let's look next at tough gun control laws. That sounds great, but the places that have them - California Illinois, New York, Washington DC for example - have the most gun violence in their metropolitan areas.
You are likely talking about banning guns, which isn't going to happen.
If people were really serious about tackling gun violence, they'd address the cultural and socioeconomic issues that cause it.
Oh, for God's sake, my study says that U.S. does lead the World in ownership and deaths by guns (88.8). I will attempt to post link. Now, you pick specific states and their individual records. That, too changes as their individual States change their laws re gun ownership. I have found that you can't argue with people like you. You say I would want guns banned. I have NEVER said that in any of my posts.
If you paid attention to what I say instead of blindly following your precious NRA, you would know that. I am against stupid, mentally ill, hate filled, irresponsible parents, anti social idiots and the like from owning guns. Period. These States who are making it legal to buy guns without background checks and permits are being totally irresponsible for the safety of the rest of us who do not want to worry about seeing someone in the grocery store with a gun slung over his/her shoulder. Here is link:
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O.K. this link isn't working; I really don't know why I have problems with this, but it doesn't make the study any less valid than the studies you posted, Mr. Bonehead!
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(06-20-2015, 09:32 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: O.K. this link isn't working; I really don't know why I have problems with this, but it doesn't make the study any less valid than the studies you posted, Mr. Bonehead!
Here's the updated link to the study you referenced, blueberry.
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(06-20-2015, 05:10 AM)Duchess Wrote:
There are no gun accidents, there is only irresponsibility.
I don't see any kind of a solution for the mass killers, especially the evil ones like this bastard. There's nothing mental about him. He's just an evil hateful human being and that's all there is to this one. I'm guessing he was raised that way from day one. If he was this hell bent on doing what he did nothing or no one is going to stop people like this. No amount of gun control will stop these evil fuckers.
As for the mentals...until the govt does away with HIPPA/HIPA laws, the quacks can't give out info on the crazies. And...if there ever comes a time when docs can out their patients, people will stop going to their much needed counseling and then you have a shitload of crazies walking around off their much needed meds.
As for irresponsibility...when the hell is something going to be done about senseless deaths by idiots who leave their guns laying around? How many kids have to die before some kind of law is put into place to stop it?
There should be a federal law on the books to prosecute these idiot parents/caretakers who leave their guns anywhere accessible for a minor child to get a hold of. Maybe 5 yrs minimum in prison and never being allowed to legally purchase a gun for life if there's a death of a minor or by a minor that got a hold of a gun you were to fucking stupid or lazy to take care of.
That's one form of gun control but, I guess everyone has the mentality that the guilt people feel over their dead babies is punishment enough.
Someone needs to be made an example of before other idiots will start opening their eyes and start being responsible for their guns.
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(06-20-2015, 09:37 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: (06-20-2015, 09:32 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: O.K. this link isn't working; I really don't know why I have problems with this, but it doesn't make the study any less valid than the studies you posted, Mr. Bonehead!
Here's the updated link to the study you referenced, blueberry.
Thanks again Hair....I will have to figure out what I am doing wrong. Can you help me post this link to Jim B.
Texas gun bills taking us back to old west days
Texas legislators need to spend more time on education than gun laws, etc........
Star Telegram, 20 March 2015, blog written by Bob Ray Sanders.
I promise I won't bother you again......
While I may have taken this out of context, it still represents what I think about these States who sign these incredibly stupid laws......
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No bother. Here you go.
Oh, how I wish Texas lawmakers cared as much about our children as they do their guns.
And wouldn’t it be terrific if the folks who represent us in Austin despised injustice as much as they do immigration and taxes?
I suppose, given the makeup of our state Legislature and the leadership in the top statewide offices, that’s a little too much to hope for.
It is no surprise that new gun legislation has been put on a fast track at the Capitol, sailing through committee and floor votes with ease, while our underfunded public schools likely will languish.
Full piece:
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(06-20-2015, 09:28 PM)blueberryhill Wrote: Oh, for God's sake, my study says that U.S. does lead the World in ownership and deaths by guns (88.8). I will attempt to post link. Now, you pick specific states and their individual records. That, too changes as their individual States change their laws re gun ownership. I have found that you can't argue with people like you. You say I would want guns banned. I have NEVER said that in any of my posts.
If you paid attention to what I say instead of blindly following your precious NRA, you would know that. I am against stupid, mentally ill, hate filled, irresponsible parents, anti social idiots and the like from owning guns. Period. These States who are making it legal to buy guns without background checks and permits are being totally irresponsible for the safety of the rest of us who do not want to worry about seeing someone in the grocery store with a gun slung over his/her shoulder. Here is link:
I don't know anything about the study, but I noted the list does not include the countries that have the most deaths by guns. Where were Mexico, Argentina, Colombia? Why weren't they included?
California, Illinois, New York, and DC have had strict gun control laws for a long time. Their metro areas have also lead the nation in gun deaths for a long time as well.
My precious NRA? Geez, lighten up Francis. Why don't you start it's equal on the opposing side and challenge them then? No one is stopping anyone from doing that... it could happen at any time.
And who exactly are 'people like' me? You and I actually agree... I am completely against stupid, mentally ill, hate filled, irresponsible parents, anti social idiots and the like from owning guns. Period.
I also would not be in favor of any state allowing the legal purchase of a firearm without a background check. You can look through the threads and find I am actually a pretty reasonable person when it comes to guns.
However, when you continually say things that are not true - like you have been doing about Texas recently passing open carry - I'm going to correct you. It doesn't make me a pro-gun nut job who is being irresponsible... it is just a responsible gun owner trying to make sure the record is accurate.
For what it's worth, there are 44 other states that allow open carry. I think your fears of guns taking us back to the wild west or slung over shoulders in grocery stores would be apparent by now, don't you?
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Are handguns legal in Chicago? or Detroit?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(06-21-2015, 11:41 AM)Jimbone Wrote: California, Illinois, New York, and DC have had strict gun control laws for a long time. Their metro areas have also lead the nation in gun deaths for a long time as well.
After reading some of these posts, I'm definitely not assuming the liberal moniker however, any idiot should know that gun control, given our state "borders" (Welcome to California: Land of Fruits and Nuts!!), gun control has got to be a national issue/effort. It's one area (or one that's somewhat important to me) where I think State rights might not trump the national interest.
Australia is fortunate to be surrounded by water. Even if we addressed this on a national level, we'd still have to deal with pesky Mexico. But...Canada has made an effort and the number of mass shootings there and gun related deaths are far fewer than ours (I think...source follows...I'm not feeling "research" this morning):
One thing I know about liberals which pisses me off...they're REALLY out to get the 1% and peddle this class warfare thing.  I'm actually glad some of you dirt poor mother fuckers have such disdain for "liberals". The 1% and I thank you.
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Many Liberal's credo : Do as I say, not as I do
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I hate the way so many right wingers are black and white in here. I fucking hate all the hate talk. Right wingers (not all only the extremists) call you a lefty if you have a reasonable rational objective point of view. Then the lefties want nothing to do with you because they think you are bonkers for believing in God. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
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I'd like to see a show of hands from Republicans who believe that Fox News is full of shit.
I have a feelin' what's going to happen...