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Great Deal!!
This was such a fantastic deal, I just had to share it with my new 'friends'!!!


I probably should have put this under 'humor', but put it here instead, in case people took the opportunity to bash on $cientology for a while. Smiley_emoticons_wink

As for my opinion, this email pretty much sums up how I feel about them.

I mean seriously, what the HELL are they thinking? $450 for a pair of cheesy bookends? 'Bronze finished'??? For that price they should be solid bronze.

I think I'm tired of hearing about people whining that they got ripped off by the CO$ (that stands for 'Church of $cientology, for those of you not 'in the know'). People stupid enough to spend that kind of money for bullshit like this deserve to be soaked. Hell, give me their contact info. I'd like to sell them a 'lifetime computer service package' for ONLY $1.5M!


Hello SyberBitch,

In case you didn't receive my last notice, I just came across an extra few sets
of these special edition bookends and wanted to let you know...

See below - it is an image of a pair of exquisite, deluxe edition, bronze finished
statues of the lions which is our traditional symbol of standard tech.
There are less than 8 in our warehouse and we will not be making more of these.
I would only recommend them to people who, like yourself, really pride themselves
in having a complete LRH library.

They are normally placed end to end with the Tech Volumes but they can be used
for any LRH materials.

The price is ONLY $450 USD for the set and this includes shipping & handling.

If you are interested, please order right here:

Or you can order by calling:

Direct Office Phone: (323) 899-1034
Bridge Reception: (800) 722-1733

Patrick Howson
Mail Order Manager
Bridge Publications, Inc.

[Image: Lion_Book_Ends.jpg]

© 2009 Bridge Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Scientology, Dianetics, LRH, and L. Ron Hubbard are trademarks and service marks
owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission. Bridge
Publications, Inc is a registered trademark and service mark in California and
is owned by Bridge Publications, Inc.

Mailed from 4751 Fountain Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90029.
And for those of you who will comment on it, YES, I am on the scientology mailing list. It amuses me (as the example here shows) and YES, I know a lot about scientology. I tend to study the hell out of anything that interests me. NO, I do not believe in most of their bullshit, but *some* of it, particularly the lower-level stuff, actually has some merit. Not because LRH (scientologese for L. Ron Hubbard) was some 'great genius', but because he borrowed from some great geniuses of the day.

The upper-level stuff 'secret' levels is all hogwash.
I never thought anyone could make a Lion look so gay.

Thank goodness the money is going to such a worthy and highly ethical cause! 4747
OnBendedKnee Wrote:I never thought anyone could make a Lion look so gay.
Bahah... yes, I was trying to figure out how to put a descriptive on the limp wristed lions. They're awful.

Quote:Thank goodness the money is going to such a worthy and highly ethical cause!


Well, you know they have Narc-anon, Crimi-non, Moro-non... no wait, it wouldn't do for people to 'wise up' and stop spending money!

A list of their 'front groups'
Nobody gives a flying fuck about your Scientology spam emails. There's no need to reproduce them here.

If receiving that email was the most exciting thing that happened to you on this Friday evening, you are one sad cunt.
Savage Wrote:Nobody gives a flying fuck about your Scientology spam emails. There's no need to reproduce them here.

Oh look; yet another wet-behind-the-ears new fish who is so deluded he thinks he can dictate what is posted here. ::nuts::

Scientology has got to be one of the most mock-worthy cults out there.

Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion, Sewage; if you want to know what really isn't cared about here.
Savage Wrote:If receiving that email was the most exciting thing that happened to you on this Friday evening, you are one sad cunt.
No, the most *exciting* thing that has happened today, was secretly video-taping you felching your dogs... I might actually make some money on that one.

But the email is funny.
SyberBitch, I understand what you mean about tidbits of "goodness" coming from religion. I was a Mormon for 40 years. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, they're all cults and the harm and foul they cause humankind doesn't make up for those kibble and bits of that 'godliness' provided.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:SyberBitch, I understand what you mean about tidbits of "goodness" coming from religion. I was a Mormon for 40 years. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, they're all cults and the harm and foul they cause humankind doesn't make up for those kibble and bits of that 'godliness' provided.
At least the Mormons didn't take all of your money, plus whatever you could beg, borrow or steal from others (at least, I don't THINK Mormons do that... they just create incestuous little secret enclaves where girls are expected to 'marry' when they're like 9).

I totally agree about religions though. Organized religion is generally (and ironically) an evil thing with the sole purpose of attempting to control people through manipulation and fear. Try to explain that to the brainwashed minions though... *shudder*
The last thing I want to do is defend Mormonism (and, I'm not- just setting the record straight), but the groups that allow for marriage of children and/or multiple wives (like HBO's BIG LOVE) is a splinter group of the LDS faith and would, in fact, be excommunicated if discovered.

Again, it's all evil, just some more evil than others.
Sinister Wrote:
Savage Wrote:Nobody gives a flying fuck about your Scientology spam emails. There's no need to reproduce them here.

Oh look; yet another wet-behind-the-ears new fish who is so deluded he thinks he can dictate what is posted here. ::nuts::

Scientology has got to be one of the most mock-worthy cults out there.

Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion, Sewage; if you want to know what really isn't cared about here.
Miss me, babe? :kiss::

SyberBitch Wrote:
Savage Wrote:If receiving that email was the most exciting thing that happened to you on this Friday evening, you are one sad cunt.
No, the most *exciting* thing that has happened today, was secretly video-taping you felching your dogs... I might actually make some money on that one.
Why would you want to watch such a thing? ::blink::

Quote:But the email is funny.

No, you're just easily amused.
Savage, I'm ultra easily amused too. Please. Continue to post. ::thumbs::
Savage Wrote:Miss me, babe? :kiss::
Were you gone? ::dunno::

Savage Wrote:
[/b Wrote:[b]SyberBitch]
Savage Wrote:If receiving that email was the most exciting thing that happened to you on this Friday evening, you are one sad cunt.
No, the most *exciting* thing that has happened today, was secretly video-taping you felching your dogs... I might actually make some money on that one.
Why would you want to watch such a thing? ::blink::
^^^^ the previous statement re: money... that shit sells.

Quote:No, you're just easily amused.
And yet... somehow not by you
SyberBitch Wrote:
Savage Wrote:
[/b Wrote:SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
Quote:[b][user=105]Savage]If receiving that email was the most exciting thing that happened to you on this Friday evening, you are one sad cunt.
No, the most *exciting* thing that has happened today, was secretly video-taping you felching your dogs... I might actually make some money on that one.
Why would you want to watch such a thing? ::blink::
^^^^ the previous statement re: money... that shit sells.
And how exactly do you know that beastility sells?
Savage Wrote:And how exactly do you know that beastility sells?
It's 'bestiality'... and um, I have internet??

See how you've been cheating yourself all these years?
SyberBitch Wrote:
Savage Wrote:And how exactly do you know that beastility sells?
It's 'bestiality'... and um, I have internet??

See how you've been cheating yourself all these years?
You have internet to look at bestiality...

And I'm the sick fuck? ::lmao::

Savage Wrote:You have internet to look at bestiality...

And I'm the sick fuck? ::lmao::
So do you, but you wouldn't know because it doesn't show up when you're using 'net nanny'. If you could get your mom to unlock it, maybe you could channel your urges into the virtual world, instead of the literal world... of course then I would have to find someone else to film.


edit: You're actually not very good at this, are you?
SyberBitch Wrote:edit: You're actually not very good at this, are you?
Not that Sewage's frail ego would admit it even to himself, but no, he isn't.
SyberBitch Wrote:
Savage Wrote:You have internet to look at bestiality...

And I'm the sick fuck? ::lmao::
So do you, but you wouldn't know because it doesn't show up when you're using 'net nanny'. If you could get your mom to unlock it, maybe you could channel your urges into the virtual world, instead of the literal world... of course then I would have to find someone else to film.

You and Moose chump would make a good pair. Same dribble and same desire to get fucked by wildlife.

I'm sure you're already exchanging videos via email.

Quote:edit: You're actually not very good at this, are you?

Good at what? Talking with someone with a pea brain? I suppose I'm not. ::dunno::

Sinister Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:edit: You're actually not very good at this, are you?
Not that Sewage's frail ego would admit it even to himself, but no, he isn't.
I don't think you're exactly in a position to be criticizing people for having frail egos.