Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Printable Version

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RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - sally - 06-17-2013

I don't know, I probably wouldn't do it with a black man either. Except for Flo Rida, I'm pretty sure I'd fuck him.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Maggot - 06-17-2013

(06-17-2013, 06:09 PM)sally Wrote: For people that said they're moving out of the country if Obama is elected, what has changed for you? Personally nothing has changed for me, I'm taxed out of the ass as always, my bullshit insurance premiums are the same as always, my business hasn't been affected, black folks aren't getting all uppity on me and I can still buy a gun if I want to. Despite what he said, not a damn thing has changed for me, so I'm curious as how he's ruining the rest of your lives.

Had he been allowed to run roughshod without opposition it would be worse. But once the Feds start increasing the interest rate to pay the debt next year because the debt ceiling was raised and no real cuts in government spending came about it will get worse.
Next January when your insurance premiums go up 30% (thats a modest estimate) It might piss people off.
He put more troops in Aphganistan not to fight a war but to protect citizens and build roads tying the hands of the military.
He has bowed to the heads of state of middle eastern countries bad bad Obama. It gives the impression the U.S. is weak.
I would like to see an interview with just one person he went to college with just one.
He is untrustworthy and lays any blame from his failed adventures to his subordinates.
He has un-elected czars.....I still don't get that.
He is arming Syrian rebels I really have no clue why.
He has tried unsuccessfully to let the government take over 401k plans because. "Americans do not know how to invest"
If he had been allowed to have free reign over the people things would be worse, instead he uses the IRS to "rough up" the opposition. Pure Chicago style politics. And you know it was his administration with his blessings that did that during his reelection when it looked bad for him.
I do not trust him.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - sally - 06-17-2013

(06-17-2013, 09:14 PM)Maggot Wrote:
(06-17-2013, 06:09 PM)sally Wrote: For people that said they're moving out of the country if Obama is elected, what has changed for you? Personally nothing has changed for me, I'm taxed out of the ass as always, my bullshit insurance premiums are the same as always, my business hasn't been affected, black folks aren't getting all uppity on me and I can still buy a gun if I want to. Despite what he said, not a damn thing has changed for me, so I'm curious as how he's ruining the rest of your lives.

Had he been allowed to run roughshod without opposition it would be worse. But once the Feds start increasing the interest rate to pay the debt next year because the debt ceiling was raised and no real cuts in government spending came about it will get worse.
Next January when your insurance premiums go up 30% (thats a modest estimate) It might piss people off.
He put more troops in Aphganistan not to fight a war but to protect citizens and build roads tying the hands of the military.
He has bowed to the heads of state of middle eastern countries bad bad Obama. It gives the impression the U.S. is weak.
I would like to see an interview with just one person he went to college with just one.
He is untrustworthy and lays any blame from his failed adventures to his subordinates.
He has un-elected czars.....I still don't get that.
He is arming Syrian rebels I really have no clue why.
He has tried unsuccessfully to let the government take over 401k plans because. "Americans do not know how to invest"
If he had been allowed to have free reign over the people things would be worse, instead he uses the IRS to "rough up" the opposition. Pure Chicago style politics. And you know it was his administration with his blessings that did that during his reelection when it looked bad for him.
I do not trust him.

I'm not asking for propaganda, I'm asking what he has done so far that has affected your life personally.

On the other hand what has he done to improve the lives of those of you that do like him, besides for extending unemployment and giving out free cell phones.

If the answer is absolutely nothing to either one than that just proves my point all the more why I don't waste my time voting for any of these motherfuckers.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Cynical Ninja - 06-18-2013

(06-17-2013, 09:14 PM)Maggot Wrote: Had he been allowed to run roughshod without opposition it would be worse. But once the Feds start increasing the interest rate to pay the debt next year because the debt ceiling was raised and no real cuts in government spending came about it will get worse.
Next January when your insurance premiums go up 30% (thats a modest estimate) It might piss people off.
He put more troops in Aphganistan not to fight a war but to protect citizens and build roads tying the hands of the military.
He has bowed to the heads of state of middle eastern countries bad bad Obama. It gives the impression the U.S. is weak.
I would like to see an interview with just one person he went to college with just one.
He is untrustworthy and lays any blame from his failed adventures to his subordinates.
He has un-elected czars.....I still don't get that.
He is arming Syrian rebels I really have no clue why.
He has tried unsuccessfully to let the government take over 401k plans because. "Americans do not know how to invest"
If he had been allowed to have free reign over the people things would be worse, instead he uses the IRS to "rough up" the opposition. Pure Chicago style politics. And you know it was his administration with his blessings that did that during his reelection when it looked bad for him.
I do not trust him.

I'm glad you didn't mention his birth certificate if you had I would have verbally bitchslapped you.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Cynical Ninja - 06-18-2013

(06-17-2013, 06:14 PM)Duchess Wrote: I wouldn't do the wild thing with a black man, does that make me a racist?

If you wouldn't fuck somebody based solely on the colour of their skin does that make you racist? I don't know, maybe? Unless you have seen every black man in the world and you know you aren't attracted to any of them? Why wouldn't you fuck a black guy? Do their stereotypically large cocks intimidate you or something?

Saying that you regularly fuck a man with bush nigger blood so I don't know.

I think there are attractive people in EVERY race.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Duchess - 06-18-2013

(06-18-2013, 08:22 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: Do their stereotypically large cocks intimidate you or something?

No, not at all. Simply put, I don't fuck niggers.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Cynical Ninja - 06-18-2013

(06-18-2013, 08:32 AM)Duchess Wrote: No, not at all. Simply put, I don't fuck niggers.

Ok why not?

There's a reason for everything and for everything a reason.

Edited to add - I'm not trying to trick you or anything I'm just curious.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Duchess - 06-18-2013

(06-18-2013, 08:52 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: Ok why not?

Because they are black.


RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Maggot - 06-18-2013

I went out with a black girl when I was in San Diego (she was half white) she had sparkling green eyes and was lots of fun. But it was not meant to be.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Cynical Ninja - 06-18-2013

(06-18-2013, 08:55 AM)Duchess Wrote: Because they are black.



I'm going to try and nail you down on this!

Do you find black men unappealing physically?

Does their attitude or demeanor put you off?

As an example if me and my wife split I wouldn't date any Muslim women because their families tend to hate the thought of a WASP infidel penetrating their beloved daughters poonani with his pale pecker.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Donovan - 06-18-2013

I could care less what other people prefer in the bedroom. That's such a particular and distinct area anyway and all people are entirely different in their private desires. Duchess not wanting to sample dark meat doesn't make her a racist any more than me not wanting to fuck a dude makes me a homophobe. Racists can be the typical "get rid of niggers" type ignorant rednecks, but there are also the type which is much more difficult to combat: that is the closet condescending liberal kind who counts their black friends like trophies, constantly compliments them on how polite and well-spoken and "not ethnic" they are, but will not be caught dead in a situation where they're surrounded by blacks. Obama is no worse a president than any other and has accomplished a number of things. Not the least of which was breaking a ridiculous color barrier and easing the sting of considering a truly multiracial country (which is one area England could be admired). Now we just need to elect a president with tits...

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Cynical Ninja - 06-18-2013

I'm just curious why duch doesn't dig any hot chocolate. To not even consider sleeping with an entire race because of their race is completely alien to me. Maybe I shouldn't ask it could be connected to some past traumatic experience that is none of my fucking business.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Maggot - 06-18-2013

Jheri curl has a funny smell? I have noticed a strange smell from most black people, not a bad smell but a smell at any rate. Kind of oily. I'm not politicaly correct even 12 %

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Donovan - 06-18-2013

I think it doesn't necessarily have to be some sort of personal trauma, just preference. Same way some prefer redheads and others like the Asian, etc. Sexual attraction is a fickle bitch, and who can say what triggers what the eye is attracted to, or why?

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Cynical Ninja - 06-18-2013

(06-18-2013, 10:10 AM)Maggot Wrote: Jheri curl has a funny smell? I have noticed a strange smell from most black people, not a bad smell but a smell at any rate. Kind of oily. I'm not politicaly correct even 12 %

I used to go out with a Pakistani girl called Jamillah years ago. She always smelled of jasmine and rose petals but her father and brother always stank, sort of a curry fart smell.

I'm not promoting or encouraging stereotypes but thems the facts. If her father had known i managed to get her into bed he probably would have gone jihad on my ass.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - username - 06-18-2013

I think I'm way too skinny for black guys.

I kid but my white niece quite honestly is HUGE and black guys hit on her all the time. Go figure.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Maggot - 06-18-2013

They LOVE big white wimmin. hah An ass for every seat I guess.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Cynical Ninja - 06-18-2013

Niggers lurve some fat cracker ass!

“Scarlet Johannson and Keira Knightley? Fuck that skinny ass honky shit! Bring me Rosie O Donnell and Kathy Bates motherfucker yeah!”

I used to go out with a girl with hips wide enough to give birth to a horse and tits like two gigantic flesh coloured water balloons. I must admit the sex was never boring.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Duchess - 06-18-2013


This is some funny stuff.

I wouldn't be able to take a black, big dicked fuck to the country club.

I have to ask Cowboy what he thinks about being termed a bush nigger even though he's a half breed. I got a chuckle out of him being called that and I think he will too but if you had called his Mom that I would want to rip your face off and eat it, you bitch.

RE: Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism? - Cynical Ninja - 06-18-2013

I wouldn't have called his mother a bush nigger.

I would have used the far more respectful term of squaw.