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(03-08-2015, 12:16 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: I hope Waste Management makes a thorough evaluation of each resident's failure to seperate their recyclables from their regular trash in this community and prosecutes each one to fullest extent of the law, demanding jail time for each occurrence since fines are apparently not enough. I want to see this trash collector appointed as the watchdog on behalf of Waste Management to write out the necessary citations.
We've had quite the relationship over the years, Zero. I don't even know how to say this, I don't recycle shit. I hide all of my garbage including old pills, light bulbs , paint, glue, shit that is known to cause cancer in the state of California, beer bottles, hypodermic needles and other hazardous waste strait in the trash.
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(03-08-2015, 01:58 AM)sally Wrote: We've had quite the relationship over the years, Zero. I don't even know how to say this, I don't recycle shit. I hide all of my garbage including old pills, light bulbs , paint, glue, shit that is known to cause cancer in the state of California, beer bottles, hypodermic needles and other hazardous waste strait in the trash.
Sally, In NJ we make ever effort to seperate our trash from recyclables and if caught in non-compliance the company refuses to pick the trash up until the homeowner does it right. Florida is a different story, at least in our 9 story building. We are under no demand to recycle and it is all voluntary and the containers are there if we feel so inclined. Even enforcement of car emissions is much more lax down here. In NJ the state runs a 2 year inspection and emissions are part of the process. The only exemption is all wheel drive cars ever since they changed the procedure from testing the car as it idles to spinning the drive wheeels to acheive a more accurate evaluation. The reason all wheel drive cars are exempt is the testing device would destroy the transmission on those cars.
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(03-08-2015, 01:34 AM)username Wrote: That's because you're fucking weird.
Being weird doesn't preclude me from being right. I can hardly believe people would have the amazing audacity to piss & moan about 5 AM being too early and send a man to jail because he woke them up.
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(03-07-2015, 08:51 PM)Duchess Wrote: (03-07-2015, 08:36 PM)Carsman Wrote: (I don't want my trash picked up at 5AM either.)
It bothers me that citizens get to dictate that. It bothers me that this man is going to jail because of it. I don't find 5:00 AM to be an ungodly hour.
If your paying for a service then you also have the right to say when that service is provided. The people in the community do not get to say whether the man goes to jail or not, thats up to the prosecutor and judge.
He broke the law, I have a hard time believing he didn't know, I don't think its a tough law to follow.
And No I don't want trash trucks rolling through my neighborhood at 5am either.
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I'm defending that nigger come hell or high water.
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Except the same idiots bitching about the guy coming too early are the exact same ones raising holy hell when that trash truck is in front of them holding up traffic during the morning commute two hours later. Some people, especially those with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement, like to piss and moan if everything is not set to their exact utopian specifications. Picking up your waste takes time, people, and somebody has to be first just like somebody has to be last. If I had a trash guy rolling out of bed at three in the morning just to go out in all kinds of weather and pick up my piles of useless shit in a timely fashion so I don't have to deal with it, I might thank that guy and give him a nice holiday tip, certainly wouldn't bitch and send him to jail for it.
I hope the trash company refuses to service that whole neighborhood until they beg forgiveness.
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(03-08-2015, 08:41 AM)Duchess Wrote:
I'm defending that nigger come hell or high water.
You go, Shoshanna-Yowanda!!
Still wrong. There are noise ordinances at that ungodly hour. Gardener's aren't allowed to start early and fire up their leaf blowers at that hour either. The guy's a trash collector, not a freaking self-employed accountant. His employer sets his hours, not him.
Like I said though, firing him sounds more reasonable than jailing him. Typically the employer would face fines/consequences for the actions of their employees. They're supposed to ensure that their doo-doo employees can't just grab a truck wily nilly and start their rounds whenever the fuck they want.
Nigger probably had a tee time that afternoon or something.
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Only in America would people want someone jailed and/or lose their job because they were woke up. I'm going to give you bitches something to cry about -
*poof* Insomnia!
Y'all be thinking about Duchess when you can't get to sleep. HaHaFuckinHa.
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(03-08-2015, 11:59 AM)Duchess Wrote: Y'all be thinking about Duchess when you can't get to sleep. HaHaFuckinHa.[/i][/size]
I always do.
*flashes a creepy smile*
And yes 5 AM is an ungodly hour, especially after 5 beers....*BURPFART* head still hurts.
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My trash and recyclables get picked up every Tuesday morning at 4:45 a.m.
It's loud enough to wake me up; my downstairs bedroom is street level.
Meh, it's a minor inconvenience once a week -- I'd never think to complain about it.
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(03-08-2015, 01:47 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: My trash and recyclables get picked up every Tuesday morning at 4:45 a.m.
It's loud enough to wake me up; my downstairs bedroom is street level.
Meh, it's a minor inconvenience once a week -- I'd never think to complain about it.
Like I said, they used to pick up early in my neighborhood too. I didn't complain but God bless anyone who did. It's like being woken up by a chainsaw outside your window; it's freaking LOUD.
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(03-08-2015, 12:08 PM)Clang McFly Wrote: And yes 5 AM is an ungodly hour, especially after 5 beers....*BURPFART* head still hurts.
I had 3⁄ 4 bottle of red wine last night.
Preceded by a shot of Nyquil.
My head hurts this morning too. I've become a light-weight, no denying it.
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I'm not going to complain about the garbage men, they work hard and they come and go pretty quick. But I had a room at the Hilton once when I had to take my son for a bowling tournament, 6:30 in the morning the lawn guys show up and are weed whacking and using these loud ass electric hedge trimmers right outside the sliding glass door. After laying in bed for about ten minutes thinking it will go away soon I opened the sliding door and they just looked at me like I'm an asshole and went about their business. I'm usually pretty easy going, but that made me irate.
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(03-08-2015, 02:44 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: (03-08-2015, 12:08 PM)Clang McFly Wrote: And yes 5 AM is an ungodly hour, especially after 5 beers....*BURPFART* head still hurts.
I had 3⁄4 bottle of red wine last night.
Preceded by a shot of Nyquil.
My head hurts this morning too. I've become a light-weight, no denying it. 
I've been a light-weight since my college days. My usual is 2 beers. Haven't done any liquor and/or shots in awhile. Sadly I think I'll be drinking less for St Padddy's Day next weekend.:(
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St. Paddy's day is next weekend? Well in that case I'll wait until the following Monday to quit drinking. Why fuck around with it now when St. Paddy's is coming up.
I've decided that I'm somewhat of an alcoholic. Not the kind that can't quit ( if I found out that I was pregnant tomorrow I'd just forget about it), not the kind of alcoholic that drinks to forget their problems ( I don't really have any fucking problems and should wake up grateful every morning for everything I have).
I drink to escape my mundane life and pretend like I'm on vacation every day of the week, things don't seem fun to me unless there is alcohol involved. I better nip it in the bud before I end up like that 90 year old woman my mom use to babysit. She drank too much scotch one night, fell and hit her head and died.
Bad example, that's actually a good story.
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(03-09-2015, 12:19 AM)sally Wrote: St. Paddy's day is next weekend? Well in that case I'll wait until the following Monday to quit drinking. Why fuck around with it now when St. Paddy's is coming up.
I've decided that I'm somewhat of an alcoholic. Not the kind that can't quit ( if I found out that I was pregnant tomorrow I'd just forget about it), not the kind of alcoholic that drinks to forget their problems ( I don't really have any fucking problems and should wake up grateful every morning for everything I have).
I drink to escape my mundane life and pretend like I'm on vacation every day of the week, things don't seem fun to me unless there is alcohol involved. I better nip it in the bud before I end up like that 90 year old woman my mom use to babysit. She drank too much scotch one night, fell and hit her head and died.
Bad example, that's actually a good story.
Your (lol, just for you) a trip Sally.
I know a few women like you. A drink or two or three per day. Alcoholics? Maybe, maybe not.
Don't let the smoking and boozing wreck your looks though, or I'll take back what I said about marrying you.
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(03-09-2015, 12:45 AM)Midwest Spy Wrote: (03-09-2015, 12:19 AM)sally Wrote: St. Paddy's day is next weekend? Well in that case I'll wait until the following Monday to quit drinking. Why fuck around with it now when St. Paddy's is coming up.
I've decided that I'm somewhat of an alcoholic. Not the kind that can't quit ( if I found out that I was pregnant tomorrow I'd just forget about it), not the kind of alcoholic that drinks to forget their problems ( I don't really have any fucking problems and should wake up grateful every morning for everything I have).
I drink to escape my mundane life and pretend like I'm on vacation every day of the week, things don't seem fun to me unless there is alcohol involved. I better nip it in the bud before I end up like that 90 year old woman my mom use to babysit. She drank too much scotch one night, fell and hit her head and died.
Bad example, that's actually a good story.
Your (lol, just for you) a trip Sally.
I know a few women like you. A drink or two or three per day. Alcoholics? Maybe, maybe not.
Don't let the smoking and boozing wreck your looks though, or I'll take back what I said about marrying you.
Booze will improve her and your looks....BEERGOGGLES.
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I don't know how true that is. My mom drank beer everyday and smoked cigarettes since she was 13 and always looked 10 years younger than her age. Until she got sick with cancer anyway.
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An alligator will eat you or a python will strangle you or one of those lizards will choke you to death trying to get that peanut out of your teeth some night when you zonk out with your mouth open or the trash guy will scoop you up when you lose your teeth in the trash can. So, live it up and have fun because you just never know.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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I'd definitely rather die drunk hitting my head at 90 as opposed to several alternatives.