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Forum Fail
WTF is Het?
Middle Finger Wrote:
El Mayo Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote::Yawn: Eh ... so anyway ... El Mayonaise ...

You've been providing me some decent entertainment along with whiskey whore over there, but I want Sinister to chat with you.

You're welcome.

So when will her highness be scheduling interviews?

I'm getting bored.

It's not your place to ask questions, and trust me, no one gives a fuck how bored you are. We don't even care how bored WE are.

No questions allowed? That's funny, you answered my first question very nicely, and eloquently too...

Fickle, much?

El Mayo Wrote:Oh, and mayonnaise has two Ns.

Just sayin.
that's the second time in 5 years i made typo mistake. you still have the IQ of asparagus. you still were too stupid to get the reference.

Middle Finger Wrote:
WhiskeyTaintgo Wrote:Sin is apparently the Queen or some shit. She seems decent. She let me have full access after all.

Sinister hates people more than everyone else, basically.

Oh. One of those. Lucky for me I'm a masochist!

WhiskeyTaintgo Wrote:WTF is Het?
I don't know. Slang for heated. I guess.
Isn't it too stupid?

You whore! You fixed it before I said something!
WhiskeyTaintgo Wrote:You whore! You fixed it before I said something!
i usually catch it when i make a typo. every report i ever wrote was a legal document, so i'm usually very careful.

jackboots Wrote:
El Mayo Wrote:Oh, and mayonnaise has two Ns.

Just sayin.
that's the second time in 5 years i made typo mistake. you still have the IQ of asparagus. you still were to stupid to get the reference.
Really? I make typos all the time. And I had to google it to be absolutely certain. I'm smart as asparagus afterall. But asparagus with google can be LETHAL.

I got the reference. But somehow, I got the impression that the criteria for this part of the forum was a bunch of one uppery instead of meaningful, validating posts? I get it now. It's only one sided one uppery. ::laugh::

Here, let me start over... In response to your original post in this thread: "Haha, jackboots, very clever!!"

Is that better?


No, it's not short for hellmans or mayonnaise. It's how I read "LMAO" in my head when somebody overuses it or uses it when you know they're not REALLY laughing so hard that their ass falls off. 78


ETA: Ha, quoted it in time. lol
El Mayo Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
El Mayo Wrote:Ok, so seriously... Middle Finger, you seem to be able to hold a conversation that consists of more than "fuck face" and "pussies"...

Or is this some kind of trickery?

Ha. Anyway, just wondering how this board came about and where all you losers came from...

It's not trickery, I can actually have good conversations. ::stir:: You're really not in a position to judge. You're newbie meat right now - here for others to torture, torment, abuse, and bore. It helps us weed out the real lamers early on.

This site was born out of an idea I had prompted by the obvious demand pent up at my main, larger forum site (and forum sites in general) by people dying to really say how they feel and personally attack others, call names, curse, etc. A core group from that site started this one off and then through word of mouth and some advertising we built up more variety.

Apparently, there are people out there who want to mock and be nasty yet want to "be themselves" in that way without the ugly internet stuff, like really gross/disturbing pics/material, pornography, and real-life threats - all things clearly against the rules and enforced.

I know I can make myself laugh readily in that kind of environment, so that idea was pushed to reality by a few core members at another site. Sinister and jackboots were the ones who encouraged it and helped it get off the ground.

Sounds like heaven. I can appreciate all of that more than you know.

As a lowly newb, I'd like to "respectfully add" that the only issue I have at this point, is that all I can see is that it appears to be a competition of who can sling shit the best. Makes the forum seem I don't know, shallow?

The criteria for being allowed to see the "deeper" topics are what, exactly? Sit here and take it like a bitch?Sling it back, even though there's nothing really concrete to debate, discuss or deliberate about?

Insulting people for no reason is really blah. I prefer to have a reason to get all het up. lol

It's not a competition for who can sling shit the best, we all do whatever the fuck we want here. You don't have to mock at all, and some people mock constantly. Some people mostly just chat about serious stuff. Some really mix it up and do what they feel that day.

If you mean this forum you are stuck in right now, please review the name of it:

Newbie Initiation & Torture

Look up those two words to understand why this trial for you isn't just about slinging shit. We have to see if you can actually mock, or offer some worthwhile input and joy into our lives. You have to show us some worth that would cause us (Sinister really, since that is her primary role here) to let you have access.

I give you my vote. I'd like to have another bitch like you entertaining me as I pick you apart over time. But it's up to Sinister now. Good luck. A somewhat dopey bitch like you might need a little.

86 112
*waiting for the initation and torture*
El Mayo Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
El Mayo Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote::Yawn: Eh ... so anyway ... El Mayonaise ...

You've been providing me some decent entertainment along with whiskey whore over there, but I want Sinister to chat with you.

You're welcome.

So when will her highness be scheduling interviews?

I'm getting bored.

It's not your place to ask questions, and trust me, no one gives a fuck how bored you are. We don't even care how bored WE are.

No questions allowed? That's funny, you answered my first question very nicely, and eloquently too...

Fickle, much?

How DARE you suggest that my mysterious and unpredictable thing isn't working ...

86 112
El Mayo Wrote:*waiting for the initation and torture*

* caring ::coffee:: caring, a lot *

86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
El Mayo Wrote:*waiting for the initation and torture*

* caring ::coffee:: caring, a lot *

Whatcha readin?

*twirls hair*
El Mayo Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
El Mayo Wrote:*waiting for the initation and torture*

* caring ::coffee:: caring, a lot *

Whatcha readin?

*twirls hair*

It's the List Of Things I Care About and you are, of course, right at the top.

86 112

I'm sorry you're stuck here. 21
86 112
Tsk tsk... I thought your mysteriousness and unpredictabilitywould include some kind of, oh, I don't know, administrative rights?

