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George's first motion to limit testimony. doesn't want the defense to use the word "profiled"? Good luck with that, it is in the probable cause affidavit. It is a big part of the state's case. Dumbasses.
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(06-05-2013, 12:13 PM)Adub Wrote: (06-05-2013, 11:33 AM)sally Wrote: What happened to the witness that walked out of her door while T was supposedly banging Z's head into the cement?
The only witness to say that is W6. Trayvon was shot directly behind his townhome. He has changed his original statement. The most interesting part of his statement, that did not change, is his drawing.
Remember when George said he was trying to squirm, or shimmy, away from the sidewalk, onto the grass? W6's drawing shows the direction of movement to be just the opposite. He observed them on the grass about 6 ft from the sidewalk moving toward the concrete. At that time he yelled stop, I'm calling 911. He saw Trayvon give George a shove (they were both laying horizontal, with Trayvon on top) and went into his house. 10 seconds later Trayvon was shot back where W6 first observed the struggle. 6 or so feet off the sidewalk in grass face down.
Leaves me to believe that after the shove, and hearing W6 say he was calling 911, Trayvon got off of George and backed up, George pulled his gun grabbed Trayvon by the front of the sweatshirt, aimed and fired.
Contact with the sweatshirt, intermediate with the chest wound, directly front to back.
And the hole in the chest does not line up with the holes in the sweatshirts. There is about a 6 inch discrepancy. The close range shot into the sweatshirts is above the chest wound. The sweatshirts were being pulled down. Gravity, or something more sinister.
Adub, if this version ^^^ is correct, then he's a cold-blooded murderer.
Like I've said many, many times... I've been wrong many, many times in my life.
If he's truly a murderer, I want him sentenced to the full extent the law allows.
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(06-05-2013, 12:08 PM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: HotD, if ya throw enough shit at a wall sooner or later some will stick and that is how I view many lawyers.
Do you have a link to the toxicology report? I cant find one.
A lawyer can throw anything he wants against the wall in the court of public opinion if he's not gagged. There's always somebody willing to pick it up and drag it somewhere else.
Very different set of circumstances from what is allowed to be brought up in trial, F.U.
I don't have a link to the NMS lab report, just the text that's been referenced and published by verified MSM (Mainstream Media).
Both the prosecution and the defense have alluded to Trayvon's toxicology reports repeatedly. No mention of anything related to Drank ingredients.
Here's what's been published/referenced commonly.
-1.5 nanograms of THC
-7.3 nanograms of THC-COOH, a metabolite of THC that can stay in the system for weeks after cannabis has been smoked.
-There also was a presumed positive test of cannabinoids in Martin's urine.
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(06-05-2013, 11:39 AM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: That fact and the fact they did not say close range gun shot would makes me ask if it was posible that Z escaped T, both men jump up and then Z Shoots T's ass.
In the ME report where it talks about the GS wound it also says that the wound channel is straight front to back. My question is, if a person was on top of you and you brought your gun up would that wound channel be low to high instead of straight in front to back?
I would think the wound channel would be low to high, but I'm no expert on gun shot wounds.
If the sweater was close range and the wound was intermediate, would it still be possible for Trayvon to be on top of Z and either Trayvon's sweatshirt is baggy and gravity is pulling it as he's leaning over him or Z has a hold of his sweatshirt pulling on it as he shoots him?
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(06-05-2013, 12:13 PM)Adub Wrote: Leaves me to believe that after the shove, and hearing W6 say he was calling 911, Trayvon got off of George and backed up, George pulled his gun grabbed Trayvon by the front of the sweatshirt, aimed and fired.
If that is what happened that night then Zimmerman is guilty of murdering an unarmed teenager in cold blood and they should throw the key away.
“If” being the operative word.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(06-05-2013, 12:31 PM)Midwest Spy Wrote: Like I've said many, many times... I've been wrong many, many times in my life.
If he's truly a murderer, I want him sentenced to the full extent the law allows.
I just cannot reconcile how George could have made such a perfect shot, directly front to back, laying on his back being pummeled. And the fact that the entrance wound into the chest is a perfect shot to the heart, exactly where a doctor holds the stethoscope to hear a heartbeat.
Now if the two were standing, and George fully extended his shooting arm, considering the differences in height, that would place the gun right at Trayvon's heart.
How could George do that laying on his back? I would think he would even have a tricky time getting the gun out of his inside waist holster. With his elbow hitting the ground. George would have had to put more effort into unholstering his gun, than trying to shove Trayvon off of him.
Plus George said  he had wrist control on Trayvon at the time of the shot. And that George had to move his own hand out of the way. He just talks way too much.
I do not think wild horses could keep him off of the witness stand.
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(06-05-2013, 11:58 AM)sally Wrote: Not that it matters anyway because it wasn't in Trayvon's system, but Kids have been drinking Robitussin DM to get high all the way back when I was in middle school. I even tried it a couple times, nasty shit. It does get you high though, but I wouldn't say it's a good high.
I've also heard rappers talking about sipping on the purple, I guess that's cough syrup with codeine.
No, no I think you will find it is just wannabe punk nigger hood rats that try anything they can to get high. It is completely unheard of among cracker asses like ourselves to do the same.
As if!
In my day it was sniffing solvents and cigarette lighter gas. I personally preferred strong white cider and thunderbird “wine”.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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It makes you wonder if Z had produced his weapon and T was yelling "help" at the sight of it during whatever scuffle was occurring.
Also Z's claim about just looking for a street sign and heading back to his truck don't really line up with the breathy/whispering nature of his entire 911 call.
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Just want to throw out there that Trayvon was not from the ghetto. His mom got a job working for the government after graduating from college. She held the same job for over decade. His grandfather was a police officer for more than 30 years. His dad is a truck driver, and has been for over 20 years. They have doctor's and lawyers in the family. And a criminal, or two. But, they are not ghetto.
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Looks like the donations are still rolling in for Zimmerman, but at declining daily amounts.
George Zimmerman's attorneys say they have raised more than $46,000 after announcing their defense funds were running dangerously low on May 29. That figure, however, is only 38% of the $120,000 they originally requested.
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(06-05-2013, 11:59 AM)ramseycat Wrote: (06-05-2013, 09:47 AM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: 6 instead of 12 might make things interesting HotD. I mean look at us here. We have people in all 3 camps, Guilty, Not guilty and Undecided. Unless the guilty can sway the undecided their way I think Z will walk.
Why is there only going to be 6 jurors? I wonder if they are afraid it will be too difficult to find enough impartial jurors?
Since a 1970 Supreme Court ruling, it's common in Florida; not unique to the Zimmerman trial.
In Florida, a panel of 6 jurors can be used except for cases in which the charge is first-degree murder, which requires a 12-member jury.
Most states use only 6 jurors for misdemeanors.
Florida, on the other hand, commonly uses 6 jurors when trying to reach a court verdict on felonies as well (Connecticut is the only other state that does this).
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Lots of activity today surrounding how George Zimmerman may be depicted at trial.
They prosecution announced that they may plan to use following in their case:
-Paperwork revealing that murder defendant George Zimmerman applied to become a police officer in a county near Washington, D.C. but was turned down.
-Aside from taking criminal justice courses, Zimmerman also took part in a citizens' academy, a program sponsored by the Seminole County Sheriff's Office that allows people to become more familiar with police work. On his 2008 application to join that program, he wrote, "I hold law enforcement officers in the highest regard as I hope to one day become one."
-Confirmation that Zimmerman trained at a Longwood gym that specializes in boxing and kickboxing. A webpage for the business, Kokopelli's Gym, describes it as "the most complete fight gym in the world."
Defense attorney Mark O'Mara has asked the judge to ban prosecutors from using several specific terms, ones he describes as inflammatory.
The list:
"self-appointed Neighborhood Watch captain",
"wannabe cop"
...............and the phrases:
"He got out of the car after the police told him not to",
"He confronted Trayvon Martin".
Also, Judge Nelson ruled today that potential jurors will be kept anonymous, but will not be sequestered because such drastic measures are unnecessary. I don't know if impaneled jurors will be sequestered or not yet.
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*snort* I heard that today. Srsly? The prosecution isn't supposed to say G confronted Z? At all? Ridiculous. What might be considered inflammatory shouldn't prevent either side from presenting their evidence. I hope the judge rules accordingly.
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There's so much being decided in the final countdown to trial-start in this case.
O'Mara did request today that the prosecution be banned from saying that Zimmerman confronted Martin. But, you know that the defense is going to allege that Martin confronted Zimmerman. Judge Nelson's response to O'Mara's ban request will be interesting.
So, voice analysts or no voice analysts? Hope Nelson rules on that one tomorrow and also whether the final impaneled jury will be sequestered or not.
Busy week for the attorneys, the judge and the courthouse.
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(06-05-2013, 10:08 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: There's so much being decided in the final countdown to trial-start in this case.
O'Mara did request today that the prosecution be banned from saying that Zimmerman confronted Martin. But, you know that the defense is going to allege that Martin confronted Zimmerman. Judge Nelson's response to O'Mara's ban request will be interesting.
So, voice analysts or no voice analysts? Hope Nelson rules on that one tomorrow and also whether the final impaneled jury will be sequestered or not.
Busy week for the attorneys, the judge and the courthouse.
Profiling and confronting are in. They have to be, they are included in the probable cause affidavit. They both go toward murder 2. O'Mara can't be for real. The wanabe cop? I guess the word could be excluded but not the fact that George wanted to be a cop. Goes toward motive. Vigilante? That will be out.
And George is the one that started the NW program in his community. It was all his big idea. I'm just not seeing the defense getting much out of this motion.
I'm wondering if O'M is going ahead with the sanctions against the state, and the judicial review. Haven't heard mention of it. I wouldn't be surprised if that went bye bye.
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(06-06-2013, 12:04 AM)Adub Wrote: Profiling and confronting are in. They have to be, they are included in the probable cause affidavit. They both go toward murder 2. O'Mara can't be for real. The wanabe cop? I guess the word could be excluded but not the fact that George wanted to be a cop. Goes toward motive. Vigilante? That will be out.
Yeah, "Vigilante" should be excluded.
"He got out of the car after police told him not to" should also be excluded.
It's a false statement. I don't know why O'Mara's even expecting that phrase to be used at trial. George was told that he didn't need to be following the subject, in a way that suggested he should stop following. He was never told not to get out of his car.
"Self Appointed Neighborhood Watch captain", if it's accurate, I think it'll be allowed as-is. If instead he nominated himself and it was subject to agreement by other residents, then the judge might ask it be changed to be "Volunteer Neighborhood Watch captain".
"Wannabe cop" - should be excluded, degrading and unprofessional lingo. Prosecution can just say, "this man who wanted to be a cop".
I'm curious, Adub. How do you see George wanting to be a cop as being a motive for murder?
P.s. I think the defense will try to use the very points the prosecution wants to use against George to George's advantage. They'll contend that George's passion for law enforcement and his NW role shows that he's an upstanding citizen who was dedicated to following the law and being a committed community member; someone whose knowledge and exposure to law enforcement would make him less inclined to break the law or to use a firearm irresponsibly than the average joe. That's essentially what I expect to hear from O'Mara and West at trial.
(06-06-2013, 12:04 AM)Adub Wrote: I'm wondering if O'M is going ahead with the sanctions against the state, and the judicial review. Haven't heard mention of it. I wouldn't be surprised if that went bye bye.
IDK, but after the false statements about the homeless fighting video, I think he should drop it lest he find himself under ethical review with the bar in retaliation.
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I don't like talking about this case in real life with people I care about who disagree with me.
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Sanctions! I've looked into the relationship between BDLR and White. this is good.
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^ Shoot, I gotta go soon, but this is good! White is steaming and he sure "can't recall" a whole of recent details.
To me, he seems like a disgruntled ex-employee who wants to run against Corey and holds a lot of grudges against those in the State Attorney's office.
He's a snake, imo.
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(06-06-2013, 08:43 AM)Duchess Wrote:
I don't like talking about this case in real life with people I care about who disagree with me. 
Same here. My 23 year-old-son has no sympathy for Trayvon. He says people get shot and killed everyday. And I told him that people get convicted of murder everyday.
O'Mara has had access to these photos in question for months. He just didn't have the $$ to hire an IT guy to extract the info. Or $$ for the software. This is much ado about nothing. And O'Mara should be sanctioned for entrapment. He knew when he filed the motion to compel specific discovery that these photos had not been handed over in CD form. It is entrapment. This judge will see the bigger picture.
Sanctions will not have any bearing on the Murder 2 trial anyways.
No wonder O'Mara isn't prepared, he has been chasing rainbows. Mr Lucky Charms ...