strapped in the stadium? Ohio CCW laws - Printable Version

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RE: strapped in the stadium? Ohio CCW laws - thekid65 - 06-19-2011

(06-19-2011, 11:09 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Ya, there is a requirement I think it's 12 hours of training time, and then showing a proficiency with the weapon you're going to carry, there are also different courses for large bore and small bore hand guns.

what we really should have is a federal license, since it is a federal standard that the background check uses.

CCW's should be good anywhere in the 50 states.

The problem with the Federal thing, is that it would cost $100,000,000 to implement, knowing how the Government operates.

But, I hear ya...while on a drive to Canada, I was carrying my gun in my travel bag...loaded, but no round chambered. Not a problem here in I-dee-ho. I got pulled over in Minnesota because some asshat at a convenience store I stopped at thought I looked like a wanted felon that had been on the local news.

The officer that pulled me over asked me if I had any weapons, and I informed him that I did, and it was in my travel bag. He checked it out, ran the S/N..and of course everything was cool, except for the fact that according to Minnisota law, the way I was transporting it was illegal. He was cool, and didnt hassle me, other than to inform me that their state laws were different than ours, and that I needed to separate the clip from the pistol.

It can be quite confusing between differing state laws.

RE: strapped in the stadium? Ohio CCW laws - Duchess - 06-19-2011

(06-19-2011, 12:50 PM)thekid65 Wrote: I got pulled over in Minnesota because some asshat at a convenience store I stopped at thought I looked like a wanted felon that had been on the local news.

hah Thug

I think you look like a Carradine brother.

RE: strapped in the stadium? Ohio CCW laws - Carsman - 06-19-2011

(06-19-2011, 12:10 PM)IMaDick Wrote: Where is really inconsequential, you're arguing against a Contitutional right.

If you don't want to carry don't , but don't argue to restrict or take away the rights of everyone else because of your personal choice. That is really the bottom line of this whole debate.

There is no place in this world that a person is immune from a violent attack by a determined criminal.
You just finally got it! If a determined carrying person (doesn't have to be a "criminal") comes up & just shoots you, you're shot, whether you're carrying on not! My personal choice is, I don't want to get shot, especially by a stray bullet! The more CCW out there, the better chance of that happening is.

Well I'm though waisting my time on this subject with you, this is my last post on the thread. If you don't get it by now, you never will!

RE: strapped in the stadium? Ohio CCW laws - IMaDick - 06-19-2011


RE: strapped in the stadium? Ohio CCW laws - Cracker - 06-19-2011

I'm torn on this issue. The Constitution says we have the right to keep and bear arms, but I'm not sure the Founding Fathers envisioned a Stanley Cup game when they framed it. I think they meant for home protection and personal protection when you are out and about making a living or traveling.

Then I think about the guy who sustained brain damage from being beat to hell outside of a Dodger's game. Falcons games make you feel the need to be armed, too, especially in the parking lot.

Not sure.

If only the good guys had guns, life would be grand.

RE: strapped in the stadium? Ohio CCW laws - IMaDick - 06-19-2011

You can't limit the good guys and expect to keep the bad ones guessing if they will survive perpetrating a crime on an innocent victim.