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*comments about 24*
Frank could save a shitload of server space byproviding an RSS link between Faux News and his political forum. That's all the dickweeds are regurgitating anyway.
Fug duh kund
Luke Warmwater Wrote:Frank could save a shitload of server space byproviding an RSS link between Faux News and his political forum. That's all the dickweeds are regurgitating anyway.
Yes and did you know that Faux news gets higher ratings than CNN or NBC which are both of course liberal news media, having higher ratings proves conclusively that a news channel is 100% reporting the truth apparently.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
The Antagonist Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:I don't see 24 as the parent forum. I see Mock as it's own entity and I think Frank intended it that way unless he's said otherwise that I didn't see.

Mock is a separate entity.

If people want me to keep my 24 bashing in one thread I don't have a problem with that from now on. At least it will stop people like fatboy Liquid coming in and saying "nobody cares you cunt" every 5 minutes.

If you don't want to read about 24 then stay the fuck out of this thread.

Considering this is not your thread and it's not about bashing 24 or those who belong to it -::finger::

I am pretty consistent in staying out of your 24 bashing topics.

You come in and sling shit in all my threads bitch, including ones about 24, it was you who got all indignant about me taking the piss out of Mills wifes online tat shop,ahhhhh, boo hoo, diddums ::aww::

You seem to think that Mill and his ilk are salt of the earth Americans when in reality they represent everything that is ugly and wrong about America.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.

OH My Muffin.... having a bout with senility already?

There's the link you refer to where you claim I took the piss out of you.

You delusional little shit for brains. I dare you or anyone else to find where I am taking the piss out of you for the post.

All I can find is me talking to you about hamsters and then a post where YOU COMPLIMENT me on the improvement of my kitchen.

I think you need to ask your shrink if they have any sort of reality pill because you certainly need one today.
The Antagonist Wrote:;page=1

OH My Muffin.... having a bout with senility already?

There's the link you refer to where you claim I took the piss out of you.

You delusional little shit for brains. I dare you or anyone else to find where I am taking the piss out of you for the post.

All I can find is me talking to you about hamsters and then a post where YOU COMPLIMENT me on the improvement of my kitchen.

I think you need to ask your shrink if they have any sort of reality pill because you certainly need one today.

He she is flinging shit yet again.

Doing exactly what she denies.

What a deluded little shrew you are, thank fuck you couldn't find a man blind and dumb enough to breed with you menopausalcretin.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Are you kidding anyone here?

Holy Shit you are as insane as they come!

Now I know you did not go through the topic and see for yourself if what I said is true.

You must be a real treat at home. I bet your wife just smiles and nods at the crazy person because you certainly have a habit of making up shit to sling!

This just proves it.
You are always jumping to the defence of the fox klux klan, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.

Full stop.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
I dare you to prove it. You can't. You're pulling a back pedaling tactic that won't work here.

You replied to me that I make up lies regarding the link I posted to the comment YOU made referring to the topic of that link.

YOU didn't read it. PERIOD. (no full stop asswipe, this isn't a telegram)

YOU are now making up anything to save face.

FUCK YOU Muffin. Nice try. You should fact check before you go spouting off at the mouth.

Would you like me to point out a topic on 24 where I spoke out against them and YOU were in there agreeing with me?
He's absolutely right, you ARE always defending them. And if I really gave a shit, I could find several examples of you doing so.
Prove it or your comment holds no water.

The only thing I've ever defended is someone's right to say what they want and that goes for anyone, anywhere. By no means does it make me think along the lines they do on whatever subject they are talking about.

Time and again my comments on things politically have had most people on the same page as me here. A little digging will prove that too.

There's a difference between commenting with neutrality and one with agreeing with the topic.

Any topic I've agreed on show me, I'll still stand by what I said.
LuMPyPussy Wrote:He's absolutely right, you ARE always defending them. And if I really gave a shit, I could find several examples of you doing so.

Antbitch knows I'm right thats why she is reacting like a toddler thats had itsfavouritetoy taken away.

Its like all her fucking lies, she can't back pedal because she thinks its a show of weakness.

We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
You should go back to page two and read my comment Muffin. You should try putting your money where your mouth is.

But you won't. The coward in you will prove me right and it's easier to pull shit and lies out of your ass and run with it instead.
You are always jumping to the defence of the Fox klux klan, POTD yes?, the survey says affirmative, thevotes have been counted, I am Obama you are McCain, deal with it, accept it, move on.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
jackboots Wrote:
Freak magnet Wrote:Is that lying wanker Jives/Saint still there ?

Na, i tried 24 but couldn't stand that nasty shit for brains lying cunt so if hes still there i don't think i'll bother.::angrier:: what? i like to hear your comments. it's easy to ignore the wankers.
Thats nice of you to say that - thanks42

I just can't stand the guy. He told me he hoped i got Cancer ...can you believe that shit .
I hope his fucking cock rots . If i still used 24 i doubt i'd be able to keep my gob shut::angrier::
I would stop eating chocolate.. but I'm not a quitter!

Freak magnet Wrote:
jackboots Wrote:
Freak magnet Wrote:Is that lying wanker Jives/Saint still there ?

Na, i tried 24 but couldn't stand that nasty shit for brains lying cunt so if hes still there i don't think i'll bother.::angrier:: what? i like to hear your comments. it's easy to ignore the wankers.
Thats nice of you to say that - thanks42

I just can't stand the guy. He told me he hoped i got Cancer ...can you believe that shit .
I hope his fucking cock rots . If i still used 24 i doubt i'd be able to keep my gob shut::angrier::
a stroll down memory lane...he sang along with the the gin blossoms. LIES. he cured his bod wife epsom salts. hahahahaha and every on new noob he gave a "welcome basket" of his posts/stories. i had a fellow cop check him out. all lies. oh, and he flew fighter jets. er....crop dusters. he's a fucking liar. remember his buddy Far? who saluted him as he went into the sunset? ::lmao::only he let Far hang for weeks while he cowered and was shamed.
