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Great Deal!!
[user=89]QueenBee[/user] wrote:
OnBendedKnee Wrote:I never thought anyone could make a Lion look so gay.

Thank goodness the money is going to such a worthy and highly ethical cause! 4747

I dunno.  What about this lion?  

[Image: 2003-Oz-Sing-along-Cowardly-Lion-sm.jpg]
Now you're talking!
(Please just don't show a photo of the flying monkeys. Damn, those scared the beejeebers out of me as a kid.)
Here's a two-fer for you... the witch and the monkey.

It's amazing the fun stuff that would scare us as kids, years ago (I'm a child of the 60's/early 70's).

It's one arena lacking in today's world as there is enough that is genuine and real to be frightened of the "horror" of flying monkeys pales in comparison.
QueenBee Wrote:
OnBendedKnee Wrote:I never thought anyone could make a Lion look so gay.

Thank goodness the money is going to such a worthy and highly ethical cause! 4747

I dunno. What about this lion?

[Image: 2003-Oz-Sing-along-Cowardly-Lion-sm.jpg]
ROFL!!! I think you found their prototype!!
OnBendedKnee Wrote:
Now you're talking!
(Please just don't show a photo of the flying monkeys. Damn, those scared the beejeebers out of me as a kid.)
Listen, and I are of the same generation, I wanted a flying monkey as a pet. Go figure.
Lavage Wrote:[user=88]Pretty good at... (wah wah *vomit* wah)
But I've been... (blah blah *vomit* blah)
Quote:You're a broken record with the "saves" and "tactics"
I call them as I see them

Quote:I was just pointing out the ignorance of your prior statement
Quote:Before you try to correct someone on the paraphilia they are referring to, it's best that you have a basic understanding of paraphilias yourself.
::wait:: Paraphilias... sexual fetishes. Using 'big words' doesn't impress me unless they're surrounded by intelligent context.

Quote:In reference to your gender, if you could prove it so "easily", we wouldn't be going through this whole song and dance. You would have just posted a picture of yourself with a sign saying Mock or Syberguy and you would have shut me up.
I would? Perhaps I just don't feel it's that significant. I'm sure I will be motivated to put up a picture at some point. As I said, I really don't care whether you think I'm a guy or not. If that's the best 'insult' you can come up with, it's pretty sorry.

Quote:But as I've already said, I don't give a fuck about you. I already know your game.
My 'game' being... 'a guy pretending to be a woman'.... ::rollseyes:: :Yawn:

Quote:Your lack of experience is no excuse for the degree of benightedness that you have been demonstrating.
lol, 'word of the day' calendar?

I wasn't making excuses for lack of ability. I certainly haven't felt threatened by you in that area, and you've been here longer than I have.

Quote:Besides, it wasn't spelling OR grammar. It was incorrect word use, which you didn't even catch after I pointed it out, which makes it much much worse.

Lavage said: "Who cares?
If you cared more, maybe you wouldn't sound like someone trying so hard, yet failing so badly.

Quote:Three posts devoted to this. It wasn't amusing the first time you pointed it out and now it has just become pitiful.
Well of course YOU don't find it amusing. I do think others have enjoyed laughing at your expense though.

Quote:Your "tactics" are boring and predictable: 1. Attack word usage rather than content. 2. Make up things when you get corned. 3. Kiss the mod's ass because you can't fight your own battles and need support badly.
1. I attack both word usage and content, though I usually ignore minor grammar and spelling infractions unless they are just so glaring that I can't stand to leave them (especially if said person is spouting off about how smart and important they are)

2. Make up things? Like what? You're the one making up this whole tired 'you're a guy' spiel. I find it kind of funny, actually. You SO fail to hit the mark with it.

3. I haven't seen anyone fighting my battles for me.

Three strikes.... you're out.

Quote:It's best that take the sliver of dignity that you have left and crawl back to Christian Forums. I'm sure if you beg hard enough they'll forgive you for telling that person to "fuck off".
Perhaps if you stop displaying your moronic attempts at insulting me NOW, *you* can scrape up what little dignity you have left and slink away before you really humiliate yourself and bring the entire forum down on your little head.
The Antagonist Wrote:Here's a two-fer for you... the witch and the monkey.
I agree, those flying monkeys scared the hell out of me as a kid too. The witch never bothered me, really.
OnBendedKnee Wrote:It's amazing the fun stuff that would scare us as kids, years ago (I'm a child of the 60's/early 70's).

It's one arena lacking in today's world as there is enough that is genuine and real to be frightened of the "horror" of flying monkeys pales in comparison.
I agree to a point (and I was born in 70), but I also think that some things are just as creepy to little kids these days as they were back then.

Look at how many kids are still terrified of Santa Claus. Smiley_emoticons_wink
Syber, how are you adapting to not getting banned for telling someone off? Heh.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Syber, how are you adapting to not getting banned for telling someone off? Heh.
It makes my nipples hard.
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Syber, how are you adapting to not getting banned for telling someone off? Heh.
It makes my nipples hard.

Another mental case.


86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Syber, how are you adapting to not getting banned for telling someone off? Heh.
It makes my nipples hard.
Another mental case.

We do tend to recognize each other, eh?

SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Syber, how are you adapting to not getting banned for telling someone off? Heh.
It makes my nipples hard.
Another mental case.

We do tend to recognize each other, eh?

I can identify those types. Sort of like when a polar bear identifies a young or injured walrus as a candidate for consumption.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Syber, how are you adapting to not getting banned for telling someone off? Heh.
It makes my nipples hard.
Another mental case.

We do tend to recognize each other, eh?
I can identify those types. Sort of like when a polar bear identifies a young or injured walrus as a candidate for consumption.
Or in your case, like looking in a mirror.
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Syber, how are you adapting to not getting banned for telling someone off? Heh.
It makes my nipples hard.
Another mental case.

We do tend to recognize each other, eh?
I can identify those types. Sort of like when a polar bear identifies a young or injured walrus as a candidate for consumption.
Or in your case, like looking in a mirror.

Or in your case, being the physically and mentally injured fat-ass walrus spawn that I easily identified courtesy your dysfunctional hard nipple condition.

86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Or in your case, being the physically and mentally injured fat-ass walrus spawn that I easily identified courtesy your dysfunctional hard nipple condition.
I guess my physical similarity to a pillow is what makes your nipples hard every time you wank, er talk to me? I would be flattered, I guess, but premature ejaculation while posting just isn't that attractive.
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Or in your case, being the physically and mentally injured fat-ass walrus spawn that I easily identified courtesy your dysfunctional hard nipple condition.
I guess my physical similarity to a pillow is what makes your nipples hard every time you wank, er talk to me? I would be flattered, I guess, but premature ejaculation while posting just isn't that attractive.
I agree. The fact that you do have such a strong physical and mental similarity to body pillows is the only reason I bother chatting with you at all.

That's right, you're MF's Ejacu-Bitch. Feel free to update your custom title accordingly.

86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Or in your case, being the physically and mentally injured fat-ass walrus spawn that I easily identified courtesy your dysfunctional hard nipple condition.
I guess my physical similarity to a pillow is what makes your nipples hard every time you wank, er talk to me? I would be flattered, I guess, but premature ejaculation while posting just isn't that attractive.
I agree. The fact that you do have such a strong physical and mental similarity to body pillows is the only reason I bother chatting with you at all.

That's right, you're MF's Ejacu-Bitch. Feel free to update your custom title accordingly.
It's a shame that the size of your dick is inversely proportional to the size your phallic finger icon would be in 'real life'. Otherwise, it could have been fun for the few seconds it lasted.

SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Or in your case, being the physically and mentally injured fat-ass walrus spawn that I easily identified courtesy your dysfunctional hard nipple condition.
I guess my physical similarity to a pillow is what makes your nipples hard every time you wank, er talk to me? I would be flattered, I guess, but premature ejaculation while posting just isn't that attractive.
I agree. The fact that you do have such a strong physical and mental similarity to body pillows is the only reason I bother chatting with you at all.

That's right, you're MF's Ejacu-Bitch. Feel free to update your custom title accordingly.
It's a shame that the size of your dick is inversely proportional to the size your phallic finger icon would be in 'real life'. Otherwise, it could have been fun for the few seconds it lasted.
Attempts to shrinky-dink my gorgeous man-pump are fruitless, Ejacu-Bitch. I'm a healthy, normal, spawn-producing male and while dance your little dance here, just remember:

You're only as good as the body pillow you remind me of, and right now, you're about here:

[Image: crs_body_535x434.gif]
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Attempts to shrinky-dink my gorgeous man-pump are fruitless, Ejacu-Bitch. I'm a healthy, normal, spawn-producing male and while dance your little dance here, just remember:

You're only as good as the body pillow you remind me of, and right now, you're about here:
Wow, that actually looks more like a vibrator... you like a little bit of stimulation in the stink while you're making sweet pillow love? ::bigg::