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RE: Representative, others, shot in AZ - IMaDick - 01-09-2011

(01-09-2011, 06:10 AM)Elvira Wrote: As usual DICKLESS your off target again. You are one dumb ass uneducated MF. I suggest you get off MOCK and get back to the classroom. You just spew your mindless drivel all over this forum.

Chicago's hand gun ban was overturned.

I fought for this country in the Armed Forces what did you do, shove your hand up your rectum and ask for asylum in another country?

Quote:the armed american citizen is the only reason japan did not invade the US in world war 2, the armed american citizen is the only one who can protect themselves in a violent crime, the cops take a report and notify the next of kin, the armed american citizen is the only reason you can post the dribble you just posted, with out us you would not have the right to free speach.

Your just one STUPID ASSHOLE! Take your uneducated opinionated blowhole an attach it to your asscheeks and let it rip.

(01-08-2011, 06:27 PM)IMaDick Wrote:
(01-08-2011, 04:33 PM)Elvira Wrote: Surprised this has not happened sooner. The political rhetoric in this state is at a boiling point with our idiot Governor, who signed into law that any idiot in AZ can carry a gun, concealed too. She's trying to knock down the Federal 3 day waiting period. Another Jan Brewer death squad. Too bad it was not our Governor shot in the head, the best thing that could happen to Arizona.

This country needs to get serious in placing greater restrictions on accessibility to handguns, rifles, shotguns and assault weapons. Don't feed me your 2nd Amendment rights.

I grieve with the family's of all shot.

Those damn guns, they just keep on jumping out and killing people. wait a miniute guns are inanimate objects, how the fuck did this gun kill someone?

was it because an honest law abiding citizen had it?

the motherfucker who shot these people didn't give a rats ass if the gun was legal to own or not, you can ban guns completely and still have people shot, just ask new york or chicago how well their gun bans have worked?

honest law abiding citizens don't have guns, violent fucking criminals do, thats how it's worked.

Your speculation of what I have done for this country is irrelivant and a red herring in this conversation. As is your assertion that "I'm off target again" I'm not aiming for the bullseye that you are trying to put forth in your ever failing attempt to strip me of the rights you claim to have fought for, yes lame brain, whenever an american goes to war, serves in the armed forces, serves this country their service is to PRESERVE the rights of all Americans, one of those rights which keep us free and able to speak our mind is the "RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS" if you served and that was not your intent, Please apply for a dis honorable and leave this country immediately. Thank you for your co operation! But whatever you do don't tell me or anyone else that you served and now want to strip us of the rights you claimed to have served to protect.

I know the hand gun ban was overturned in chicago when did that happen? was in the last year maybe? and you want us to believe that chicago's crime rate went up after that ban was lifted? Is that what you want everyone to believe?

Tell you what, get honest with your arguement or get the fuck out of the conversation, no one needs your liberal spin on shit, and I personally have no problem calling you out on the mis information and bullshit liberal rhetoric and lies that are always present when a liberal wants to steal our rights.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Cracker - 01-09-2011

So was Elvira shot as the result of a crime or in the service? If it was a violent crime (I went back and looked), who was the attacker? If it was a criminal with a record, they shouldn't have had a gun in the first place. No law will keep criminals from having guns. That's how they get to work.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Maggot - 01-09-2011

A nut shot up a bunch of political pundits and now both sides are pointing fingers, blaming everyone that has an opinion, and grasping at straws to make their side look better or "more sane" when in all reality both sides have fringe lunatics ready to commit the most atrocious acts of mayhem at any opportunity.
Things like this will never stop, it has been going on since the beginning of history. Another anarchist has done the deed and made a name for themselves. Why don't these idiots just climb up on a tall building make a big scene that they will jump, get noticed by the media, then fucking jump? Because they are cowards.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Lady Cop - 01-09-2011

the little girl who was killed:

The mother of a 9-year-old girl gunned down in Saturday’s shooting rampage outside an Arizona grocery store described her grief as “beyond words,” saying her daughter was a beautiful and intelligent child who was interested in government.

Christina-Taylor Green had just been elected to the student council at her elementary school and went to the "Congress on Your Corner" event outside a Tucson Safeway on Saturday to meet Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz.

The meet-and-greet turned tragic when the third-grader -- along with five others -- was killed in a spray of bullets.

Giffords, who was shot in the head, survived the attack, but Christina died in the massacre.

"She was a beautiful girl, inside and out," Roxanna Green, the girl’s mother, said in an interview Sunday with Fox News.

"I just can't even put it into words,” Green said, her voice trembling. “I can't express the devastation and hurt and how we were so robbed of our beautiful princess.”

Green said her daughter was very interested in public service and that Saturday’s event was "going to be a learning experience." Christina had been invited to the event by a neighbor, who was shot four times in the rampage and is expected to survive.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - username - 01-09-2011

(01-09-2011, 12:06 PM)Maggot Wrote: A nut shot up a bunch of political pundits and now both sides are pointing fingers, blaming everyone that has an opinion, and grasping at straws to make their side look better or "more sane" when in all reality both sides have fringe lunatics ready to commit the most atrocious acts of mayhem at any opportunity.

I agree with that. Someone on one of the morning news programs referred to the current political environment as a civil war. There used to be at least some respect boundaries where politics were concerned--we seem to have lost those. Anything goes. Signs_173

That said, most people aren't plotting murder--damn fanatics.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Lady Cop - 01-10-2011


A 61-year-old woman wrestled an ammunition clip from the Arizona gunman as he tried to reload his weapon.

Patricia Maisch told of the moment she tackled Jared Loughner, stopping his killing spree outside an Arizona supermarket on Saturday.

she may have saved many lives after helping disarm the Arizona gunman on Saturday.
Ms Maisch found herself lying next to the shooter as he tried to fit a fresh clip of bullets to his Glock 9mm pistol.

She said: 'I kneeled over him. He was pulling a magazine [to reload] and I grabbed the magazine and secured that.'

Three other men - identified as Bill Badger, Roger Sulzgeber and Joseph Zimudie - stepped in to stop the carnage.

RE: Representative, others, shot in AZ - BlueTiki - 01-10-2011

(01-08-2011, 04:33 PM)Elvira Wrote: Too bad it was not our Governor shot in the head, the best thing that could happen to Arizona.

Assassination as justification to remove an elected official that you loathe?

At least Laughner will have you testifying in defense of his expression of disagreement!

I hope you share your belief with the victims' families.

Especially the family of the Federal Judge.

You're a beacon of rational thought and leadership!

RE: Representative, others, shot in AZ - Cracker - 01-10-2011

(01-10-2011, 11:27 AM)BlueTiki Wrote:
(01-08-2011, 04:33 PM)Elvira Wrote: Too bad it was not our Governor shot in the head, the best thing that could happen to Arizona.

Assassination as justification to remove an elected official that you loathe?

And she's a victim of a violent crime. I think she's got one too many holes in her. hahahahahahahahaha

Hi Tiki! Cheers

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Lady Cop - 01-10-2011

January 10, 2011; 5:10 PM

PHOENIX - Jared Lee Loughner, appearing in court for the first time since he allegedly killed six people and wounded 14, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, in a shooting spree in Tucson on Saturday, calmly answered questions from a judge Monday and heard the charges against him before being led off in custody without bail.

Loughner, 22, entered the packed courtroom for his arraignment wearing tan inmate clothing and handcuffs amid heavy security. More than a dozen federal marshals were on hand.

Loughner, who made his initial court appearance with a shaved head and a cut on his right temple, seemed nervous initially but answered the judge's questions clearly during the 17-minute hearing.

Magistrate Judge Lawrence O. Anderson listed potential sentences in the case, including the death sentence for the murders of two federal employees, and asked Loughner if he understood. Loughner leaned into a microphone and answered, "Yes."

Anderson said all federal judges in the Tucson district have recused themselves, apparently on grounds that one of the dead was a federal judge. Officials said a federal judge from outside Arizona would be brought in to handle the case, including a preliminary hearing set for Jan. 24.

mugshot and shrine at his house:

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Duchess - 01-10-2011

He looks bat shit crazy.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Lady Cop - 01-10-2011

(01-10-2011, 08:03 PM)Duchess Wrote:

He looks bat shit crazy.

from all accounts, he IS bat-shit crazy, and probably will mount a successful insanity defense.

note, the guy who they thought may be an accomplice (post#38) was eliminated as a suspect.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - IMaDick - 01-10-2011

(01-10-2011, 08:05 PM)Lady Cop Wrote:
(01-10-2011, 08:03 PM)Duchess Wrote:

He looks bat shit crazy.

from all accounts, he IS bat-shit crazy, and probably will mount a successful insanity defense.

what really pisses me off is this shitbird is still alive, unharmed , with more rights than he started with.

millions of dollars from now he will be eating ice cream in a mental institution, masturbating to the thought of the fat night nurse and married to some sick bitch from australia.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Cracker - 01-10-2011

(01-10-2011, 08:26 PM)IMaDick Wrote: what really pisses me off is this shitbird is still alive, unharmed , with more rights than he started with.

millions of dollars from now he will be eating ice cream in a mental institution, masturbating to the thought of the fat night nurse and married to some sick bitch from australia.

^^^This is the truth. It pisses me off, too. He should have to work the incurred costs off doing hard labor. I'm am truly tired of paying for fucked up people in our society. Being middle class sucks sometimes.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - username - 01-11-2011

(01-10-2011, 09:47 PM)Cracker Wrote: He should have to work the incurred costs off doing hard labor.

I agree. I don't know why we have Cal-trans (i.e., California paid road crews) when we have all those prisoners sitting around doing nothing.

RE: Representative, others, shot in AZ - Cracker - 01-11-2011

(01-09-2011, 06:12 AM)Luke Warmwater Wrote: I find it interesting that sister sarahs minions have removed the congresswoman's name and target from the above graphic which is on sister sarahs webpage. Oh yes, the graphic went back up.

So what's this removal tell anyone? Or what does it simply imply?

This doesn't dismiss any blame from beck, limpbone, or mclame in any of their prodding either.

[Image: 0109-palin-facebook-split-2.jpg]

Is this what you are having such a shit fit about? You don't think you are a little crazy for reading a conspiracy theory into a crazy dude's misdeed?

You folks that have hate for another because of their political views are fucking nuts. Off-balance jihad mutherfucker. You are approaching the kind of crazy that makes you grab a gun and go to Safeway...

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Lady Cop - 01-11-2011

i can't imagine the pain of having your kid turn out to be a murderous lunatic. it's almost a certainty you'd blame yourself, even if unwarranted.

TUCSON, Ariz. – The parents of a man charged with trying to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords are devastated and guilt-ridden, a neighbor said, mourning their own tragedy as Tucson residents prepared Tuesday for a community memorial service and a visit from the president.

Jared Loughner's mother has been in bed, crying nonstop since the shooting rampage on Saturday, neighbor Wayne Smith, 70, told KPHO-TV. Amy and Randy Loughner want to know where they went wrong with their 22-year-old son.

The younger Loughner is charged with trying to kill the Democratic lawmaker and killing a federal judge.

"I told them they didn't fail. They taught him everything about right and wrong," Smith said. "We all know you can teach someone everything and have no control how it works out."

Loughner's parents have not appeared publicly or spoken since the incident, though Smith said the father plans to release a statement.

Meanwhile, the parents of one of Loughner's close friends, Zach Osler, described a troubled relationship between the suspect and his parents. He is their only child.

In an interview with The Associated Press, George and Roxanne Osler recalled the only time they met the rest of his family.

In 2008, the Loughner parents showed up at the Osler's doorstep looking for their son, who had left home about a week before and broken off all contact, George Osler IV said.

Jared often spent time at the Osler's place, sometimes watching conspiracy-theory movies with Zach and his younger brother, George V.

Mrs. Osler said she was struck by how unfailingly polite he was — far more so than their son's other teenage friends.

With the Loughners at his house, Zach Osler told them the name of the local hotel where their son was staying. The Loughners were able to patch things up and Jared moved back in with his parents, Zach's father said.

After that, the elder Osler sometimes would see Mrs. Loughner at the local supermarket, though they didn't chat much. He recalled that every time he saw her she had at least one 30-pack of beer in her cart.

Jared Loughner grew up on a typical Tucson block of low-slung homes with palm trees and cactus gardens out front.

Loughner's father moved into the house as a bachelor, and eventually got married and the Loughners had Jared, longtime next-door neighbor George Gayan said. Property records show Randy Loughner has lived there since 1977.

Gayan said he had "differences of opinion but nothing where it was radical or violent." He declined to provide specifics.

"As time went on, they indicated they wanted privacy," Gayan said. Friends of Jared Loughner have described him as a loner.

Unlike other homes on the block, the Loughners' is obscured by plants.

Amy Loughner got a job with the county just before Jared was born, and since at least 2002 has been the supervisor for Roy P. Drachman Agua Caliente Park on the outskirts of the city. She earns $25.70 an hour, according to Gwyn Hatcher, Pima County's human resources director.

Randy Lougher apparently has not worked for years — at least outside his home. One thing he did do was fix up cars. Gayan said he had three "show cars" and two of Jared Lougher's friends said he bought a junker '69 orange Chevrolet Nova and made it pristine.

Statement from Arizona shooting suspect’s family

"This is a very difficult time for us. We ask the media to respect our privacy. There are no words that can possibly express how we feel. We wish that there were, so we could make you feel better. We don’t understand why this happened. It may not make any difference, but we wish that we could change the heinous events of Saturday. We care very deeply about the victims and their families. We are so very sorry for their loss."

[Image: LoughnerHome_20110111_173636.jpg]

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Maggot - 01-11-2011

The sheriff in that town knew that the kid had threatened other people, if the kid had been arrested at that point he would not have been able to buy a gun. His mother was a state employee and the sheriff said that the mental service dept would take care of it. This sheriff will be found incompetent and the real story will come out in a week or so.

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - username - 01-11-2011

(01-10-2011, 08:03 PM)Duchess Wrote:

He looks bat shit crazy.

[Image: _arquivo_hannibal_lecter-copy.jpg]

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - Duchess - 01-11-2011

Is that Dr. Lecter?

RE: Congresswoman, others, shot in AZ - IMaDick - 01-11-2011

(01-11-2011, 08:36 PM)Maggot Wrote: The sheriff in that town knew that the kid had threatened other people, if the kid had been arrested at that point he would not have been able to buy a gun. His mother was a state employee and the sheriff said that the mental service dept would take care of it. This sheriff will be found incompetent and the real story will come out in a week or so.

bet you dollar you're completely fucking wrong about this ever coming back to the sheriff, His lips have direct ties to obama's ass via his fucking liberal agenda which he promotes as the highest ranking elected law enforcement officer in the county.