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Colorado Springs' Planned Parenthood -- 3 Dead, Shooter Arrested
The shooter at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, Robert Lewis Dear - 57, has been arrested. Authorities are investigating motive, including whether the shooter is an anti-abortion extremist.
The FBI has put Planned Parenthood facilities on alert over the past few months after a rash of threats and attacks at PP clinics.
One police officer was killed in today's attack, 2 unidentified civilians were killed, 3 police officers were wounded, and 5 civilians were wounded.
![[Image: Garrett%20Swasey%20-%20UCCS%20officer_14...40_480.jpg]](
^ Garrett Swasey, 44, was killed in today's attack. He was a six-year veteran of the nearby University of Colorado Springs police department. RIP.
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Also today.............
(10-11-2015, 12:38 AM)ZEROSPHERES Wrote: ![[Image: QWERTT_zpsl4cibpsj.jpg]](
I read the third story in just a few weeks about gun violence going down at a Waffle House.
The first one involved a customer being shot by his friends after a night of partying. The victim survived and three suspects were later arrested.
The second one involved a customer shooting to death an armed robber -- Maggot posted a link to the story a page upthread. The robbery suspect died and the customer was not charged.
![[Image: johnny-max-mount.jpg?w=370&h=204&crop=1]](
And, today, this winner (^ Johnny Max Mount) shot a Mississippi Waffle House employee in the head after she told him he had to stop smoking inside the restaurant. She died on the way to the hospital. Mount is in custody. He's charged with first degree murder and is being held on $2 million bond.
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![[Image: robertlewisdear1.jpg?quality=65&strip=all&strip=all]](
The shooter, ^ Robert Lewis Dear - 57, is originally from South Carolina. He reportedly moved to Colorado in 2000 and lived in a remote trailer with a woman and two dogs; no water or electricity.
Record: in addition to numerous traffic violations, Dear has been arrested for domestic violence against is ex-wife, was charged with peeping tomism by another woman, and went to trial for alleged animal cruelty. He was not convicted of any of those charges.
Police are being cautious about ascribing motive at this point, but it has been confirmed that Dear made the statement, "no more baby parts" in his early remarks to police. It's looking like Dear has political motives.
In the aftermath, I've read and heard two related lines of commentary:
1. This was a case of 'domestic terrorism' and the GOP rhetoric (particularly Fiorina's false claims about the anti-abortion sting video content) is fueling the hate and violence.
2. If Dear had been black, Dear would be dead. Some observers are noting how white perpetrators who kill civilians and police in high profile cases are often apprehended and charged, while black subjects/perps who haven't assaulted anyone are instead killed quickly.
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The names of the two dead civilians have still not been released.
The officer who was killed used to be a competitive figure skater. He was married with two kids and was a part time pastor in his Christian church. (Colorado Springs is a very conservative and evangelical pocket of Colorado.) By all accounts, Officer Swasey was a great guy.
Of course, the Westboro Baptist Church loonies are planning to picket Officer Swasey's funeral.
![[Image: westboro-baptist-church-god-sent-the-shooter.jpg]](
WBC tweeted its praise for the shooter with ^ that image and noted that Colorado Springs is full of fags, abortions, and drugs.
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I've been following the Colorado Springs PP story. It had a really intense police scanner going on. Finally found the pos social media name.
It is ridqaz
Here he is posting on a cannabis forum (maybe why he moved to CO). Someone compiled his postings altogether from 10 years ago. He is a religious nut case which is pretty much the same as a RWNJ.
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Colorado Police Union Calls Critics ‘Race Baiting Morons’ After Planned Parenthood Attacks
Quote:One day after Robert Lewis Dear allegedly opened fire at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado, killing three and injuring nine others, the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police issued a statement calling critics “race baiting morons” and “delusional ignorant fools.” The statement, posted on the police union’s Facebook page, came in response to outrage over officers’ treatment of white killers like Dear, who was handcuffed and taken into custody alive after killing a cop.
“In yesterday’s heroic police action the shooter was given the opportunity to surrender. The choice to live or die was his. He chose to live, laid down his weapon, complied with all commands and peacefully surrendered,” the statement reads. “What the race baiting morons who believe that he was spared because he was white fail to acknowledge is that just this year alone there have been numerous shootings of police officers where the suspects were taken into custody. Many of those suspects were persons of color.”
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It is race baiting, the guy had delusional religious leanings much like the daesh, Although I would classify him as a crazy nut and not a "terrorist" as much of the media and politicians, priests have succumbed to. Its not a video its not a gun issue, its none of those "explanations" from the talking heads. He was a nutcase plain and simple. Finger pointing is futile.
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(11-29-2015, 06:02 PM)Maggot Wrote: It is race baiting, the guy had delusional religious leanings much like the daesh, Although I would classify him as a crazy nut and not a "terrorist" as much of the media and politicians, priests have succumbed to. Its not a video its not a gun issue, its none of those "explanations" from the talking heads. He was a nutcase plain and simple. Finger pointing is futile.
Yea, I know. He was compliant after killing one cop and shooting at a bunch more. And shooting and killing random people like you and me. But, in the end after 5 hours, he was compliant. He finally listened, and put his fucking gun down. No 9 second decision here for the cops to take him out. I applaud them. Listening to the police scanner showed how dedicated they were to not let anyone else get killed. They did want to take out the sob, though. They showed restraint. And planning. Just kind of sucks that he wasn't Black. The shooter that is. Or a Muslim. Why does it always have to the White guys that are crazy mass shooting mother fuckers. And American at that. WTF is wrong here in America that we can't get a grip on this bullshit?!
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There are tons of crazies that use other implements of destruction besides guns. They don't hit the radar screens as much as the political and liberty leaning established majority and in a lessor case the established media. A nutcase that kills an entire family via knife, poison, arson is still a nutcase no matter what tool he used to perpetrate a crime.
The dichotomy of the right and left somehow deflects the reality of situations like this. Its sad in a way.
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(11-29-2015, 09:19 PM)Maggot Wrote: There are tons of crazies that use other implements of destruction besides guns. They don't hit the radar screens as much as the political and liberty leaning established majority and in a lessor case the established media. A nutcase that kills an entire family via knife, poison, arson is still a nutcase no matter what tool he used to perpetrate a crime.
The dichotomy of the right and left somehow deflects the reality of situations like this. Its sad in a way.
Yeah, guns seem to be the weapon of choice for these indiscriminate killers. Targeted, but yet indiscriminate. The killing of those that one has no personal relationship with other than they seem to be in a place that the pos killer hates. Situational homicide. It is hell of different than killing one's own family. For whatever fucked up reason. This Dear guy is a domestic terrorist. I will take it one further and say that he is a radical Christian terrorist. His Christian beliefs led him to take his sorry ass to Colorado Springs, and park his pick-up truck in the parking lot. Get out of his pick-up with his "long gun" and start shooting anyone that tried to enter, or interfere. Oh my gawd. not seeing mentally disturbed here. I am seeing a pos human being that knew exactly what he intended to do, and did it. Sucks for Dear that the PP clinic had procedures in place just in case Dear showed up.
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(11-29-2015, 09:19 PM)Maggot Wrote: There are tons of crazies that use other implements of destruction besides guns. They don't hit the radar screens as much as the political and liberty leaning established majority and in a lessor case the established media. A nutcase that kills an entire family via knife, poison, arson is still a nutcase no matter what tool he used to perpetrate a crime.
The dichotomy of the right and left somehow deflects the reality of situations like this. Its sad in a way.
Murder is equally deadly, regardless of the weapon used. Of course that's true.
And, a murderous nutjob is a murderous nutjob, regardless of his/her weapon of choice. Of course that's true.
But, actually, family murders garner a lot of media coverage, regardless of the murder weapons used. There are simply many fewer media stories about multiple/mass murders carried out by knife, poison, arson...because guns are used in U.S. homicides twice as often as all other weapons combined.
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He may have been a rich fart that moved to Colorado for weed. Never really growing up and blaming the world for all his misery. In need of Percussion maintenance he never got cuffed off the side of the head his entire life.
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Well, he may have been a million things. But, if Dear says he attacked the clinic to make a strong anti-abortion statement and instill fear in people who provide and use Planned Parenthood services, we don't need to speculate about his motive because he's telling us. If that's the case, he won't be the first religious anti-abortion extremist to violently (and ignorantly/ironically) murder people for the cause.
Eric Frein might have been a million things as well. When it comes to his crimes, he too told us why he committed them -- he was disgruntled with the American government, so he shot to death an unsuspecting police officer, wounded another, and went on the run.
Dylann Roof might have been a million things as well. When it comes to his crimes, he too told us why he committed them -- he believed that black people were ruining society for white people, so he shot nine black people to death inside their church.
Glenn Frazier Cross was definitely a lot of things. When it comes to his crimes, he too told us why he committed them -- he considers Jews evil, so he shot and killed three people he mistakenly assumed were Jewish.
You can make an argument that anybody who kills other people willingly is mentally ill. But, all of ^ those individuals knew what they were doing, knew it was illegal to shoot people to death, and murdered people for political purposes anyway. They fit the definition of "domestic terrorists" to me, but I don't care if they're charged with terrorism or not so long as they are held accountable for the murders and never leave prison.
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2 things, Yes it was a case of Domestic Terrorism
And that dude was bugshit crazy
Any work on when and where he got the gun(s)?
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All I've seen is that Dear was armed with a rifle and possibly some propane tanks, Six.
The governor of Colorado (anti gun-control) and the mayor of Colorado Springs (pro gun-control) aren't addressing the weapon at this point.
Colorado is the home of Columbine and the Aurora movie theater mass murders. After Aurora, the state passed stricter gun controls.
Colorado Springs allows concealed carry.
The governor and the mayor have both vowed not to add to the killer's notoriety by using his name; that seems to be a growing trend among leaders and media outlets.
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It just doesn't seem to fit the description of domestic or terrorism in general. The reasons for his actions don't seem to be in line with trying to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or influence the policy of a government. I see it as a nutjob looking for a cause no matter what cause. I don't believe he had an agenda.
Here is the FBI definition:
"Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:
◾Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
◾Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
◾Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.
The same could be said for robbing a church or a bank. I doubt he had in his mind the thought of changing anyones mind. He just snapped.
I've always thought of terrorism as a group hellbent on spreading their ideals no matter the cost or outcome. Terrorism in the definition set forth could be used in and out of context with a very open field of situations. I may be wrong but its a broad definition at any rate.
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I think you're probably wrong, Maggot.
Dear could have "just snapped" anywhere. However, he instead targeted a secured Planned Parenthood facility, shot at cops and civilians, held hostages for hours, and made a statement about "no more baby parts". It looks like Dear had a plan to threaten and inflict terror; he had control. It does not appear that he snapped, in my opinion.
Anyway, I'll wait to see what the investigation of Dear and his crimes turns up.
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The Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooter, Robert Dear, appeared in court by video today, alongside his public defender.
He wore a bullet proof vest and confirmed that he understood the charges against him.
The judge issued a gag order in the case, on request of the prosecution.
Prosecutors are contemplating whether to seek the death penalty.
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The civilians killed at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood have been identified.
Like Officer Swasey, the other two fatal victims had 2 children each.
![[Image: 30victims-web01-master180.jpg]](
^ Ke’Arre M. Stewart, 29, was an Iraq vet who'd served as an Army Specialist. He had gone to the clinic with his girlfriend for an ultrasound and left the building ahead of her to make a call. He reportedly called 911 and warned those inside the building before he died.
![[Image: 30victims-web02-master180.jpg]](
^ Jennifer Markovsky, 36, was at the clinic with a friend who had a scheduled appointment. Jennifer was married to an Iraq vet and was a working mother. Her friend was shot in the hand.
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(11-30-2015, 09:02 PM)HairOfTheDog Wrote: Prosecutors are contemplating whether to seek the death penalty.
Is there a reason they don't just go for it? It seems like a no brainer to me but I also know the law can be complicated.