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(10-16-2024, 05:01 PM)Duchess Wrote: You're crabby all the time. Where's the girl I wanted to go to Downtown Disney with. HuhHuhHuh?

I know it's Disney Springs now, but it will always be Downtown Disney to me.

I'll go with you. I want to be a plus size Disney princess. Clangerella.
We'd have so much fun, Clangy. 

*poof* You're Clangerella.


I always think I would probably die laughing if I ever went out with you & Aussie.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(10-16-2024, 05:28 PM)Duchess Wrote: We'd have so much fun, Clangy. 

*poof* You're Clangerella.


I always think I would probably die laughing if I ever went out with you & Aussie.

Bibbidy boppidy boo! Blowing-kisses
(10-16-2024, 08:48 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(10-15-2024, 10:11 PM)rothschild Wrote: Are you man enough?

That was great! *applauds* It's so goofy and borderline charming AND I agree with their message. I'm glad to have their support.   17

Actually I rewatched it and didn’t take away the same message.  hah  I blame old age or…fuck if I know. I still find it painful (and indicative of the lack of progress we’ve made as a country) that Harris is having to pander for male votes (and she absolutely does because there are STILL men/pigs out there who question whether or not a female can be POTUS). I hate that but don’t deny the reality that there are still men (and even some women!!) who think only a “man” can run the country. It’s disgusting.
Commando Cunt Queen
She's no maggie.
(10-16-2024, 08:43 PM)username Wrote: Actually I rewatched it and didn’t take away the same message.  hah  I blame old age or…fuck if I know. I still find it painful (and indicative of the lack of progress we’ve made as a country) that Harris is having to pander for male votes (and she absolutely does because there are STILL men/pigs out there who question whether or not a female can be POTUS). I hate that but don’t deny the reality that there are still men (and even some women!!) who think only a “man” can run the country. It’s disgusting.

There is no question it's a goddamn goofy political ad and while I feel like I understand (and support) their premise, they went about expressing it in a ridiculous manner. It kinda feels like it was done tongue in cheek but I don't get why.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Where are those bitches who were crying the blues about the VP's interview being edited? trump just had an all women townhall in Georgia. In the lead-up to it we were told it was an opportunity to ask questions that mattered to women. They failed to tell viewers it was filled with female maga and their comments expressing advocacy for trump were edited out.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(Yesterday, 06:09 AM)Duchess Wrote: There is no question it's a goddamn goofy political ad and while I feel like I understand (and support) their premise, they went about expressing it in a ridiculous manner. It kinda feels like it was done tongue in cheek but I don't get why.

Have you seen any polling re men? I assume there's an issue there, and I also assume that it has to do with policy, not the question of a female president. The men who do have a problem with a female president would be Trump supporter's, wouldn't they?
I've seen a little bit of polling re: men and overwhelmingly it is trump supporters who absolutely do not want a female president. They (wrongly) think a woman's place is in the home, they don't view women as being capable of anything more than homemaking & mothering. They have an archaic view of women.

I try not to read too much into polls but they are in my face everyday. One I recently saw showed that in 2016 roughly 50% of women choose trump! What the fuckity fuck. I do not understand the appeal at all. I hate that fucker, I hate every single thing about him, the way he looks, the way he sounds, the way he treats people make me so friggin' mad. I don't think he deserves the air he breathes. He is not a friend to America.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
There are polls asking where a women's place is and what they're capable of?
(Yesterday, 10:24 AM)sally Wrote: There are polls asking where a women's place is and what they're capable of?

There are polls for everything these days.
Can you post a link, Duchess? I haven't been able to find any polls about a women's place being in the home because they aren't capable of anything else.
(Yesterday, 12:54 PM)sally Wrote:  I haven't been able to find any polls about a women's place being in the home because they aren't capable of anything else.

You've been looking? That's great. Keep looking.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Yeah I won't find it because you are just making assumptions.
(Yesterday, 10:18 AM)Duchess Wrote: I've seen a little bit of polling re: men and overwhelmingly it is trump supporters who absolutely do not want a female president. They (wrongly) think a woman's place is in the home, they don't view women as being capable of anything more than homemaking & mothering. They have an archaic view of women.

I try not to read too much into polls but they are in my face everyday. One I recently saw showed that in 2016 roughly 50% of women choose trump! What the fuckity fuck. I do not understand the appeal at all. I hate that fucker, I hate every single thing about him, the way he looks, the way he sounds, the way he treats people make me so friggin' mad. I don't think he deserves the air he breathes. He is not a friend to America.

Doesn't make sense they'd waste money on an add targeting Republicans, and I don't see independents being hung up about gender, so they must be concerned about their own base, who also aren't hung up about gender. Shades of Hillary's "the first woman president". Why should anyone be concerned about that hooey when there are serious economic problems?

Remember when Bill Clinton coined the term "it's the economy, stupid"? There's truth in it, but the problem is that there's two economies: the rich man's economy, and the one everyone else functions in. The first one consolidates wealth and power in the hands of those who lack for nothing, the other one stagnates while the dollar depreciates. Consumer, corporate and government debt increases exponentially, but those who reap the rewards of this corrupt arrangement aren't on the hook for it, we are.

It's not a problem when it's only the poor who suffer but it's to the point where the middle class is steadily contracting, and both parties have chosen to ignore it. This isn't anything new for the Republicans, but the reason the poor and middle class have supported the Democratic Party is because they represented an alternative to the extreme inequalities inherent to laissez-faire economics. Now it appears that they can no longer make up for it with identity politics and worthless social justice rhetoric. Let's be honest, if they really cared about social justice they would have defended the national economy against the depredations of those who want everything; instead they aided and abetted them while everyone else has suffered.

People who are one paycheck away from becoming homeless don't give a shit about party politics, they're concerned about the policies that have pulled the rug out from under them. Trump doesn't really care about them, but neither does the Democratic Party, so whining about him probably isn't going to win the election.

Y'all made your bed, now you get to sleep in it.
Anyone see or think much about the event (yesterday I believe) where 100 or so Republicans attended in support of Harris? Despite what the Trump camp might claim the supporters weren’t all RINOs or non conservatives. IDK if Liz and/or Dick Cheney were there but hardly consider either of them left leaning. And yet….all these Republicans lining up (certainly to their own detriment if Trump wins and already to their detriment in the MAGA movement) to support Harris.

Imagine 100 Democrats (some lifelong/prominent) publicly lining up behind a Republican nominee. Shit has to be pretty bad/chaotic for something like that to happen.

You’d think that would give some people pause but it’s just another day in the life of Trump and politics. Weird.
Commando Cunt Queen
When Dick Cheney endorsed her it, blew my mind! Dick fuckin' Cheney endorsing a Democrat. Hell has frozen over!
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
...and this is just my opinion, but I think there will be a great many republicans who will vote for her, but wouldn't admit it for anything in the world.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(Yesterday, 05:37 PM)Duchess Wrote: When Dick Cheney endorsed her it, blew my mind! Dick fuckin' Cheney endorsing a Democrat. Hell has frozen over!

The fact that some of them are saying they’ve never voted for a democrat in their lives until now is mind boggling. I read Liz is supporting a democrat down ballot too (I think it’s a senator). 

Fucking Trump is messing with my down ballot voting as well. I still have to do some research but California is ridiculously blue and I have on many occasions voted Republican in state cuz I like the candidate better and I’d like more balance in the state (not to mention the country). But I’m so concerned about another Trump presidency I don’t want to give him one more republican senator or congressperson cuz a safety net is a democratic majority in both houses (doubt that will happen) but I can’t comfortably vote Republican as long as Trump is at the top of the ticket. Sucks!
Commando Cunt Queen
(Yesterday, 02:02 PM)rothschild Wrote:
(Yesterday, 10:18 AM)Duchess Wrote: I've seen a little bit of polling re: men and overwhelmingly it is trump supporters who absolutely do not want a female president. They (wrongly) think a woman's place is in the home, they don't view women as being capable of anything more than homemaking & mothering. They have an archaic view of women.

I try not to read too much into polls but they are in my face everyday. One I recently saw showed that in 2016 roughly 50% of women choose trump! What the fuckity fuck. I do not understand the appeal at all. I hate that fucker, I hate every single thing about him, the way he looks, the way he sounds, the way he treats people make me so friggin' mad. I don't think he deserves the air he breathes. He is not a friend to America.

Doesn't make sense they'd waste money on an add targeting Republicans, and I don't see independents being hung up about gender, so they must be concerned about their own base, who also aren't hung up about gender. Shades of Hillary's "the first woman president". Why should anyone be concerned about that hooey when there are serious economic problems?

Remember when Bill Clinton coined the term "it's the economy, stupid"? There's truth in it, but the problem is that there's two economies: the rich man's economy, and the one everyone else functions in. The first one consolidates wealth and power in the hands of those who lack for nothing, the other one stagnates while the dollar depreciates. Consumer, corporate and government debt increases exponentially, but those who reap the rewards of this corrupt arrangement aren't on the hook for it, we are.

It's not a problem when it's only the poor who suffer but it's to the point where the middle class is steadily contracting, and both parties have chosen to ignore it. This isn't anything new for the Republicans, but the reason the poor and middle class have supported the Democratic Party is because they represented an alternative to the extreme inequalities inherent to laissez-faire economics. Now it appears that they can no longer make up for it with identity politics and worthless social justice rhetoric. Let's be honest, if they really cared about social justice they would have defended the national economy against the depredations of those who want everything; instead they aided and abetted them while everyone else has suffered.

People who are one paycheck away from becoming homeless don't give a shit about party politics, they're concerned about the policies that have pulled the rug out from under them. Trump doesn't really care about them, but neither does the Democratic Party, so whining about him probably isn't going to win the election.

Y'all made your bed, now you get to sleep in it.

So, nice lecture. Are u advocating for a 3rd party? If so, great. How do you foresee that happening? Absent some legislative and judicial intervention (campaign reform) do u really think that will just happen in our lifetimes? If u live in the U.S. u know ur a “y’all” too however you’ve chosen to vote (or not). It’s ur bed too.
Does it feel good to criticize everything u perceive as wrong with the country and our republic without offering up solutions? What would RC do?
Commando Cunt Queen