08-13-2008, 06:36 PM
The mask is to keep me in check from tearing the flesh off your stupid inane body with my teeth and feeding it to my dogs.
You lack originality and venom, faggot. Sharpen your tongue or you'll be in newbie hell for eternity, which I do not mind one whit.
You already managed to be more boring than all the others who never made it out of this forum to full access. So enjoy your whiny cheese eating you flimsy excuse for a human.
You lack originality and venom, faggot. Sharpen your tongue or you'll be in newbie hell for eternity, which I do not mind one whit.
You already managed to be more boring than all the others who never made it out of this forum to full access. So enjoy your whiny cheese eating you flimsy excuse for a human.